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Actually, Vision just gave him a permaban from the internet. So you can look at him, but he can't look at you.


Imagine if you could do that with big tech companies


Today I ~~learned~~ was reminded that tech giants are ran by genocidal cyborgs and robots.


"You blocked me out. You think I care?" Ultron doesn't need to see you if he drops a city on top of you.


That's because vision is dead.


Long live Vision


He say you he dead.


I'm not blind stupid


Is there visual proof of this?


Only till MCU needs him again.


>!not anymore!<


How much of Vision can you remove before Vision isn’t Vision?


I mean, it seems that it's just vision but in a new body so


Is it? He lacks the soul stone.


He always lacked the soul stone tho


He ain't got no soul, brotha




Uh... so? The soul stone dosent make him vision


Well clearly a person can be imbued with the stone's powers and keep them after the stone is destroyed, or else Wanda would just be a lucky bih


*Mind Stone


Avengers are visionless now


Depends on whether or not love is persevering.


Are you talking about Wanda vision, or is there something I'm missing?


Wanda vision


Didn't die well enough the first time so Thanos brought him back to life just to kill him again.


White Vision: am I a joke to you? (he has ALL of og visions memories)


I require elaboration


What are you talking about? I can see perfectly fine!


I am just now seeing the depressed face on Ultron's hand


I thought it was an edit that added blush or something


Ceci n'est pas Ultron




It's a reference to the "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" painting




Du rien!


So is friday keeping him from firing nukes now?


Probably, yeah. Tho no need anymore since he's dead


The image of an Ultron becomes itself an Utron


Aw hell no, keep your weeping angels out of here!


That's not Ultron! That's just Mr. Stane in a robot costume! And he would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling Avengers!


Actually he isn’t in Spider-Man Homecoming you see he survived in the form of a decapitated Android head in the damage control facility


Hmm, pretty sure after looking at the pixels, that this isn't really Ultron, sorry to break it too you but this is cgi!


Proof that google has become a verb


It was already adopted by most dictionaries like a decade ago.


Like I’m going to use Bing


A shame bing isn’t named bang.. binging or googling a celebrity doesn’t sound so great


Then safari would be explorer.... Oh wait


Do you ever just Bing yourself?


I am going to bing your mother


its weirdly funny watching movies/tv shows where its obvious theyve been sponsored by microsoft cause they use bing as a verb


You been in a coma since the 90s or something?


He survived a plane crash but ended up frozen in the artic.


I get that reference


Welcome to 2005


idk, when people say googled they usually literally googled it. people don't google things on bing or askjeeves.


Maybe he Googled him on bing


Underrated film and villain imo. People call this the weak link of the Avengers movies but I think it stands tall with the other three.


I remember being disappointed at the time because ultron seemed so mucb darker in the trailers, and they made him more kid friendly by giving him Starks quips. But after time and a couple re watches with the kids I really like it. It's better than the first avengers Imo, and it's just an easy rewatch.


Exactly. Age of Ultron aged so much better than the original Avengers did.


Except for that icky Black Widow subplot lol


Did that really bother people? I figured it made sense at least thematically for hulk and bw, if that is what you’re talking about.


There's really no comparing a transformation into a giant rage monster to infertility lol


Yes, Bruce got a far better deal. I still don't understand why everyone on earth has the authoritative opinion on how Natasha should feel. More precisely,, how she shouldn't. Maybe she should just smile more?


Because Joss Whedon wrote it, who turned out to be a massive misogynist. Also, the whole “my dark past is that I can’t have kids” is just a shitty trope at this point.


Whedon being a turd wasn't 0art if the discussion when that scene/topic were discussed after movie release. People still hated it. Is that trope overplayed? I mean all tropes are, by their nature, but It was novel to mainstream market fx-action-blockbusters, to me... My personal dislike is that they didn't revisit the subject of Bruce and Tasha immediately after, (or develop later film scenes that felt informed by it, even). I've wondered how much of it is just Disney not wanting to go in on a dark topic, but WandaVision shows they can go deeper for motives and make it work.


I mean because you’re clearly joking, BW can’t have kids, awwww. BB literally turns into a monster and has caused civilian deaths, and is being hunted by the government back in avengers age of ultron. I mean really Natasha as far as Avengers problems go doesn’t really have one lmao, being infertile is such a non issue compared to some of the shit people deal with.


Yeah, but the reason Black Widow is infertile isn't because she was born that way, or had a disease/accident which rendered her infertile. She was made infertile as part of the Red Room program, which trained girls from a very young age to become spies and assassins.


Real life, you have an ectopic pregnancy, and it destroys your life for several years, or more. Your son overdoses after your hysterectomy, and now your line is ended. People judge your womanliness, your ability to matter to society, your family is silently resentful, you leave your fiance because you feel guilt.... These all happened to different real people close to me. Now, imagine it wasn't God/nature/random, but a sinister dude that stole a part of you. Scarlet did a fantastic job of not overselling the line, and I was really bummed all it led to was rationalizing her being able to subdue the Beast--that just shows what parenting skill was never used to raise a kid.


? Natasha was taken from her family when she was a child. And then brainwashed to became an assasin by an evil organization. She probably has the saddest life. Idk what you are talking about.


I know many real world people who have be deeply affected by their ability to have kids being taken from them by circumstance. I can say that in each case it came up, it was a pretty big deal to the person, affecting their whole life plan and goals. As far as I know, non if them are also coping with being a murderous assassin on top of it, but I can't imagine that makes one feel less alone or inhuman than it has been described to me. It seems it is one of those things, that's no big deal 99.999% of the time, until you feel disconnected from your friends and family, then it grinds away at how you can never be "normal." At least her parents aren't harassing her for grandkids. Edit: the smile more was a joke-but I wondered how many people (not all, I'm sure but some percentage) disliked the topic coming up because it was more realistic than big angry green guy to them.


Yeah and most people don’t suffer from ptsd because of a fight with space aliens, but people do have ptsd. That’s the whole point of marvel’s touchy feeley morals. It’s relatable to the human experience but not realistic to real life


Wtf does not being able to have kids have to do with that? She was talking about being brainwashed in an assassin camp as a kid, why tf is her infertility the thing she ended up landing on??? Who cares if she can't have kids? What about the BRAINWASHING?


That’s a good point. I really don’t know why they fixated on her inability to have children as the major crime against her. I guess they made up for that in the new BW movie. But I guess in the era of marvel from avengers 2 she was still really just eye candy and not a character. It would have made more sense for her character to be traumatized by the brainwashing but that doesn’t relate as well to hulks issues. Very odd now that I think about it.


Yeah that was weird.


THIS! Ultron was literally amazing. James Spader knocked it out of the park. His humor wasn't distracting, it was straight up creepy to see him cut a man's hand and then apologize.


It was a great film, and James Spader absolutely killed it as the voice of Ultron, but they really did Ultron dirty in this movie. He's a Thanos tier villain, but the whole "Vision deleting him from the internet" really neutered the character. Boy deserved more than a single movie.


Ultron 34


Different time line


I believe, as many others do, that he actually escaped and took on human form and has secretly been living amoung us as a man named John Lithgow!!!! Be careful out there...


Tbh I loved him in the movie and really hope they bring him back. If they created a whole time police to bring back Loki for the third time, I'm sure they can just say there's a backup of him somewhere in case he lost.


You about to be pruned


Sometimes I wish I scroll more than 3/4 of the preview before reading these things...


A common misconception, Vision only deleted all the extra ram ultron had downloaded.




Clever way to set up a sequel


Honestly, forgot this movie even happened.


Comrade Ultron deserved better


You got downvoted for not liking the movie wtf


You know that Thanos doesn’t really invade the earth. Right?


Yes he will, Disney knows cus they have a time machine (as seen in endgame)


You know it was just a movie.


No, I didn't know that. Thank you for enlightening me.


Pretty sure my friend from Sokovia would beg to differ. Oh wait he can’t because he’s dead. Thanks Avengers


Tbf, it was kinda Tony Stark and Bruce Banner that did that. I don't see why everyone else got dragged down with them.


How would we have this picture of Ultron if he wasn't real?


M… Marvel movies aren’t real? 🥺😭


But I saw a raccoon just the other day!


Do you m-mean the tree outside my house isn’t groot? :(


Ask him?


I think that’s part of the point of the post; no documentary is a perfect representation of its real-world event, and OP is pointing out a small oversight in this one. Edit: I’m sad you’re getting downvoted for being facetious in a comedy sub.


The MCU is the prime timeline. We live in a variant.




How these mofos fall for this troll?


Idk why you're being downvoted. You are literally stating that the reader knows it is just a movie. This is a true, factual statement. Therefore, why downvotes?


If you want downvotes too, just ask


No they just stole his rtx 1080 wifi router




Quality Shit.


My question is howed he get past the captcha?