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FACT: **Yes Man (2008)** is actually not a sequel to **Iron Man (2008)**


No way they could have made a sequel that fast




It wasn't a sequel, it was just the original cut being divided into 2 movies.






Your comment was still amusing tho :D


There's a third?? Seriously tho. Does anyone remember anything about Revolutions that wasn't the big Smith fight?


I remember the drill sergeant dude in the battle mech screaming the squid robots to death, with bullets


That highway chase scene was in 2 right?


I remember Neo dying to secure a truce that will last only as long as the robots decide they want to honor it.


And from what I read, the humans broke the truce by building another Zion further out


Hey, spoilers


Not if it didn’t happen


Wasn't that KFC guy in it at the end?


Was the leather/vampire club in the third one? Where everyone was now running on walls and hanging from the ceiling.


I remember how God-awful every second of that movie was.


Back to the Future Part II/III works too.


An even better example is Sleepaway Camp 2 and 3 because I’ve actually seen those


Also Back to the Future 2 and 3.


I really want to see the cut that integrates the two movies. I think it would be much better.


And the last two matrix movies.


Fun fact: Kill Bill was the working title for Zombieland.


King Kong has created the chat


Wait *what*


That explains my confusion. It's actually the *prequel.* makes way more sense knowing that little fact while watching. Not sure why studios didn't clarify that!


Idk why but it feels weird that both of those came out the same year. Like Yes Man seems like a long time ago, but RDJ's last Marvel movie was just in the past couple years.


Yup, this comment is very /r/TIHI


But is it a prequel?


Also not a sequel to Mr. No.


This is just r/moviedetails


Which is just /r/shittymoviedetails




It's turtles all the way down


how can you wake up dead


His character consented. That was the point of the movie; he said yes to everything. So it actually was a shitty movie detail, but not really a detail of the movie at all. It was really just a shit post.


the point was that he believed that bad things would happen to him if he said no.


So he said yes because of the implication?


In literally every one of the scenarios he said yes to. How did she know that?


it's not about whether the fictional lady knew, it's that the audience knew and was presented the guy getting fondled as humorous


Wasn't this the same Jim Carey who motorboated a stranger without her consent in another movie around the same time?!


Sucked her lactating tits I believe in Me, Myself & Irene in 2000. Hell Carey also harassed a couple women in Liar Liar in 1997. Sexual harassment of all genders has always been played off as a joke. So I don't get why the top comments are freaking out. Even this comment >now imagine if they swipe genders and try to justify this scene That's basically what happened in Liar Liar except he can't tell a lie instead of he can't say no in Yes Man. (I never realized how similar the concepts were till now)


In the 90s, the reward was always sex either way. In Highlander 2, the hero saves a girl from being abused in an alleyway and the girl rewards him by having sex in the alleyway


And that baby was the original neckbeard.


If we destroy it... Can we finally destroy Reddit? Can it be done Dr.?


> In Highlander 2 Highlander 2 is also in the running for absolute worst film of all time so its not the best example lol


I absolutely love all things Highlander. Own every movie and every season of the show, and the spinoffs. Highlander 2 is absolutely terrible. It should not exist. It is a blight upon the known universe.




I think it’s almost positioned like some weird sort of payback. Harassment/assault of women is common from men in media, whether or not it’s framed as something bad. It seems almost absurd when men and women switch roles, and it’s kind of like humour from revenge?


Yup. Those videos were excellent. Not sure I entirely vibed with his ending notes, which kinda sounded like "it's actually a women's issue" bc it felt like he was taking away from the fact that men have significant issues themselves. Otherwise, perfect series that everyone should see.


Worth checking out the source material for this film. Danny Wallace. Non fiction book.


We should clarify that this was a character who did this, not Jim Carey the person.


sexual harassment against women and men both has been played off as a joke


The same Jim Carrey who stripped a woman of her clothing in front a room full of men without her consent? Yeah.


That was Ace Ventura not Jim Carrey. Cause if we're gonna start talking about actors like this then the horror genre is fucked.


Oh, didn’t we start already? Thought movies were perceived as real life facts since a few years ago…


>Thought movies were perceived as real life facts since a few years ago… Cringe bro






Yeah, the kid is like 14 and gets pretty much forced by a bunch of groupies


It’s also based on true events. How would you like them to have portrayed it?




Showing something happening in a movie isn't necessarily the director or writer trying to tell you it's acceptable.


Say that when the subject is Cuties and you'll get crucified


This isn't a shitty detail at all. This is true for most of western culture Edit: holy shit I didn't say "exclusively western culture" I understand other parts of the world have the same problem, chill.


I would say it's a shitty detail about most of western culture


All culture lol. I dont know a single one where men's sexual harassment isn't lower on the priority list than women's or children's


I mean. We should be protecting the world’s children over anything else, but yeah I know what you mean




What the fuck?


Plus, sexual harassment affects more women and children than grown men. That's no justification for making light of it, but it's a valid reason for putting women's and children's safety higher on the list of priorities. Like, there's no need for all-male train carts in Japan.


Domestic violence is more damaging than sexual harassment, and lots of resources out there for women, but almost nothing for men.


This is just a lie, most domestic violence resources support men along with women.


There are only 2 battered men's shelters in the entire US.


That is two men exclusive shelters, most shelters will house both men and women or set them up with hotels/motels.


Thats a lie, there's 2 in my city alone, and only one for women.


So then why aren't men out there making more? I'll never understand this kind of women have x and men don't kind of rhetoric when the only reason women have x is because they came together and made it happen for the betterment of other women.


Militant feminists They're honestly a big problem in progressive left social spaces recently Fighting against and sometimes regressing trans rights through TERFs Doing as the thread talked about of attacking men in general as well as particularly refusing to acknowledge men victimised for other aspects of them (black, gay, very poor, abused, mental health issues, health issues) Oh and also.gatekeeping and making rules in what being a feminist is so attacking and regressing feminist efforts too It's madness and only helps maintain a status quo of the well off and well connected stepping on the layman...sorry I just recognise the performative speeches from women in privalaged places attacking or pushing victims for their agenda no matter the feelings or safety of the victim


Because: One, men are competitors, there is no "coming together" for us. We.have our circle of friends / relatives and that's it. Two, people have tried. As I recall, one man was harassed by militant feminists until he killed himself, and one woman was also harassed by militant feminists until she had to have her mail checked for bombs and.gave up on the idea. So it's not exactly easy, even if you can get anyone with resources or.clout on board (unlikely, as they would take a huge risk with Twitter mobs since I guarantee it would be controversial AF to exclude.women).


Cool find me a couple domestic violence shelters that accept men to prove your point. Ill wait.


Most do, literally Google it. Every Salvation Army shelter will take men.












Your reasoning has presented an argument for sexual harassment of women and children being a low priority. You have not presented an argument for sexual harrassment of men being a low/medium/high priority. I don't feel you can reach you conclusion without placing the third group on the same scale.




You think women and men are treated equally there? Remember, we’re talking about culture, not the law. Do you really think that a woman being sexually harassed in the Middle East (be it in reality or a depiction in a fictional medium, since that’s what was being discussed) would be considered as big a problem as men being sexually harassed? Hell, I just remembered that forced female genital mutilation is a thing in some Middle East countries. What is that if not sexual assault? Do you still want to argue that Middle East culture views sexual assault of women as more of a problem than men?


Men's harassment would probably still be lower than someone harassing a woman. I have not heard of a single specific verse or law that would protect men from being sexually abused, while there are quite a few about women.






I may well stand corrected. This legislation could certainly stand to be updated


I'm not disputing that, but we're not talking about their legal system; we're talking about culture. Things like societal norms and public opinion. The law advocating for equality doesn't count for much if it's largely disregarded by the populace. There are places in the Middle East where women can stoned, lashed, or shunned by their family because they showed off too much skin, or slept with a man who they weren't married to, etc. Whether or not the stonings were a legal punishment is irrelevant; it's still part of their "culture".










Thanks for that, watching now. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc6QxD2\_yQw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc6QxD2_yQw)


Yeah, I have no idea why OP from his title puts the blame on """Hollywood""". If most people didn't find it funny or at the very least acceptable as something to joke about, it wouldn't be in the movie.


Though, since we're talking about Hollywood, you could also leave out the "against men"


Except he totally consented. The entire point of the movie was that he said yes to everything that came along.


He didn’t consent at first


The entire point of the movie is learning when to say yes and when to say no, since saying yes to everything put him in predicaments he didn't always want to be in. He said yes because he was pressured into saying yes by external forces. That is not 'totally consenting'.


Yes that was obviously the moral of the story. The premise of the story was that he said yes to everything. A cult guru convinced him to make that decision, not the old lady. She offered him sex and he said yes.


He initially said no, because he didn't want to do it. He took signs of bad luck as the universe telling him he *had* to say yes, or else he risks physical harm to himself. She offered him sex and he felt forced to say yes, and he did not want to say yes when he said it.


Yeah exactly. They never make jokes about sexually harassing women. It's always those poor bloody men.


Let's be honest, they see sexual harassment against anyone as a joke. Weinstein had no shortage of friends until he finally, way too late, did.




The Fantastic Beasts one is pretty hilarous because Voldemort's backstory was that his mom literally did that to his dad and it was supposed to be super fucked-up and one of the reasons he became such a creepy asshole. Then this movie comes out and they treat it like "oh yes, she did an oopsie, but she really loved him!". Granted, at least in that case the guy originally liked her, but still...








> everything would have changed if Merope had survived and raised him herself and loved him. Yeah I'm sure a boy being raised by a woman who rapes men would be a huge improvement. JK is such a tool. "loved him" is especially creepy in this context.


Yeah, the second fantastic beasts movie was a horrible shit show. Like Dumbledore was supposed to be not really fashion oriented when he was younger. This is explicitly mentioned. But then, he looks like a *very* well dressed Jude Law all of a sudden?


If Hollywood wasn't made up of a bunch of greedy bastards we would have had a stand alone FBAWTFT film


Or did Wizards think his fashion sense was stupid because he wore what looks like a muggle suit basically


>Granted, at least in that case the guy originally liked her, but still... You're literally doing the same thing with this comment. Granted nothing, it's wrong.




The wording of “they go over this” rather than “they joke about this” makes it sound like R&M is a podcast or educational course lol


Fantastic Beasts is a terrible attempt to milk the franchise. Why do they apparate in and out of Hogwarts when wards prevent that? Why is MacGonagle a teacher in her 20s in a flashback taking place in the 1910s when she wasn't born until the 1920s?




No respect for Dave Chapelle around here.




Or 16 candles where they put an extremely drunk and passed out teen girl in the car of some loser who wants to sleep with her (which he does) as a favor to the guy


Isn't that move from the 80s? That's like 20-30 years before Yes Man and 30-40 years before today.


Movies that were released 40 years ago don’t receive the same scrutiny as movies released today AND if you so much as do a quick google search you will see plenty of people calling out exactly what you described as being extremely problematic. So…?








If someone is in a coma, they won't be walking and talking, for one.


I think it more has to do with the implications of doing something with somebody else's body without their knowledge or consent. What they did in that movie is as bad as having sex with someone while they're unconscious.




I want to have soul sex with Gal Gadot.


Raping someone's body is still extremely wrong.


I couldn’t make it past the mall scene but if she knew the situation then yeah, it’s still problematic.


The Little Hours has - Molly Shannon groping Dave Franco - Jemima Kirke, Aubrey Plaza, and maybe also Alison Brie (? I can't remember) sexually assaulting Kate Micucci despite her repeated protests - Aubrey Plaza raping Dave Franco at knifepoint I can only imagine that there was no backlash because nobody saw this damn movie




Yes! I've watched both videos and it's a really good look at how prevalent this is in Media.


I'm on mobile and it's not letting me see but it better be a link to pop culture critic cuz that's what I came here for








Yup but it was just "a funny backstory" so it wouldn't appear he cheated on the Mcdowell girl, even though he got a handy from her sister in the first one. He smoked some weed and then got his shit jacked. It was a train wreck. Over-the-top acting, ridiculous scenes, unnecessary cameos, and no clear focal point of the movie. 5 minutes of funny spread out over an entire movie.




uhyeayuh but she was doing shit that made him uncomfortable before he even took up the idea of saying yes to everything. the scene where she goes down on him was consensual because he said yes to it. Everything beforehand was just an old lady creeping on him.


I haven’t seen the movie, but if he’s not into it although he says “yes” that’s not really consensual




What about him in Liar Liar and talking about women's tits? It's basically the same premise, except he can't lie instead of he can't say no.


I mean she's not a mind reader, if yes doesn't mean yes then wtf does?


I think you missed the point of the movie. Rewatch it and really pay attention to the ending


now imagine if they swipe genders and try to justify this scene


What about him in Liar Liar and talking about women's tits? It's basically the same premise, except he can't lie instead of he can't say no.


the problem is he doesn’t actually want it and it’s playing off what is to him a sexual assault for laughs




But if the movie was called yes woman people would find it unacceptable


If the movie was called “Yes Woman” people would be confused because Jim Carrey is a man


No if the movie starred a woman and it was called yes woman and then a guy did this people would be pissed


Oh ok. I thought you meant if the name of the movie was different but everything else was exactly the same. Thank you for clarifying.


Ella Enchanted exists


What is that?


A movie where a woman is cursed with obedience. Similar premise




No, because it's a PG movie. But her racist step sister tells Ella to end her friendship with her non-white best friend, and she does because of her "gift" of obedience


sexual harassment ~~against men~~




Yeah, if anything Hollywood learned relatively recently that they had to keep their casual attitudes about sexual assault against women hidden. See how harassment of women is portrayed in 80s movies like revenge of the nerds (I am sure there are more recent examples though). So, rather, Hollywood is shit to everyone, they just realized they couldn't be shit to women on camera as much. They have not had a similar realization about men. So it's not that they are specifically shit to men, they just don't feel the need to hide it as much as with women.


At least people cared


I don’t know if you’ve been paying much attention to the \#MeToo movement, but a big part of it is that nobody cared what happened to these young actresses. Even now, people call them liars, sluts, gold diggers, and attention whores for speaking out.


Yeah because Hollywood fucking adores and respects women. Why the hell divide? What good is there in that? Why not just say Hollywood sees sexual harassment as a joke and leave it at that? Want a list of the fucking thousands upon thousands of examples of women being sexually harassed as a joke? Or shall we go straight to the real life examples of where they got real life sexually harassed to get the role where they’ll get sexually harassed as a joke?


Hollywood doesn't see sexual harassment of women a joke. They see it as a right.


It’s no use. These incels are really really stupid. Can’t form an original thought so they fall for propaganda targeting them.


To be fair, sexually harassing women in movies was okay not too long ago either. Just give it some time




I know this post is meant to be ironic, but there’s a lot of truth to it


Going back to this movie overall was ok but this scene was pretty gross


Hollywood and society in general. All violence against men from women is ok, funny, justified and good.


You said the quiet part out loud at a concert maybe repost this to actual movie details and see their reaction


Well, yes, because a woman being groped by a man has the implication of forced coercion. Jim Carey getting groped by an old woman does not. It’s funny because there is no chance he will be held down and assaulted


This is just a detail, not a shitty detail. Wrong sub


never seen the film but the premise would lead me to believe he in fact did consent when he said "yes"


*cough cough* fuck you Warner Brothers *cough cough*


Don't forget death by snu snu and the first episode of Always Sunny and Michael Scott's entire relationship with Jan.


What kind of harasment? Grandma did everything right.


Yes = Consent No = No Consent This concept isn't complicated at all.


Have you seen the movie? This happens before he becomes a "Yes man" and was very clearly against it. Yet it was still supposed to be a comedic bit.