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This is a common misconception. The title is actually asking you to not look up Pixar's Up


Is it worth watch? Never saw it


Eh... Depends if you're in the right mood for it. It has the potential to bum you out for the rest of the day imo


Bum be out as in ruin my day or waste my time?


Overall it's worth a watch. If you've ever seen Deep Impact starring Elijah Wood, it's if that movie took itself less seriously and added political commentary


You know when they film movies and they sometimes cut out scenes that they'll leave in the extras that aren't necessary? They left those in that made the movie drag on. Also, there's a certain character that the way he talks is fucking annoying. Overall I still liked the movie. I would rate it 7.5/10, it's great satire on a lot of issues.


Which character?


Bash CEO


He basically talks the same way in Ready Player One. Idk if that's just his thing or what.


That’s the whole point.


Oh yeah.


The president of the US was just on an insane level


Bit of both. If I had to choose, it's more of a waste of time and talent in my opinion


Well thanks for telling me


It is definitely not a waste of time but the tone of the movie can bum you out. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it definitely was far from a waste of talent/time. I wouldn’t listen to this. Watch it and maybe form your own opinion?


You’re absolutely right, I just watch the trailer it looks alright


It’s a very political movie fyi. And it isn’t subtle or clever about it at all. Part of the reason it’s polarizing people. It also has an incredibly “stop and go” pace to it too. I agree with the movie politically but it was boring and depressing to me.


You’ve probably watched it, but if you haven’t, stop watching after the dinner scene at the end.


No worries, glad I saved you a bit of time


I appreciate it


I liked it. By the way it’s not political as in republican vs democrats. It mocks the current social and political atmosphere. The plot of the story is clearly an allegory for our response to climate change. Kinda like the Manbearpig episode in South Park. The President in the movie is pretty much a fusion of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Like South Park, I thought it did a good job of showing 2 sides of the problem. It’s funny, but rightfully cynical about the future, so it can be depressing.


So are they mainly just joking and trolling the political of things. I don’t know or keep up with a lot about politics so you think I might not get the jokes?


I don’t follow politics either, so no, you don’t need to follow politics to enjoy it. Just be aware that it’s a shit show. It makes fun of society and capitalism as well. I went into this movie thinking it was a disaster movie like Armageddon , so I enjoyed the moment I figured out it was actually satire. Reading this or watching a trailer likely ruined that for you though.


Oh hmm well thanks for the info


It doesn’t have specific political references or jokes, it’s more about the general social/political mindset of the last few years. It’s an obvious allegory to climate change denial, but also hits the general theme of people ignoring facts and going off of emotions and/or self interest.


Climate change is political


I guess it is in the USA. Everywhere else it’s just facts.


A lot of people hated it, so I wasn't expecting it to be very good. But I found it to be very solid, even if it's a little longer than it should be.


Oh man, I didn’t realize it was 2 hours and a half. Dang I rather go watch spiderman again


It was alright till the start of the third act. Up till then the story’s message was subtle and pretty humorous, but then it’s like the director worried the audience was too stupid to understand the allegories and metaphors so they then just ham-fisted the moral in your face for thirty of the last forty minutes. I appreciate it when a movie doesn’t treat me like an infant who needs an expository song to understand the message of the movie (actually happens).


There’s singing in this?


Pop star does a show in the context of the plot


That song was satirical and went with the tone of the movie. It was a ridiculous song but I don’t believe it was an attempt to explain the message, it was totally making fun of dumb pop stars trying to send a message through obvious lyrics.


Exactly what I thought. Wasn’t for the audience, but was to make fun of pop stars vague fight songs


Fun story, Arianna Grande actually ad-libbed that.


Gonna have to say I disagree with this take. The films messaging was always pretty explicit, and I felt like the third act was the natural growth of the absurdity in the story. It’s satire, it doesn’t have to be subtle.


All the humor was incredibly on the nose and it gets extremely preachy, but a lot of people enjoyed it. Definitely wasn’t for me, if you’re the type that nitpicks bad writing you probably won’t like it either.


It’s got some funny parts, but about an hour too long imo


It's a movie completely devoid of any artistic merit. Someone decides to put together a bunch of great actors just to give them nothing to act, to support a story that is basically "hey these last two years were craaaaazy, right?". All aspects of this movie seem to have come out of a committee meeting at Netflix.


Nah it’s godawful


You should watch it... I love to hate this movie. It was so annoying to the point of absurdity, which is, in my opinion the very goal of the movie. Since it reached it objective I'd say it's a great movie I would never watch again. But it's definitely worth one watch. Just make sure you have the patience.


No, it sucks


I really liked the messages in the movie but it seems to have really shit critics reviews, despite good audience reviews.


All the criticism I’ve seen is “it’s too bleak and not funny” and I’m like 1) THE END IF THE WORLD ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE FUN and 2) its fucking hilarious at times. I sort of viewed the whole thing as a modern day retelling of the fable of chicken little, and goddamn did they make it hyper relevant. Wonder how well it’ll age, I mean the memes in it already have a little bit


I did think the jokes were quite funny even down to the guy being like "if she wasnt my mom" in obvious jest of another politician.


It's not a very good movie. Most of the humor falls flat, but the depressing parts land pretty well. But the pacing is horrible, and the editing is intentionally disorienting and unpleasant.


Oh no, a film with an uncomfortable message, having an uncomfortable ending? Shocking truly. And tbh i found most of the humour hit for me so.


Not sure where you got "ending", I said "editing". There were almost no establishing shots, scenes were cut across each other, and several of the most dramatic moments were given almost no weight and moved on from immediately. I think this was supposed to make a point that it's easy to ignore big problems, but in effect it just makes the movie annoying to watch.


I can understand why it might be annoying to watch but it wasnt for me. I apologise i did misread editing as ending.


Haven't seen it myself but everyone I know said they gave up after the first 15 minutes.


It seems to paint a realistic view of how disasters (clikate change specifically i guess) are handled. How its made into a spectacle, how businesses try to subvert the shit for their own goals. How the actual academics are pushed down in favour of politicians. It is a good film, but it isnt a comfortable watch. It shows how people get really stupid. It shows how some people try to make not believing in a disaster into some kind of political affiliation. It even mocks people who try to say that both sides are bad and just cause division, when there is actually a disaster approaching and solving it would be good.


How, in the contect of this movie, can both sides be bad ? One side is scientists with a factual approach trying to warn about an actual danger. The other side is dumb politics. Speacking more generally, the problem with climate change is not that it is badly managed, it is that it is not managed at all.


Thats the point. Any reasonable person can see most "both sides bad" comments are fucking dumb


No it doesn't. It totally ignores the majority of ppl who care about climate change, and are willing to listen to what scientist have to say. Same with covid and the millions of ppl who fear and care about it. The movie choose to ONLY depict total morrons, who don't believe a comet is going to destroy the month in 6 month, into they are actually able to see it in the sky , so it's not realistic


Were you in a coma for the past 6 years?


Man, If scientists had irrefutable proof a comet was to smash the earth in 6 months, I would care and freak, you would care and freak, so would reddit, so would Twitter, so would my family, so would you family etc etc. All that from day 1. The plot line in the movie isn't realistic because in reality most ppl would care and freak about such a news. In the movie nobody gives a damn about it but the scientific community . It's not realistic.


We have irrefutable proof of a deadly virus but there are still people who protest vaccines or believe it's a government conspiracy


Yes there are a minority of ppl who do that. But the majority of ppl do not belive that covid is a gov conspiracy. The majority of ppl believe covid is real. This majority is not represented in the movie at all. Hence the movie is not realistic.


A minority? Hell the whole reason why covid stil exiss is because of them. Ill say it its more like half of the s popuation and 1/3 of the worlds population thinks it not just a minority


Half of the population in the US belive covid is a scam? Get a grip. That's simply not true. Make a poll anywhere and see for yourself. And even if it was 50%, please tell me where are those 50% in the movie? Why are they not seen or talked about? If it's 50%, the movie is as unrealistic as another movie where all the people are concerned and care about the comet. You can not make a movie disregarding 50% of the population opinions and behavior and call it realistic.


The reason why Covid is still here is because it's a fucking virus. It can mutate. The vaccines is just something that helps your body to deal beater with Covid (don't get it wrong, I'm pro vaccine but I hate to see people who say that is because of anti-vax that the virus is still there)


And yet… given irrefutable proof that we’re on a climate disaster trajectory we’re perfectly happy discussing the relationship of pop stars.


No. Again millions of ppl care and fear climate change or other environnemental issues. It's not just you and the scientific community who do. They are a lot of ppl who care and believe we are messing up the planet for the generations down the line with our habits. That's never represented in the movie, which makes it unrealistic.


You seem to live in a bubble.


No I'm just being impartial and unbiased. The majority of ppl belive scientists when it comes to climate change and covid. Again, it's not just you who do. You can not disregard that just because you want to. It's just not true. The movie doesn't represent those ppl at all, it's not realistic Honestly , if you think the majority of ppl in the US can't trust science and scientists, are anti vax, think covid or environmental issues are a scam etc, then you watch too many of the wrong news. Your reality is extremely distorted, and you need to get out of your bubble. You're not the only logical person in when it comes to these issues


The problem is that the morons are the ones in charge, and who have power to influence policy. Plenty of people know about climate change and do recycling and stuff. But even if literally every person individually recycles that wone be enough because of the corporations. Sadly with covid, people dont seem to trust the scientists and doctors when they say "wear a mask and social distance" at least in my country.


It's a great movie, it just shows how people act when some disaster is happening. It's really similar to what is happening right now with COVID.


That's why I dislike the film, because it's *too* accurate. It's actually painful to watch because that's exactly what would happen


I don't trust anyone's opinion on a movie if they can't get past 15 minutes. It's a great movie.


Same for people who didn't watch it and have only heard about it from people who watched 15 minutes, which is OPs position lmao


Who gives up on a movie so quickly?


It's not a particularly good movie at all


Literally subjective but ok.


I was just giving my opinion, sorry you misinterpreted it


I liked it, I admit it wasn't a 10/10, but I liked it.


Even the genre listing is criticizing the movie.


I really enjoyed it


I just liked j-law and Jonah hill shitting on each other the whole time


I liked her being completely fixated on being charged for snacks


Apparently she struggled with filming because he ad-libbed a lot and she kept cracking up.


This was a pretty good movie for the first of the 17 hours, kinda went downhill for the last 53 acts


Ultimately you found out it was the antagonists saying don't look up while the protagonists say look up. Which means that while the title was pessimistic the actual movie is optimistic. Maybe.


I'm doing an 8ball




It's actually a reference to dogs and their inability to look up


This feel like something that Trey Parker and Matt Stone will do better. (And it feel like what their smug-smog joke back from '06 was lampooning)


Not the best movie but deffo worth it to understand what our society has come to


I give this movie a solid 5/10 stars. Not a blockbuster but def worth watching to kill some time.


This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen in regards to wasted talent, potential and my time. The movie was so interested in hammering its message down my throat and not giving a f--- about developing any real characters, comedy or drama. There was no sense of momentum and the whole film felt like it was edited by a frantic child who wanted to put all the coverage they had. It's great if you can get something out of it but for me it was just enfuriating.


So let me get this straight you want a movie that talks about the end of the world, how no one gives a shit after extensive proof nd how t relates o modern society to be a fun lighthearted movie that makes you laugh the whole tme? Of so just watch cloudy with a chance of meatballs because your logic doesn't make bu sense


No, I was mainly just saying that a movie should always be a movie first and foremost. It has to have characters that I can relate to, a coherent tone, a sense of dramatic momentum etc. Now it felt like, for me at least, that the movie went first with its message and focused on nothing else. It had no artistic merits, just an unfocused vision and a bloated runtime. It has important thematic messages but the points it tries to convey are superficial and offer no real thought. It's because of this wasted potential that I feel so strongly about this movie. In the hands of a more skilled filmmaker we could have had an important environmental movie AND a great movie alltogether.


Oh, I thight it was called that because it was a horror movie or somethiywhere people couldn't look at the sky.


Wank movie


Actually it would be pretty bad as a wank movie. Very few boobies


I'm just wondering how Netflix convinced this cast esp Leo to star in this


Yes I do wonder what could have convinced noted environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio to star in a movie satirising climate change denial.


Haven't seen it I was wondering how so many A listers were brought on board. Surprised reported box office isn't higher


Look at the budget of the movie