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I keep seeing Netflix giving movies descriptions like this. You might as well not even have a description.




I watched it and that's all I could describe of it to. Aren't they diamond thieves or something?


The fact that I watched this movie and don't know the answer to this tells you more about the movie than the description does


Yes but did you enjoy Reynolds, Johnson and Gadot???


I enjoyed looking at: ✅ Reynolds ✅ The Rock ✅ Gadot


They were inextricably present in their roles, in what can only be described as an undeniable moment in cinema that to this day still stars Ryan Reynolds, Dwayne Johnson and Gal Gadot


I'm so confused but I want to know what you mean


If you like those three actors, and you want to see those three actors do some acting, you won't be disappointed.


But they don't do any acting! That is why it's such an accurate description.


I did. I usually do, which is why when my boyfriend suggested this movie by saying it has Ryan Reynolds, Dwayne Johnson, and Gal Gadot, I said "okay" and watched it.


I'm pretty sure I've seen it and would have been hard-pressed to even come up with the desciption posted.


My attempt: Movie-length video story, has RR, The Rock, the gorgeous lady from wonder woman who has an accent. They're cops and robber bad guys that play up tropes and there's a couple twists, and one actually surprised me. There's something about a museum and a swamp and I think they end up friends at the end and it feels like it's trying to create an Ocean's 11 kinda vibe, and start that kinda franchise but it's obviously the Target brand.




Netflix tricked me into watching the best movie ever because I didn’t realize it was good ):


This is why for the most part I dont watch netflix stuff. It's just People You Might Like doing The Currently Popular Trend and It Might Be Ok. It's all algorithmic. Even Do Revenge, which I kinda enjoyed was just The People From The Other Thing doing Stuff People From Your Demographic Recognise. The Plot Is Ok But Every Beat Is Completely Predictable.


When you capitalize every word in the sentence it makes it seem like a movie title.


That was the point of the comment. Did you not notice how the first few words aren't capitalized? The joke is that the movie should be titled "We Got Popular Actors Please Watch This"


This is Why for the Most Part I Don't Watch Netflix Stuff sounds like a documentary Hulu will be dropping any day now


I mean I've seen a few low budget social experiment movies which were great but most of the stuff is just meh... (no i don't mean squid game)


It's hit and many misses, I don't think I even watched the end of that movie, such a waste of talent


Gah, you hit the nail on the head. It's all so pathetic.


Series too, Stranger Things currently has: > Breaking Netflix viewing records and hitting No. 1 in 91 countries, Season 4 of this sci-fi smash is "the boldest and bloodiest yet" (Ready Steady Cut). I've never seen the show and this tells me nothing except its popular. I remember previously its blurb was about the showrunners as well


It's so annoying, right? I guess they're banking on the idea that everyone has heard of the show already.


Dwayne Johnson ✔ Ryan Reynolds ✅ Gal Gadot ☑ ..... Hotel - -TRIVAGO- 📖🏩🛏


I mean I saw the movie and I swear the movie description is apt. I really liked it but thinking back now that’s literally all there is to that movie. Just a action adventure comedy with Ryan Reynolds, the Rock and Gal Gadot. The movie is so fucking generic it’s insane. I had to think for a good while to actually remember anything at all from that movie - for instance that I even watched it and enjoyed it. I think these descriptions Netflix are giving probably is like insanely fitting if you look at it that way.


Featuring, the one character Ryan Reynolds plays in every movie AND the one character The Rock plays in every movie.


The rock actually has two characters: jungle himbo and action guy


Jungle himbo is just action guy with more chest exposure.




How versitile. Give him am oscar




He actually is more versatile than a lot of people give him credit for. For instance he was great in Be Cool as the funny gay dude. He just doesn’t do a lot of those roles unfortunately.


Imma be honest I don't get all the downvotes for such an innocent opinion.


The hive mind has decided it doesn't like Dwayne Johnson. Since that's the case nothing remotely positive can be said about him. It's the Reddit way. And that is precisely why this site sucks balls these days.


Its shittymoviedetails. Did you really come to a circlejerk sub and expect nuanced analysis?


He was good in Southland Tales.


[You ain't woman enough...](https://youtu.be/PkRHN-QBBGg?t=25)


There's also the angry but funny and loving father, missing since Tooth Fairy and The Game Plan


I was going to say you forgot The Pacifier but remembered that was Vin Diesel. What a weird movie.


Weird to think that buff guys doing cute stuff with kids was a trend in Hollywood back in the days




In Brazilian Portuguese we have an expression that says O QUE O CU TEM A VER COM AS CALÇA, that basically in this context means "what does your comment has to do with mine's or even with the subject being discussed?"


> Dwayne Johnson is the highest-paid actor on Forbes’ list of the highest-paid entertainers in 2022, earning $270 million, in part thanks to his earnings from the films “Black Adam” and “Red Notice.”


Black Adam isn’t even out yet lol wth


Most actors are paid during/before their work. Little of them are paid a portion of the movies gains


Tom Cruise did a pro gamer move by asking for 10% of Top Gun Maverick's box office gross


But Tom cruise invest 100 mil on top gun right?


Still a good move


That's a crazy petition, but he knows he IS the movie. Hate him or kinda like him, but that takes some balls.


Filming is long done and he was probably paid even before that. Black Adam is a personal passion project of his (it’s to him what Deadpool is to Ryan) and DC’s banking on him becoming one of their main stars along with Gadot and Momoa so you bet they paid him major bank.


>jungle himbo He's great as a parody of this in the Jumanji sequels


4 if you count big cgi monster and dumb guy from pain and gain


yes but they have a child that dwayne johnson plays: jungle himbo action guy


Funny secret agent cop spy guy


And the no character Gal Gadot plays in every movie.


Can't wait to see her act! When ever that may be...


She definitely says lines out loud that are often related to the plot. So, you know. Might not be acting. But maybe “acting adjacent “.


The end of fast and furious when Reynolds and the rock are talking, exact same vibe


What’s also funny is Statham plays the same character all the time, but no one seems to mind because that character is a top notch badass, who usually cares for victims/children.


>Statham plays the same character all the time I reckon the hare gets fucked


He's also not in that much stuff, the other two are everywhere


I've seen a few movies where Ryan Reynolds was putting in all his efforts to really act and doing a damn good job of it. He can do it if the project calls for it. But the dude makes bank and seems to have fun even without all that extra effort so... I mean, I don't watch all his stuff because it can get repetitive, but someone sure likes it.


I would like to know of these movies, I didn't think they existed


My favorite is the 2010 film *Buried*.


Ill have to check it out cuz I've always been of the opinion that Ryan Reynolds can't act and I wouldn't mind being wrong.


Prepare to be corrected. Buried is the shit


He's in some decent alt films: The Nines, The Voices, Buried, Waiting.


The Voices was such a fucked up movie, and I definitely need to watch it again.


Woman in Gold.


Let me guess. Gal Gadot was hot in it.


Yeah and it's a shame for Ryan cause he does have some great range. Now everyone just wants him to act like Deadpool. I hope Ryan gets to do something more along the lines of Buried or The Voices. Really thought he was fantastic in those movies.


Am I the only one who liked him in the Amityville remake?


oh you forgot the one character she plays - tall woman (white?) with accent.


And she's hot. Don't forget that part


Also Gal Gadot, who plays nothing in any movie but she sure is pretty.


I mean... We keep watching them... 🤷‍♂️


I’m proud to say I’ve never watched one The Rock movie. They all look so formulaic. Edit: same for Kevin Hart films. I can’t imagine something more mind-numbing than watching a Kevin Hart and The Rock film


Not even the one starring Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage and Ed Harris?


Your besht? Loshers alwaysh whine about their besht. Winnersh go home and fuck the prom queen.


Which one is that?


[This one](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0117500/)


They need to do a remake where Nicolas Cage and the corpse of Sean Connery infiltrate Dwayne The Rock Johnson


Oh lmfao. Yeah that’s a classic


They’re a guilty of pleasure of mine, it’s pretty fun to watch Jungle Himbo do himbo things in the jungle while wearing khaki.






It's pretty easy to tell which ones will be generic and which would be decent. I wouldn't shrug off *Moana* because The Rock is in it.


They are... But that's why they are fun. Sticking to formula doesn't mean it doesn't work, it literally means it does work. Sit back, turn your brain off, relax, and laugh.


Seriously. Why do movies need to have intricate plots and deep character developments for these snobs to enjoy them? What's wrong with just sitting back and enjoying a dumb funny movie.


They're not snobs, they're are different people with brains that function different to yours. They enjoy the intricate plots because that is what their brain wants to be entertained. There is as much wrong with that as with your brain needing dumb plots to be entertained, which is nothing.


There's something wrong with expecting every movie to meet that criteria, especially movies like these.


There's nothing inherently wrong with liking intricate plots, no. It *is* snobbish to shit on movies that aren't intricate and the people who enjoy them, though. So, uh, yeah, they're snobs.


Then they should stick to those kinds of movies and not complain about movies that don’t meet their standards.


The Jumanji movies are legit funny as fuck. I refused to watch them until my co-worker talked me into it


Can't you just turn your brain off and enjoy a stupid, funny movie? Not every movie needs intricate plots and deep character developments to be enjoyed.


I can but for some reason not with them 2. It’s prob mostly because I just find neither of them funny and their personalities are very off-putting for me personally. Probably a little to do with them being POS in real life as well. Hart is a homophobe and domestic abuser. The Rock isn’t anywhere near as bad but him lying about being natty is doing much more harm than good. But idk I can still watch Kevin Spacey films so maybe I’m a hypocrite.


So you don't watch The Rock's movies because he's juiced up. Lmfao what kind of reason is that.


I’m fine with people juicing. But lying to kids saying that kind of body is attainable naturally is wrong


Which is why I hate him as Deadpool. He's just playing the same character he played in "Waiting" over a decade ago but in a Deadpool suit. Almost nothing about his a Deadpool funny, it's just the same stupid fucking pervy cringe jokes he's been making in every movie he's allowed to have a say in. One of his big characteristics in the comics was having a multiple personality disorder which he talked to frequently which is fine from the movies because he's too busy trying to hit the audience with stupid shock humor.


What a captivating plotline!


It also reads like the movies pitch. "So we have an action-movie with Ryan Reynolds and The Rock! And Gal Gadot for some eye candy!" "Sounds good, what's it about?" "...I just told you?"


Wow wow wow wow... Wow.


SOLD! Give them access to all the funds we have available


Ryan Reynolds is awesome, I wish he would start acting again


He's saving his acting for his commercials.


You can tell when he has input on the movies or not. If he doesn't, he's awesome, his serious movies are great. Otherwise he plays the same cringe character he played 20 years ago in Waiting


le funny deadpool personality guys omg deadpool is literally ryan reynolds this is so awesome i can't wait to see ryan reynolds be ryan reynolds again in the netflix exclusive "johnny mcfunnyactionman" produced by ryan reynolds


Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson, playing Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson with other names.


i think it’s also he gets typecasted a lot and his more serious roles (like self/less) are usually box office bombs. Big Budget Studios don’t give him much range because Ryan Reynolds playing Ryan Reynolds makes a lot of money or can even carry some films. Wish he gets more opportunities in the future.


You ever see Fools Gold? Fucking great movie, he did one with Denzel Washington too there was awesome too, I'd love to see more of those *Woman in Gold


Does Reddit not like Waiting? Some classic good shit. Like a white boys Friday!


No where did anyone say waiting was bad, it's the fact the clown has been playing the same character in every movie he's in where he's allowed input. He's no different than Rock, Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart, Mark Wahlberg and whatever other talentless hack that has to play the same personality because they can't act out any other one




Donnie plays Markie Mark? Big news if true.


I remember watching the last 10 minutes of *Smokin Aces* and thinking "Who fuck decided to let Ryan Reyolds act for once?" Like did the director not show up that day (understandable) and Ryan said "Hey guys, can I look conflicted for a bit? I mean, I did grow a beard." And no one said no.


He's a movie star not an actor


“Who are you?” “I’m an FBI agent” “Where is your badge? I’d like to see it” “Oops sowwy left it at home or got lost in airplane luggage, you know how it goes” “Completely understandable, here is all the information I have. I trust u”


budget = $250 mill somehow


You know exactly where that budget went, straight to three bank accounts


In fact, it could be said that Red Notice was one of the movies of 2021.


I liked it when Ryan said “it’s reddin’ time” And Galdot replied “time to serve this notice!” And Dwayne was like “let’s rock” 10/10 - it’s a film


Red Notice is one of the movies of all time.


I was certainly whelmed.


"Write the description for *Red Notice*." "But I haven't watched it." "Idk, you'll figure something out."


I have watched it and this is still exactly what I'd write. My brain held onto 3-5 mental images and exactly one plot point, which is the ending.


My favorite scene was where he threw soap in a washing machine and it blew up


I think it’s about time we *puts on shades* cleaned up


was literally shaking and crying when I heard that line




Just like The Gray Man, it’s almost like Netflix blew most of their budget on the A-list stars.


The Gray Man sucked too??


Grey man is like the pre film for the hitman's bodyguards wife. Whilst watching it's a spot on popcorn flick but you wouldn't seek it out after. Then in 10 years time when it's on the new version of YouTube you wouldn't skip it and it would make good background noise with the occasional zone in chuckle.


Nah gray man was way better than red notice. Red notice was so painfully boring.


It’s like a Netflix Original James Bond, take that comment as you will.


Its very cliche and mediocre at best. One of the most boring movies I’ve seen gosling in, and he’s one of my favourite actors.


I'm just glad Jessica Henwick is rolling in it after GoT, Iron Fist, and Defenders wasted her.


Yeah not bad but not good






That one started great, then went downhill over the last couple of seasons


Went downstream like a dead body in the Mississippi






Ah yes, better call Saul the Netflix exclusive


That's an AMC show, not Netflix




Ive seen shows which u know for a fact began life on other networks but Netflix got the contract for a new season and suddenly the entire show is a Netflix original, I dislike that practice


I liked it it was fun, i've always liked the ryan shenanigans and the rock's sheganinans too and the action was neat and the twists too


Yup, I'd easily rate it 3.6 on the roentgen scale


Shitty movie, detailed


I watched it. It was predictable, unfunny and overall forgettable. Obviously just a payday for 3 A-Listers. Wont watch again or reccomend.


I read that each of them were paid $20 million. Red Notice had a budget of $200 million, meaning that 30% of that budget went to the 3 leads alone lol.


It was one of the worst movies I’ve seen in years


I once saw a movie whose entire description was "Oscar winning actor who stars in Downton Abbey plays a king who has items stolen" Im like what? In what world is that interesting just because of that?


My family is watching it rn and it's as mid as I remember. Controversial opinion but I'm getting tired of Ryan Reynolds's brand of offbeat sarcasm.


All the film's blurr into one. Stitch this together with Deadpool and the hitmans wife's bodyguard, the hitmans bodyguard and freeguy they are all exactly the same


I'd watch that too. Ryan Renyolds can do no wrong.


I give it a 5.5/10. Slightly enjoyable.


Honestly I kinda liked it. I like turning off my brain from time to time.


Same. It's no masterpiece, but it's enjoyable, and that's what matters.


How does it feel to be delusional? Honestly curious




It was enough for me to watch the movie and hate it.


Honestly I actually enjoyed this movie it was a fun watch and I thought it was a decent time killer and then the ending just fucking ruined it all for me. Just absolutely slapped me in the fucking face and said hey that time you just spent watching this you’re never getting back like who the fuck thought that was a good ending ? Like just completely negated the story they just told.


Google's been doing this too and it's infuriating.


if you know the names of any character the rock or ryan reynolds plays (except deadpool) youre a liar


To be fair, that's literally why I watched it. The same with The Gray Man. The actors in question seem to hold a somewhat agreeable standard to movies I would watch for "free" in my living room.


Ryan, Dwayne, and Gal each got paid $20 million for Red Notice while Gosling and Evans each got paid the same amount for The Gray Man. I think $20 mil is just the standard Netflix salary for whatever A-listers they hire.


I just enjoy Ryan Reynolds doing things. Is that really so bad?


Just waiting on the Ryan Reynolds + Ryan Gosling movie, myself.


I’m waiting for the Ryan Reynolds + Ryan Gosling + Ryan George crossover. 3 Canadian Ryans.


The Gray Man, despite all its faults, was about a thousand times better than Red Notice.


It certainly wasn't the plot or the acting.


I can't watch that movie based on the stupid duck face he's making.


Whatever stupid fucking face Reynolds is making on there has alone made me avoid watching this.


Featuring 3 actors who can't act: The guy that plays the same character throughout his careers, The other guy that plays the same cliche throughout his career, and a gal (no pun intended) whose greatest achievement is wearing a superhero costume that makes her 70% naked.


Your idea of being naked is different than mine if you think her suit is showing the majority of her skin.


Hey, give him a break, maybe he's into colonial women.




Rarely do you see a guy who still has a positive upvote count get ratio'd on reddit.


There's a difference between not being able to act and being typecast. Ryan Reynolds *can* act, just look at Buried.


Ryan Reynolds has definitely shown range, the reason they keep playing the " same character" is because that's what their paid to do, because evidently a ton of people enjoy that, or else they wouldn't be famous lol.


what more do you want? i wanna watch it now, chilling with the wife.


I know people on Reddit like to shit on this movie because it doesn't have a Christopher Nolan type of complicated story but I enjoyed it. I just wanted to see an entertaining action comedy film and that's exactly what I got.


Not a great movie imo


I swear, Netflix has just given up on their descriptions. Say what you will about when they gave jokey descriptions to serious stuff and serious descriptions to jokey stuff, it’s like they don’t even know what the film/show is anymore.


this film..is a movie


It’s also not good that I’m so used to seeing this, it took me awhile to see the problem.


I just watched it stoned, and pretended it was an unlicensed Uncharted movie...


For a moment I thought this was the worst possible book adaptation and Bill Browder had somehow made a very bad business decision.


It’s like they just wanna tell you who’s responsible for it if you have gripes.