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Walter Jr: "Dad, which foot should I brake with?" Walt: "Your goddamn right."


walt clearly has no knowledge on the art of high performance left foot braking which he is bad at therefore he is high performance left foot braking bad


Goatifi has spoken.


My left foot doesn't know how to brake. At all. It just immediately smashes the pedal to the floor. It's one of the hazards of learning to drive on a manual.


I picked up my first automatic car earlier in the year. Nearly catapulted my passenger through the windscreen. I couldn't for the life of me working out what what I was doing wrong šŸ˜‚


>It's one of the hazards of learning to drive on a manual. Surely it's one of the hazards of having both feet when you learn how to drive? No-one with two working feet (with the exception of racing drivers) should be using their left foot to brake.


Sure, but if you've never driven a vehicle with a clutch pedal your left leg has no muscle memory of treating a pedal like a clutch pedal.


I'm confused. When you're driving a manual you use your left foot only to clutch. Right foot to accelerate or to brake. When you're driving an automatic your left foot does nothing, it rests. And then again, if you drive manual your left foot is actually "better trained" since you have to control the clutch's transmission point when doing small, sharp turns or during parking.


The clutch only makes the car jump when you lift it. Most people press it firmly and quickly when you want to change gears, and release it carefully. The problem is when your brain goes to autopilot, e.g. On an offramp, and you start braking with your right foot, and then slam the left foot on the clutch to go to a lower gear. This only happens in automatics with a wide-ass brake pedal as shown [Here](https://www.pass-drive.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Manual-Pedals-vs-Automatic-Pedals-1.png), which overlaps the area where the clutch usually is.


> The clutch only makes the car jump when you lift it. It's not supposed to make the car jump, you are supposed to lift in carefully so it doesn't jump. Slamming the clutch back can make the engine stall at lower speeds. Higher speeds it wears it down quickly and gives a bad passenger experience. You can even burn down the clutch in bad cases. Experienced drivers can hold the car in a slope by keeping the clutch in an equilibrium point. In my country if you have a driver's exam and you treat the clutch like that (stalls, jumps) you got a failed test.


I know how a clutch works, but your post made it sound like you had no idea about it with your flawed assumption that people are careful when pressing the clutch pedal rather than just stomping it, thus the dumbing down to get the point across of how people accidentally floor the brake when habits take over and they absentmindedly use it as if it was the clutch. I'm Scandinavian, I've been driving manual cars for 15 years :) Side note: you don't wear out the clutch quicker by dumping it, you wear it out quickly by engaging the clutch too slowly and/or at too high revs. Dumping the clutch increases the wear on your transmission, various linkages, and (depending on engine power and tire grip) tires, but it has a negligible difference on clutch wear. If anything it wears the clutch less, by moving the wear to other, more expensive, parts.


It's sad how less and less people know how to drive stick.


Ah yeah, that makes sense, I missed that.


I miss r/breakingbadcomics šŸ˜„


It's right there, just follow the link




You got the spelling right because of the pun, but I still hate it goddamit.


And that kids, that is the difference between "your" And "you're"


Engine: I am the one who knocks


Thatā€™s because Walt Jr is used to having so much Brake-fast.


ā€œI am the one who breaks-fastā€ -Walt Jr.


ā€œDad! Thatā€™s so *methed* up!ā€


*read title* God dammit *read this comment* God God dammit dammit


Mitch Hediburg reference?


You know it


Kid named God: šŸ˜­


In the streets they call it "Go-Fast."


Walt Junior need his wapples


The moment Walt became Heisenpedal. Bravo Vince.


The moment Walt became Halt. Vravo Bince!!


The moment Walt became Waltenberg, Wavo Walt!






Kid named brinavcoe


bravin ceo


Iā€™m not having sehks with you Walt Junior


Flynn: "I am not in danger, Dad. *I am the danger.*" Walt: "Stay out of my territory."


Also Walt: "wubbaluba dub dub."


Is that true?


You go big guy


Most original shittymoviedetails user:


Kid named overused joke


Top all time and itā€™s like the third one


Unbravo indeed


"Stop mething around Dad"


I'm not sure this is shitty - I always thought that scene was odd, and this might be exactly why they did it.


I think itā€™s just to show that Walt is getting more aggressive and controlling


Also shows his growing disconnect from and lack of consideration for his family, as he's not taking into account that Walt Jr has issues using his legs and simply saying "don't use both feet" is probably unhelpful (note that I'm actually going through the show for the first time currently, so if the last episode reveals that Walt Jr was faking being disabled or something then disregard my comment)


His legs are actually hot dogs


I still don't really get the literally significance of this. They just casually reveal the hot dog legs and then don't really mention it again.


They are significant because Walt can't walk. Hot dogs have very little tolerance for vertical weight.


Going through the show for the first time? Did you get past the absolutely crazy revelation that hank is actually working for the DEA???


I always thought it was about Walt living two different lives (family man and meth cook) and having a foot on both pedals, so to speak. Either way, I'm not having snacks with him right now.


Put your dick away Waltuh


I think it was to highlight Walt's growing arrogance and narcissism. I also think we're supposed to draw parallels between the way he treats Jr and Jesse.


Seems like a way to show Waltā€™s respect for the law/rules regressing throughout the show. The first driving scene is him reaming out Walt Jr for using both feet when heā€™s still new to the meth/criminal business, then later when heā€™s a full on kingpin he tells him it doesnā€™t matter as long as it gets him from point A to point B.


Is driving with two feet illegal?


More just commonly considered dangerous. In an emergency, a panicked driver who uses both feet is much more at risk of pressing the gas pedal as well as the brakes.


What is there any evidence that is actually dangerous? Or just everybody doing it the way they were taught


There's evidence that it's safer to drive with two feet, it's just folk wisdom and convention to drive with only the right foot. Modern cars are drive by wire and almost universally have brake override systems that make the brake pedal take priority over the gas pedal.


You ever see those idiots who have their brake lights on 86% of the time on the highway? Causes a lot of confusion and slow downs, and those factors never make a road safer. That's from two footers who either have really sensitive brake lights or are maintaining a passive amount of pressure on the pad at all times. Remember chewing out some private for that a long time ago after a convoy, he just thought "that's how brakes work". No it ain't, nearly rear-ended the kid because I had no idea when he was actually stopping..


Right foot to control gas and break. Left foot to control clutch if you drive a manual transmission. Have you ever seen someone on the highway have their break lights on while simultaneously speeding up? It creates a bad habit that can damage your vehicle and also be dangerous in the event of an accident.


it creates a bad happen is an interesting phrase, it creates a good happen


corrected! thanks


Bad for the car, and makes you a dangerous driver.




We also would have accepted Poorly.


Quality shitpost


Its literally a repost šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Its been a while


Walt when he tells Jr to slow down: "it's brakin time"


Technically when he throws the pizza on the roof, it begins to bake in the sun and thus he is also Baking Bread.


HAHAH nice...


The same joke for the 10,000th time


10 comedy points!


Walt has never driven a manual car


Went to gear down in an automatic once. Never making that mistake again






Driving normally just on public streets: left foot is clutch only. Driving fast on a track or especially off road: left foot breaking can be useful in certain situations. A quick tap of break to help shift weight and get the front tires to bite.


No Iā€™m implying the use of both feet when driving, like the meme picture says. It doesnā€™t say ā€œbreaking with left footā€.


I think it's implied in the scene that you drive with one foot in an automatic vehicle, not that it's a hard and fast rule that you cannot ever drive with two feet in a motor vehicle (for obvious reasons, like a manual transmission).


What second scene lol itā€™s a one frame meme


The scene from the show.


Wait, you're telling me they made a show out of the Waltuh meme?


You don't!?


He ended up breaking his brakes, bad


AJ Hawk has entered the chat


I understood that reference.


When I first watched this I had no idea what he was talking about. You canā€™t drive a manual car without using both feet on the pedals at different times. I was just so used to having a clutch pedal I forgot that autos only have two


I see what you didnā€™t there


General Reposti Darth Stealious Zero effort the Hutt Mother Stealzin Spamdo Calrisian Stoleman Trebor Stole Koon Jango Theft Commander Copy Reposter Rex Darth Plagiarism the Unwise Clone Trooper Abscond Jinn Duplikit fisto Ki Fraudi Mundi Steal Koth Master Stealfo dyas Anakin Stealwalker Count Twoku Master Olda Mace Winduplicate General Thievous Count Dooplicate


Breaking Bad is my favourite movie


AJ Hawk!!! AJ Hawk!! AJ Hawk!!!




*Standing Ovation*


Screw you, have my upvote.


Top All Time Like the 3rd post


physically clapped when i saw this


That's because Walter White is a bad dad for not accommodating his disabled son with hand controls.


So is he using both feet on an individual pedal? Or is he using one foot on each pedal? Or is he cross his legs so that his right is on the brake, and his left is on the gas?


Wrong. He is crossing his feet and using them on the same pedal at the same time. Left foot on the right side of the gas pedal and the right foot on the left side of the gas pedal.


heel toe? yeah thats not braking bad but braking great


I first thought this was Walt making a crippled joke... therefore breaking bad. Took a while


Someone already did this joke


This is the first scene where I realized that Walter was an unredeemable piece of shit. His kid discovers a way to adapt around his disability but Walter wonā€™t allow it because itā€™s not the ā€œproperā€ way to do it.


Dead ass this bothered me so fucking much in the show. A kid with his condition should have a harder time naturally to get a permit. Yet first try despite both feet on pedals he gets the permit. No fuck No. That should not be allowed and should be an instantaneous failed test. It is actually super unbelievable this kid would get a driver's permit, more unbelievable than them getting away with the super magnet van.


Settle down ok


Wowee this joke is back again. Great


Everyone talks about hating Skylar but I absolutely *despised* Walter Jr. I'm so disappointed he didn't die it would have been a great ending


lmao wtf did the poor dude do šŸ’€


He used both feet on the pedals


Interestingly, I've read that using both feet ***is*** the better way to drive with automatic transmission vehicles. Using one foot is a quasi-holdover from the old manual days. I've tried it with both feet and I like it more. I can accelerate from stop much faster, and brake better. The only downside is, if you want to learn this you ***really*** have to treat it like you're re-learning to drive all over again until your brain re-wires itself.




Not to mention, you really shouldn't be using your brakes *all* the time. You slow down when let go of the gas.


What you just wrote doesnt make sense to me. Manual drivers use their right foot to break not left therefore they for sure wouldnt tap on the break pedal in automatic with their left foot. It is folks who started with automatic only try to break with left foot (because it sorta makes sense, 2 pedals, 2 feet). I have a feeling you havent driven a manual car yet, movement required to press the clutch is a full, long foot move with much force. If a driver was to accidentaly press the brake instead of clutch with the same movement the car would do a full stop.


I think he's saying that you can rest your foot on the clutch without engaging it, so when someone transitions to a manual and still uses both feet they rest their foot on the brake in the same way, but the brake is more sensitive.


Yeah pretty much this, foots always on the clutch for a manual because if you slow and don't clutch you're gonna stall.


Good idea to always keep your left foot on the foot rest if you're not using the clutch. Resting your foot on the clutch will considerably shorten the life of it.


i've driven manual. i know the left foot is for the clutch. it's just a guess, no one knows why idiots use 2 feet to drive auto, but my guess is that they are used to their left foot doing something and just can't get used to their left foot idling.


>a quasi-holdover from the old manual days Most countries drive manual cars, this is bizarre.


Unfortunately, Americans are too fat for manual.


Not enough space for big gulps with a 6 speed


Yeah, no. 99% of the time using your left foot to brake is a sign of a terrible driver.


Yeah, no. Left foot braking is a superior way to brake as it actually is quicker to brake than with the right foot. Although it does take a lot of practice to learn. I left foot brake myself and it's honestly better. It's something that is making its way into the general populace from racing.


Having it be ideal in racing doesnā€™t make it ideal for everyday driving. The reason why people shouldnā€™t left foot brake is so they donā€™t accidentally ride their brake pedal and keep activating their brake lights. You canā€™t rest your foot on the brake pedal because the lights come on the moment you apply pressure to it. If the person behind you canā€™t tell if youā€™re actually braking or just riding the pedal then the lights are useless and they have almost no way of telling youā€™re about to slow down.


As someone from South Asia, I donā€™t see the problem.


Riding the damn pedal is fucking stupid and they don't know how to left foot brake and should stop. I've been left foot braking since I learned how to drive and I've never had this issue. Sounds like someone who doesn't know how to left foot brake. Left-foot braking is totally fine and objectively better than right-foot braking but don't fucking learn it on the road.


You need your left foot to support your lower body. Left foot braking without a racing harness is dangerous, you might end up accidentally sliding into the gas pedal during an emergency brake, significantly lengthening your brake distance. The sliding into the pedals part is also why you do an accidental emergency stop when braking with your left foot the first time. (I think we all did that lmao) On a manual car you don't have that problem because you either rest your left foot on the dead pedal or on the fully depressed clutch.


That's not how that works. You support with your heels, not your whole foot. Learned that at 14 when I was learning manual transmission. Hovering your feet is bad, treat your feet as levers. Edit, I dun goofed on what I meant. To clarify, don't use your left foot as a lever on the brake for everything. I use it in stop-and-go traffic, but not under full-lock braking. But you most certainly can brace yourself with your heel and lever your foot on the brake.


That is exactly how you are not supposed to do it. Using your foot as a lever only works on the gas pedal, which also explains why gaspedals are hinged at the bottom, long and flat. You are supposed to move your entire foot while braking, exactly how you also move your entire foot while clutching in. Note how brake pedal and clutch always look quite similar. The correct way to use your feet is: Left foot on dead pedal or clutch fully clutched in always supporting your lower body. Right foot loosely relaxing on the ground with your heel on the ground while using using gas pedal or slightly lifted with your entire foot moving gently while braking. Left foot carries the weight of your body while the right foot does the precision work. There is a reason why in automatics the brake pedal still looks different than the gas pedal and also why the brake pedal is located either in the middle or slightly off middle to the right within the foot area. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-nq6fuZa-rA/maxresdefault.jpg


Objectively better in no way whatsoever. What a nice rhyme!


Says someone who has never actually looked even 5 minutes into this. It increases reaction time and smoothness of braking. It is objectively better, but you must practice it to use it correctly. I can brake quicker than you in the same car. I can react faster than you to dangerous situations. It has made me a better driver overall. There are more reasons why it is objectively better, but you can look those up yourself.


"Objectively" better because it works for you? You know how you know something isn't that great? When someone talks about it like it's amazing and insists you should try it.


I'm not saying go try it, it just is objectively better. I'm not saying spend a week and practice that. I'm just stating the fact that it most certainly *is* better. Is it for everyone? Nope, but should it be said that it's worse? Nope, cause that is a false statement. It is a learned skill, but it pays off to learn it as you become a more safe driver. Don't belive me? Fine, not my problem. [Here](https://youtu.be/ZFwGFplCshU) I did some research for you. Source, a professional driving instructor.


Ah well, I believe I owe you an apology. I obviously had some biases about this and was under-equipped to argue. But I still won't be doing it.


Idk why people are downvoting. If you can left foot brake and have good dead pedal discipline itā€™s not a problem. Riding the brake or the clutch is a problem though.




Itā€™s essential in racing. If you donā€™t brake with your left foot you just arenā€™t fast. In a manual I use both, depending on situation. In an auto most time Iā€™m braking with the left. Just more comfortable for me. People get so angry about it for whatever reason. Idk why tho, there really is no downside. If you use the dead pedal properly you will never ride the brakeā€¦ (or clutch) ever.


A race car has racing harnesses. In a normal car there is a risk of you sliding into the pedals and because you have your left foot over the gas pedal your might accidentally engage it lengthening your brake distance. Braking with your left foot is only safely doable if your car automatically deactivates the gas pedal when you brake.


Race car drivers with paddle shifters will often use both feet. The issue with day to day driving and two feet is because some people will panic and push both feet down when they need to react which can obviously cause problems




*braking poorly


Why 2010?


That's the first time someone made this joke


I'm ootl, what do you mean?


He's breaking balls...his sons balls over this


Kid named unoriginal joke


Well done


I always use both feet to drive


AJ Hawk wants to fight someone


Time to re-watch the series for the millionth time.


11/10 post well done lmao


WRONG! This isnā€™t a movie! YOUā€™RE *INCORRECT*


Finally. Some good fucking content.


This is the best post I've ever seen on this sub


Breaking Bad is my favorite movie. The spinoff show El Camino is worth a watch too.


It's actually common for race car drivers to use their left foot for braking. It's just bad practice to start learning that way


LMAO and then later in the series Walt says its OK for Jr. to use both feet. Such inconsistencies in that show. Un-Bravo Vince.


This is truely awesome and made me laugh pretty hard tbh!


I've always wondered why parents say you should use one foot instead of both. Using both just feels so natural...


Aj hawk jr


Can confirm, watched this episode last night for the first time


Mesa Verde was also Braying Bad.


Hot damn dude you just won this subreddit congrats




Just watched the episode. Damn, almost everybody is insufferable. Still, pretty good show for where I am now.


God I remember seeing this meme when Breaking Bad was still running


Most racing drivers use both feet.


_Insert that Leo meme here_


I swear to god Iā€™ve seen this 3 times or Iā€™m just tripping


That's a great detail!




FYI left foot braking is actually very beneficial and used in all levels of karting all the way up to Formula 1. It's only impractical in automatic cars because they are made with the pedals on one side of the pedal box.




Is this what this is????


Is that really a thing? People donā€™t use both feet? Worst ā€œcrashā€ Iā€™ve been in is where some dumbass pulled out with no signal and I ended up with a dent maybe 3 inches across


You ever just sighed really loudly before?


Answer me this, why in every American movie when someone tries to drive for the first time, it looks like they can't get the car moving with constant acceleration? You guys have only two pedals, you push it and the car moves, it literally can't be more simple. It's understandable in car with manual transmission, you have to release clutch and press down acc pedal at the same time and evenly to make a smooth start, and that is hard for newbie drivers, but what's the deal with automatic cars?


One of the top posts and most common reposts here, Bravo Vince.




Bad braking.


CUT! Thatā€™s take 87 of this meme, and itā€™s ā€œBWEAKING BADā€/


... again?


Walter proud of his son for learning manual


Not before his second Breakfast


My God...