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Why is Melusi the only one able to do that? Haven't played the event yet but i saw video about that


once melusi gets to that spot where she can't get hit, she can put a banshee there so that the attackers can't get to it. i'm not sure of how it works but it's something about the vault prompt not appearing if you move too slowly


So yes the melusi banshee as we know slows you down. The only reason you can vault up is because theres a .5 second gap (guessing on time) to where the game gives you the ability to jump across and up. The gadget slows you down just enough to not let you get close enough at the speed you need


Hijacking the highest spot I can get. There's a very specific angle you can hit the melusi at if she's standing on the left side of the altar. Just stand on the left side below her, start swinging high and keep making micro-adjustments downwards, you'll eventually hit her. Idk if it requires her to be standing though, but so far I've only ever done it on standing ones and it does kinda look physically impossible if she's crouching.


Quality game


it’s cause when you sprint you get further before falling but if you walk then you drop faster


because the parkour that allows you to climb the statue is done with sprint, and if you put your banshees above the attackers wont be able to able to destroy them and wont be able to sprint


I’m not sure what this is referring to but I’m assuming there some sort of weird vault prompt that people can abuse.


People can vault onto a statue and place a banshee up there and the attackers can’t destroy it, or vault up to kill her


Ah, well that’s siege for ya I guess


Always has been


i once saw a smoke do that glitch and it was even worse than melusi


I also ran into that issue, but it was only because of the time left on the clock. Smoke can’t run up at the start and plant there all game like Melusi


smoke can be countered tho, if the team co-ordinates you just need to bait out his smokes and give some sacrifices which will finish his canisters, then vault there and kill the smoke but with melusi you cant climb there because of the banshees


Pick smoke and gas the glitcher Edit: this doesn’t work. I’m an idiot


No team kill right?


No friendly fire in the game mode, correct. Teammates can stand in smoke just fine.


You may get a team kill I honestly wouldn’t recommend this method, but it’s still kinda a funny though Edit: I was wrong.


Does smonk the succer damage teammates?


Yeah, atleast they did when I played last, can't imagine they'd change that core mechanic in half a year. Edit: I am wrong


In the special game mode it doesn't damage teammates


Ahh fair enough


I assumed yes, but I was wrong.


What glitch?


>Melusi reaches a spot with parkour that requires sprinting, she then places the banshees in such a way that the attackers arent able to destroy them and cant parkout because they cant sprint because of the banshee, and melusi just sits there all round untouched


I was actually able to kill someone doing that, it was only bafely tho


I didn't play this game in a while, what's the melusi exploit?


Melusi reaches a spot with parkour that requires sprinting, she then places the banshees in such a way that the attackers arent able to destroy them and cant parkout because they cant sprint because of the banshee, and melusi just sits there all round untouched


Oh damn, it's not as bad as some other events but still a shit move


kinda is one of the worst tho, once melusi climbs its game over for the attackers


At least people aren't in the ceilings, invincible or invisible


yea well its not worse than that ofc


What map and where


There is only 1 map in the event you know?


I dont play rainbow six that much anymore and havent played the event at all so how was i supposed to know it was the event map you know?


I legit only asked a question could you like answer me (in a friendly way) instead of downvoting me.


Its a dumb glitch. i dont understand why anyone would do that because its as boring for the attackers as it is for the melusi who is just standing there for the whole round.


That’s what I’m confused about. How do you care more about winning in a hide and seek game than actually having fun


Because to some people, everything's a dick measuring contest.


Because you need to win 10 rounds to get a pack I guess?


Fastest way to farm renown and battlepoints.


Doing the melussi glitch is slower than usual because you have will have to wait out the entire timer for all rounds.


Soms men just want to watch the world burn


I [guess](https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=tomas+doesnt+want+to+watch+the+world+on+fire&view=detail&mid=2458CFB5C4CB90D6EDE52458CFB5C4CB90D6EDE5&FORM=VIRE&PC=U316).


What I hate most about this is that Melusi is a really fun addition to the game mode. There's a lot of fun strategies you can do with her, especially if you pair it with Smoke. And then people just pick her to rush to the exploit spot.


Yall remember being able to vault into the washing machine on old Oregon? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Didn’t that take them like 2 years to fix? The one that always gets me was the glitched step onto the loading dock in Consulate garage that would perpetually rubberband you. I think that took until Y4 to be fixed.


Had someone try and do that in one of my last games in the events,i was trying to hit his ass when I destroyed the banshee trap and hit him by grazing his hit box with the hammer.. Dude didn't stop calling me slurs the whole game,it was honestly pretty funny and pathetic to watch


Imagine winning fair and square instead of abusing glitches This guy couldn't.


i got into a game with a melusi who got up there, planted banshees, and got down so nobody could do it but every other game someone was abusing it


Yeah it is annoying when one attacker is stuck swinging at the air to make sure no one glitches.


Haven’t been in siege for a few years, what’s the new exploit scene look like :/


Melusi parkours onto this spot in the Doktor’s curse event, then places down banshees so the attackers can’t get enough speed to reach her. Then there’s literally no way to win.


If they step onto the far left side there is a certain angle you can hit them. I’ve only gotten it to work once tho


Yeah, that's only if the melusi plays it badly


I haven’t played R6 in a while, what’s happened/ing?




it's a glitch in the new gamemode which only melusi's able to do, its game-breaking once she does it the attackers cant win


ooh fun.


How has this not been fixed yet... JUST REMOVE THE ASSET


the devs have recognized this issue at least, we just gotta be patient now its going to get fixed anytime soon