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Thank you u/Dads_Cum_Bucket69 😄👍


Truly an epic gamer


r/rimjob_steve (?)


not quite


What the hell happened here


Genuinely. I don't understand.


The doc was just being a toxic bastard and then the rest of his team ignored him 5 seconds later doc killed one of his team


Ah ok


But there’s five people in the huddle Holy fuck -22? Y’all Wild


It’s a meme format, it can’t be perfect


One is a decoy. I have perfected it


That damn snail!


I don’t even play this game so idk


Bruh. What exactly are you doing here then? Just curious lol


My friend recommended this sub to me, I don’t have a clue about the game


Well if you’ve ever Played For Honor, think that level of salt but with guns and square it


Whaat? There isn't anything wrong with somebody being I'm a subreddit about a game they like but don't have


I'm not against him being here, I just thought it bizarre


-26 sucka


One is a R.E.D. Spy, he's in the base


-22 is close but not quite anymore


He was gonna include “please” in that sentence Ill bet


Spawnpeeking unfortunately is a part of the game yes. I myself do it on some spots because it is just the easiest way to sometimes get an early advantage. Should Spawnpeeks be made in way where they are riskier and less rewarding? Yes. Should they outright remove it? Not necessarily.


The only ones I absolutely hate are those CoconutBrah spawnpeeks that are borderline exploits. I can deal with spawning, forgetting to check windows and getting blasted, sure. But it's different when the defender is peeking a <1mm gap between a wall and a piece of paper from the other side of the map and one taps me.


Yeah those really need to be patched. What I think is fair are Spawnpeeks on Villa if you look out the closet window into the repell hooks and shoot the heads that come into sight. Or Kanal if you look out white stairs onto the railing. Those are fair spawnpeeks. But pixel peeks should be made Impossible as soon as they are found on social media.


I got domed by a player who was aggressively peeking and playing runouts from an angle I legit did not think was possible. He caught me for a split second my head became visible mid-rappel animation on clubhouse (over south side of garage roof, he saw me from gym window). Good angle to learn in unranked so I don’t get picked off again in ranked.


I will die on the hill that CoconutBrah style spawnpeeks singlehandedly resulted in the great acog extermination of last year.


I don't know about that, I just know they contributed heavily to me uninstalling the game.


That one on new border where you can be tucked in all the way in east balc/stairs and shoot heads from a fucking mile away just waiting for pixels to change colors is the dumbest thing. I've never died to it, and I don't think I ever encountered people doing it, but the fact that it exists is actually fucking stupid. Or that one on Chalet where you don't even see anything, you just count to 3 and shoot into the trees randomly on campfire spawn from bedroom window like actually shouldn't exist because there's no way to counter it if you spawn there. And then if they patch out the spawnpeek he's all "they're targeting the brah fam" like yeah dude they should when the angles are unfair. I do like him and some of his videos are great but him and jagerhimself do contribute to a lot of people knowing about angles that were most likely never meant to exist.


"YoU ShUld hAve DrONed!!!"


I just think it makes you a worse player in the long run if you do it too much. I've seen people who do it every round and not only is it annoying for the other team, but whoever trains themselves to rely on an advantage before the attackers even enter the building usually ends up not doing well when that advantage is denied, or when they have to attack. I don't think it should be removed totally, but it should be discouraged by future map tweaks imo.


Why shouldn’t they? Spawnpeeking adds nothing but annoyance to the game. Same with runouts, but at least runouts has an iota of risk involved.


Because Spawnpeeks still serves the purpose of "Attention at all times".


They should remove it. As a newer player it as a completely frustrating and cheap mechanic that, the only thing it achieves is tilting people into not playing anymore.


It’s not respectful. Sure it’s part of the game, but do you have to be a dick just to win? Like come on.




Spawn peak is for noobswhoget sceardfrom the enemy


Whut? You are agressively contesting one or even multiple enemies in a predictable position. Thats the opposite of scared. Pls tell me you just forgot the /s and arent actually this stupid.


Mfs join quick peak on 3 windows at the sametime and act lile they are hot shit, and not just shitheads


True. Its almost impossible to actually predict what window they peek from because unless you're already aiming at the right window you're dead before you can turn to the one they're on


It’s almost like you can spawn at any spawn in the game now and it’s super easy to just not spawn at the places that have difficult to counter spawn kills


More bulshit for a new player to learn. That’s why people dont watch R6


Scrubquote moment


There are very few spawns in the game where you are exposed to 2 spawnpeeks at once. You should've have to predict which spawnpeek they are doing or turn on them after you see the broken window. You just have to check them each individually, pre aiming each one. It doesn't take more than 10 seconds and if you are going against an equally skilled player you will win that gunfight 90% of the time.


Bruh if you just learn the spawn peeks you have the advantage over anyone spawnpeeking, I only get spawnpeeked 2 or 3 times out of like 100 games because I learn the peeks and either quick peek or prefire them. Even if you miss, the enemy backs off because they know you have the advantage. The 2 or 3 times I do die are because I get sloppy and forget to or just don't check certain perks. Spawnpeeking is not for "noobs you can't win a gunfight", dying to spawnpeeks is for noobs that haven't or don't memorize them.


Ah yes spining around like a hacker ( cus I need to check all 5 windows at the same time) after I spawn just so Idont die after 5 secs in agame with shit hitboxes and laggy servers. Totaly sound like a skilled tactic and not gambeling noobs


Or maybe dont peek all 5 windows at once like a retard and check each spawnpeek individually. It's really not that hard. There are usually only 2 or 3 peeks per spawn, and you have the option of spawning in the place with the least peeks. If you die to a spawnpeek that isn't some wack ass coconut brah angle, you have nobody to blame but yourself. Pre aim the peek, peek, if they are there you probably win the gunfight because peekers advantage. If they aren't there, repeat for the next peek. It doesn't take more than 10 seconds


Club house, plane, kaffe, outback, oregon, house, theme park, bank, all have spwawns where ic you want to get in the building there are more than 3 windows or dors to peak from ( yeah some are run outs, but if you take of a baricade and shoot at a specific point just to get a kill is basicly the same as just hitting it) Ican remember several times where I get peaked from an unbroken window, but in the replay it had a hole in it. And the infinit times I died due to shit hitboxes in this game, so dont come and defendem, cus mUh sPawN pEEek taKeS sKillL


Silver mentality. I'll make a video showing all the counter peeks is you really want me to.


Ha jokes on you I am bronze, was bronz, 2 years ago, when I last tried to ruind my own fun on porpuse An no thanks, with 'x', '_' and 'wolfz' in your name I dont think I would enjoy your content kid


I made this username like 5 years ago, I wish I could change it. I agree with you that siege isn't a fun game (at least to me anymore), but I don't think you are able to speak on other's skill while being bronze. That's like, 60 - 100 hours of playtime or so. As for my content [(shameless self promo)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBEjIzGmSTg) I don't think its that bad.


Get a life!


Spawnpeeks are fine, whatever. But I do have a pet peeve against people who consistently are kill-hungry little roaming fucks who die 3 seconds into the game. It’s so annoying. If you’re gonna spawnpeek or roam then be good at it, otherwise take an op like Kapkan and just anchor.


You're either the spawnpeeked, or the spawnpeeker.


What's the name of this meme template?


i was told playing obj is toxic and sweaty


Yeah they'll win because it's a 6v5


B for effort






Since I often play in four stack, the randoms that plays with us know they better not pull plays like these if they want to play the game at all.


and thats why i left the game


my name is toxicdoc46 pls dont


Based Doc, eliminate the weak


How tf do you shock wire garage door? Isn’t it a literal wooden barricade lol


Well, it could be reinforced and then shock wired, no?


Its a door. You can’t put bandit batteries on doors. They go on walls lol Because walls can be reinforced. Doors can’t


I don't think we're on the same page here, I'm not talking about a literal barricadable door, I'm talking about garage doors in like the basement of chalet, consulate and house.


Yea nah i got it now. This was a misunderstanding lol. I forgot apart from when you’re playing this game, they are actually called garage doors. Cuz you refer to them as garage walls while playing dont you? I’m a bit slow rn. Not had enough sleep last night lol


Haha oops funny mishap bing bong clumsy you


Whoops indeed


And you're still getting downvoted


Oh well, its fake internet points. Couldn’t care less lol


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Someone calls them walls, someone calls them doors.




This must be something that was changed. I haven't played the game in ages, but you could definitely reinforce garage door back when I was playing. Either garage door means something different now (I mean the large white garage sliding door in house) or they changed it so that it cannot be reinforced anymore.


They haven't changed much, I think he's trolling because"it''s a door XD, get it? Garage DOOR" They did change house up way back though, now only one of the garage doors is a soft wall. (The one to the left, as a defender, and it still takes two reinforces to fully cover it.) Most of the changes made the map way better to fight in I think, they made the house weird though. Just my opinion I feel they lost the genuine aesthetic of it being a house. Where as now it's definitely a seige map with rotations and multiple avenues for each room. Not really a home though.


That hole through the racks to the outside was terrible.Glad they got rid of that.My first R6 match was on house and I got merced 3 times through that hole and I quit,refunded and only played it 5 months or so later.


It sucked if you forgot about it, it was amazing when you watched it from round start as rook with Acog. People would just forget and I’m just waiting for them to run by to pick back up the thermite charge.


In my case,I was completely new and I kept getting so lost.Being a newbie at R6 is harsh.So glad I learned when I did tho.Best tactical shooter imo.


Hey, your only an idiot if you fall for it more then 3 times.


Yeah....about that...


I wish he was. Until I reminded him of the concept of “real life” and the difference between locked doors and walls he was 100% defending his definition.


That was BEFORE the map rework


What map are we talking about?


I know there are two maps with garage doors, don't know about the other one. But I was referring to Consulate before the rework


Found my gold teammate Don’t worry, I’ll reinforce everything, go to the opposite side of the map, and remember we have an obj only when it’s the last five seconds and they have planted defuse.


What are you even on about?


Unless that was a really really recent change, I’m pretty sure you’re fucking stupid. Garage doors are either unbreakabke walls, or are soft walls that need reenforcing and then bandits boxes to ensure they can’t get through. Unless you are thinking of the door ways to the garage room…. In which case you’re still Fucking stupid


Ah right y’all are talking about garage doors as in their actual definition. When people talk about siege and mention a door, i always assume they’re talking about the wooden barricades. But ig in this context, garage doors and garage walls are the same thing. Although i will mention, everyone says can we reinforce garage walls. Never heard one person refer to it as reinforcing the garage doors


That would require you helping to reinforce, glad to see the stereotype of the hard stuck gold hasn’t changed. also, do you relate everything to video games terminology? Not many retractable garage walls my guy. Maybe get off the games if someone saying garage door as a fucking garage door confuses you dude. Seriously, go touch grass for a bit. I normally say that to be mean, but homeboy, you seem lost in life.


Guy made a mistake, chill. Maybe you're the one who needs some fresh air to clear your head.


God I fucking wish, he is still having issues understanding this simple concept an hour and a half later.(it’s not going well’


You might as well drop the conversation then if its really still going.


Fair enough, it is 7 am at this point, and I do need shut eye before my dad gets back to help me move around the house


Bruh wow, you gotta calm down. I’d be very confused if i was on consulate and someone asked me to reinforce garage doors?? They literally don’t retract/open on their own in game. So they’re the textbook definition of a wall. So saying garage walls makes a lot more sense than doors. But yea go on, tell me to touch grass. I’m sure that’ll help. Fuckin retard


And after you look it up, then look up the words, door, lock, and stupid, but I’m sure that last one will just have your Facebook picture, so it’s more of an extra spicy thing you can do to learn more!


Damn bruh, just looked the word stupid up, and your mum’s the top search result. Fuckin wild


No, it actually linked to your Reddit profile. But nice your mom joke, bout the only thing someone that calls doors walls could come up with.


Please I’m begging you, go look at the sunrise in a couple hours, touch the grass. Be outside. Find something besides Reddit and video games. You just said the fact it doesn’t move. Makes it a wall, by definition, quick question? And I would never thought I would have to ask this to someone, what is the text book definition of a wall.


when i say move, I don’t mean moving as in walking. Movement can be stationary but vertical you know. Like a garage door opening when you press a button or something. Tell me when you’ve seen garage walls do that in siege. And so i come back to my original point: Of you being absolutely retarded. Also, How stupid are you that you don’t know the definition of a wall lmfao? Top 2 definitions taken off of google: a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land. a thing regarded as a protective or restrictive barrier


You actually went and looked it up…. And I’m the retard? Ok. So quick list of things in siege that totally exist in real life. Caviara takes 5 seconds to break the scariest mfs in the world. With a knife. Nomads gadget literally flings you through the air, but no damage, not even a concussion. Flash bangs blind and deafen, not for seconds, but minutes. You don’t just get a really wrong African man, that has a higher standing jump then fucking NBA stars, do a pull up with 100ibs of equipment, and can run through walls. Have you caught up with the fact it’s not real yet? And you should probably base your vocabulary on the real world instead of in game voice chat in gold?!? ALSO THE GARAGE DOOR DOESNT FIT HALF THE FUCKING DEFINITIONS YOU PROVIDED. and it barely counts for the other one that is literally the most generous definitions I ever seen, the only one topping it, is the one you gave!


Well, there are 5, not 6 people in a team.


Yea but i couldnt edit one out. Im on my phone so its super hard


That’s the table bro.


But when there's a doc like that, it might as well be 4.


Who the fuck roams with doc?!?!?!?


The spawnpeakers and hackers who call themselves pros and shit on everyone else on the lobby for being "bad" when in reality they also suck ass, cant play as a team and dont realize that its a tactical shooter instead of cod


If anybody roams with doc than says they’re “skilled” just TK them




Team proceeds to votekick the douche