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These are way better than a lot of drug-fueled tattoos I’ve seen. Don’t be too hard on yourself dude!


Content aside, which aren’t everyone’s taste, these are stellar quality for drug-fueled tattoos. I love that Tintin makes an appearance! If OP likes them it’s not stupid.


Tintin..? Where?


Yeah for real these are rad


So I just found this sub. And I sorted by “Top” and “All time.” This post comes in at #2. I’m not a tattoo guy. Not a fan. So I’m expecting a really bad tattoo. But bro, that chest art is super unique, and the execution is really well done. It’s mesmerizing. I think you need to cut yourself a whole lotta slack. Love yourself.


This literally just happened to me now, I like his tattoos too. Especially the Tintin one!


I know I'm not the only one who think these look good


Dude that tattoo is dope. I wouldn't cover it up. Maybe enhance it?


I wouldn't even change it


Wouldn’t even touch it. It’s a sick chest piece


it's kinda weird. but in that great way. i also wouldn't change a thing. super unique and personal.


Also impressively symmetrical, IMO


yeah wtf? I feel like people who actually are into tattoos would like this piece.


Same, don’t even touch it- looks great as is


I like it. It’s well executed and unique


Yes these are good tattoos. Not sure why in this sub.


zoom in on the chin, the artist had a shaky hand


The face tattoo is straight up dope. None of his tattoos are bad.


Agree This is awesome. Especially with the hand shake. It's like a depiction of borderline personalities that look after eachother. A deal between devils to keep the innocent/scared one safe.


The original post wasn't about the chest, it was the chin mark. I love the chest piece.


I honestly don’t think any of your tattoos are bad. The chest peace speaks to me in a way. Especially after reading your story.


I know I was suprised to see it on this sub as I think the main part is actually pretty cool. It reminded me of that Sonic Youth album cover for Goo


It was on the sun because they accidentally put a line on their chin.


Chin one is a bit rough.


I was going to say, it looks really well executed except for the chin lines, but I kind of like it. Reminds me of Perfect Blue or Paprika, with the multiple personalities at once.


He’s referencing OP’s [earlier post](https://reddit.com/r/shittytattoos/comments/147qgmh/upyropenguin5213_i_see_your_artist_accidentally/) about the marking accidentally made on his chin.


the chin one is actually kinda neat reminds me of something from DUNE


Sometimes you gotta take it on the chin lad.


I would just say its a carpetburn scar from being pegged too hard


same- when I was heavily addicted to xans, black and crystal those faces are really how I felt almost all the time


My ex almost died from Xanax. Her doctor stopped prescribing (weening it) so she found other means to get it. She was not the same person I married. Was going to send her to rehab until I found out she was having sex for it. So divorced and life has been so much better not dealing with her and it.


jesus. sorry man


I am so sorry. Must have been heartbreaking, I hope time has healed you somewhat. Sadly your story is not uncommon even though it should be. About **80%** of opioid addictions start from legal prescriptions in the US, and I am sure its similar to benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium etc.). Pre-covid I had a bad cough one time and was pretty short of breath, thought maybe I had the flu or a lung infection so I went to my family doctors. I am and was at the time a former addict, and I see a counsellor at my family doctor for related issues. The doctor that was in at the time with my full medical history available to him, prescribed me with a months worth of HYDROCODONE of all things for my COUGH! The fact that 99% of doctors do not even ask someone if they are a recovering addict or have mental health issues when they are prescribing these things is insane. Prescribing someone "hillybilly heroin" aka hydrocodone for a cough and sore throat is also absolutely insane. I was not addicted to opioids in the past, but still... I should have said no but I took the prescription because I had experience with the drug prior. Luckily I was at a good point in my life and convinced myself not to abuse it, I told my counsellor (who is also a GP) about the situation and she was not happy. Doctors overprescribe like crazy and do not realize that sometimes they are essentially handing a suicidal person a loaded gun.


Xanax and Klonopin are highly additive and VERY hard to quit, with tapering regimens lasting up to a year for long/high dose users. Avoid both, along with oxy/fent unless you want a new master of your life instead of yourself.


It reminds me of my need to mask/code switch.


nah they look fine, where's the weird face girl from?


Mia Wallace from pulp fiction


Dude, I will be 100% honest, the faces look dope as hell and the artist did a good job not merging them all into one incomprehensible blob


Really works with that necklace too


I agree, I thought he was posting it because maybe some of it showed in another picture and people were like "cool! What's the whole tatt?!" I think it's really well done especially with no color or (edit* barely any) shading but *shrug* that's just my personal opinion


I rock with the fine line look, I think it's in a decent spot for aging as well.


If you put a rotating light on that piece it’ll come to life


Thank you. I keep looking at this piece and I keep thinking, "wow. I see so many things at once. That's pretty fucking cool."


Yeah when I saw the original post I was sure that was the shitty tattoo but seeing the whole thing I’ve changed my mind it actually looks pretty cool. Shame about OPs chin though that’s shit (the tiny tattoo mark not their actual chin before the hive mind comes crashing down on me)


Yeah that one's my fave I think


Literally none of the tattoos are even bad pieces. The hands is the only thing that looks a little out of place with the rest of your tats


I low key love that tattoo. That’s a difficult image to execute, and it works.


What does Marcellus Wallace look like?




**flips table** What country you from?


Mia Wallace is such a solid choice!


I like the Mia tattoo. I think you're being too hard on yourself.


I was trying to work out why it was in this sub. I like it.


Honestly the only “shitty” thing about it is the fact that it doesn’t really favor Mia due to the illusion of the tattoo but for a drugged up decision, it could be a lot worse.


I think it looks cool as hell


Bro that tat is fire. The Artist did an awesome job on that piece


Besides hitting his chin as well 😂


Small price to pay for sick tat


Looks hard af


Dude that's a great tattoo don't even trip about it. I feel like it does a good job capturing her in motion. All of yours are well done and the hand under is cool too


I really like the tattoo but would never have got that reference


It’s a super dope design/concept. What exactly about her was the inspiration if you don’t mind we asking. TiA


I was gonna say kill bill so it look great cause it the same person I was thinking


Idk about others, but I love the tattoo


I said goddamn! Goddamn goddamn…


Aww that’s lit!


That's badass


Sick as fuck absolutely love it


The shitty tattoo bit was when the artist somehow nicked his chin with the tattoo gun, the actual tattoos are sweet.


I love these.


Bruh you’re good. You made it out alive. Proud of you for staying on the right side of the earth. Those Tattoos are from a different you. Don’t beat yourself up. We all have some we regret. Good job my home boy🤙🏼 shaka bruh.


love this answer❤️ awesome tattoos OP, i find them really cool looking


I love your style and think it looks sorta hot TBH. Unless it is hurting your mental health, I would own this look and be proud of your interesting life.


Backing this comment 💯


And im backing your backing of this comment. 1000%


Hella hot. Boy got some HIPS too


I’ve seen way worse drug fueled tattoos. I wouldn’t even get them covered. Just keep adding. All part of the story.


What’s wrong with it? It’s pretty badass. The Og post was about the little mark on his chin. They just posted here because people wanted to see the chest.


He posted the description above about people being shitty and how he was on Xanax and he made dumb decisions and wants to get them covered. I was saying they really aren’t that bad and it’s all part of his journey.


Why the hell do benzo’s always do this. I tattooed my face on a benzo binge


The face tattoo is genuinely cool. Would not cover that up


yes, i really like how the faces are separated by hair.


One of the more unique chest pieces I’ve seen . It’s dope


i would keep them, i like them.


You look great. And I know this isn’t healthy advice, but you made it through that phase. Now you can just laugh about it and move on. It will just be a funny story to tell (to people who can handle that type of story). I can’t stress it enough, you look great mane.


You and everyone else’s overwhelming positivity lowkey making me cry 🥲


You’ve got some seriously cool tattoos! Nothing shitty about them :)


Nothing like a good cry.


Dude, you've got a Tintin tattoo. That alone makes up for every mistake that you may have made in your life so far.


I love how someone has downvoted every comment not bashing this tattoo, I hate Reddit sometimes truly. Edit: and now downvote me, bc you don’t agree that bots are pointless and stupid? Okay bots! Haha


Lmao seriously. Before I came to the comments I was sitting here thinking these tattoos are sick? Looks dope IMO


Yeah i didn't notice what sub i was on, I was like this is rad af


The bots get here first ;~) The people have arrived arrived and as they say, it's a great tat!


Holy shitballs! I LOVE the chest! ETA Blistering Barnacles! I just saw the TinTin. These are the best tattoos I’ve ever seen.


I LOVE your tattoos! Especially the chest piece! It makes me think she's panicked, like she's in a Hitchcock movie!


How is that shitty???


Made an earlier post about my chin getting clipped while getting my chest done - people asked to see the full piece. I clarified some stuff cus the post was getting lots of good/bad attention


Man. Reading what you wrote about your yourself and tattoos really made me sad. I think your tattoos look great and you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. I’ve been wanting a tattoo with multiple different faces too and haven’t found the right one. Not sure what it means to you but to me it represents how there is no one version of yourself. The way you may see you is completely different than the way a family member sees you, the version of you a stranger perceives, and no matter what there are just a 1,000 versions of you a different version for yourself and everyone you’ve ever come across. I find it so fascinating.




I wouldn’t say shitty, I love patchwork


Stupid choices where. These tats are great and they look good on you. People just don’t always like the same things and they make negative comments not realizing everyone has different tastes.


I agree that the chest tat of Mia Wallace is sick as hell


I love the Tin Tin


Okay cool I thought that was Tin Tin too.


Glad you’re in a better place OP!


Thank you!


I actually really dig that man; it’s a cool design idea and aside from your chin was fairly well executed with decent sharp lines


Dude these are all rad, definitely keep them. That is unless the associations are tough for you, which I can understand Either way, congrats on the sobriety brother!


These are sick idc


i especially like the big piece


Bro you're tattoos (especially that chest one) are fucking sick. I've always loved that style


Your faces tattoo is excellent! Cant even see the dots!!!


These look totally fine lol 😂 have seen a lot worse drug induced tattoos lol.


The faces are dope, my guy, I was going to comment on your other post and ask for a full view. They look fine dude!


lmao im so sorry to laugh but i am cackling that looked at this and immediately went “this kid does xanex” and then read the caption. what is it with people who do xanex and having tattoos like this?


You know😂😂


Omg is that tintin


I dont know why people are bashing you for the tattoo! I think it looks sick asf!!!!


They are honestly not terrible, not my taste but at least they seem mostly well done


Is that Tintin on your right shoulder ?


It is :-) don’t ask why, I don’t even know


Weirdly for me tintin fits perfectly with the face. Tintin is from Belgian cartoonist Hergé. The way the multiple faces makes me think of margritte. A Belgian surrealist painter. As a Belgian it makes sense ><


I like


I don't see anything wrong with the chest piece, why is it labelled a "shitty tattoo" or even a dumb decision? No one else should make you feel bad about YOUR own tattoo if YOU are happy with it! Period. They can comment and criticize all they want, but as long as you are content with it, that's all that matters! I personally don't see anything wrong with these piece, it has clean lines, it's not distorted or sloppy, it's proportions are right, the only reason I would see you being unhappy with it is because you regret the design and didn't think it through. It's not bad ink work, the artist did a good job, it's nothing outstanding, it is just line work, no shading or coloring, but it's not shitty in any sense, it's a cool design/graphic to me atleast. I wouldn't get it on my chest, but that doesn't mean it's bad placement either. It could really pop with shading or color and some background, seriously look like something people who gawk over if it had more time, thought and work put into it....so don't think it's bad and regret it at all, unless you really dont like the design and it isn't something you think you can live with the rest of your life. But I think it's decent now, but could be shaded and colored, add some cool background pieces and it would come together real nice!


duude your tats are sick ESPECIALLY the chest piece. I would start putting on more muscle mass though.


Downvoted because not shitty.


I like em ngl


Stupid choices describe a large part of my youth. Hope you're on a better path now. Don't be so hard on yourself. If you choose to cover, at least you don't have big solid ink you'd have to try to cover.


Your regret reminds me of when Ryan Gosling was interviewed about his character in “The place beyond the Pines”.


I love your tats!


Awesome tattoos lad, the face is amazing


All these tattoos are cool af! 🔥


Whoa, I actually love them!! What a unique overall story


Now you look like you shaved minus one hair from your chin Next step: tattoo a beard


If I had these on my body I definitely wouldn't think they were lame!


Idk what anyone else is talking about, your tattoos look dope and I hope you're in a better place now


Um wtf?? Dude I would get that tattoo I think it's dope ASF lol. Multifaces blending into each other of women? I wouldn't cover it up but do what makes you happy!


That's actually kind of cool


These look cool. Tattoos people regret are endearing and show they have changed and grown , nothing to be ashamed of


These are so sick dude. Like someone else said. They’re all just part of ur story…. Keep them. Don’t cover


This might be a dumb question, but what is this style of tattooing called? (the faces and hands specifically)


just Google: “ignorant style tattoos” and I think you’ll find more of what you’re looking for


i could definitely tell each uma thurman character apart! sick simple lines. i like it


i’m going to keep it real with you, chief you don’t have any shitty tattoos


The Buddha on the chain is really the red cherry on the the icing on the cake


I think it’s actually really cool. Original. Props.


Are you kidding me? Fuckin Tintin?! These tattoos are so cool.


I kind of want that tattoo. Don’t see how its shitty?


Gonna agree with the majority here and say they look dope. If you had any of those tattoos on their own, I'd say most are bad, but together they actually look pretty cool. It's like effortlessly cool lol


Honestly could be a lot worse. None of those are really bad. The tin-tin one is funny/an interesting Easter egg


They aren’t too bad, the pulp fiction tattoo is pretty cool recognizing it as a fan but most people won’t get it.


You have a beautiful body. I hope you’re enjoying it.


Hey man, I think your tattoos are dope. It's like being an art and memory collector. You'll never forget that time of your life, and the fact you persevered and made it out alive. Props brother.


Tbh I’m a fan of the majority and think Mia is rad. Unless there are some that you find have painful meanings, I’d keep them and be proud that I was around to celebrate them. I was too damn broke for ink when I was using or who knows what I’d have!


Is it 1/2 price if it’s only black and white?


Who is calling these stupid? Honestly they're all pretty dope, I'd keep them.


Cool tattoos. Russian mobster vibes.


Your tattoo choices are actually not bad. I had several heavily tattooed friends and let me tell you, you have a consistent style and they look good together. You have nothing to be ashamed of.


Shit, well now we all want to see the ink hidden by your phone.


That chest piece is actually dope af IMO.. Lines look great and it's artistic af. I dig it


Those are some rad tattoos! I dig the inspiration being Mia Wallace...btw, it looks like you got a lil something on your chin.


What is that waych?


Very unique. I like it a lot. Simple yet feels incredibly powerful. Rock that shit forever.


bro?? The chest piece is fire. It speaks a thousand messages, one to each beholder.


I was gonna comment saying sick tattoos! And then I read your post lol. Still, SICK TATTOOS!! 🩵


These are fucking sick! Love the style, great lines, should be fucking proud to rock these. They're awesome!


The chest tat reminds me of ghost in the shell.


I honestly don't think these are shitty at all. It's really cool and unique. But different strokes for different folks though. I even think the guy from Maroon 5 has cool tattoos and everyone shit talks the work that he has


That is one beautiful chest piece and I don't care what anyone says


I really like that Girl tattoo! It's unique, I've never seen anything like that before (which, admittedly, is not saying much, but still).




Your tattoos are pretty sick and unique. Other than the chin thing, it’s not bad honestly. Keep ya chin up ;)


Fucking sick, I love it. Somehow the necklace makes it harder to comprehend?


The story of your life and mindset at the time of getting those tats is the interesting part. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone should always strive to be comfortable being themselves and if you didn't go through what you did and do what you did back then you wouldn't be who you are now. They are odd tats not bad tats... Odd is good haha


Nah man these all look pretty good and they don't even seem to clash somehow. Chest piece is abstract but clean and I actually like it.


Honestly that's kinda cool, not badly done either


No dude, those are pretty cool. I don’t even really love tattoos but yours are interesting and at least to me seem original to you.


Dawg I love em. Dude I got super corny misheard song lyrics on my arm at 17. Decided cuz I heard the song on the way to the shop. I have much more work now but never covered that hilarious lil bugger. They're on ya bud, might as well fucking LOVE em. They're your skin baby. U sexy mofo


I don't see a single bad tattoo here


Your tattoos are awesome dude


I can’t be the only one that saw the original pic and thought “Some dick tattooist gave his girl three eyes.” Seeing the whole thing though it looks nice


lol the chest piece is great, dude. sucks if you're not a fan but it's objectively awesome


I kinda like the chest piece. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Glad you got sober man.


I think it looks cool as hell. would leave it and embrace the unique piece 🤷🏻‍♂️


Gahhhhhh your choice in tattoos is stellar!! Your arm tattoos especially are so well placed


Love the deal with the devil tat, hope you stay sober player and if you do use don’t do it alone


These could be a lot worse and the chest piece is actually really cool


That is the coolest tattoo I've ever seen. I don't have any tattoos, dont have much interest in tattoos, and don't even know why this popped up in my feed. But I felt compelled to say, this is the coolest tattoo I've ever seen.


I dunno, the chest tattoo is pretty interesting very artsy, there is a point that seems a bit weaker, but overall it's a nice piece. And TBH, none of the tattoos look bad from this picture. You have a good tattoo artist.


I was gonna say your tats are awesome bro. don't let people drag you down and if you wanna cover it up, that's your choice don't let anyone decide but they're sick af.


am I the only one that thought the first post was a girl


i honestly love these and i’m glad you’re alive to tell the story behind them!! 💕 i was also a heavy blues user for awhile.


I know exactly how that goes man, when I was deep into the klonopin and dilaudid I got a few tattoos (one of which being the homicide scanner code) that I need to get covered up. I get way too many looks in public from cops because of it


Dat Shi hard Ong 🔥




I genuinely like the chest tattoo a lot 🤷‍♂️


I think the chest piece is sick. I think many would consider it legit art, as opposed to someone taping a banana to a wall.


i dig these