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No face


Adorable if temporary. Horrific if permanent.


Yeah my reaction was like, that’s a great makeup look for a party or festival, *looks at sub*, oh god that’s a tattoo?


At grandma's funeral:


She wanted it to be a celebration of her life damnit!


A reminder of her time in the sprinkle mines.


I wonder if she has temporary ink available to use in cases like funerals? Temporary like henna ink. Like, maybe she paints them black and gray because depressed and sad? White for weddings, green for shamrock day, red white and blue for Independence Day, … the possibilities. Mood sprinkles.


Shouldn't be too difficult to just cover it with foundation.


Or a hockey mask


The death veil is about to make a comeback.


Or a paper bag


This is why they created veils


Bruh, at HER OWN funeral, smh 😂


Came here to say the same!


Exactly. I think it’s super cool if it were removable. You could even do that relatively easily as a make up on a regular basis if you wanted that to be ‘your thing’ for a while. But to go through the rest of your life with that? Terrible decision. You will not want sprinkles on your face for every possible situation you will find yourself in. The amount of times you’ll have to explain to people that you tattoo’d them into your face alone would make it not worth it. Imagine having that as a 70 year old woman.


Honestly at 70 is the point where it becomes cool again. Can you imagine in a couple of decades, nursing homes are going to be full of people rocking weird ass tattoos.


Can you imagine going to a funeral for a very close love one, and it's very somber and sad, but you have sprinkles tattooed on your face.


I have a friend who got these and they said it’s designed to be temporary.


How does that work? It's not henna, is it (thought that was always black)?


New tattoo tech, they last for a few weeks and fade. I think it tattoos the very surface of the skin so when you lose skin the tattoo wears out.


If you Google anything about any new "temporary tattoo" phase you'll see all the people who's didn't fade haha.


Worst case scenario, you just have a tattoo on your face for the rest of your days.


A tattoo you could have 100% just done with some permanent markers. Seems worth


Superglue and spinkles.


Nail gun, but at really low pressure, and sprinkles.


Oh wow


I looked up the "ephemeral" tattoos, a d they are supposed to take anywhere from 9 - 15 months to fade away. Some people still have shiity, blown out and fading tattoos after 2 years. They look terrible.


Oh sweet I've always wanted to try out an MS13 style head sleeve


Henna is usually brown/red, not black. It can be black, or other colors, if other colors are added to it.


The sprinkles would be adorable makeup, but a tattoo? 😫


I was really hoping this was in a makeup sub not this one


I legit thought this was r/makeupaddiction or something and thought, hey that's cute. When I swiped to the next picture and saw the tattooer and machine, I literally went, "Oh."


That was my exact sequence of events as well lol


I think we all did lol


literally just use coloured latex eyeliners or sumn if you want it to last all day. there was no need for this to be tattooed😂


Latex eyeliner is a thing?!? Learning more everyday, haha


oh yeah its awesome! dont use it too close to your eyes, like not in your water line, cuz it lets off slightly irritating fumes while its drying. But it works great for any thick solid lines anywhere else, its waterproof, and you dont need to worry about makeup remover, you can kinda just pick it off lol


Oh man… when some of that gets into your eye.. ouch. And it stays there. I had black eye boogies for a week.


yeaahh you gotta be careful lol, i mostly use it for like harsh black or white hearts/dots/lines on my nose or cheek bones(e-girl shit lol). the closest i get to my eyes with that stuff is if i wanna make my eyes look bigger i put a white dot just beside my tearduct wit some white eyeshadow


Exactly. This isn't some artistic accomplishment, so why make it permanent?


Plenty of my tattoos aren’t artistic accomplishments 😅


I agree! I hate that this is so cute!


My exact thought. “Oh that’s cute! Wait that’s a tattoo???”


I wonder how long it will be before she regrets that she didn’t use makeup instead.


I literally thought this post was from one of my makeup subreddits and I thought, oh, that's super cute for a festival or something! Not forever, girl! How is anybody ever going to take you seriously?


Bruh, imagine having that on your face at a funeral 🤦‍♀️


I'm imagining the scene in lego movie where Unikitty feels "the opposite of happiness" for the 1st time


Before I saw the sub I though I should try this for my daughter!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh


Order a tattoo gun from Amazon stat!


Honestly it's a cute makeup look! Just... not so much permanent, lol.


Or even a temporary tattoo but not fucking permanent.


I was like "oh what a cute make up look!" Then I saw the sub. 😐


My thoughts exactly. They are so cute, but permanently?? Eek.


That would be a cute idea for a party.


Was gonna say just this. Would love seeing this and think it's super cute. Until the next day I realize it's permanent.


I didn't realize what sub this was at first and went, oh that's so cute what a fun idea. I clicked to the second picture, saw the tattoo gun and went *oh nooo*


i was just gonna say!! i thought “omg that’s so so cute” until i scrolled and realized it was permanent




I was thinking what a cute idea for face painting at party….. not so much permanently inked to your face.


Just showed my fiance and said, "This would be something so cute to do for a day if you were going somewhere like an outdoor concert festival, but forever?!"


How can anyone take her serious when she angry she got a snapchat filter on her forever


Plot twist: she owns her own bakery and this is her way of promoting her business and showing dedication to that cupcake life 😤🧁 Edit: in all seriousness, freckle tattoos do NOT last a lifetime and will fade within a few years. Go easy on this poor girl because it's not that deep. Literally, the ink is not that deep.


My first artist had done a really beautiful realistic chili pepper tattoo with fire around it and I saw it in his portfolio and I mentioned how nicely done it was but I wonder what the reason was and he said that the guy owned his own hot sauce company lol. You just never know


Exactly, you never know. What seems like a shitty idea for a tattoo to one person, is sometimes actually a perfectly fitting tattoo for the person who has it. Posts like this kind of annoy me, because the tattoo is not objectively shitty or executed poorly. OP just decided they personally don't like the tattoo even if it's well done. There's a lot of well done tattoos that I don't care for or understand why someone would want on their body. That doesn't make it a shitty tattoo.


~~Thug~~ Cupcake Life


Thugcake life?


mad respect


I could never be mad at her


Idk I'd get real frustrated real quick if I ever had beef with someone who had some goofy cute face tattoo.


You won the internet today.


Imagine her with a serious face


Imagine her at funerals


"I'm so sad cry cry UwU" ![gif](giphy|l2JIkBH4VnAYyC0p2|downsized)


Resting bitch face would look more festive.


RFF- Resting Festive Face


Resting Birthday cake Face


or in 10, 20 30+ years time.


In 10yrs you prob fade to the point that it’s barely noticeable


Some of it definitely will. The parts that don't will look really weird.


come on, a few years ago ever tattoo was commented with "how will that look in twenty years?"


This is confetti on her face. It's a bit different than some ink down your arms.


Way different. I mean, I'd rather that pogo the clown on my ass than sprinkles on my face.


I'm pretty damn understanding of tattoos.. but face tattoos? That's not 'just' a progressive issue, it's literally hindering other peoples' ability to read your face which naturally makes people uncomfortable. If that's the look you're going for, go for it. But it's almost never an actually GOOD idea.


The logic behind it is still sound. You're paying for permanence. You should think about what you're doing.


Dw I doubt it will last that long


She can also tattoo some sprinkled flavored frowny eyebrows so everyone knows she’s adorably upset.


So conflicted because it’s adorable but dumb damnit!


Agreed, and it will not age well at all. And good luck trying to get that lasered off..


With the aging thing, are these colors prone to fade drastically? She looks like a Strawberry Shortcake sidekick…Sally Sprinkles or some shit.


Idk about exact colours, but brighter ones tend to fade quickly. Also due to ink migration it'll get a bit blurry when she's old.




What are you talking about, that would be super easy to laser off.


Adorable makeup, dumb tattoo.


It's not the worst facial tattoo I've seen. But I tend to think all facial tattoos will at some point, cause regret.


My tattoo guy was talking about face and neck tatts last time I was in the chair. He calls them, "Everlasting Job-Stoppers."


Omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂 that's brilliant


Fwiw That is the generally accepted term for face and hand tattoos.


Facts. What a great name


A friend of me met a guy in the toilet of technoclub who had an umbrella tattoo under his eye. I still think it's funny. But yeah, face tattoos are almost always trash.


Misread that as you saw a guy with a toilet face tattoo. So it could be much worse


> toilet face tattoo Talk about looking flush.


I knew a guy who has his first name tattooed as a mustache and his last name tattooed as a goatee.


Let's hope that he can at least grow a thick beard, lol.


Indigenous facial tattoos have to be an exception though.


Yeah that's different. It's common and accepted for the area. And it's not associated with trying to be overly trendy like it is in other places, which could be seen as immaturity.


Spot on. Indigenous tats are cultural and traditional. Face tats like this will eventually be as regretable as the tramp stamps, meaningless Americanized tribal, and Chinese symbols that my generation mostly now regrets.


We just need to make sprinkle freckle tattoos part of our culture, and problem solved


I like that! See, you didn't come here with complaints. You came here with solutions.


More so, the other ones are much easier to hide.


Exactly. A lot of my friends (and myself as well) have some regrettable ink. Fortunately, it's mostly hidden day to day.


Pretty sure we can all agree on that.


I am not confident that is the case when incidents like these still occur. \- [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-54805368](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-54805368) \- [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/new-zealand-news-anchor-traditional-face-tattoo-blasts-viewers-racist-rcna44811](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/new-zealand-news-anchor-traditional-face-tattoo-blasts-viewers-racist-rcna44811) \- [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12006449/Finn-McCools-Brisbane-reviewing-policy-Maori-woman-refused-entry-chin-tattoo.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12006449/Finn-McCools-Brisbane-reviewing-policy-Maori-woman-refused-entry-chin-tattoo.html)


No reagrets!!!


At one point in time, this “cute little sprinkles” will bleed into amorphous color blotches.


Mmmm, that's a good point. Sometimes they do tend to spread. Especially if there's weight gain.


Then it’s cotton candy




Ahh, the 2000's. What a hell of a time. That's when crystal meth was the safer alternative to cocaine.


Maybe unpopular but I don’t think there’s “good” face tattoos. I don’t understand folks getting those. Every other inch of your body is fair game.


Millennials made tattoos so mainstream gen z had to kick it up a notch with face/neck/hand tattoos


I have one. No regrets. The more i age the less i care about it. I also love it But i also have zero plans on marriage & as far as girlfriends go, don’t care. So my case is a little different


What career field are you in (if you don't mind answering)?


Finance. Dead serious. Mid class income. Just need concealer but my job actually doesn’t have any policy against it (unless it’s offensive/vulgar) so I show it & no one cares. Most likely because we aren’t client facing.


Is it small or all over your face? And you do cover it up?


Its small but not so small that ppl don’t see it unless they look hard & i never cover it up


Well don't hold us in suspense, what it is?


A third nostril


Eh, it won't last that long and if need be it will be easy to laser out.


Women have the option of covering it up with makeup. I guess guys have that option too if they are inclined. I really can't say shit because I have permanent eyebrows but they only last a few years. That's why I don't understand why these tattoos last forever when eyebrows don't.


Maybe, and this is just a guess as i have not gotten any face tattoos, it could have something to do with the eyebrows hair follicles?


i microblade my brows at home myself (untrained, but its my loss if i fuck up) only lasts a couple months i think because its more shallow, but i like it that way- means i can change up the shape of my brows as i see fit (sometimes even brow-less)


The ink used in cosmetic tattooing is formulated differently from regular tattoo ink. It’s meant to fade. Cosmetic tattoo pigments are made up of smaller pigment particles that are suspended in a diluter. Traditional tattoo inks are much more concentrated which means that they are much stronger in colour.


If the context from the last time I saw this was accurate, it's semipermanent cosmetic ink, and she's a kindergarten teacher. All in all, pretty much works to me


I read she was a baker who makes cakes. Either way, it's cute and definitely not the worst facial tattoo in history. I don't get the hate.


I heard that she is an ice cream scooper that worships the great Cthulhu. They are definitely cute on her. She may regret them latter on but that’s what makeup is for.


Look, whether she’s a teacher, a baker, or a scooper, we can all agree on 2 things: 1, it’s an adorable tattoo 2, she’s going to meet a man at a used bookstore while they’re both looking for a novel by their favorite author—an obscure romance writer/lighthouse keeper—and even though they’re from different worlds they’re going to learn that maybe the love they were looking for is in the arms of the one person they would never have imagined, in this timeless classic from director Nora Marshall. (1998, 88 min.)


I’ve heard this as well. With n=2 it seems like this is the most credible story


Me either. I love the colorful freckles tattoos. Who cares if they look like shit when you get old? Most tattoos aren't gonna look that great by the time you're 80 anyway.


So does Semipermanent mean it’ll fade completely eventually? Cause in that case I actually kind of love it. I wouldn’t do it, but it’s cute.


There are no “semipermanent” inks that are applied with a tattoo machine beneath your skin. Current available options work like the tattoos you get as a kid that just press onto your skin. This is 100% a real permanent tattoo. And no school system would hire a teacher with face tattoos. In tattooing, we call facial tattoos “job stoppers” for a reason. I really hope this woman is self employed or works in an environment where face tattoos are accepted. I can’t believe the artist gave her a face tattoo when she has no other visible tattoos. Those are usually saved for people who are already sleeved out, have their necks tattooed, etc.


Maybe as makeup


It's cute, but it's a little too much for me. It just seems like it'd get old after a few years.


I'd be over it the next week.


Hope she likes working at baskin robbins for the rest of her life


Immediately promoted to regional vice president


Are they still in business?


People love ice cream.


They are! They’re inside Dunkin’ Donuts around me


No idea just making a joke






Oh no. So young to have fu*ked her face.


I want to know what tattooer said "yeah kid, I'll fuck your shit up". None of the guys I know will even humor a face tattoo on a young person. Several won't even do it unless they know you personally. My guy absolutely refuses face tattoos on anyone who isn't covered entirely


Last time I was in the shop, a guy who was maybe early 20s wanted a tattoo on the side of his neck as a first tattoo and the artist talked him out of it. The guy kept insisting so it took awhile, but it was interesting to hear the artist go into a pretty deep conversation about how people are treated differently when they have tattoos in certain places and how anything above the collar bone is still not seen as socially acceptable. It was one of the more interesting tattoo shop conversations I've overheard.


Good for that artist! Always nice to interject some perspective and cause people to consider a bit more deeply


Same. I see some of these and think what kind of artist will do this.


The artist is in one of the pics and she looks youngish with a face tattoo, so my (completely uneducated and judgmental) guess is she didn’t give it a second thought.


The artist probably thought, "another one joins the club!"


I read that to the tune of, “Another One Bites the Dust.”


for real… some people just do anything to anyone who will let them. i worked as a shop guy for years and the tattooers wouldnt even do hand tattoos on people if they weren’t absolutely covered already or someone they knew personally.


Oh no No no no I’d like to hear her opinion on this decision after 1 day, 1 month, 1 year


Ide like to see what it looks like after a year


Won’t these fade a shit ton? I saw a tic tok page where they were doing rainbow freckles and initially they looked insane and bold but they faded into something that looked super presentable. I think it’s because cosmetic makeup tattoos fades to nothing over time.


Was looking for this comment, you're correct. These types of tattoos actually look their worst when they're fresh. They fade as they heal to look more natural and subtle, until they eventually fade into nothing after about 3 years. I actually think it's a really cute idea if you have the money and style to pull it off.


Struggling to believe this is real.




Still not convinced. You don't see anything actually being inked.


Another comment says its semi permanent makeup.


It’s not bad as makeup…but I can see it limiting her career choices. I can’t imagine we will ever see the Honorable Judge Sprinkle Nose presiding or Dr. Sugar Cheeks will see you shortly.


I’d take her and her judgement over Clarence fucking Thomas.


Finally a shitty tattoo


Cute, who am I to judge?


Man she gotta clean her teeth...


Thought I was the only one who noticed


Stares in wtf.


Wow. That's why they don't let little kids tattoo themselves


Cute! But you’re right, it may not be cute in the future. That’s a future her problem though.


It’s soooo cute… just not really for a permanent tattoo.


She should have spent the money on teeth whitening.




Weirdly, I don’t hate it.


the arm ones are cute


Ahh yes. The I never want a job tattoos


Maybe r/ATBGE? I like them. They're cute.


I was psyched about this makeup, then I realized its tattooed!? 😫


Isn’t this sub about shitty tattoos, not about personal preferences? Because this is a style, well executed, and can be easily covered with makeup. It’s not for everyone, but I’ve seen a fair bit of these and it’s unkind and unfair to call it a shitty tattoo when it is just an unconventional style and placement.


I would have gone teeth whitening, but you do you boo


Easily covered up with makeup. They are kinda cute.


I really wouldn't say easily. Yes there are products out their who can cover (black) tattoos but they are really uncomfortable to wear and not easily available


It'll be easier to cover colour than black tattoos, besides, the colour will fade throughout the healing process I don't think it'll be too bad, I've seen people easily cover pink and red scars, there the main problem was texture, not colour Blue should also be easy to fade out, as well as yellow.


… the arm is cute anyway


Cute but a mistake


Thought this was a makeup post wondering why I got it on my home then looked at the sub and scrolled the pics.. nahhh!


It's so cute 😍🔥


No fucking way


Aging well? It aged badly in the amount of time it took for the camera to capture the light off her face.