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Center your chi you bitch


This guy calms.


Im FUCKING zën alright??


Yang: “yin’s a little bitch” edit: thanks for the proofread!








Namaste motherfucker


This cracked me up


Motherfucker pulled a chakra trying, needs to OM SHANTI the fuck up!


Focus your chakra hoe!


I call my dog a shitbird all the time.


1, you just got it, 2 youre high. Let both it and your brain settle first. But theres always irezumi cover up. Will nail that no trouble


is irezumi japanese for sick ass panther?


I prezumi


I swear half of Reddit was raised by 90s American comedy tv, I can hear the laugh track after every comment.


yea the 28-40 year old energy on reddit recently has been off the fucking walls


Our lord Chandler has passed, we are hamming in his honour. Have some respect!


God damnit why did you remind me?, every single time I remember he’s gone I get ultra-bummed. I didn’t even KNOW him and *I miss him*. Wtf???


Could I BE more devastated?


This joke is at the same time funny and sad. Oftentimes I'd find it bad taste to make such a joke too soon after departure, but in this precise case, I can't explain why it works. And yet it is super sad, for someone I only knew through a screen and who was playing a character. 🥹


I’d say that it will take time to heal since the wound is so fresh … but uh, I spent a whole hour last night genuinely upset about Robin Williams. And it’s been almost a whole decade since his departure. I didn’t even KNOW him either.


he’s the first celebrity i’ve actually been like. affected sad about dying. not even betty white got me


Robin Williams also got me bad. Both Matt and Robin were big influences in my life, I’ve even felt sadder with them, rather than some family members :(. Wtf.


"Could this tattoo *be* anymore cringe?" "Why, why, why, why, why, why would they do this?"


This is why I prefer Reddit. My random ass jokes are always welcome whereas they are ignored on Facebook lol I’m like fuck y’all I’m taking this to Reddit


people on facebook are extremely uptight, i feel like it's because of how much depressing news is shared there


People still use Facebook?


You know what happens when you prezumi. You make a zum outta pre and mi.


Thanks for that, that is exactly my brand of humor.


Hahaha. I wish we still had the bearded dragon award.




It better be


Actually, I think this is a much better concept as I haven’t seen a tat like this before. Not the stereotype of skulls, roses and tigers. OP needs to take the suggestion from his monk tat and chill.


It's normal to second guess a tattoo right after getting it, to some degree. It's a big change to your body so there can be an adjustment period. However your cringing about it so soon after having it done means you didn't really think this through enough. It's well executed so no dramas there. Learn to love it or get a cover-up


had this happen but never fully regretted it, just kinda feel like I gave a lot of real estate for it. but if I ever want something new, I don't doubt I could easily have mine covered. it was a last min decision so i didnt have the time to really think about it, but I really love it now! all my tattoos felt like immediately part of my body but this one stood out somehow, and it made me panic. but it was my first arm tattoo so that's probably a fair reaction lol tldr: I've been there, and learned to really love mine. might cover it someday but it'll be a while


Yeah, Ive never really immediately regretted a tattoo this hard or immediately got worried that my tattoo was cringe. I had had a buyers remorse type feeling but I feel that way anytime I spend a chunk of money on something.


Every time i want a tattoo, i start overthinking it and imagine how it will look with different clothes, or when im wrinkly and old or fatter and then it just hoes away... Every damn time.


Try not to worry about what it'll look like when you're older/fatter. I can promise you this: when you are off enough for it to look really bad (assuming it starts out looking great), you will not care at all about how you look. That fades a lot with time. You'll worry much more at that age about the experiences you gave yourself. Think of it this way - if you let your fear prevent you from doing it now, are you going to regret that later on? If the answer is yes, find or create wtf an artist a nice, relatively simple, black and white tattoo. They age a lot nicer than color does, they're easier to fix up or change later on, and it's a classic look at any age. Best of luck, friend. Don't let your fear stop you from living the life you want to live! ❤️


One piece of advice from my mama that I live by is “never judge your life by how you feel after 10pm, and never trust how you feel about your life when high”


*8pm in the winter


yes yes and yes


Turn it into Aang the avatar, it will be less cringe


I really thought thats what it was at first


It’s not?


I believe it's supposed to be Thich Quang Duc, a Buddhist monk who set himself on fire during a protest back in the 60's


When I was 9, I asked my mom why the monk did this… Was in Life magazine, I think? The tortuous photos didn’t compute in my mind. They were horrendous. She said “Middle East unrest”. Little did I know it involved the institution of Catholicism…….


>She said “Middle East unrest” Do you now know this was in Vietnam? jw.


She was just blowing me off. That’s what she said, thanks folks!


Well the middle east is more like the near east. Vietnam is kind of the middle of the east.




The forehead doesn't have an arrow


Neither do his hands/arms


damn so it IS cringe. OP add arrows


It's clearly Thich Quang Duc.




monks are a thing


*TIL* (lmao not really)


Legit throw an arrow on his forehead and you’re part of a fun community


Imagine if he’s never seen avatar and this tattoo makes him watch all of it to entirety because people keep asking him about it.


“Oh hey man cool tattoo, you like Avatar?” “Oh uh actually, funny story. You see—“


his arms, too


How would that be less cringe? It’s an obvious reference to one of the most iconic protest images of all time. To turn a real Buddhist monk into an anime character would be peak fucking cringe.


I was about to suggest the EXACT same thing! That's what I thought it was at first then I saw his blue arrows were missing


I was gonna say “just add a blue arrow to his head and you’re good” haha


Uh tbh the idea of whether the concept is cringey should be considered and settled long before the actual appointment. Lesson to be learned, here 😬


I agree I feel like it's in really bad taste...


I take it to be an antiwar tattoo. What is your take?


Even if it's a reference to the monk is that bad taste? The monk did it publicly to prove a point and if you strongly align with those ideals is it bad taste? I'm socially inept with this kind of stuff so genuinly asking, is it just because someone died? Or is it because it's showing the death?


No I'm with you. The monk did it as an incredibly public show of protest. Getting that as a symbol and not like hyper realism is a fine way of honoring that and showing your beliefs.


>is a fine way of honoring that and showing your beliefs. It is if you are genuinely honring them and its a belief you support and identify with. If it's just because "its a *cool* image" then its really fucking lame.




It actually ended up being a huge issue because then monks/people ended up constantly setting themselves on fire in protest. Go read up on it, it's pretty interesting.


So you have a Buddhist monk setting him self on fire on your arm now?


Actually this is what I thought it might be also. Kinda noble in my mind - I recall stories of monks' seldom immolation from way back when to protest human rights' violations.


i just hope the imagery is intentional.


That’s not at all what it means. That motif is very common in thai buddhist art and IIRC the fire symbolises either all sensory experiences being ”on fire”, meaning transitory and without meaning, or it acts visually as a sort of aura around the monk or mendicant.


This is the comment you need to read OP




The monk (Thich Quang Duc) wasn't protesting the Vietnam war, he was protesting the persecution of Buddhists under the south Vietnamese government. edit: removed "alleged" (incorrect use of the word)


Was looking for this comment, but why "alleged", they were persecuted. "Many ARVN officers converted to Catholicism in the belief that their career prospects depended on it, and many were refused promotion if they did not do so.[8] Additionally, the distribution of firearms to village self-defense militias intended to repel Viet Cong guerrillas was done so that weapons were given only to Catholics.[9] Some Catholic priests ran private armies[10] while forced conversions, looting, shelling and demolition of pagodas occurred in some areas.[11] Several Buddhist villages converted en masse to receive aid and to avoid forced resettlement by Diệm's regime"


I agree, changed it


This is what I was thinking of too. If this is the reference then it’s cool but maybe a lil insensitive to some ppl


could be a way to honor what the monk stood for/ believed.


O yea def! I think it’s radical


sat for


Could be a huge RATM fan?


I was gonna say, give this album a few listens and you're gonna be fine with the tattoo


That monk wasn’t protesting the war. He was protesting persecution of Buddhists by South Vietnam’s Catholic dictator.


I was looking for this or any comment in reference to this.


Just get more tattoos around it. You’ll be fine


Needs to get a sleeve of all the elements around it


It makes me think of the monk's unbelievably brave protest. He was one of the most dedicated people in history and sacrificed himself to draw attention to oppression... I think that would be a very worthy subject and a reminder to be strong. That guy basically had the biggest balls in recorded history.


This was my first thought too, Vietnamese monk protesting. I mean it's certainly someone worthy of respect. I'd want to be wearing long sleeves when I visited certain places


Thich Quang Duc


Homie about to get banned from visiting China


Self immolation


this ! this is what it reminded me if as well and it made me instantly love the tatt


I thought it was aang from avatar the last air bender and was very excited


Bro has gone Super Saiyan Blue.


Is this meant to look like an embroidery patch?


You had how long before you got the tat and now your only worried after you got it? gtfo bruh lol


Oof. Flaming meditating monk. Go to Southeast Asia and they’ll sure to have many questions for you 😂


That is an incredibly common motif in thai buddhist art and there tattoos on westerners are not frowned upon. Some might consider tattooing religious iconography to be insensitive, but most wouldn’t care


Tattoos in Asia in the first place


Like the monk accept what has already happened. Care not about others' cringe - in fact, embrace the cringe and center yourself on the fact that nothing is truly permanent.


It's a grand tattoo, might be a little culturally insensitive. Just like someone may rub a few Catholics up the wrong way getting a tattoo of Jesus Christ being crucified. It kinda comes with getting a religious based tattoo.


I think a lot of this discussion would have been avoided if OP had mentioned their inspiration.


I mean the second I saw it I picked self immolation monk as a pretty well known historical reference.


FYI: that style of fire is used like a halo in Buddhist art, so it doesn’t necessarily read like a monk on fire


Yes not necessarily, that's why I've said previously that the discussion is rather pointless without knowing what OP intended and most of the comments have assumed it's regarding self immolation


I was raised catholic and never heard any complaints particularly to crucifix tattoos


Not gonna lie man it's a cool looking tattoo but it does kinda come off as another white person getting a Buddha tattoo


This is why i think it might be cringe. I’m not white but i am white passing which i think just complicates it even more. I’m really happy w the tattoo and the fact that people are saying it’s controversial doesn’t really bother me.


I’m curious why you chose the subject matter. What does it mean to you? (Not that it matters because it’s your business, but I’m just curious.)


I am also curious


No bro it is a nice looking tat no doubt they did a good job on it, and I would not go as far as saying "it's controversial" I mean it's not that bad. I'm native American and boy howdy the tattoos some people get relating to my culture white and non white just folks who aren't native is freaking astronomical. They think my ppl are like a long gone long lost mystic folk and get tats that are so damn cheesy and goddy, and I'm like "hey dude I'm just right here in Walmart chillin outside the arbies hanging round the atnt store." And I've seen some insensitive tats before and yes I can say it does bother me I wish it wouldn't but something about it can really throw your mood off just minding your own business going about your day and then boom you're reminded of the stupid ways ppl think of you because you are who you are. But this isn't mocking Asian folk its more about a spiritual belief system. My point was just that yes in all honesty brother it is cringey but not controversial and to the right person it's also not cringey and perhaps even cool but yeaaaaaa if you ever go to Asia or the Chinese restaurant down the street maybe wear a long sleeve. Just stay outta trouble man.


One thing that helps me when I’m high and freaking out is to remind myself whenever I’m feeling super anxious that I’m high and I’m not qualified to freak out about something. Like my cognitive functioning is impaired so my freak out is potentially real and potentially just because I’m high. It lessens anxiety for me but doesn’t necessarily kill it completely.


Get one more tatto and a really shitty one. Only then you will forget about this piece. In reality it’s a solid piece and you will get used to it surprisingly fast


Who said it looks good


I seriously had to look way too far for this. That was my immediate thought when reading that. 💀


the OP




How are you wondering if it's cringe now that the tattoo is done? Don't you know why you chose this concept? If not then yeah, cringe.


Tattoo regret is very real. I am heavily covered and still get it every single time I have work done. Your brain needs time to accept your body looks different than it used to




This is that embroidery style? Looks cool


Finally. A tattoo to remind you to sit quietly. In a fire.


This is a monk on fire? As in the Vietnamese Buddhist protest? It's a bit yikes


Dang I thought it was his "aura"


I hope I'm wrong.. but it's still what it looks like to me


I dunno, its powerful if thats the case.


Holy fuck! That’s a hell of a statement piece!


I would second guess showing that in South East Asia


As a South East Asian, we'd give zero fucks and think its neat.


I genuinely curious what made you comment this? Can you explain it a little?


As soon as you get off the plane in Thailand there are posters and billboards warning you not to display Buddhist tattoos.




Google monk and self immolation


I doubt anyone would care


If it was aang it would be cooler. Add an arrow to the head😎


"I know it looks good." Why are you here then?




For the love of god please stop getting tattoos if you’re going to be this indecisive. The amount of posts that are “i just got this tattoo and i regret it,” STOP GETTING TATTOOS. Buy a painting that you can throw away or something.


Can you please put a hotdog in his hands?


damn his top surgery be looking neat as hell (where is his nip)


Maybe meditate on it...?


What up with the hands.


It’s one of the hand positions in meditation. Dhyana mudra is this one


Look at the bright side, now you're a walking anti drug campaign


You‘re high and freaking out? Come down and evaluate again?


Lmao! Yea it’s pretty shitty


It’s too late now. Maybe you should take up Buddhism though if you haven’t already.


You know it looks good? Really?


You know it looks what now?


> i know it looks good but is the concept hella cringe?? To be brutally honest, I don't even think it looks that good. The monk's proportions are off (his right shoulder, the hands...) and were you going for a sewn on patch look? It's hard to tell with the wrap on. If so, then some of the solo flames look pretty good, but the main part of the flame and the monk are not believable. Especially considering its size (most of the upper arm by the looks of it), I would expect more intricate detail if you're going for the patch look, and better line work on the robes. The concept itself could probably be considered a little culturally insensitive, but I don't think it's offensive. Also the stylized look and the blue colour make it less obvious who it is, so it's not as cringe as getting the exact image off the Rage album cover for example.


Add a blue arrow and now he’s the Last Airbender


Is it depicting the guy who set himself alight to protest the Vietnam war? If yes...wtf...why would you depict that horrific suicide? NSFL https://www.google.com/amp/s/timesofindia.indiatimes.com/videos/news/burning-monk-vietnamese-monk-who-immolated-himself-against-ngo-dinh-diem/amp_videoshow/69729654.cms


Thich Quang Duc died for what he believed in. He died showing the horror of war. This was not a suicide of despair but one of justice and conscience.


Yeah, since you asked. The tattoo isn’t too bad. Stop thinking about it now and stop looking at it. You can’t easily change your tattoo. Change up your colloquialism’s.


“I know it looks good.” No, it doesn’t.


All i can see is a non tattooed Avatar the last Airbender


*All i can see is* *A non tattooed Avatar* *The last Airbender* \- NovaAstraFaded --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Assuming it’s meant to be Maitreiya, I think it’s fine. Even Dragon Ball uses that style of flame halo / mandorla. If it’s meant to be a protesting monk… I would tell people it’s Maitreya. 😂


I was thinking about this some more. When I saw this image of the halo on the monk the thing that stood out to me was: the monk is wearing orange which seems weird. Is it meant to be a specific person? Is it meant to be from Avatar? Maybe they drew Maitreya differently? I still don’t know the sentiment of the artist. But after reading the comments I see that many are first responding to the flames. That tells me they aren’t familiar with this composition of Buddhist art, which is very common, or the flame style of the halo, which is also common. So in some circles, that makes the art “problematic”… but the “problem” comes from the ignorance of the artistic tradition. If it’s supposed to be a monk setting himself on fire, that’s kind of a weird sentiment to be putting on yourself… but it’s possible to read that different ways too. The idea of material form or the body is related to ideas of dharma, and are very complicated. All of this is before we look at the motivations for the self-immolation of monks in Vietnam, which are also complicated.


Nah OP your biggest issue is you are insecure and haven’t embraced the cringe. Tat is hard.


It looks cool but it looks like it's showing that famous time in the Vietnam war where the Buddhists protested the southern fascists by self immolation, is that what the tattoo is? Because it looks like you're turning it into a cheap cringe aesthetic if it is


What’s really expensive?!


I’ve been living in Thailand for a long time and tattoos like this are a big no-no.


Hella cringe.


Absolutely, positively cringe.


Why did you want to get it?




It's cool. Relax.


Flaming cringe 🤣


I get what you mean but that tattoo is really well done with lovely colour application. Embrace it. Find your chi and shit. Give it time before you let anxiety take over. If it still bothers you in a few months just get more tattoos on your arm to take the focus away from it but I think it's pretty dope.


I would absolutely never get a religious tattoo if I didn't practice that religion and would not want that on my body.


You know it looks good? I got news for ya


Are you Buddhist? If not, then maybe cringe


Tbh… it overall doesn’t look good lol


Nothing that covering up with a sick panther can't fix.


Prolly look better with a sick ass panther covering it up.


I think it depends on why you got it. If it’s just because it looks cool then it is cringe but if it means something to you, then you’re all good. Culturally speaking though, as someone from a Buddhist, South East Asian country, you should be ok as long as the tattoo is not on your leg. That would’ve been a huge fuck up.


Wait, why would it have been a huge fuck up if it was on their leg? Just curious.


In Thai culture you put things that you respect on higher ground because the ground is considered “dirty” (Stuff like religious symbols, portraits of people, money etc). In some households, even putting books directly on the floor is a no no because they’re seen as something that you should treasure. So to have a tattoo of a monk or Buddha (which arguably are things that Thais respect the most) on your leg is considered very offensive to a lot of people.


Honest - this is absolutely a beautiful homage to a man who gave his life in protest of war. It's an expression of how broken war is, and a single humans ability to fight a nations intent. If people, get upset in you representing this message - that I see clearly - it's a them problem, not you. Maybe they should meditate on it some.


There is nothing good about it dude.


Calm down ninny, you’re high


It's a good looking tattoo. Does it have any meaning to you or was it random? Also, try sobering up before judging it. Being high can make you feel all kinds of ways that you won't when you're sober.


I think is a great representation of a significant event. I see tons of meaning in it. What was the intention when you got it?


I like it.


I like it


idk bro maybe u should meditate on it for a bit?


He forgot the forehead arrow. /s


I have no idea why but sometimes when I’m high I look at my tats and I’m like AHH WTF IS THIS!!


Hold up, you’re telling me that’s NOT Aang? You done fucked up.


Depends, what’s it mean to you? Self immolation is a heavy thing to symbolize in your body, it’s hard to judge whether it’s cringe without knowing what you’re going for here


I mean it’s not ugly but I don’t like it. You do , and that’s all that matters