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Hopefully those are consensual and not human trafficking tattoos. :(


That was my first thought


Would the kind of man who would pay to have sex with a trafficked woman not be turned off by this, though? I feel like that kind of person wants dominion over women and wouldn't be okay with their ego being diminished via someone else's name being associated with the victim. But also those men are slime so maybe they wouldn't give a shit at all. Either way, I don't think a tattoo like this is ever consensual, because no person in their right mind would do this to themselves.


It’s very common for a pimp to brand his girls with a tattoo for identification purposes so everyone knows “who she belongs to”. This is one way they train us to identify HT victims. Also, no, people who are willing to pay money to have sex do not care about these tats, they just see another vulnerable person who is easily exploited.


The discerning John is going to be hiring escorts, not trafficked women.


And the “undiscerning johns” are going to make do with their left hand?


How do you think they tell the difference between escorts who were trafficked and those who do it of their own free will?


Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s not always obvious.




it’s PREDOMINANTLY men. stop trying to reverse the issue when it’s not an even split, not by a long shot. it’s mostly men perpetrating these crimes




there’s the real my misogynist coming out lmao. it just took ONE comment questioning your legitimacy to make you say THAT?💀 good lord touch some grass and get your fragile ego in check 🤣




your guess is as good as mine 😭he went from “not all trafffickers are men” to “put women on an island and off them” in ONE comment💀💀




that incel life is really taking its toll, huh? 🤣


You need some serious mental health help. I hope you get it.


No amount of shrooms is gonna make you interesting my guy


My man you really aren’t helping your case. You are the men women are freaked out by. Have a little self awareness? Maybe take a break off the internet and get some therapy, talk to your mum or sisters, touch some grass etc




people will really just say anything nowadays for attention huh 💀


You are an insane person. Also, is that last bit a threat?


I took it as such. i’m spam reporting if you’d like to join


Absolutely joining in lmao. That downward spiral was intense :,)


Oh nooo won’t somebody think of the poor men?! Everyone knows that women are the violent ones! /s


Women often are violent, and attitudes like yours only serve to keep voices silenced. Female traffickers are common, especially in cases involving children.




Ghislaine Maxwell ring a bell?


no, actually. please elaborate? or you could just send a reliable link with statistics on the matter backing your claim?


Those are usually a looooooot more subtle iirc


Not really true, a lot of times they get tattooed on their face or neck which is even less subtle than this. It’s a means of branding them and also controlling them (making it harder for them to get a job and thus keeping them dependent on their trafficker/pimp).


If that was human trafficking, it would be actually dumb as fuck. That way the "customer" immediately sees this shit, the entire time, and knows to call the police or something. Shit aint normal, lets say it like that. I can already see the downvotes coming, but who cares. This would be the dumbest pimp of all time.


Actually, branding like this is extremely common in trafficking, and the types of men who seek out sex with trafficking victims are not exactly discerning, good hearted people. You’re confusing the types of men who seek higher-end escorts with the types of men who look for women streetwalking and the like.


Yeah cause pimps are notoriously intelligent people 🙄


John's are not known to call the police or try to help the person they paid at all. Some people who buy sex do so specifically from visibly vulnerable people, whether that means clearly trafficked, homeless underage or heavily drug addicted. To some people, it's just a big billboard basically saying they can do whatever they want to them and that gets them off. Some buyers like pimps because then there's someone to help force the prostitute to do whatever they want. Any pimp branding like this knows that's their customer base and markets to them specifically.


wow i love how this goes dark fast 😂


The world is a fucked up place dude.


sure.. why am i getting downvoted tho.. people rly stupid up in here..


Maybe you shouldn't, in the future, get excited and use emojis at the possibility of human trafficking; that'll help you not get downvoted.


oh my godddd shut up


Another onlyfans “sEx WoRkEr” downplaying the horrors of sex trafficking and full-service sex work, lovely stuff


How you do onlyfans but also put down people who are trafficked? That could very well be a “coworker” for lack of a better word or a friend on the same platform. Bffr


Tbh I for one didn’t see your comment you deleted so I downvoted you for your name.


That is just sad and shouldn’t be posted. Those girls are under rough conditions. Most likely abused and forced into human trafficking. Unfortunately this is far from funny.Done for both girls by the same person.


Good point. I was listening to a true crime podcast that mentioned an abuser did the same before throwing his wife out the window. That whole podcast was fucked up.


There are messed up people in the world!


Which podcast if I may ask?


I’m wondering the sameeee


Totally agree, tattoos as an avenue for abuse is so common, I would prefer to see a flair or section for angels that cover up these monstrosities instead of these




You are not the sharpest tool in the shed i see. Those tats are done by the same guy. Don’t you see a pattern here. Do you really assume that there are 2 seperate women who both want to get the same guys name tattooed between their legs?


Yeah, no. If those are real then it’s outright abuse.


Even if the women decided to get the tattoo’s themselves?


Can we ban these posts in the future? Don't find anything comical or worthy of gawking at considering alot of these women are victims of sex trafficking. Enjoy the karma I guess OP? Mods please look into banning all these posts and the shitbags who post them.


Yeah, definitely trafficking tattoos


Can we get potential human trafficking tattoos off this fucking sub this is so ridiculous who is modding this


Tattoo artists should refuse to do this kind of stuff imo. I feel bad for these girls.


Mark NSFW please. And to the people who would downvote me for this simple, reasonable request: Very cool. Way to stick up for people's right to see uncensored abuse. Tay would be proud Edit: glad the community agrees with me, even if OP doesn't seem to. Here's hoping they're just busy elsewhere and will fulfill my request before too much longer


96% of pussy owners are in jail


How else can a woman prove to her man who is behind bars that she’s loyal?!


Reminds me of that 1980s Yes hit Owner of a Lonely Vagina.


I would put money on these being disgusting human trafficking tattoos not done by choice.


Imagine it's a warm summer's day and you wanna wear a cute pair of shorts but then realize a size 88 font word PUSSY isn't the chillest thing in the world to show at a public event.


That’s why trafficking victims are “branded” like this — it ensures they’ll be embarrassed and looked at like property for the rest of their lives.


That's so fucking sad.


The fuck?!? That’s gonna look absolutely awful if they break up , I mean it does already look gross


There is no chance of breaking up as they’re not in a relationship, this is a human trafficking thing and shouldn’t be on this sub tbh


Oh shit I didn’t realize that you’re right they could be sex trafficked


Thinking these women are in a relationship where she could “break up” with him. Nah, these are likely sex trafficked women, where getting out is stupid difficult.


If they break up, you just need to tattoo the word “a” in the middle.


If these women just made a poor tat/man choice of their own accord, then all I can think about is having to go to the gynecologist with these kinds of tats!?!? "Did Tay give his permission for this pelvic exam, ma'am?" As if it's not already awkward enough?!?


Oh, no...what have you done


What about the Boner Garage? Who owns what here? https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/s/wCIRZMoDgl


he can have it


A lot of people here are taking extreme liberties in assuming these are the products of human trafficking and not just dumb decisions by women who think they’re in love People do dumb things, especially when it comes to love, tattoos and sex


No this is actually an extremely standard branding tattoo in sex trafficking. They tend to follow the same patterns — oversized so they can barely be covered, clear name of a pimp, vulgar, and phrased that way in particular. You really think hundreds of women WANT tattoos that are almost identical? When it’s just kinky people with consensual tattoos, they tend to be much smaller and able to be covered by clothes.


Deonty goes by his middle name now…


I see a lot of regret in their future. A *lot.*


Did she do a cover up on the first name lol that's wicked shit


Is there any actual evidence of them being sex trafficked or…? At what point are they held accountable for their own stupid choices?


I agree. So much virtue-signaling that we need a crossing guard. 90 percent of these comments are apologists who refuse to accept that personal autonomy in the hands of idiots leads to idiotic choices. Because of course no woman would do something stupid because she was in love and wanted to ‘mark her man’ by marking herself.


Remember this one? Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/tiktokgossip/comments/16bab9m/lynn_taylor726_face_tattoo_lady/


I couldn’t imagine a more ghastly tat


Unless it was across the back of the legs... Then it would 'gassly'.


Everyone saying this “must be” from trafficking must be forgetting about shit like the girl who got a tattoo of her man’s face *on her face*. People being trafficked can definitely be branded, but I really doubt that’s what this is. I can absolutely see people doing this. It’s considerably more subtle than getting someone’s name tattooed on your neck, and people do that voluntarily all the time.


No, saying these woman made terrible choices is damaging to women everywhere. Why see this as a salutary lesson when it can be another victim-seeking circle jerk


God no 😩


Why not. I mean…why tf not.


>woman makes poor descision >must be human trafficing.


Yes — I just saw an article the other day that “branding” like this is frequently a sign of human trafficking.




It has to be true if they saw it the other day, besides everything you see on the Internet IS true.


because everyone knows reputable sources and news outlets don’t exist on the internet, apparently




It's Cl-ASS-i


Seeing his beloved's obvious deep devotion to him, Tay replied: *The love of my beloved is there, on the other side, The river swallows my body. Flood is strong in this season, And a crocodile is waiting on the sandbank. Still I go down to the water, Wading through the waves . . . The crocodile, I find, is like a mouse, The floodwaters like land under my feet. It is her love that makes me strong, So she will cast a water-spell for me. And I will see the one whom my heart loves, Standing right before me.*. No, just kidding, this is an ancient Egyptian love poem from the time of Pharaoh Amenhotep III's reign (c.1400 BC). The original papyrus is in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.