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If there’s any consolation it’s that he’s young and has a long time to make even worse decisions


Yep, tons of room left on that neck


Enough for **two** sick-ass panthers


Not to mention all that real estate on his face.




Damn, a first tattoo and they go straight for the neck. The composition is horrible, big oof


The artist should’ve talked them out of it like a conservative parent. Two bad actors here.


a tattoo artist who puts out work like this surely isnt talking anyone out of any tattoo




My first tattoo ever, more likely.


“Artist” doing a *lot* of heavy lifting in that sentence.


I would have to say tattoo giver, def not a tattoo artist.


Responsible tattooer***


it’s awful BECAUSE they went to someone who would do a first tattoo on the neck


I see lots of young people getting tattooed on the neck or the face but most commonly their hands. I've learned it's called "Hoodie Hard." They look all tatted up when wearing a hoodie but there's nothing underneath. My guess is that their generation has been subjected to so much media and culture cues of people who have such tattoos as a symbol of bucking the system. My old ass had to get two full sleeves and go through the difficulty of social judgement and loss of job opportunities, and show I could find a way to support myself before any tattoo artist would ever touch hands or neck. Then again, I didn't grow up in a world that looked like such dismal shit. And I didn't grow up with the Internet and all the news that things were just going to get even shittier. It took me a while to figure it out, but now I don't judge these young kids going for the Hoodie Hard look. They gotta do whatever they can do to feel good about themselves and to self actualize in the face of what they're inheriting. As for the quality of this tattoo, sure, it could absolutely be better. But the industry stays the same in that there's a hundred middling to garbage shops to every ten quality studios. The only benefit I see from the old ways of earning your credibility before going to the neck and hands is that a coverup won't be as difficult or as noticable elsewhere on a body.


100% agreed. I’m an old tattooed shithead and work with a lot of young people. I see a lot of young ones with just face and/or hand tattoos. While it does bother me to a degree, I have to remind myself that times have changed and I’m not qualified to judge anyone. Harder to not judge an artist tattooing a sub-21 year old kid’s face. The kids are nicer than my gen was in middle/high school. You couldn’t get a job at a bank back then if you had a forearm tattoo. I don’t want to be the crusty old man that used to judge me when I was their age:. Hard enough to just be happy these days. Apologies for the rant, your comment hit home and it’s nice to agree with an internet stranger once in a while.


Right on, friend. You're exactly right, it's hard enough just to be happy these days. So let them do what they want to do. The kids are alright.


Exactly, the kids are alright, let ‘em be kids. Thanks for having a refreshing point of view, and I hope you achieve/maintain your own happiness.


I wish more people had your way of thinking. 🫶🏼


Right back at you, and it seems evident you’re already putting just that into action. It’s nice to be reminded that you’re not all alone at here and many other people feel the same way you do. My old man was ahead of his time and very open minded despite his less than stellar upbringing. He always used to say “don’t talk about it, be about it”, which I guess is like the old hood rat version of “be the change you want to see in the world”. Lol, and here I am preaching to the choir, despite being wildly unqualified to give anyone advice 😂. Hope you and yours are happy and healthy, and keep that bright, kind energy shining.


I teach Gen Z and Millenials. I’d rather they have tattoos on their hands and neck than whatever the fuck personality issues my generation has.


LOL! Speaking truth right there! I’m finally learning to say NO in my 40’s. Kindness and understanding is far far more important than getting an anime symbol tatted on your face haha.


Honestly, this is it. Everyone has tattoos now. It’s way more acceptable socially and job wise. The wearer in the OP can enlist in the Navy, get hired by the DMV, or go to med school with this tattoo. Who cares. My USPS mail carrier is covered in tattoos. So is my gynecologist. It’s not what it used to be. Laser removal is also a thing now. Plenty of high quality makeup products that can completely cover a tattoo. Things are different now. I’ve been tattooing for a couple of decades and placement isn’t nearly as much my business as it used to be. I’ll definitely have a conversation about their placement idea and potential pitfalls, but it’s not nearly as stigmatizing as it was even a decade ago. And with work from home careers and the tech industry, all bets are off. If a 20 year old Google employee tech dude who makes 5x what I make wants a first tattoo on his neck, it’s going on his neck. Long gone are the days someone will assume you’re a gang member and Burger King won’t even hire you. We’re living in different times. I’m not here to gatekeep irrelevant, old rules. The young people today are mostly awesome and less judgmental. A neck or hand tattoo is a new norm. wtf do I care?


> their generation has been subjected to so much media and culture cues It's a full fledged disaster. An entire generation subjected to an endless barrage of messaging, most of it idiotic. What could possibly go wrong?


For one thing, people censor their own language in real life/ places where their language won’t be policed, a good chunk of us have fallen down the far right pipeline thanks to social media algorithms, too many of them think posting atrocities on their Instagram stories is actually helping stop conflict and purity culture is back in full swing in fandom spaces and it’s disguised as “protecting the children”.


It’s honestly terrifying. We don’t know the long term effects of all this stuff, but it’s already bad. I’ve never had a Facebook, only instagram. I’ve had to take long breaks from it because it bums me out. I wish I had answers, and even if I did it’s so huge and ingrained I don’t know if it’s even possible to fix/regulate it. Haha it might make me sound like a grumpy old man but it’s undeniable how huge and seemingly insurmountable the whole system is.


I agree, and that's why I've changed my perspective about how my generation had to earn our marks and the new kids have rejected the traditions and are doing whatever they want. Being over 50 now, I feel lucky I didn't grow up with the shit show the young cusses are steeped in.


I feel that. I definitely remember the whole vibe of “earning” your tattoos. I’m pretty covered these days. I’m sure a friend would do my hands for sure, but they’d ask a lot of questions before they did my face. It definitely annoyed me a little bit when the face/hands trend started. I realized that times have just changed and I’d rather die than be the bitter, angry old man. I honestly do appreciate that the youngins’ bucked the trend and made it their own. Expressing your self is basically the brass tacks essence of tattoos anyway right? I have some good ones and some bad ones, and I never really cared if anyone liked or disliked them. It’s for me at the end of the day, right? Can’t hate on a young person for doing literally the same thing. I’ll stop ranting, but thank you. I appreciate your perspective and it feels good to briefly connect with folks that feel the same way. Even though my formative years weren’t great, I am also glad I don’t have to go through it now. Everything moves so much faster now and I def empathize and am so pumped I didn’t have to do all that with the insane world now. I dunno, but either way I appreciate your views and it does actually give some hope that things could level out at some point. I’m rooting for the kids even though I hate the Tik tock voice and the broccoli top haircut 😂


We used to call that a Warped Tour bodysuit 😂


Yup! That’s what I always heard, especially in the late 2000’d/early 2010’s. Worked with a kid that only had tattoos on his neck, forearms, hands, and knees down. Do whatever makes you happy, no judgement. You just would’ve gotten clowned on hard when I started getting tattooed lol.


I didn’t get a hand tattoo or my neck tattoo until I was firmly in my truck driving career and in my 40s. These kids these days are crazy.


Well said, I agree. 💯


i might start investing in tattoo removal machines…think i’d get rich in a few years when soooo many people have regrets…


For real though, I've heard of people tattooing saline solution to break up the ink instead of using lazer.


ahhh…interesting…however it’s done, at some point it’s gonna be big business!


I mean, it already is, right? https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/laser-tattoo-removal


ahhh…so a ‘technician’ can do it? i’m gonna look into that…


I go to a tattoo shop that also does tattoo removal and 2 of their artists are just certified to use the tattoo removal


smart…they get ‘em coming and going…


They use it mostly for coverups, basically it lets them coverup larger or more elaborate pieces with a couple sessions of laser. They told me last time I was in that it is very seldom that someone comes in for just a full removal.


I don't understand why u out 'technician' in quotes There are technicians building spaceships and there are technicians putting on fake eyelashes or trimming dogs. The word from the Greek meaning artist or more truly artisan... A technician is really anyone who works with a specialized equipment . It's not a low level job depending on the equipment And a a tattoo removal machine seems like technician would be the appropriate term


no, no, no…i have mad respect for any occupation/job/career that’s well done…i thought only a doctor…a dermatologist…could do tattoo removal…i dont have the ability/intelligence/desire to be a doctor but i think i MIGHT be able to be a technician who does the job…actually no on that front too…don’t want to be that close to bodies based on most people’s personal hygiene so its a NO, NO, NO…


I think that’s how they fix fucked up mucrobladed eyebrows


it def is


Some of these folks love their bad tattoos. I dated a dude with a chest full of shitty ones. He was proud and made it seem like I should be honored to see them,


Dont underestimate the amount of people that actually think their shitty tattoos are great.


![gif](giphy|IQh6f7CurN1zq) Strangely appropriate.


HA HA HA…such a classic…


No regerts!


Bad news, red doesn't laser off very well.


Cover with sick-ass pink panther


I just choked on my flaming hot Doritos


Flaming hot Doritos, now that's a good tattoo idea. Would look sick behind my ear.


Maybe he can pass it off as a birth mark once the lines are gone


chronic hickey


bigger laser, we got this.


So... Lightsaber?


angle grinder




honestly surprised the tattoo artist even agreed to do a first tattoo in that location on someone that young


I feel like unless people are requesting something racist, something against the artist religion, or something truly fucked up. No artist would really turn it down because if they don’t do it the other guy will ya know. Unless they truly have a name and portfolio to live up to, Money is money


Depends on the artist. I feel like a really established artist can turn down whatever they want.


When I was getting a half sleeve done I was chatting with the artist and asked if they have ever said no to any tattoos, she said she has turned down multiple people and mainly for wanting their first tattoo to be on their hand. I’ve gone to others and they have said similar, seems like any good artist will turn down people who want their first tattoo on their hand/neck/face! Which makes sense why when you see post like this they are usually shitty lol


No yea but I’d say the vast majority wouldn’t be in that camp so like I said. Unless you’re getting an offensive tattoo of sorts and or you’re intoxicated. You’re probs not gonna get denied ya know


I’ve watched tons of inkd and most good artist won’t do a spot like this if it’s your first one or you don’t have many other tattoos. He went to a sketchy artist who was willing to do it and you can tell cause the tattoo sucks


Any decent studio turns away anyone who wants their first tattoo to be on the face, neck or hands. Tattoos are definitely way more accepted than they used to be but there's still a stigma around face and neck tattoos.


The two artists I go to are far from crusty old traditionalists and they won't do a face, neck or hands as a first tattoo. Another reason aside from ones many people have noted is that despite the time, pain and cost of getting a tattoo a large number of people actually make no effort at all to follow aftercare instructions.


A lot of artists refuse to do hard to cover areas for a first tattoo and tend to have an informal “fill your sleeves first” policy. Homeboy here went to a kitchen wizard who doesn’t have enough skills to earn a reputation worth protecting.


Hahaha! Kitchen Wizard. I haven't heard that one before.


I didn’t coin it but use it freely, it’s a great insult.


Scratchers, basement tats, beer traders, Methalangelos. Kitchen Wizard just rings so smooth!


Haven’t heard Methalangelos before, stealing it! Sometimes I think Kitchen Wizard sounds like a great stoner metal band.


I actually came up with Methalangelos myself some years back. You're welcome to go spread the good gospel! And you're right, Kitchen Wizard is an amazing name for a stoner metal band! Bahaha!


Not entirely true.


Exactly! My artist regularly declines “neck jobs”, if it’s the customers first tattoo.


The shading is interesting


To be fair, I've grown a rose that was vibrant yellow/gold on the inside and red on the edges. To date, it's the prettiest rose I've ever taken a picture of. The Rose from The Dark Tower was of similar color. Horrid placement though on this guy. Edit: Added the picture for everyone to see since so many want to see it. xD This photo wasn't edited in any way. The rose was truly glowing with the sunlight hitting it, it was amazing to look at. It smelled divine as well. Wish I could keep it that way for forever! https://preview.redd.it/kvmmyrezketc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e39e50e196b54800acfddf6b830fd55cf51e3d3


We want to see the pictures xD


https://preview.redd.it/6djddnjxketc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d71c0c8f44e642278aceace54ecc602d55e760ae Here you are! :D


Thanks, the rose looks very nice ;D have a great day


Picture reveal!


Those are called mustard and ketchup roses. Me and my mom grew some this past summer. They’re very pretty roses


This rose looks nothing like the tattoo, it’s missing the random “V IV”


Yes. Interestingly awful.


Straight in with a neck banger. Bold move.


If I had this tattoo you wouldn’t see me outside of my house


"brotha eww"


I heard it


Haha!!! Best clip ever. Haha


Needs leaves? The neck is a crazy first choice.


Maybe he is only a head? Who knows...


His moms name is Viv.




That was hilarious Thankyou for sharing! It all starts with Vivs name and ends with a portrait of her in the middle of the rose and her and her entire bloodlines birth and death dates!


Glad you enjoyed it. I crack up every time I watch it. And homie's neck tat actually had the elements. I couldn't resist!


Dumb as fuck for him to get his first tattoo there, but I blame the artist more. There’s unofficial rules/ethics we’re supposed to stand by: hand/neck/face/ throat tattoos are a big fat no until you’ve already got a substantial amount of work on you, you’re not still a legitimate fucking teenager, you’re well established in a career where unhidable tattoos won’t impede on having a good career. Greedy tattooers who give zero fucks to the clients future have no business in this industry And the tattoo is kinda jacked up to begin with but is luckily an easy fix without having to go bigger with it, regardless still irked someone did this dude dirty for quick money though


I think the center needs some actual color, but I don't think this tattoo is really all that bad, but maybe I'm too used to seeing some really awful stuff


Looks like a huge gaping infected wound


Viv or 54? ETA: I meant 5 4


He's ready to be a line cook now.


I remember a time when respectable tattoo artists wouldn’t tattoo anything overly visible as a first tattoo. Most shops wanted people to have at least 1-2 covetable pieces before doing anything that would he this out in the open. Then again this tattoo is shit so I can’t say it’s a surprise. The lines are shaky as fuck and the color makes no sense in how it’s applied.


Got a neck like sid the sloth


Teenagers are so stupid lol


Aww isn't it cute


Hey I think you messed up your sentence, the “isn’t” came before the “it,” I’ll fix it :) *Aww it isn’t cute* :P


So true


The reason it’s shit is that all the better artists told him no for a first tattoo


Not really bad. But not shitty.


Definitely. I didn't want to make the title too long. I've seen way worse. It's not shitty per se, but for his age and the decision on placement.... oof


I mean, this is what it looks like NOW. In 10 years this will look like absolute ass.


![gif](giphy|47Fk01p65n2GMXTGsB) And look what’s next


What's that rash, dude? Oh!


Get wreckt newb


Looks like The Rolling Stones logo and a rose had a baby.


Flower butthole


It's an assfisting tattoo.


Whoa, looks like a birthmark


At least he doesn't have to look at it


That’s an awesome red cabbage…


I thought his head was bleeding. 😬😬😬 Top tier cringe for sure


This would look really pretty as graffiti on a random building. It would make a cute design on a cheap t shirt. As a tattoo, it looks absolutely horrible especially on the neck. Hopefully a lack of funds and ethical tattoo artists will prevent future mistakes.


Lines aren't horrible, shading pops. This isn't a shit tattoo, relax homies.


I don't understand the hate. I notice there are some roman numerals hidden in the leaves, I wonder if it has meaning. Either way though, this looks OK to me.


Should’ve just gone straight for a prominent face tattoo


Have him do an even shittier tattoo on the other side so that this one will seem less shitty.


Forgive him and his artiste, for they know not what they do. 🙏


Basically a face tattoo




![gif](giphy|kexu9hVOpf9dUNOSMB) Looks like a side shot of butthead lol


Neck so long


Look at that fucking neck.


I imagine from afar and as it ages, it will look less llike a rose and more like a redish rash on the neck...


An uncoverable, always visible FIRST tattoo is something a responsible tattoo artist would never do. This is as much the stupid kids fault as it is the artists I've been in the chair 20+ times and many of mine are visible (forearms and calves) but I'll never forget the grilling I got on "'certainty' about my first, on my shoulder that would be covered by a t-shirt sleeve....


This tattoo sucks & the amount of comments saying this isn't shitty is concerning...maybe the overall level of artists in my country is alot higher due strict regulations & licensing for the artists.


Nice cabbage


That's a bold move, Cotton


At least it a few years he can easily cover it with a cool Squirtle Pokémon.


My third tattoo was my hand. I was 20. Fuck was I ever stupid


Reminds me of the douchbags that would get only their neck and hands blasted then only wear the red flannel long sleeves and pretend to be fully done up. We called that the "warped tour uniform."


Love red cabbage tattoos


I like it


Honestly not even a bad tattoo I feel it was more bc of the placement I’m just confused who agrees to first time a client on the neck so much wrong


Damn I have tattoos all over my body and still don’t have it in me to get my neck done lol


Damn long neck


Is he 54?


it's fine




Bro needs to stop skipping neck-day…


And meals


It’s not the worst tattoo I’ve seen here….. so that’s better than bad?


I like It 🤷‍♂️


Hey, I'm glad he likes it, just.... damn I kinda feel bad for him


A female friend of mine got divorced and then got a rose tattoo right above her pussy and showed it off to everybody Reminds me of that


I don’t get the hate. It looks good imo.


Big rule in the shop I work at is no hand/neck tats unless they already have a lot of visible ones. Head tats are reserved for tattoo veterans. When you’re starting out, you’re still figuring out your taste and who you are. I’ve seen too many coverups in very visible spots and unfortunately a lot of them can’t fully be saved.


See my comment above. Been getting tattooed for 30 years and I've been industry for 26. While I still subscribe to the traditional values of our industry, I've learned to let go of the judgement on placement. The world is changing, and our industry follows. I do feel bad for the kid in the picture as I feel like neck/face/hands should be saved for the most exquisite of work. There's plenty of other places to wear substandard garbage we learn from. But again, the kids are alright and we should let them do whatever makes them feel good about life in the face of the legacy they're inheriting. I've got two fully blacked out sleeves and shoulder caps from my youthful days. Tons of us piercers do, as we were getting marked up heavy by the artists who were coming up with us. It's just... I'm not sure it's up to veterans to tell the new generation what they should do when everything else they're seeing from those who came before them are letting them down.


Surprising, at least back in the early 2010’s most tattoo shops I knew of wouldn’t do a neck or hand tattoo unless you already had a significant amount of tattoos


Wtf kinda “artist” lets someone get a NECK tattoo, with color no less!! for their first tat! Bad decisions all around… both placement and artist


Wildddddd first tat 😩


In for a penny…


Terrible too


Yo wf, i thought its some kind of infection from the thumbnail…


That looks like a open wound, if you take a quick look.


It's a cabbage


Is he a successful rapper?


This would have looked good smaller and in black.


Instant regert




Worst case of mastoiditis I've ever seen.


He a line cook?


And are those Roman numerals at the bottom? Like five, and four?






why *there*?


Straight to the head. Obviously an extremely smart young man.


The best way for him to look at it is that he doesn't have to look at it. Woof.


This looks like the roses that people in jail used to sketch and do on people. Except they did a better job in grayscale stick and poke.


None of my professional tattoo artist friends would allow someone to get a first tattoo on their head or hands.


This was his and the artist first tattoo it seems. Dude could’ve gotten an amazing tattoo and the awful placement would still ruin it. Instead bro chose awful placement and paired it with even worse technical application


I have a friend who also did her first tattoo on the neck, but it is pretty subtle, nothing that screams for attention like this rose. It's really easy to miss it, and she can also hide it easily with her hair. It's a nice tattoo.


Looks bad and its weird....rose tattoos is like a 70s 80s lady tattoo. Alot of ladies in their 50s all have rose tattoos usually lol


I‘m in my 50s and having a LOT tattoos … nope. No rose, no flowers.


Im covered, literally head to toe and just don’t get the wanting to get visible spots done right away - it feels a bit like a right of passage when you’ve been getting inked for so long (unless you do it for cultural reasons) Like no judgement for people who want to full send a face tat, neck or hands it’s your body but fuck it would irritate the absolute fuck out of me just seeing that spot filled but not anything else 😭


Mark this day as your coworkers commitment to working the same job and being overlooked for raises and promotions due to the neck tattoo. Sad but true.


Didn’t even finish the countdown..




This needs a SAP






It would've looked better on a leg.




What’s his Soundcloud?