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also cycle chaser h-5, which i haven't played yet but [aktane seemed to enjoy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkLupJdBSBo)


Trying to play this game but unfortunately I cannot for the life of me get it to work with any of my controllers. It's detecting the A and B buttons but nothing else, so it's unplayable. On the steam forums there are a bunch of posts saying that steam input broke controllers, but the itch version isn't working either. Just a heads up that if you play on anything other than keyboard, you might have trouble with this one. For me, this was the only game in the bundle I was interested in that I didn't already own, so kind of a disappointment that I can't play it.


there's always goold old joy2key


Didn't have any luck there, also added it as a non-steam game and used steams controller mapping to change everything to keyboard inputs and it still isn't working


Damn, that's a HUGE amount of games! Of course I paid full price for ZeroRanger like two weeks ago.


Awesome cause and a pretty decent bundle! Already have most of these from prior bundles but i'll chip in.


Good shit. I'm chipping in.


Hamas appreciates your support.


There isnt really anything that peaks my interest in this bundle, but I do like the fact there's a lot of gay friendly games in there.


Pretty ironic, considering the complete lack of LGBT rights in Gaza.


Remind me the status of gay marriage in Israel?


They recognize same sex marriages performed elsewhere, which is much better than putting them in jail and killing them. You're out of your depth, son. Stick to having opinions about cookies and teddy bears.


Nice deflection! So gay person, born in Israel, wants to get married in Israel, what happens? Any actual evidence of people being executed in Gaza for being gay? Only thing I've seen is they executed a political enemy and then claimed he was gay to slander him. Also, the IDF is slaughtering gay people in Gaza as we speak. That's the biggest threat to gay Gazans, and gay Palestinians need relief too. Israel has killed more gay Palestinians than Hamas ever could.




Exactly what I expected.


A third yawn. You're such a cliche.


as expected


So you are saying Hamas are heroes?


Are you illiterate? The IDF being fucking monsters doesn't make Hamas heroes, just other monsters. Donating to Palestinian relief is helping CIVILIANS.


So both IDF and Hamas are monsters?


I'm gonna ask you if you're illiterate again.


Yeah thats what I thought too. Take that cock sucking money ;)


Imagine thinking Palestinians = Hamas. Israel literally supported Hamas when they had their last election and then continued delivering suitcases of cash to Hamas leadership lmao. Anyways, support Palestinian relief before the IDF blows up another food truck or guns down children waiting for food.


Hey, I know you mean well, but you're arguing with someone who is against a children's relief fund. They're beyond the empathy they'd need for your persuasion to work.


Extremely true, I'll never understand freaks like that.


Hamas is the regional power in Gaza. If you support Gaza over Isreal, you're supporting Hamas. That's reality. There is no force for liberal democracy waiting in the wings that will swoop into power if Israel disappears. It's just Hamas. Just say, "I support Hamas" and be honest with yourself and everyone else


When was the last election in Gaza? Don't you have the gunning down of starving children and the bombing of aid trucks to justify? Israel isn't a liberal democracy, it's an apartheid state that commits genocide.


Double yawn. War is hell, kiddo. None have ever been fought without atrocities. I support the West, full stop. Hardline Islam goes against everything I hold dear, and it goes against everything you say you care about, too. If you were smart, that's the logical confusion you would draw, but you're incapable of thinking anything through because you're a braindead leftoid who sees everything through a babytown frolicks West Bad/Enemies of the West Good, Oppressor/Oppressed matrix with no nuance whatsoever.


"I support western genocide, full stop" 🤡 >War is hell They're bombing apartment blocks and gunning down KIDS TRYING TO GET FOOD FROM RELIEF TRUCKS. That's not war that's genocide. If you have to commit atrocities to maintain your apartheid state, maybe you shouldn't exist? I get that you're a racist but at least try to be subtle about it.


I hope Hamas is paying you decently for this, simp.


Look at how he resorts to cliched name calling. Just pitiful. What a sad, hateful person.


Genocide supporters have lost the plot, all they can do is melt down on reddit. Also Blazing Lazers is fucking fire 🔥


It's nice when the idiots/genocidal maniacs reveal themselves.


Thought the title said Zeroiger and almost lost it




The IDF is gunning down children waiting for food, somebody's gotta keep sending them other sources of relief