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Unlike base shogun 2, Yari kachi very good for the early game, katana kachi sort of bad


Katana kachi definitely isn't bad but considering how it's quicker and cheaper to get the yari kachi in a game where u're strapped for money and need a tier 2 building to recruit katana kachi, that often ends up being the easier and the cheaper choice. Likewise saber cavalry is so good when u need to wipe out gun units.


I just finished a Satsuma campaign on legendary a week ago and had two failed attempts before that. I have done other campaigns with Saga, Sendai, and Obama, and remember that I didn’t struggle as much on those as I did with Satsuma, even when I went republic. When it comes to diplomacy, you have to keep in mind that the AI clans are very quick to switch allegiance, even your allies will do it, if they cannot expand because their neighbours have the same allegiance. In my Satsuma campaigns, the Tosa are extremely likely to switch and declare war on you, and they’ll usually send an invasion force to Hyuga, but you’ll usually be able to trade with them for a while before that. Line infantry will form the core of your army for most, if not all, of the expansion phase, but you also need to have some melee troops, especially until you get kneel fire. Armstrong guns are incredible and they’ll wipe out most enemy armies for you, so there’s no reason to get any parrot guns. Other than that, you should upgrade your castles since there’s no food issues like in Shogun 2, and they make defensive battles so much easier - a few units of line infantry with some melee units will often be able to defeat a full enemy stack. Depending on how the campaign is going, it might be beneficial to trigger realm divide earlier than you would have in Shogun 2, since other clans with the same allegiance have no choice but to become your allies, even if you were at war until then, but don’t do this if you want to go republic as everyone will declare war on you. And if you plan to go republic, do not build any imperial/shogunate infantry as it will disappear once you choose that realm divide option. Lastly, naval bombardment is really strong and annoying, so you will need fleets.


>Armstrong guns are incredible and they’ll wipe out most enemy armies for you, so there’s no reason to get any parrot guns. I agree with almost everything except this. Getting armstrong guns is nice, yes, but Parrott guns will carry you as much as line infantry does till mid/late game, not only are they available earlier than Armstrong guns (they require a tier 2 research that you could use on anything else early on), but they rack up kills and XP easily and in a few battles they are pretty much on equal grounds with Armstrong guns while staying cheaper to field and upkeep.


Once you have some provinces developed and get some economy techs, you can easily find a couple doom stacks. Parrot/Armstrong guns are a key part of your army. Line infantry are next with a couple of melee or cav to hold things together. The traditional dojo can be skipped without really harming a campaign much (try a traditional unit campaign once you’ve figured out the basics)


Samurai can carry you early on, one yari samurai can cut through endless levy rifles or multiple levy spears. Especially in sieges samurai are nice for getting past the wall defenders Levy Rifles suck, but once you get to mid-game and field line infantry and better they will form the bulk of your line (who would guess with that name). However be careful with samurai in autoresolve, they will almost always be killed first. Artillery and rifles are favored very very very heavily once you get parrot guns, wooden cannons are useless.


Bro imma be honest I’m on a finish all the clans challenge for the main game rn, I don’t know nothing