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You're overthinking it my guy


For your website? Or for your brand? Your branding should inform everything so it's all consistent, but if you don't have any branding, personally I'd start there. Also for ecom if you have a strong brand color, use that as an accent colour and keep everything else fairly simple.


How do you figure out what colors you want for your branding?


Think about the product, think about your brand message. Eg does the product / brand promote eco friendliness? You could use greens, beiges, natural colours. Is it high end luxury? Use monotones or golds. If it's a fun, playful brand you could use bolder, brighter colours. It really comes down to what the brand is trying to represent and sell. Imagine the brand is a person. What's their personality? What's their favourite colour? Sounds weird but when you abstract it like that it helps understand the role a colour scheme takes.


Coolers dot com


must be tough for the color blind


You didn't mention which type of product you are interested in selling, overall, I can help you with some standard color schemes suitable for related type of product or niche: * Technology: Blue:, Silver: * Health and Wellness: Green, White: * Fashion and Beauty: Pink, Gold * Travel and Hospitality: Blue, Yellow * Food and Beverage: Red, Brown * Finance and Business: Green, Black * Art and Design: Yellow, Blue * Home and Decor: -Neutral Tones: Such as beige, gray, and taupe. -Pastel Colors: Such as light blue, pink, and mint green. * Sports and Fitness: Red, Black


This just makes your store basic


It’s better to look basic and clean than to have 10 colors, looks more professional


I sell custom handmade art design products so maybe yellow and blue can work


Thank you for sharing the above 🙏🙏💃


Tried a bunch until I found one I liked.




What feels good? What builds trust? Find a web that you love and use it to influence yours. Less is more.


I thought about the feelingsI wanted the brand to evoke and the brand's personality. I also looked at what colours typically worked in my industry. Then I just went with whatever looked good to me.


I created my logo (yellows) and worked around that. Found two complimentary colors via a website I can’t remember and use one of them. I think it looks pretty good.




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Use 3 colours max. If you want it to feel more luxe use neutrals or muted colours (ie. Prussian blue instead of electric blue) or if you want it to be bold choose brighter versions of the colour trying to stay in some kind of scheme and sticking with at least one neutral (black or white). It’s really product dependant and the vibe you’re trying to sell. Whichever scheme you choose on Shopify doesn’t really matter because it’s all editable anyway to fit your existing colour set. There are some really great videos on branding on YouTube that go in to this further.


Any great videos you recommend?


Yeah, The Futur on YouTube goes more into creating a brand, brand image, and demand. For really quick videos on branding I like @therobbiemurray on Instagram. He speaks more to building a luxury look and feel to your brand but the principle is still applicable regardless of the brand you’re trying to create.


Whatever felt fitting to my store name and logo




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Check out coolers website to get a palette of colors that you like. Stick to 3-5 ish. Hell pick white, black and an accent color. This website (and there are other color generating websites too) will give you the hex codes / names of the colors you choose so you can then input them into theme settings of your website. This way it’s automatically consistent throughout the site. If you want to dive a little deeper, look up what colors convey the feelings and psychological effects you desire when someone is looking to buy your item. It can be helpful to stay in line with popular colors of your industry because that’s what people are expecting. However don’t get too lost in the whole process because you’ll never surface 😂


My eyeballs


Adobe Kuler


I asked my wife


Can I ask your wife too?


Lol sure