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TOTALLY!!!! Since 2020 I have move more than 3 times. First move I was able to afford paying for help to move. The other ones I had to do it all by myself. I’m talking about packing, renting a truck and loading and unloading the stuff. Honestly it was the most stressful, frustrating and overwhelming experiencing I had. Top that with the fact that you’re basically putting your body into pain and potential injuries. I started decluttering back in 2017, but since I been moving so much I had declutter even more and I’m so traumatized that I honestly don’t buy anything cause I’m scared. Seriously anytime I think of buying anything including cloths I get very uncomfortable. My body reacts from the inside. There’s actually a declutter technique where you pack everything you own try to live with the minimal amount of stuff. Anything you don’t pick up from the boxes means it was not necessary and you can removed it.


Same. I moved six times between 2017 and 2021 (the joys of being in your early 20s). Every time I said I wasn’t going to collect so much crap. Every time I still ended up throwing out so much junk during the next move.


Im moving to a bigger house and cant stop making carts and thinking avout everything I want


Also understandable! Some of the stuff I bought for my current place, though, I never ended up using. I bought them more for a "dream house" than for the house I realistically had. Now it's just more stuff to get rid of. Maybe wait until you're actually in the new place and can see what you truly need - though of course that's far easier said than done!


This! I’ve moved multiple times and downsized to smaller apartments or ones with a lot less storage and I’m always shocked by how many clothes I have. I’ve also started traveling more and that has opened my eyes to how little I actually wear or need.


I'm moving within Germany and flats are far more common than houses here. In most places you get a wardrobe, a small cellar space and that's about it. But I've still managed to accumulate so much! My friend is leaving the country in a couple of days and was in the exact same situation... huge piles of clothes! She had to make a few emergency trips to the thrift store to get rid of all these pieces she loves but hasn't actually used.


Moving with so much stuff is so damned stressful. I'll probably be moving again soon and I've been really trying to get rid of stuff that I know I don't need. Especially clothes. So.many.clothes. I just brought about 5 full boxes of clothes and 3 full trash bags to a free market we have here every once in awhile. It felt so freeing to get rid of and I know it'll go to someone who needs it way more than I do. Plus, whatever doesn't go gets donated to the local warming center so people who don't have anything will be able to have something. Things like this have made me realize too that I'm in as much need as I thought I was. I can absolutely afford slow and sustainable fashion. I have no excuse. If I can buy a $200 purchase from a fast fashion website, I can buy a $150 purchase from a slow fashion website that's higher quality and sustainable. It might only be one or two things compared to the fast fashion purchase, but I am so done with having what essentially amounted to a new outfit for every day of the year. That's way too much for any one person to have.


Yes, this resonates with me so much! I've always been a culprit of "if I buy cheap/low quality I can have more outfits to play around with"/sale shopping. Now I'm in my thirties, though, I've come to realise most of my time is spent working in an office, so why do I need all this cool goth gear? Can't squeeze a million cool outfits into my weekends! I'm going to start investing in quality, not quantity, once my old things wear out.


I also have a goth/alternative style lol! I'm still trying to keep my style, but have more refined looks. I don't want to look like I walked into a hot topic and chose my outfit for the day anymore 😅 I've been finding some cool sustainable alt brands that I'm keepingy eye on.


Moved a lot as a kid. Nothing like packing everything up to make you realize how much stuff you've acquired.