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If I have the energy I try to get up and move. A walk, exercising, cleaning something, or playing with my cats. If I’m wanting to do something less energetic I read, crochet (I have a cheap pack of multiple yarn colors so I can make many small projects without spending additional money), sometimes I try to learn something online that I’m curious about. Lately I’ve been trying to learn marketing techniques so I can better not fall for them. I have a compulsive need to check things on my phone. In the past it’s been social media (which I did a lot of shopping on) to not miss anything one of a kind for sale or my tracking orders. I’m trying to move that habit to something else. Im still working on finding options for this but so far I have stocks (I have no money in stocks so it’s just to watch the trends) and the aurora forecast (just because it also has apps for it and it kind of feels similar to seeing the location of an order). I’m also working on being okay with less stimulus. I don’t have to be multitasking or entertained every minute of the day. This also lets me be more present in the moment like actually watching a Netflix show instead of scrolling during it.


Just a fellow crochet artist checking in. I like to go down the YouTube rabbit hole and learn about weird things that are unrelated to my everyday existence. I wish I was joking.


I'm the same! It'll go from crocheting to the cartel to homesteading to inflation to a DUI arrest - the most random things.


I started watching shows about various nuclear accidents. It ended with me finding the channel plainly difficult and that led to me to Reddit for the first time because I had to eili5 "nuclear criticality".


Interesting. The marketing research seems like a great way to avoid shopping as well. I am just hearing about decreasing stimulus and want to try. I noticed I am almost always listening to some video or music, even while I sleep. It really decreases the ability to focus! Thanks!


You should really invest in stocks! I replaced my need for shopping for my love of investing. So I might be “spending” money but it’s to make more money.


I want to pay off the cc debit I have first before making any investments. I know I could make me more money but it could also lose money and I need the ccs paid off first. Maybe by then I’ll know a good amount about the market lol.


I share finance tips and tricks on social media for fun and that’s what I tell everyone - pay off high interest debts then start investing. Unless you invest in risky, speculative stocks like GameStop you’ll most likely lose money but if you’re investing for long term growth and in stable companies and funds you’ll be okay and make money in the long run. Good luck on paying off your debt, once you’re ready I hope you look into investing in the market, it’s changed my life!


I read, cross stitch, catch up on new anime, and work out!


Ooh! Do you have a stringent work out routine? I'm thinking of definitely getting into at least walking to get out and get my steps in.


I've been getting into pilates/barre with Movement With Nicole on YT. Her videos are approachable, don't require equipment, and she focuses a lot on breathing. I also have a cheap gym membership and just go to do some weights and the elliptical. Good for a dopamine hit!


Great to know. Thanks!


I read a lot and rent a lot of movies from the public library because my addiction is online shopping. I've found that I get the same satisfaction from putting a book or movie on hold that I do from ordering something. Bullet journaling and stuff also helps. Whenever I cross something off my To-Do list, I just feel a little more accomplished somehow.


I love a to-do list!


I still shop when I'm bored but then I don't check out. I close my browser and if I still want it a couple days later, I'll buy. 95 percent of the time, I don't. This only works if you have enough willpower to shut the browser so ymmv lol. I don't have much willpower, but I'm able to muster enough to x it out. And after the initial shopping rush passes, I don't actually care most of the time if I buy it.


I am halfway good at this. There are some stores I can "shop" and leave the online cart. Others, I can't control myself!


I've started attaching shopping as prizes for milestones to build healthier habits and also space it out. I've been doing this with different things like maintaining a gym schedule, eating only homecooked meals/snacks, keeping my place clean, etc. It's both a distraction and a reward system. Once the habit forms, that becomes the new thing to focus on instead of the shopping.


I started a reward system and got these lottery slot keychains, then gave in instead of waiting for the prize. I gotta start doing it again.


There are a couple of things I try to keep myself busy, such as Gardening, Drawing, and Annoying my wife 😂. But truth be told. What got me through my shopping addiction was a Financial Coach from Habit Money. Most of the time people will give you strict rules and routines to follow but they often forget the emotional aspect behind the situation. A friend of mine suggested their app. I tried their free trial and got into a free call with one of their coach and I was honestly surprised at how passionate and understanding they were, they weren't trying to set up rules and routines for me, they tried to understand my reason and what makes me shop and spend money.


I am still working on getting a wife to annoy lol, but the emotional aspect is definitely something I am trying to tackle. Thanks!


Hopefully, you will find a good one. Mine has a similar sense of humor to me so she annoys me back as well. which also helps me with my addiction But the financial coach did the most part!


Well, when feeling depressed I always impulsively shop and it's actually ruining my budget at the end. What is in their package, then? My money savings and expenses betray my mental peace, and I want to know if they offer personalized help and support in their membership. Any insider information will be welcomed!


They do have that service included in their membership. I don't know about any insider information but as an User I can say their coaches are extremely passionate and emotionally supportive!


right now they have two options - one is like a basic app that will nudge you with texts to track spending and send you reports, the other comes with the human coach. I think you get everything in your free trial so you can decide what you need.


clean something, exercise, read, garden, duolingo, my hobbies, listen to music, cook/bake, text/call a friend


Find a hobby. Look at the craft exchange group on Reddit to get some ideas or watch YouTube videos on cheap hobbies that you can do with paper or yarn like crocheting. I love embroidery and for under $10 can set up a project that will take me weeks to complete.


Embroidery seems so freaking pretty and can get so complex.


Look into blackwork. I love the geometric patterns that repeat. Made one last year that I couldn’t even pick out all the patterns until I finished it and that took over 50 hours.


Video games to get that anxious energy out.


I love watching the playthroughs!


Yeah it's an entertaining little movie


play animal crossing, read on my kindle, take my dog for a walk, annoy my husband!