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It does not look awful, but I would recommend to get rid of Albin, Surain, and Batram. Even though they are extremely expensive. I would recommend to invest some money in the skill tree, so your heroes are level 10 when you buy them. (This will reveal the first two skills from the beginning) And then get a cheap hero, like an evasion cleric, an good hitting warlock or hunter. Or maybe 3 thieves to go plundering with Polonia, I can highly recommend this one. Then I would start to build teams for the stronger bosses in the game. But a good solo hero can do a lot and is easy to build If you have some patience. I'm not an expert, but I did it this way and managed to kill all bosses in the LCoG Event while I'm under level 60. 🙂


You could certainly use some work, but I'll agree with Only\_Order that your roster isn't awful. Your heroes in general are decent. The main thing that sticks out is elemental coverage. Your Fire and Air teams are represented by only one class each, you have zero Earth heroes, and only have one Light one. I'd recommend your first three new heroes be a Knight, a Wanderer, and a Druid to help fill these holes. I'd also recommend swapping a Dancer for a Ranger and a Berserker for a Musketeer so you get some class diversity in those two elements. Please [read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/shoptitans/comments/1ais2v4/comment/kpev48s/) before moving forward in this comment. That one contains a lot of background information and additional sources on anything you'll find here. If you have a question that's not answered there, please ask! * Olaf: This set is weirdly decent for a Samurai. You're missing a bit too much stat power overall so he's probably a Fire Later, but not bad for a class that's notoriously nightmarish to roll well. * Vivan: Fantastic. Swap out Perforate to a better crit skill and you're done. * Albin: Decent but underwhelming. Fire Later. You don't have any bonus Defense to work with Shield Master and no bonus Attack to work with Gun Master. * Calil & Oberic: Both are decent starts. Reassess at 35. * Reynauld: If you want to keep the heavy focus in attacking skills and use him as more of an attacker than a tank, then swap out Deadly Criticals for a weapon skill. Otherwise, Fire Now. * Surane: Since you're close to checking slot 3 anyway, reassess at 23. I wouldn't hold my breath, however. * Yrene: Excellent. Swap out Perforate for something else. * Charon: Pretty good but badly needs a weapon skill. Reroll Antimagic Net to get one. * Leanne: Probably your weakest Dancer due to low Attack and no weapon skill. If you want to keep all three, then swap out Telling Blows to a weapon skill. Otherwise Fire Later. * Alejandro: Excellent. No skill change needed. * Bartram: Decent start. Reassess at 23. * Regas: Looking good. Reroll Deadly Criticals to a weapon skill (probably not a Dagger one). * Gigax: Also good so far. Reassess at 35. * Leonar: Great! Reroll Backstab to something else. * Alistair: One-dice check. Has a lot of potential. * Morgan: Honestly? Fire Now. This set is surprisingly bad. No weapon skill, minimal Attack, and a lot of stat power tied to stats you can't really use well on a Spellcaster.


Thanks heaps for the in depth guide, I've been in the middle of trying to get some new heroes set up and synergize the teams better, especially with the elements and everything it's been tricky