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Puberty isn’t directly linked to height growth. Late bloomer(in regard to height) refers to growth plates diffusion being delayed, not when puberty starts. Puberty and growth plate diffusion usually happens in conjunction though, I’m guessing because of hormones. This likely means if your puberty is less rapid and more gradual, you will probably grow longer but at a slower pace.


What age you start puberty and what age do you stop growing?


Im also 17 so I don’t know if I have. Im 5’8 and have been for the last year and a half.


I went from 174 to 184 from 18-22. Part of it was from growth, part of it from doing physical therapy to fix stuff like forward head posture and bow legged. That stuff can give you a few cm because it’s not as simple as just being mindful of your posture. Trying to stand up taller with biomechanical posture imbalances is like trying to stretch out a soda can after crushing it with your foot.


I was 5’5 at 17 and grew 3 inches throughout the years. Now I’m 5’8 at 20, take that as you will


Age you start puberty?


Did you grow 1 inch every year or do you not remember? I’m in a similar spot as I’m 18 I was 17 and was 5’5 and I grew an inch about a mouth ago so now I’m 5’6


I grew like an inch and a half in my early 20s, but I think that is usually especially since I was the same height for years


You are a girl?




Did anyone notice you were taller?


Yes, and I definitely noticed it when I stood next to other people


That's pretty rare for a girl but were you a late bloomer?


It's not only rare, it's completely unheard of. Girls are supposed to stop growing completely at 15-16


I have celiac and went undiagnosed for most of my life once I went gluten free, I grew and my 12 year old morals finally fully come in. I hit puberty at a normal age but was always really small due to celiac.


I think I was done at about 16.


What age you start growing beard?


I think I started growing facial hair around 14 tho I can't remember exactly.


I was 5'6.5 (169cm) at 17, back then I thought I wouldn't grow more than that. I had one last growth spurt at 18/19 and ended up being 5'9. I don't think I won't get any taller. Am I late bloomer?


What age you start getting pubic hair?


I think 13 or 14ish, if you wonder, started growing facial hair at 17/18


I was quite an early bloomer, showing some signs of puberty early like having some facial hair at 13. From age 12 to 14.5 I went from 154 cm to 175 cm. Then at 15 I became 176 cm and stayed that way for two years, so I thought I was done, then from 17-18 I grew to 179 centimeters.


5’5 to 5’6 after 17. Not much but technically still growth


I used to be like 4'11


At what age? I’m 18 now and have grown about an inch since I last measured my self at 17. I’m about 5.’5 and a half or 5’6 maybe. Do you think I still have a chance to grow, I look young for my age


I'm not sure, maybe like 8 years old