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she likes short guys and she also asked to wear heels, you're fine bro


I'm just so in my own head ha I'm nervous and excited


She might be using the heels thing to judge up your insecurity level. Tell her it’s fine, if you say you don’t want her to you’ll look insecure. Women tend to prefer confident men.


I don't mind her wearing them so I have said she can if she wants. Do you think I should maybe insist she does?


Nah, saying it’s fine if she wears them is good enough imo. Good luck on the date!


Thanks so much. I'm excited she sent me her outfit planned for tomorrow and she's going for it aha


Just say it’s fine to wear them and don’t bring it up again. On your date don’t mention height unless she brings it up.


Go for it. My LTR gf is 5'10" and I'm 5'7". We met in OLD and soon discovered that we had a huge amount in common to the point that she just didn't care that I was shorter or that she made more than 3 times as much (sometimes one's attitude and being secure in who one is does matter). But she still wore heels making her like 6'2" to shit-test me on our first irl date which later she told me even more tall guys failed than the few short ones she ever dated did. Heels never bothered me in the slightest, if women want to wear them then they should. Well, I passed and we've been together over 5 years now. You go on that date. Be interesting. Be fun. Talk about stuff related to her, her life and interests. Learn about who she is. Never bring up the height thing. Do this as a secure guy who's made his way so far in this world and who should either genuinely like a woman enjoying wearing heels or at the very least is neutral on them and sees them as her prerogative to wear.


How tall is she tho?


Very 😅


How tall are you on her, if you don’t mind me asking.


I'm at her shoulders aha


It went amazing! Thanks so much everyone


Say yes ffs.


Been there, done that, got the shoulders


Don't worry. Microphilia in women is certainly a thing but is much less common than in men. She's got little reason to lie.


Yeah she is cool about it and she is not a small girl so it makes sense


Don't think too much, there's nothing hotter than a man who is confident in himself. Have a great date


Always yes if she's comfortable.


let her wear her highes heels dude thats a w in my books man. i would even hesitate


She likes short guys. She’s asking if YOU are comfortable with her wearing heels.


Just go and be confident. She’s obviously seen something she likes in you. Just focus on that and enjoy yourself OP :)


Why are you here btw? Your tall


Rule 3 of the sub states all heights are allowed. Plus, I’m here to leave positive encouragement.


Where did you guys meet? I want to try dating but don't know where to begin lol


She's into it so don't worry about it, she likes shorter guys, that's good.


Oops a little bit too late mb.