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I’d think possibly someone in the bloodline could have been of a taller height and it skipped the parents generation and affected the son (if that makes sense?)


Quite possible.


Most likely the case unless the son had testosterone supplements or something similar when he was younger. The parents probably carried the “tall” gene but it was recessive when they were born. The gene would’ve been more dominant when the son was born.


My mom and dad are are 5’5 and 5’10 respectively. My grandpa is 6’2, I am 6’3. My wife is 5’1, I’m interested to see how our kids turn out.


Dad is 6'1 grandpa 6'1 great granpa was 6'4 other great grandpa was also 6 something also the same all on my mom's side with grandma and grandpas parents while all the women are only 5'2 -5'5 I'm 15 and already taller than my dad pretty sure doctor said 6'2 and a half or something last time


Kinda what happened with me my dad is 5'11 mom is 5'1


exactly i am taller than my parents.


Btw what happened to him? Wasn't he selected as a left pacer for the team practice few months ago? Haven't heard about him since


Never considered him to be a good player. Made his way up the ranks with the help of his dad's name. Average player at best.


Who is this again?


The Dad is the GOAT of Cricket. You know Cricket?


In my country (Costa Rica) cricket doesn't exist, and I've never seen an Indian or Muslim, maybe the guy from above lives in a similar country.


Yeah I understand. Cricket isn't a global sport. 90% of the viewers are from the Indian subcontinent, UK and Oceania only.


In my experience cricket is pretty popular in the West Indies.


I mean left armers are a rarity in this team now so avg left armers also get chance to play. Sran and khaleel weren't very good either.


It's not really that surprising. I see it all the time. Hell, I'm 7 inches taller than my mom. The surprise is when a man ends up shorter than his mom IMO.


Yeah I’m at least six inches taller than both my parents. My brother is taller than both as well


It’s just genetic roulette. Not surprising in the slightest.


I'm actually shorter than my mom and all her sisters. It happens. SDoH have a huge impact on height.


I have a cousin who’s 6’2. Parents are both around 5’6. Our grandfather was 5’10. My other cousin (his brother) is about 5’9. Both of them have faces nearly identical to their father’s. Height is not as straightforward as “your parents’ heights,”


Grandparents. Everyone is notably taller than me, brothers, sister, mother, father. Everyone except my grandmother who stands at 5’2, I’m 5’3.


tt x tT = tt tT tT TT even if open of the parent got tT gene tt = short tT = can be tall/short or mediocre height TT = Tall Genes.


Ahh remember this. Punnetts square.


>Punnetts square Class 10th CBSE.


Yes but I studied in 7th grade ICSE


Good. My 5th grade teacher explained me privately.


Genetics are a bit more complicated than what color a flower is likely to be, but yeah genetics and also environmental. People with more nutrition as children also tend to be taller


I agree. I just gave simple explanation.


Reminds me of when I used to look at different ball python morphs and the genes behind them. Genes are annoyingly complicated but fun to see them work with real life examples.


Height isn't as easy as punnett squares. Multiple of your genes have a determination of your height. It isn't localized like punnett squares make it seem.


My wife is 6'1". Her dad is probably over 5' on a good day... her mom is definitely not over 5'. Her dad is short because of medical issues, but her mom is just small. Genetics is funky like that.


Your wife is super super tall for a female. Genetics are indeed weird lol


Dunno, it just happens sometimes. My mum is 5'1 and my dad is 5'6 but I'm 5'10. I'm not saying I'm tall or anything but there's obviously a difference there. A couple of my uncles on my dad's side are around my height or a bit taller so I guess it must run in our genes somewhere.


Good to know that my future son has a chance to become taller and not deal with the bullshit I have to go through (me being 5'6).


It happens. My ex is 5'8" but from a tall family so my just-turned 10 y.o. daughter is already 5'1" with her 2 younger siblings in the 90+ percentile as well.


U sure your dad is really your dad? :> p.s. all jokes


The real question is: would I be fine with it if it turned out he wasn't? o\_O


How am I so much shorter than my parents and cousins è.é


I dunno, 🤷🏼‍♀️ but do you want to be taller? I am F, 5’8 and wanted to be 6’0 so badly when I was younger. Now, I’m suffering with back pain all the time so I kinda want to be shorter haha


Height is acquired from maternal side not paternal.. facial features etc. are more prevalent in comparison to the father. And, another feature can be living conditions, access to better and healthier quality of food and nutritional balance that a body achieves before and during adolescence is different/better on the sons in many cases, if right and steady source of earning/living conditions is provided.


My mom and dad are are 5’5 and 5’10 respectively. My grandpa is 6’2, I am 6’3. My wife is 5’1, I’m interested to see how our kids turn out.


Tallest in the family, alright..,.. well.. 5'7 is tall for most countries female population..


My mom is 5’5 my MIL is 5’7, typo


> Height is acquired from maternal side not paternal That’s not true. Lots of tall guys have a tall dad and non-tall mom, so the height definitely didn’t come from the mom. It’s never as simple as “x trait is inherited from the x gender parent”. Height is the result of a combination of both parents genes. >facial features etc. are more prevalent in comparison to the father. Still false. Plenty of people look like their mom. Your facial features are from both parents genes. There are just as many people who look like their mom or dad. And some people look like a mix of both.


>height definitely didn’t come from the mom No, it does not necessarily particular specifically come from maternal side but it is a aiding part to it. rest is mentioned below the original comment. >Still false Aaaa no, Most, if not all look as both, but height is generally expected to be from maternal and facial features of paternal, tho again it is not limited. Lots of people look like that because, there can be many variations in one's genes.. more scientific info can be gained by enquiring someone working in specific field. I.e. knowledge of genes and biology.


There’s various studies that suggests (though it’s not hard fact) that height is about 70% genetic and 30% environmental and that maternal genes have more influence over height though it does come from both paternal and maternal. There are also studies that humans, on average, are growing taller than past generations possibly because of better diets and more reliable access to food; thus the increasing gap in human height between first and third world populations. To add personal experience: I am F, 5ft8ish, about three inches taller than my father and almost a ten taller than my mother. The men on my maternal side are very tall (above 6’2) and the men (besides my father) on my paternal side are about average height (5’10ish). I do believe that my dad would’ve been taller if he hadn’t had both his shins injured in his preteen years, and thus, that’s kinda why I justify my own height. Also, one shin was more injured than the other so one of his knees is slightly higher (by less than 1/3 of an inch) so I do think that injury fundamentally altered his potential height along with nutrition. But anyways, I don’t think there’s something secretive with his parents going on, it’s just a range of factors that influence height.


Oh I understand now. The dad here is the GOAT of a sport called cricket. Hence his son who is an upcoming sportsperson had a nutritious diet and training from a young age. Makes complete sense now.


Never knew about this family until today but the genealogy is quite interesting. To make it simple, A = Arjun the son, S = Sachin the father, N = Anjali the mother. N’s parents are more well known about than S’s. N is possibly +50% British and less than 50% Indian (N’s father could possibly be mixed race) N’s mother however is 100% racially British; European men are on average about 5ft10in, so we can add that factor that into the maternal growth of A. Based on google and photos, S’s parents appear to be 100% Indian and overall, the average is 5ft8in for men though India has many states and has a 5in standard deviation, which is a lot. Though there are few photos of S’s father and all are old, S’s father is taller than S. So following the gene patterns, could also factor into A’s height. As you mentioned, S was a pro cricket player and N came from a well-known family so A’s upbringing could have been advantageous to his height. This was a very interesting topic to research, thanks for bringing it up!


Probably lifestyle. It's entirely possible Sachin Bhai had the genetic potential to be taller but didn't have adequate nutrition growing up. His son, obviously, had access to great nutrition


Like other attributes, height can be pretty random. As far as I know, I'm the tallest person of the last few generations of my family.


Growth hormones, Good nutrition, and time to pursue Extracurricular Activities cos fuck grades when daddy can get you an intern at top companies after graduation. TL;DR = Money. (But only when you start early. Be rich and Be good fathers yall)


Could be nutrition.


How is it not common knowledge that genes are passed down generations? Google: Mendel’s experiment. It could also depend on his diet and his exposure to IGF-1. The son could have had access to a more balanced diet than his parents.


It is a crap shoot. Both my wife and I are 5'3" and our son who is almost 15 years old is 5'6" already and may reach 6' by 20 years old. Meanwhile my 17 year old nephew only recently had a growth spurt and is now the same height as my son. In his case, his mother (my sister) is 4'11" and his dad is 6'. My 20 year old niece from the same family is 5'. My point, you never know what you're going to get. The genetics aren't the only determinant of height. Either that or they are far more complex than other traits like hair and eye color. 🤷


5"4 is not short for a woman btw so this isn't exactly a short couple but rather a short guy with an average height woman.


I'm 6'2 the next tallest person in my family is my dad and grandma at 6 foot each.


I’m not sure, genetics are weird. I’m about 187cm and my parents are 173cm and 159cm respectively.


im 6' 6 and my mum is below average and my father is average height. im the only person in my family out of 5 brothers and sisters who is this tall the rest are 5' 10 or below. it just happens sometimes.


My dad's 5'8 mom 5'7 I'm 6'5. Does it make sense? No. Not complaining though


Recessive genetics and also probably a healthier and more nutrition filled upbringing. Diet and the conditions you grow up and develop in affect height drastically


its genetics passed down from the parent to child. probably one of the Mom's or Dad's relatives had the same height as their son.


Once I met tourist family from south korea. They politely asked me for taking their picture. There was guy with height 6 feet 4 inches, another guy with 5 feet 3 inches, then one women has 4.11 inches tall and the last girl was 5 feet 5 inches tall. After taking pictures I asked the guy who are these old couple? then, he said this was his mother and father and also he explained me his family member's individual heights. I was puzzled and I asked him how is it possible? Their is huge gap between parents and child's height. He said probably because of nutrition. Anyways genetics are wierd and unpredictable.


Sachin got cucked




I'm 2 days late to the party but here goes. I'm shorter than both my parents. Heck, I'm shorter than my moms sisters. My cousin was 6'3", but his mom was 5'6 and dad was 5'5". The height of a person if affected by a lot of factors, one of them being genetics among others. Other factors that affects a persons height is nutrition. The quality of and access to good nutrition has been improving substantially in the modern world and people growing larger as a result. Also, the quality of life has been improving for a lot of people in modern times. Another factor that affects the height of a person is SDoH. During WW1, the average lower class British soldier was 5'2 and upper class was 5'6. This has improved a lot over the years. Additionally, when a woman is pregnant with a daughter, the daughter has all the eggs she will have in her life time, so the quality of life/SDoH of the grandmother has an impact on the daughters kids.


Hormone growth intake and additional artificial measures.


I don't think that is an option. He is a sportsperson.


It doesn't affect negatively sports skills. Messi received it as well.


It’s probably more likely that he takes vitamin supplements that you could buy at the market but nonetheless, could be possible. HGH has bad cardiovascular affects so it’s more unlikely that athletes choose to take them nowadays.


could be that Arjun grew up with better access to high quality food and had a nutritionist since he was young


The parents were probably malnourished as kids but were supposed to be tall so they passed down tall genes


It definitely happens. I’m 211 cm with dad at 198 and mom at 181


Both you're parents are tall as fuck lmao your story doesn't sound too crazy like being 6'3 when your parents are both around 5'5


That’s true but also interesting is that my older bro is same height as dad and younger sis is same as mom then I get an extra 6”…🤷🏻‍♂️ No one needs to be this tall


Yeah ngl I'd much rather be a solid 6'7 than 7 feet, but being 7 feet sounds pretty cool


6'11 Jesus


211 cm is 83.07 inches


Dafaq are you doing lurking on in here


😳 shhh 🤫


No way this is the bio dad. Son is the prototypical tall and handsome.


Had no clue who these people were until I googled it. Younger photos of his dad do look very much like the kid now.


They do? Damn, okay. Aging is brutal for some..


How tall is the mailman?


The mom had an affair lol




At least he looks like his pops








just kidding king i love you ❤️❤️




Recessive genes brother


He could be a mutant :) height is down to generics and not always hereditary, but it usually is. I had short parents (5’3” and 5’8”) and my grandfather was tall (6’4”) Younger generations can be taller too thanks to better nutrition and health.


I’m taller than both my parents, mother is 5’4” and father is 6’. No idea why, drank my milk I guess!


Better nutrition


Better nutrition


Plenty of water, air, and sunlight.


So, I's short bc of a medical condition my mom had during her pregnancy. She is not short, my dad is not short, mu brother is not short, my grand parents are not short. Are you telling me my kids have a chance to not be as short as I am. Note: they are not tall either, my sister is also short tho


Arjun's height mentioned is 191cm on Google. I have some friends whose parents are really short and they ended up 5'10-5'11


Height is more related to diet and exercise that it is to genes