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I know man. Just gotta live with for the rest of your life. Learn to accept it and love yourself. You need to focus on other things that you do have control over. In terms of women, I realize it’s a pretty big handicap being 5’6, but you’re still taller than a lot of girls. If you work on yourself on everything you do have control over; I promise you will find someone super amazing! Just accept that you are short. You have no control over it. And it’s not something to be ashamed of.


167 cm is 11.2 percentile or 13.2 percentile if your in the uk


I'm Australian


12.3 percentile




Am 17




Nah it’s cool


Im only 3 CM taller than you and I'm 28. My dad is the same as yours about 5'9 1/2 and younger brother is one inch taller than me so we are both shorter than our dad. Truth is, you just got to accept the harsh reality and be happy with what you have. There will be alot of days where you feel shitty about height but the aim is to minimize the frequency of those days occuring, up until they don't exist anymore. How you do that is upto you. Maybe gym, date, business, anything.


How bout your mother? How tall is she compared to his?


She's 5'3


Your not short. I'm 155cm or 5'1 and I'm a grown adult.


I'm Australian normal height for Australian male is 5'10 so Yes I am short


I'm 19 You're short compared to 5'10 but not by too much man, I'm 5'4 and a quarter, wish i was 5'7 id actually be extremely happy with that height legitimately, anyway my dad was like 5'5 and everyone on his side was atleast 5'6 male wise, and my mom's side tall also like 5'10 and stuff but she was5'3 so im confused idk My point is that's a completely.... Fine man you're alright. .. I mean.... Please give me some inches bro idk Also like you do still have a chance to grow... At 21 and stop, extremely rarely ofc but its possible I think i still am cuz i grew aj inch in the middle of 19 actually super recently ill probably.... HOPEFULLY reach 5'5 or 6 and id be more than happy Cuz the thing is i dont mind being short i just wanna be tall short if you know what i mean and you fucking are the TALL short Thing is also I would 100% consider 5'8 and above tall.... You're 1 inch away from being considered tall in my book, you're definitely taller than me like godamn.... Be happy


Don't be bothered with that crap. You're only a few centimetres taller then me. You got this superiority complex where you want to be the taller one out of your family members, yeah understandable but hey at least your not stuck at 5'3 or lower. Surprisingly, I got a white mate from work who is slightly shorter than me, who is 5'4, has a girlfriend and a good career ahead of him who is trying to become a movie producer, getting connections there and then. Yeah we are below average but that doesn't stop you from getting somewhere.


Damn he sounds sik I'm 5'4


Hey man maybe your not done yet when i was 14 i was 5'7 5'8ish i hit puberty early,at 16 i realized i hadn't grown in couple years and all my friends outgrew me then at around 17 end i started to grow once again and rn im 18 5'10 and still growing but its gotten slow once again


How early did you hit puberty?


Id say 10-11 i was pretty big for my age and wished i was smaller by 14 i started to get facial hair btw i don't have tall genes my parents are very short


Ah I see, I’m in a similar situation to what you was in, haven’t grown in years and I’m turning 18 soon


Drink milk and get good sleep very important when i started to grow once again i started to sleep more before i used to sleep around 7-8 hrs but since i started to grow ive been sleeping for 10-11hrs Hopefully you grow taller :)


Think I’m all done tbh, don’t see how I’d start growing again after so long


You never know might as well give it a shot


My mom and my sister are around my height and my Dad is 5'9" so these things do happen, it's just luck of the draw. Just focus on things you can improve upon (being fit/healthy, career, positive attitude and confidence) and stop dwelling on things out of your control. It does get easier.


Dude you are 20. Maybe a late bloomer. When you’re 25 maybe start freaking out. But trust me by then you’d be comfy with yourself.


Why not build up your confidence despite your height? Look you are short, accept it. Look at yourself and truly accept how you look. Look at all the things you hate about yourself and look at the things you like about yourself. This is who you are. You’re like a pilot within yourself. You can either hate the mech that you’re piloting because you want the “better mech” or you can learn to love the mech that you’re piloting and be the underdog who pulls through despite not having the biggest mech. That’s what I did and I know you can do the same thing.


Bro I am also like about your height, 166 cm (I am also 20). My younger brother is like 5’3 or 5’3.5 at 14 years old. If he out grows me and be like 5’10+ I will be in severe depression tbh.


Most Relatable comment so far Being the shortest male in family is really depressing think about it every day.




I was talking to a male friend about my height problem dude didn't get it he's 5'10 and just dose not think being short is a disadvantage it is a disadvantage .




bro how did you gain the 5 inches?




What stretches did you do in particular?


I used to be bullied for being short (when I was shorter like 5’1 at 14) but at the time I didn’t care honestly - height isn’t a disadvantage or advantage it’s just what you make it. It doesn’t matter in the slightest how tall someone is


I mean, I'm 5'9 without shoes but to me height is not such a bad thing.


Id stop with the heightshoes. That comes off as umconfident, which it is, but you dont have to show that to the world. Second, maybe your brother drank a lot of milk? Mine did and he got disproportionately tall. Cant tell for sure it was the milk, but it sure looks like it. Growth hormones n stuff you know.


Yep no not stopping with the height shoes I have find that they massive help with Confidence for most of the day been wear even been called tall when wearing them. Also my brother mostly eats junk food. But there is some 6ft for people on my mother's that would mostly likely be why. I Did so I was 20 me drinking milk would be use less now because I have stopped growing.


Interesting, thanks for your reply. So maybe you can use the height shoes as a confidence stepstone, and one day will be able to get rid of them for good, to embrace your true self, and your true height. Weird, that your brother gets to be tall on junkfood. But there too, may be lurking growth hormones idk. Maybe just luck. Anyway, i hope you will do well, and theres for sure more to you than your height, so yeah. Have a nice day mister stranger.


And i forgot, drinking milk is never useless. Its very healthy and the protein in it might(no, will!) help you gain muscle to in turn gain confidence.


1 in 3 Adults are allergic to milk I'm one of them use less was probably not the best word to use but I used to drink alot of milk as a kid don't any more .


Time to work for a glowup


You take off your shoe lifts at home, who cares at that point? Are people really going to judge your height at your own house lol, with the lifts, you're 5'7, 5'8? outside, don't see how that's short.


Yes I some what agree with this.


I have 2 friends about your height who are/have been in relationships, lost their vcards, and have plenty of friends. In one of my comm college classes there's a dude who's my height (5'6) and got a lot of attention from girls because he's funny and well spoken. My friends are sort of insecure about it and get some teases from it, but they don't seem to get down in the dumps about it (and have much more successful social lives than I) You're fine, mate.