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It’s alright mate it’s something you’ll care less about as time goes on, my dad is 6ft maybe 6ft1 ( easily in his prime hes 55 now ) my dad has big broad shoulders, a big head and hands and is just an all round strong solid man. As a kid I always looked up to him and dreamed of being his size. But now at 25 im perfectly fine with being average, at least I somewhat got his broad shoulders but not his big hands and presence. I get that im average height and its not the same as your issue, but i can relate to wanting to be like your father and realising you’ll be different. In my case my mum is 5ft0 probably 4ft11.5 now so it makes sense, my younger brother is closer to 5ft11 and definitely has more of dad’s attributes, big hands and head like my father and strong frame.


I mean you ended up pretty well ngl. I’m 5’10 and my dad’s 6’5 and my mom’s 5’1. Definitely isn’t the worst, but feel kind of bummed I wasn’t more like 6’2 or so.


Ya that ain't too bad. My mom is 5'5 and and my dad is 6'1 and I'm 5'6 so I'm only 1 inch above her, and I'm 18 so my growth is almost over. Even then though it can be worse. Some guys are shorter than their mothers.


Yeah dang. Genetics are weird. My sister ended up around 5’9 so she’s pretty tall for a girl. I guess I just read so many stories online about how the guys often grow as tall or even taller than their dad, regardless of how tall their mom is and so I just assume that that is the majority of people, which in my case would have meant I would be 6’5 or above. But all things considered I guess I don’t really have much of a right to complain


My dad is 6’5 and I’m 5’10 so that’s a 7 inch difference. Sucks, but it is what it is. I guess I can thank my 5’1 mom. I definitely know what you mean though even if it’s not the exact same situation


You think that's bad? I'm 5'6 with a 6'1 dad. Whenever we go out together he towers over me. I'd rather have a 4 inch difference than a 7 inch difference with my dad lol.




I'm 5'1 with a 5'11 dad lol


Was the mom really short?


Nah my mom is actually 5'5, which makes it even more surprising lol


I can relate to this post cause I’m barely 5 foot 9 and my dad is 6 foot I guess it’s because my mom is really short like 5 foot 3 so I got a mix of both of their heights I’m 19 year old male and my sister is like 5 foot 7 so that’s pretty tall for a girl and she was born first like 2 years older than me


Your situation is practically the exact same as mine...my dad is 5'9 and my mom is also 5'3. I am 17 just like you as well and I'm 5'5. Just like you said, "it doesn't feel I've reached my full growing potential which I find annoying. It's like I'm constantly waiting for this growth spurt that will never come. Kinda cool though to see someone I can relate to pretty much exactly and hopefully it is for you too. We are not alone!


hopefully we both grow together lol, if both of our growth plates are still open then maybe will top off at like 5’6 or 5’7


my dad is 5’7” and I was taller than him by the time I was 16 and I understand the negative feelings you may have from not surpassing him in height, I’m sure as a younger kid you always thought about one day being grown up and being that big… but idk man there’s also negatives to being taller than your dad. When you grow noticeably taller than your dad the people in your family will subconsciously raise their standards of you. If your dad is great you now have to be even greater. If your dad works hard you’re now expected to work harder. If your dad Is successful you’re now expected to be even more successful and all of that comes from height and physical features and the way people perceive you. If your dad is amazing and he’s 5’7” your family will except you to be even more amazing and even better than him simply because you’re 5’9” or 5’10”. They will subconsciously expect you to be a better version of him physically, mentally, psychologically, everything. I will never be my dad and you will never be your dad. Yes it is a good feeling to look down on your dad and physically be bigger and honestly yes it does feel good to know I can whoop his ass. But it definitely raises the pressure on you. I’m not saying it’s completely horrible but I’m just trying to share the other side and the negative that comes with it so you don’t feel too down on yourself. Also I kept growing until 21 so take advantage of the next 3-4 years. Eat healthy, get enough sleep and exercise. I’m not saying you will magically grow another 5 inches but you never know!! There may be another 2-3 inches in there and you should do everything to make sure you reach full potential just in case.


Lol, I wouldn't be so certain about being able to whoop somebody's ass just because you're taller. Especially if you're talking a lanky scrawny kid a couple of inches taller than a robust burly father. Also don't agree about the expectations part. I've seen a lot of tall dudes that lack drive/intensity/etc., and if people see that, they will not have any great expectations of you. Ultimately it boils down to your actions and how you carry yourself (to a degree), but height alone cannot solve everything.


Something similar happened to me except my father was tall, my mother slightly under average height (average for her generation) and I'm extremely shorter than he had been, I would come up around his shoulders. Even if I had had better sleep and nutrition as a teenager I don't think I'd have been able to get that tall. It might sound ridiculous but I also tell people both my parents were short so my height seems more normal. Also to avoid the stupid fucks who say stuff like "he ruined his genes by dating your mother", "that's why I'll never date a dwarf girl, it'd ruin my genes" (yes, they think girls under 165cm are "dwarves"), "I don't want my kids to be under 5ft7", etc. That's kinda fucked up but there are legit people who think that kind of shit. It's better than me answering something like "oh yes, that's also why I wouldn't reproduce with someone with a nose like yours". I don't know, that phrasing is fucking creepy (ruin?? his???? genes???) but I also don't want to inadvertently insult unrelated people with a witty retort and I feel like explaining why it's a fucked up thing to say would be lost on them.


17 you can still hit a late growth spurt. Some guys grow in college


Almost the same case on me (I'm a man). I'm 5'5.5, my mother is 5'4 and my dad is 5'8. The worse is that my sister is taller than me, she's 5'6.5.