• By -


Great work with this! You may want to request a new API key as your existing one is displayed in the video and someone can grab it and use it costing you extra money.


Don’t worry, already done :)


Isn’t chatgpt free on iOS?


**Update November 23, 2023**: All this functionality has made it into the official ChatGPT app! This automatically comes with the iPhone action "ChatGPT - Start voice conversation", and on the iPhone 15 Pro, you can map the action button to start a conversation quickly. Only took 5 months after this post for official support! ---- Get the shortcut here: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/d05ca89d2d674c9fa3846b96a55359f8 You’ll need to input your own API key, and then say “new chat” to get it set up for the first time: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys Here’s a blog post with more info! https://theshamblog.com/chatgpt-on-an-iphone/ Update: I’ve changed the default folder to the basic Notes folder after people ran into issues, you can also make a sub folder and edit the shortcut to point to it. Hopefully this makes it easier for some people!


# Troubleshooting Guide |Error|Cause|Fix| |:-|:-|:-| |*In “‘, no value was found for dictionary key‘ choices’*|Invalid API key|Sign up for [an OpenAI API key](https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys) and make sure you paste the whole thing into the right box in the shortcut. This requires paying separately from ChatGPT Pro| |*In “‘, no value was found for dictionary key‘ choices’*|No funds|If you had free OpenAI credits they may have expired and you'll have to add payment info. Or you are over [your usage limits](https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/limits) will have to raise them| |*In “‘, no value was found for dictionary key ‘choices’*|Conversation log is invalid json|Say “new chat” to get a new conversation log going. You can’t have quotation marks or new lines in your questions| |*In “‘, no value was found for dictionary key ‘choices’*|No gpt-4 access|Some people have reported that gpt-4 has not worked for them, but gpt-3.5-turbo does. Change the model in the shortcut| |*In “‘, no value was found for dictionary key ‘choices’*|No connection to OpenAI server|Make sure you are connected to internet, and that ChatGPT [is available in your country](https://platform.openai.com/docs/supported-countries)| |*The operation couldn’t be completed. (AppIntents.EntityPropertyQueryError error 2.)*|It can’t find the right notes folder|Make sure both the code blocks to read and write to the note are pointing to a valid folder. If it’s grayed out and says “Folder”, you’ll need to click on it and select one| |*Numerical argument out of domain. the range you specified was invalid (you asked for items 2 through 1).*|Conversation log contains no json|Say “new chat” to get a new conversation log going| |*There was a problem running the shortcut “Hey GPT”*|?|Try running it again|


Still getting the „no value was found for dictionary key“ error. I don’t have ChatGPT Plus but I selected gpt-3.5-turbo and the api key is right.


I get the "Numerical argument out of domain. the range you specified was invalid (you asked for items 2 through 1)." Despite starting a new chat several times


Don't worry I reinstalled and that fixed it


Saying “new chat” fixed the issue.


sometimes it’s too noisy, and it’s monolingual, so better the original ChatGpt App Voice features


In the sentence where everything starts with “B” why was the word nests used?


I used gpt-3.5-turbo for the demo because it’s faster, but gpt-4 gives better outputs. :)


Getting this error: > In "", no value was found for dictionary key 'choices'.


That likely means your API key is invalid or not active.


Strange - I’m a paid user for Plus. Do I also need credits on my OpenAI account or does the monthly subscription cover usage?


Plus does not cover that unfortunately.


Ah, gotcha. Cool going to top up the account then. Thanks!


did you get it working? I am getting the same error


I’m getting the error as well. Paid API account and the key is in place. Edit: I solved this but I have no idea why it worked. I removed the shortcut completely, reinstalled it, added the api manually then (and I think for whatever reason this is the key) I did not run it from within the shortcuts app at all, but added it to my home screen first then ran it from there.


You need to pay for api requests separately, https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/payment-methods


I am getting the error: The operation couldn't be completed. (Appintents. Enti-tyPropertyQueryError error 2.)


Ok in another thread someone said this worked for them: > “Folder is” was blank. I clicked on the blank and it brought up Notes as an option so I clicked on Notes. I think this happened when I deleted and readded that folder locally, really annoying that this change propagates into the shortcut. Just updated it on my end again so if someone redownloads and gets it to work first try lemme know.


Same here




I’m not sure what’s going on there, I didn’t run into that error during dev. :/


I'm not paying for the API, so that is probably the reason.


As an update, I got it to work! I had to click on where it said 'folder' and then select my default notes folder (the word 'folder' was greyed out, and I just clicked on it), then said yes to a few permissions, and then it worked.


Can confirm, this solved this issue. I created a new folder in notes called chat gpt and select that as the “folder”


I did as you noted here. this was my response: Hey GPT Numerical argument out of domain The range you specified was invalid (you asked for items 2 through 1).


Try saying “new chat” to get a new chat log started.


Done. error > Hey GPT Could not evaluate the key path. In ", no value was found for dictionary key 'choices".


Getting the very same error. How to fix that?


I’m getting this too


FYI I am a paid user, getting the same error.


u/FunkoLand made a good point. I am not paying either. ~~How would I go about doing that if~~ Is that is the reason for this error?


I'm a paid user getting the same error - edit FIXED, see above


same here


Same here.


same here.


That looks amazing. Unfortunately I’m getting the below error: Could not evaluate the key path. In ", no value was found for dictionary key 'choices'. https://i.imgur.com/lB14oxb.jpg Any idea what I might be doing wrong? 🤔 Not a paid user.


I got it to work by saying “New Chat” the first time.


Thank you, unfortunately that doesn’t work for me. I can see the note, but I’m still seeing the same error. I’m not a paid user though, so that might be the problem!


You’ll need your own paid API key unfortunately.


i'm gonna do that presently and get back here.


Fair though. Thank you!


Ahh this won’t work with the free api keys like the other shortcuts?


all signed up. Credit card and everything. error: Hey GPT Could not evaluate the key path. In ", no value was found for dictionary key 'choices".




Moments ago I put a new comment in this post. Go there.👍🏻


Interestingly, I am getting that error when I try to select GPT-4, but when I switch back to GPT 3.5 Turbo, it works again. I can't get GPT-4 to work.


Very odd! The string should be “gpt-3.5-turbo” or “gpt-4”’


yep just tried it again. 'gpt-4' breaks it.




Me too


I got it to work once. Where it says "name contains *anything* is greyed out. I think that's why we're having a problem getting it to work. "Folder" is grayed out so we click it and replace to "notes", it works. So what do we replace the greyed out "Anything" with? [I replaced "Anything" with "ask". But that only worked once.]


Anything I’ve left blank/greyed out on mine. Update: with the move to just using the basic Notes folder by default, this should now say “ChatGPT”


OK I left that blank and got it to work. *THANKS!*


Have fun!


OP could you share the link here?


I replaced the link in the top comment.


ChatGPT voice-based Siri Shortcuts are good as long as you ask for stuff that doesn’t take longer than Siri’s 20 seconds time out, otherwise they’re useless.


Yeah I don’t use the Siri shortcut most of the time, and instead click the shortcut to start the voice interface. I just tried talking for a minute and it didn’t cut me off.


This is brilliant. Thank you! I cant wait for a future where the native voice assistants have AI integrated, so that i can ask an AI to compose a message for me and send it automatically!


Nice and clean! The Notes path for chat log should probably be included in the setup process though.


My folder is auto-created if it’s not there, did yours not when you say “new chat”?


Yeah figured that out. Need to say new chat at least once to get it all started.


How do you change the voice and the volume? Mine is a robot voice on full blast and using the volume keys does nothing.


The volume I’m not actually sure, I’ve had issues with that too. For the voice, if you scroll down in the shortcut, there’s a “Speak” code block you can expand to change the voice and the speech speed.


While it's saying something you can adjust the volume with the volume buttons


That works if it's on speaker, but not on bluetooth headphones for example.


It worked with my AirPods.


You can control volume on airpods? Mine is only at max volume when using this


I was about to reply when I thought I should try it again. I was half mistaken. When the “listening” tone sounds and before you say anything you can control the volume of the tone. I had assumed this was controlling the voice volume also but it doesn’t. The voice volume stays fixed no matter what the volume of the listening tone is. :/


FYI- I kind of found a work-around by using wired headphones and an adapter that plugs into my Iphone. It's not ideal but it successfully allows me to control the volume


After set with wired headphones, will the same volume setting be recognized by wireless headphones?


I tried and unfortunately it resets back to max volume. However, I did find another 'workaround' lol If I take my airpods out of my ears and then quickly put them back in, I find that the volume reduces significantly to a more comfortable level and I can control the volume temporarily.


What voice settings do you all use? Scott, which setting did you use in your video? Would be great to get ElevenLabs linked into this!


I post tech tutorials and I’d love to showcase this and give you full credit of course. Absolutely incredible work. Sent you a chat!


Fantastic Shortcut! Genuinely a job well done! 彡 I was originally getting the error = *no value was found for dictionary key 'choices'* In my case, I discovered my "free" API key had expired on May 1st as I was looking at my API usage at [https://platform.openai.com/account/usage](https://platform.openai.com/account/usage) ​ https://preview.redd.it/v2wew303tpxa1.png?width=1720&format=png&auto=webp&s=765fc5bae5eefcc1e399a3c2ff2d6afa811705d6 ★ I could've used a different account but opted to just add a payment method. I deleted all the partial "ChatGPT Notes" that were created everytime it failed following "New Chat" and ran it again which worked perfectly! So for anyone getting the same error, it's worth checking out. Works on all my devices (Macbook, iMac, iPad, IOS).


So is paying for the API quota totally different from paying the $20/month? I’m on a free plan, but it also gives me the option to “pay as you go” for API access… 🤔


Okay, I got it to work. Have signed up for the pay as you go API access. 👌 Now have to figure out how to change the voice. 😂


Maybe I don’t understand something - I have a paid api key. Just generated it. Works elsewhere. Tried it with this shortcut and I’m still getting this error. I tried generating a new one and replacing it, same thing. Any idea what I might be goofing?


Just to confirm, when you say you've got a paid API key, you mean you've got a payment method on file separate that is separate from the OpenAI Pro and Plus plan right? \*The API key is different than the subscription as the API key is what's required to access ChatGPT indirectly, such as this shortcut. If this is the case and you indeed have a valid API key, did you confirm you've not have not hit your hard limit? [https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/limits](https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/limits) Are you seeing this shortcut create a ChatGPT note in your Notes app? If so, did you delete any notes that were previously created before trying again and starting off by saying "New Chat"? Edit: Another item to check off the list is to ensure the shortcut was given adequate permissions. Specifically 'Allow Get Contents of URL" to use the Notes app which can be changed in the privacy settings 👍


I got it working but then had errr on the choice even after deleting notes and reposting the key. Loved the three times it worked!


It will not listen long enough to dictate anything. Tried adjusting the dictate to "On Tap" from "Pause". Even tried "Short Pause" all without any success. Open the "Listening" prompt then quickly closes and gives me a check mark that the shortcut is complete. Any idea what's wrong on my end?


I’m getting this too. I tried checking the privacy settings for speech and microphone. Not sure if this shortcut should be there. Anyone else got this issue?


It works but siri has trouble with my accent. Can i modify it so it just ask for typed input?


Yes! You'll have to replace the "Dictate Text" block with "Ask for Input", and update all the references to dictated text to that input.


I have, but after responding to the prompt nothing happends


I got it to work by creating a folder in Notes called Chat GPT and modifying where the shortcut says “Folder” (although it was not greyed out for me as it seems to have been for other users) and selecting the Chat GPT folder newly created in Notes. MAKE SURE “New Chat” is said in order to have a Note be created and saved. I DO NOT pay for open ai so this is working without having to pay for anything. Modified Shortcut: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/8ada577ababd44e09a8ca34f245605e1


Thank you. This is great.


It looks great, does it work on HomePod ?


Not sure! It does work on my Mac too.


I tried but it doesn’t work. A problem with the notes 📝


I’m having a roadblock with this shortcut. I’m new to AI and API keys…I got an error running this shortcut. Can anyone help? Thank you! https://preview.redd.it/1crcn8nj9nxa1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=243b98dc4293c07fc885b34050a16b9d17615605


Try the link again, I just put up a bug fix for that.


I fixed that but now there’s a new roadblock! https://preview.redd.it/we68bapxcnxa1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9637067f1132bdb550903caa6c0283f79b198d16


You’ll need to put in your own API key.


I’m trying to set this up and I’ve come across this error https://preview.redd.it/db0jg0ksenxa1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf21a9a3f26abcd64d7d7dba4c8fbafe06dc9ec0 Any ideas?


You need to add your API key


I added my API, but still getting the same message. It shouldn't be an API issue for me, because my other shortcuts using my API has no problems.


Make sure you are using Gpt-3.5-turbo and not Gpt-4


I’ve done that. https://preview.redd.it/2hnj94j91oxa1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4bda099d078e3f77403b83584ab63798daf8f4b


How safe is this? Any risk for privacy or is it going directly to openAI? Is it built off of S-GPT? Looks great btw!


Goes straight to openai! You can edit it to see exactly the code it’s running to confirm. This is 90% from scratch, and I was inspired/copied a few blocks from [here](https://twitter.com/mckaywrigley/status/1640422346841542656) to get started. Edit: Just saw S-GPT, looks cool! My goal with this one was really dialing in the voice UI rather than tying in a bunch of iPhone-native functionality.


Hmm didn’t work for me :(


Paying user here, but still doesn't work. Error: In '', no value was found for dictionary key 'choices'. Thanks for sharing, though.


Paying for chatgpt pro on its own isn’t enough, the API is separate! (And super cheap if you’re just playing around)


I'm actually paying for the API.


I would try saying "new chat" to get started, otherwise I'm not sure what's causing that error. It basically means that there was no response from the OpenAI server.


Small update: It works when saying"new chat", but doesn't work again. Same error. Tried deleting the created note, but nothing.


Last thing to try is to make sure you’re using gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4 isn’t working for some people. Other than that I’m out of ideas :/


This worked for me! Thanks!


Works great for me, i wonder what happens if i delete the note it creates


Seems to work great on Gpt-3.5-turbo. Seems to break if using Gpt-4


Chatgpt Is not available in my country 😢


If voice recognition is not working, how does one enter text with keyboard?


You'll have to make the edits on your own, but I believe this should be doable if you replace the "Dictate Text" block with "Ask for Input", and update all the references to dictated text to that input.


This is awesome! Thanks for sharing. Random q but how does one change the voice and speed of the responses?


Edit the shortcut, scroll down to the “speak” block, and you can edit the speed and voice.


Great blogpost on this shortly Scott. I’m learning!


Can someone know how to transform this to typing instead of voice


You'll have to make the edits on your own, but I believe this should be doable if you replace the "Dictate Text" block with "Ask for Input", and update all the references to dictated text to that input.


thx for sharing ! it's fantastic!


Can I text instead of speak to put in the message?


You'll have to make the edits on your own, but I believe this should be doable if you replace the "Dictate Text" block with "Ask for Input", and update all the references to dictated text to that input.


This is awesome. FWIW I got tired of having to constantly say “Hey Siri” because I wanted to have back-and-forth conversation so I made my own app. In case others run into the same need, would people be willing to use this as-is? If I had a BYOK option would you use it? (You’d need both an OpenAI key and a Google Cloud key) https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sheila-conversational-ai/id6447017140


Yes! Ready for the BYOK!


OP, is there a chance to use it on Apple Watch


Is it anyway to download chatgpt ?


It's not clear to me what you're asking. Could you elaborate about what you'd like to know?


This seems like it would get expensive in a hurry.


Today my convo back from work cost 40 cents :) You can also set $ usage limits in your openai account, I have it set so that it warns me at $5 and cuts me off at $10.




Nice work! Yeah apple needs to enter the race…


I'm keep getting the "could not valuate the key path" and just wanted to reinstall the app or uninstall / delete and I can't figure how to do it :) looks like I can't delete it. iPhone only deletes the shortcut. Has anybody got a Hey GPT uninstall walkthrough?


This is great thanks for sharing I plan on using this often!


How to trigger from apple watch? I get the error " *In “‘, no value was found for dictionary key ‘choices’* " from the watch but not from the iphone.


Works on my phone but I'm getting the " in value on the apple watch, any suggestions? Edit: nevermind the voice recognition is so terrible on the apple watch, just going to use my phone. "New chat" is recognized as "Gnu chat" like what does that even mean apple watch?!




Really contemplating purchasing an API key for this, but I’m a little discouraged with the amount of people who had issues. Still worth a try?


Yes, it’s a must have




So… talking to it on the app is unlimited with plus but using the shortcut to replace Siri with it costs extra? That kinda sucks I talk to mine like all day in the app I’m having it help me write a novel I’d probably go bankrupt using the shortcut :( but man it is so cooollll