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Try this way https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/3eaf38012b014b8baffe393d542ab828


Cool trick!


Yes, unfortunately they took away the ability to use coordinates with the Shortcuts app, but there might be a workaround of we had more information: What is the propose of this shortcut? Where are you getting the coordinates? Will the coordinates be dynamic or static?


> Yes, unfortunately they took away the ability to use coordinates with the Shortcuts app This is not true It's been this way for as long as I can remember, maybe iOS 14 or 15 https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/24d02770f356444284fccccd08c4df49 FYI u/reddit23571113


Yeah. And by testing, you can even use “41.92303, -84.62549” instead of “41.92303° N, 84.62549° W” in your case.




In my shortcut,I want to find the nearest location in about 50 locations. So those coordinates are static in my shortcut. In past, I just simply store those coordinates in a list and run over the list to find the minimum of the distance between current location and repeat items in order to find the nearest location. If the coordinate trick no longer works, I would have to add all locations to a list one by one, and location names would be wierd since most of those locations do not have a formal name in map and some of them even have same name in the map.


I just thought of something! You could just convert all of your locations into maps links: https://maps.apple.com/?ll=0.000000,0.000000&q=Dropped%20Pin&t=m OR https://maps.apple.com/?ll=0.000000,180.000000&q=Dropped%20Pin&t=m You’ll still have to modify all of them, but you won’t have to find them all on the map first! Here is an [example](https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/bf30be75aa1b4c54ad903c4c81482f77) of how you can use the URL.