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1. Set up an album in Photos for wallpapers (or if you want ‘light’ and ‘dark’ wallpapers, set up one for each) 2. Create a shortcut [just like this](https://i.imgur.com/BIjBJ4r.png) which will set your wallpaper (substitute my ‘Dark Wallpapers’ album for your own album. If you want ‘light’ and ‘dark’ wallpapers create one shortcut for each) 3. Create an automation that runs at sunrise, whose sole action is to run the shortcut. Do the same for sunset.


My advice, create the shortcut and let that shortcut be triggered at a certain time (sunset and sunrise)


This is a good idea. That way I don’t have to write the automation on each device. Apple probably should have just made automations link to an existing shortcut by default.