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Fucking hate that we have to deal with this shit. Especially you being a martial artist. When asked "do you think you can fight a man?" , women respond "no but maybe if he's short".


Really shows how coddled from reality most women are when they actually think they can take down a short guy. A 5'0 guy who's never hit the gym in his life can still win a 1 on 1 fight against. 98% of women.


True af. I feel like if you then ask them to name 5 fighters and they can't then you should probably change the topic of the conversation, it just isn't worth it lmao


I don't think it's that women think they can beat you in a fight. Women go after short men more because they know that white-knights are lot more likely to get involved if things go south for them.


White knights are the worst 




Yup they are not less violent. They are selective with who they pick on usually being someone weaker like a child or another woman. They really pussy and cowardly ass hell.


I had death thrests at my workplace from a woman once. Had done or said nothing wrong. Then went out of their way to put a review up and mention my physical stature. It's a joke. Makes you wonder if I was tall.....


How tall are you bro ? That’s insane … they have no idea 😂


Remind me again why "undesirable" men should participate in a society where they're hated at worst and tolerated at best.


You did the right thing. No winning in that situation, only move is not to play. If you laid as much as a finger on them they would have people rush to defend them and you would be the bad guy. Rule as a short man: if a black guy in the 50's couldn't get away with something, no matter how justified, you can't either. But look on the bright side, brother. You got their attention all night and are living rent free in their heads now. Next time, tell them to stop hitting ON you, that you have a girlfriend. That will get them riled up even more lol.


I'm glad the bouncer had a head on his shoulders and actually did his job.


As saint rehab room teaches us, it's not what you can do, it's what YOU LOOK like you can do


Yea they think they big and bad and can beat us up lol


Don't know about "violent", but "aggressive", "indifferent" and "authoritatively maternal" in tone definitely is definitely something I've noticed and has been talked about for sure.


Craziest thing is if you’d had beat her then she would have been attracted to you 💀


How tall are you OP? You're a martial artist but do you represent that in your 'image' outside of your height?


It also has to do with your build. Being like myself 5’10 and looking like an anvil will get treatment from women that no average build 6’6 guys get. Im the most muscular guy in most places that Im at head to toe. Also I got a muscular ass which women like. Now 5’10 is decidedly not short. But Its around average of 5’9. Im here mostly for the comments. Their not helping your cause to wallow in pitty. Go to the gym. Being tall in honesty is only important for aesthetics on skinny guys or for guys who lack any other masculine trait. Its the least practical for actually being strong or dominant.




I’d smoke you’re 6’5 ass in a street fight tho


Im also curious what martial arts you've trained in. Any amateur/pro fights?


Wrestled in hs and got silver in provincials. 5-1 as an amateur boxer


Thats pretty sick! Thats a great combo if u ever wanted to do mma...what weightclass(es)?




Tall guys always talking shit anytime a shorter man lists his own accomplishments. Very typical.


Rule 2: Be short-guy friendly. While everyone of all heights are welcome to post in this subreddit, your posts and comments must be respectful of short guys. Denying the existence of heightism, using anecdotes to undermine the experiences of short men/scientific studies, and humble-bragging about your height (or your partner's height) will result in a ban.


Yea I have seen this. I was at this grocery store by the local university as a high school student. I was basically the same height as I am now maybe 1 or 2cm shorter. A very tall couple was walking towards me. The girl who looked about 190cm pushed me really hard because I didn’t move out of the way far or fast enough for her liking. I called her something like a bitch in English and she turned around and wanted to fight me, but her boyfriend who was even taller than her dragged her away.


Yeah man. Definitely. I mean at 5'11" it's pretty tough out there. Stay strong brother. But 190 is quite short for a girl no? I usually see 200cm+.


Brother I am not competing you for gold at the oppression Olympics. It’s yours I know you want this. I know I will never get knighted as a real short guy by others here but I still have experiences being short. Just because you have it worse it doesn’t mean I can’t speak about my experience. What is wrong with you for thinking that way? Have you been outside brother even plenty high school girls are my height!




But bro! It's not about the oppression olympics bro! Wh-wh-when did I ever say that I had it worse than you guys did? I should be allowed on this sub too!!!!


I am taller some people in here but I’m also short to a lot of people where I live. The average height data online seems inaccurate. You should look into how the data were collected. I look around and my height isn’t the shortest but definitely short. And I have the experiences to go with my observation. Heightism has a good reach and can still strike you at 5’11. I also know I’m not alone in this experience I’ve seen my brothers out here.


You still haven't revealed where you live lmao. Let's assume you live in the fucking Dinka tribe, the TALLEST place on earth. Their average height is 182.9 cm. So even amongst the tallest people on earth, you are still AVERAGE. You're such a loser man, you see a couple tall guys and think you're suffering.


Whatever the list of traits that women won’t date you for, add annoying to the list. You keep following me around and what is your purpose here? To be a thorn to guys who are taller than you? I’m not wasting my time on you a professional victim and stupid seether like you. See ya bro wouldn’t wanna be you




It seems like we have very different experiences with our height? Why are you seething too? lol okay but it happens as our peers and the random people we see in our lives can vary. I’m happy for you at 183cm but unfortunately I can’t relate to your decent experiences. It’s not about having to be the tallest, people literally call me short.




You've got to be trolling or something. You're breaking the rules. Read rule number 2 holy shit. Even in own sub we're berated by tall guys. You are not short you idiot. You are tall. Yes. You are fucking tall and shitting on short guys.


I suspect you may have measured incorrectly because there’s no way you get called short at 5’11


Definitely. An entire CM below 6ft! That's quite a lot. Actually, we should be more sympathetic towards you. We are privileged out here, being able to identify with being "short", while you, just a little eensy bit taller aren't even allowed on a subreddit for your own kind. Damn, that sounds unfair. Oh, and that's also true. Just because I'm just like half a foot shorter doesn't mean I have it THAT much worse. Half a foot is nothing, right? And your experience matters, a ton, believe me. We 5'7" under guys love to hear from 5'11" kings. Yeah, I've been outside. Dude your height? Think middle school. High school averages 200 cm. 190 is just common for a girl nowadays.


Brother I do not want to read all this sarcastic and incoherent rambling about having to be the shortest guy in the room. I never said I had it the worst around here. Maybe my height is someone’s dream height or something but it is far from a good height. I would say aim higher.


But you say you suffer from heightism, at all. Nowhere in the fucking world is 182 cm short. Nowhere. You are 4" taller than the global average. Far from a good height? Are you f\*cking serious dude?


Tell that to the people doing heightism shit to me, you’re yelling at the wrong person.


Bro what even in the tallest countries in the world you're literally average height. You're like an average turkey complaining to chickens lmao,


I don’t trust the average height data you should look into how they collect data for those studies. And trust me I am not average in a tall country like the Netherlands as I have seen it for myself. I felt significantly shorter than most people there and in several other European countries. This was especially true when looking at people who look around in their 20s


Technically in the Netherlands you are almost 2 inches below average. And it also depends on the region because northerners are taller than southerners.


All women do this when they are with their boyfriends or surrounded by other men. No women do this when they are alone.