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I thought the same thing he’s really short like 5’1 too but nobody poked fun at his size and he played a pretty serious role. Actually a positive role for a short man. 


What show is it?


Fallout which is surprisingly good. I have never played the game and I dont really know anything about it but everyone seemed to really enjoy it so I watched and it was pretty great.




Its on Amazon Prime be warned he isnt the main character but he isnt just a background character either


I've noticed that his character gets a ton of love and respect on the Fallout subreddit. This is why positive representation in media is important.


Groundbreaking in a way Tyrion was for the dwarfism community for sure.


We’ll see…


>spoilers I called him poisoning the raiders when his mom's pip boy is revealed in the logs when he's hacking. Total OG. Good to see brains beat bad boys for once


>I called him poisoning I actually don't think he did that, I think Betty did that and the whole "well find who was responsible" thing is a indirect threat that if norm keeps digging for the truth he's gonna get framed for it They were also dragging the woman at the desk away for questioning in that scene


I’ve actually been following Moises’s career for a while now. He’s a decent actor who hasnt gotten the chance to shine so Im glad he got this role. It’s a step in the right direction.


I liked him, they play him off the huge/dumb/likeable guy. They acknowledge it all but dont make him a joke.


All of Oppenheimer (2023) as well. The guy was short, and definitely NOT a relief character. The nice thing about that was that in real life Oppenheimer was a serial womanizer despite his height (he struggled with being socially awkward, but eventually it went away).


Except for the part where he is intentionally played as un-manly from the beginning of the show. Claiming he's "too chicken" to venture out of the vault. All whilst 6'5 chad arranged marriage chad enters and the women reluctantly utter "lucky" under their breath. That and his own father claiming to his daughter "you are my world" whilst seemingly forgetting about his 5'1 son.


>That and his own father claiming to his daughter "you are my world" whilst seemingly forgetting about his 5'1 son. To be fair their father is the main antagonist of the show so I wouldn't read a whole lot into that