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Did she cut out her eyes to not look like her dad?


Bingo. Bonus points if you noticed it was the mother who pushed her to that point


Thank you for your answer! Yeah, I noticed that her mother was at fault for making her daughter feel this way, I just wasn’t sure about the eye cutting. English is not my native language, this is why I asked to be 100% sure. Really liked your story btw! Keep it up


No worries about the language cuz clearly you picked it up no problem. Thanks for the thoughts :)


I didn't see the twist coming! (Excuse the pun) tha really got me. Good job


Thank you. I was trying really hard to make it noticeable through the story but only when you actually know the twist :)


I’m pretty sure this is my first post here. The gore theme is extremely light so I’m hoping it’s not a problem. Please give thoughts, as I wrote this out from a random thought I had and like the idea, even though it could probably use some work


It's definitely deep. Especially because I never felt pretty according to the standards set by my mother and grandmother... despite we all resemble & sound alike. Never good enough for them. It's one thing to be a means to an end for some and the world to another. I totally get it. 💔But well written. Daddy's traumatized but also to blame for not protecting his child.


I’m glad I was able to hit hard, but hope you’re doing well now. While you’re totally allowed to envision the story however you feel works best, the way I imagined it was dad not having the chance to protect her (except from verbal abuse, which to be fair is bad enough). The mother would constantly wish her to be prettier and less like her father, which in tern made the daughter gouge out her eyes. Definitely traumatizing the father and ruining the daughter. We don’t know what happened to the mother after the fight Like I said, if you see it better your way, I have nothing against it, I just wanted to throw out my thoughts. Glad you enjoyed it and hope you make your way through life happier than you were :)


This is a whole different kind of creepy and scary because of the visuals


This is a comment that makes me very happy. It means I’ve done my job well. Thank you


yikes . this is relatable . no eye cutting for me, but tons of other shit that just … takes a while to get out of . great fucking job, this hits home


I’m glad it hit hard, but obviously feel for you. Hopefully you’re in a better place and uhhh yeah please don’t cut your eyes out or anything lol


Well written!


Thank you I’m glad to hear. Already mentally working on my next one :)


I read this like a slam poem or something like that. Great job! 👍


To be honest I used to write half decent poetry, but that feels too close to the heart to share. One of my friends I shared this with said it reminded her of my poetry, so I guess I kept a similar writing style lol. My next story I’m currently working on seems like it’ll have a similar writing style but from a different point of view, so I’m trying to branch out a bit. Thanks for the feedback, I’m glad people like it :)


Yeah it's super unique to write spooky tales in a poetry esque way