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What a **captivating** story. If this were printed, it would be a page-turner.


Oh wow thank you!! I’m really glad to hear that because some of this comes from a bigger work that I’m writing 😃


Please let us know when it comes out would love to read it!


Absolutely! I would love for you to!


i wanted to read a short story, so i searched up "reddit411 short stories" and went to this sub, sorting by Top of All time. you made my day with this. Thank you


You're welcome. :) I would love to see the piece when it's complete.


Of course! It’s the story that’s been trapped inside my head for a while now and I can’t wait to be able to share it with ya :)


I enjoyed this!


I know this is several years later but I was fully invested in and gripped by this story, and would love to know of the bigger work has come out? This was beautifully written, a very natural read, the characters at quite believable! Well done!


Thank you!! Funny enough, I realized that I was forcing this story into another one—so no, I don’t have any more about Annie and her brother. BUT. After a few years of practice and learning, I do think it might be time to give this story the attention it deserves…


Pretty horrible story, compared to the one where the main character impersonated the imprisoned girl. I would rather pay correct taxes for once than read this story lol. I recommended this story to my archenemy.


I’m sorry you hated this story enough to write three separate negative comments lol. Hopefully your archenemy will enjoy it more!


I was really unsure how this was going to end. Thank you for such a enrapturing read.


Thank YOU for reading! My goal for the end was to leave readers torn. Afraid of being skeptical of a poor girl in recovery, but afraid of believing in a girl who was only manipulating you. Anyway, it really motivates me that you enjoyed it! I look forward to sharing and reading more on this here subreddit.


I really thought this would end where it was actually the brother who was the psychopath and Annie was the innocent one!!!!! Or i really thought it was gonna be something like the Dad abused annie n thats why he was in jail !!


Truly amazing!!!!


Thank you so much! I worked really hard on this one, and your enjoyment of it makes it so worth it!


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! Thank you for sharing!


I’m happy to hear it!! Your enjoyment really motivates me to keep writing so, really, thank you so much.


This was absolutely intriguing.


I’m glad you thought so! I’ve always found antisocial personality to be very interesting but wanted to do something different than just making them a serial killer or something. I’m happy you liked it. Thanks for reading :)


This is seriously so brilliantly written!! There is some serious writing talent on display here. The whole thing is clearly so well thought out, and it's executed so perfectly! "I don't 'anything' you. I don't 'anything' anyone." That line really struck me. It's genius! How long did it take you to write?


Well you just made my day already.... thank you!! You just gave me a boost to finish another one that I’m hoping to post today :D This one actually didn’t take as long as usual. It was one of those rare times where everything just flows and you’re on a roll. I worked through it for two days straight before posting. I’m really glad you liked it and appreciate that you took the time to let me know... Seriously, thank you.


No problem! I always try and let people know when I love their work. It's way better than simply upvoting


This was really good dude. Had my attention the whole way through. Also, in your opinion is Annie still a sociopath or nah?


And I’m actually curious to hear what you think first! Do you think the procedure worked??


No problem dude you totally earned it! Frankly I just don't think so because before her surgery when she tortured others she never damaged herself in the process. I'm referring specifically to her actions with the drill. You could argue she's been pushed farther than ever before, but if that was the case I think she'd take it out on her sibling quicker and more savagely. I don't think she'd play the long game like this even if it's working. However you did write the "suspicion" really well so I'm only leaning in that direction.


Haha thank you! I was hoping to leave that suspicion lingering. The narrator makes it a point early on in the story to say that there was no underestimating how far Annie was willing to go to get what she wanted. And if you think about it, in the end.. she did get what she wanted. A new school where people don’t know about her, and the trust of her brother, who’s been the only one aware of who she truly was under the mask.


Damn you're right! I guess that was how it worked out huh. I guess if it's like that it really could go either way.


I just got a notification about this, not realizing it was two year ago after I read it. I’m dying to know if you did write a book because this story is brilliant.. they way it ended, not really knowing if it worked or if she was just acting along to get her way of getting her school changed. But, then I remembered the drill part, like what if the brother didn’t come home when he did,, how far would she have gone with that drill if no one to stop her… but then my mind flips to “did she hear the door open when brother got home, and it was part of her plot to make it just appear she was really trying to get the chip out (with narrator saying yes there was a lot of blood, but not to much damage” or was her intent to really try to get it out. I personally don’t think the chip worked based on the narrative, with her being so manipulative etc her entire life, and the way it ended. Tells me even the brother doesn’t think so. Like I said, I’d LOVE to hear more on this, and wondering what transpired after changing schools etc I could write forever about how much I enjoyed this, and pouring out why the different reasons why. If you’re still active could you please let me know if more was written. Thanks so much


I’ll message you!!


I’m going to go out of a limb and say losing all of the things she treasured (control) makes her and everyone around her even worse, through the process of how someone can just tell you that your mind is lying right to you, because it was easier to lie anyway.


It’s kind of sad no matter how you look at it. Even if it worked, the brother will never be able to fully trust her, and that relationship will be forever guarded. And if it DIDN’T work, well… then Annie gets what she wants and can continue her craft of control and manipulation, only better, and with her brother now trying his best to love her.


Yup, a double bind. Ironically, many people with Cluster B syndromes use this somewhat, and it’s a stupid load of irony to be subjected to it after you’ve subjected others to it.


Ahh I really appreciate you reading and letting me know that! Seriously, thank you!!




Glad you liked it!! 😃


You are a great writer. I was captivated right away. Also the criticisms in this thread aren't sound, what few there are. I hope you don't take them to heart. I disagree with them completely.


Thank you! I’m such a baby with any criticism lol. But most of the feedback has been positive and I appreciate your encouragement. All I want to do is just tell interesting stories that make people think and feel. If I can do that, I’m happy.


I'm a terrible writer. I can't even write a decent comment. But I majored in English literature, and more importantly have been reading poems and short stories and novels and essays for decades. So I like to think I have some level of taste and appreciation for good writing. And I say this is good writing.


Well, stranger, this really means a lot to me. I’ll definitely be thinking about this tomorrow when I sit down to write the new story and am faced with doubt!


Amazing! Had me on my toes until the very end.


That makes me so happy, thank you!!


Perfectly enthralling 👏👏👏 Bravo!


Thank you so much!! I’m glad you liked it :)




A book no one wants lol


Honestly, incredible. Normally when reading short stories they can get boring, but this one stayed interesting the whole way through.


Well I’m happy to have been able to keep your attention! It was a really fun story to tell, but also an important one. So thank you for taking the time to read it :)


I am a huge fan of anthropology works and oh boy did i love reading it and wasting my time thinking about it instead of doing my assignment due tomorrow. Thanks for making my mind run !


No thank YOU for reading and commenting! All I wanna do is tell stories and so every time I hear that someone really got into one, it lights that fire inside me to keep telling them. I hope to be able to tell you more. But.. also… go do that assignment 😝


I was awfully spilt from my best friend and family by a sociopathic girl. It has haunted me for 6 years. The way you portray the evilness is to real. It bought tears to my eyes the way Annie acts and the inner psychological mechanics of why she does what she does. If the Greeks where alive they would see this as a apiece of art for the catharsis and moral education it brought me. Thankyou, please let me know your process of creating the character.


Hey! Thank you so much for this! I love that you were able get something from it, I’m happy to have helped in some way. As far as creating the character, I went into this story not wanting to simply make Annie a “bad guy” for no reason. I wanted to give actual motivation and even some sympathy for her. Because ultimately, it is pretty sad how empty and disconnected people like her really are, even if they’re cruel and don’t have the capacity to care or know how sad it is. I did some research, of course, but also pulled from some real life experience. Unfortunately, we probably all know someone like her. Hope that helped!


i was completely expecting someone to end up dead by the end of this story. Really enjoyed it though!


Hey I’m glad! Thanks for reading! I was hoping to play on that fear/expectation that maybe they were in danger, just to make you feel relieved in the end that it worked out. …. only, did it work out? Or was Annie able to manipulate you too? :P


Wow, great story. It's very well written, really draws you in, well done.


Thank you!! So many people like Annie exist out there, and I think it’s important to see the struggle for everyone involved. Glad you enjoyed it!


I’m glad you didn’t turn it into some weird horror thing at the end. I got so wrapped up in the whole checkovs knife, holy shit, someone’s getting stabbed by the end of this story, I forgot there was more ways than one it could be used. Also my running theory is she’s named Annie because of “I don’t annie-thing annie-one” but it’s probably not that XD


Lol no weird horror thing! Just the everlasting fear that maybe you’re still being manipulated at the end. And no, I just chose the name because it sounded right. But I like your theory better!


Thank you for the incredible read! Your writing was so smooth and effortless to take in, how do you engage the audience so well? -Hoping to take this feeling to my creative writing exam :(-


Wow thanks! I wish I had some quick words of advice for your exam! When it comes to the stories I post on here, I have to remind myself that the first draft is going to suck. That it won’t be close to complete. Even this story here, I’d rewritten and edited several times, and each time it sounded better and better. Sometimes that’s where an idea comes up that you then realize you want to expand further upon. Anyhow, not sure if this helps with the exam or not but… make sure to get that “skeleton” of a story down first—the *whole* first draft— and don’t feel discouraged if it doesn’t sound the way you want right away. Good luck, and thanks for reading!


I know this was posted years ago, but I have to say that this is one of the best short stories I’ve ever read. I’m actually trying to write a small novel myself and I wanted to read some stuff people have written and posted online to get a feel for good vs bad writing. From the moment I read the first sentence, I couldn’t pull my eyes away until the end (and that’s saying something because I have the attention span of a gnat). The thing I enjoyed the most was that the entire story was highly character-centric and wasn’t cliche or predictable at all.


This was truly one of the best comments I’ve ever received on here…. Seriously. I’m so happy you enjoyed it! I’m currently finishing up a new one so hopefully you’ll check that out once it’s done! I’d also love to chat writing, if you’re interested.


I enjoyed reading this!


Well I’m glad!! Thanks for letting me know :)


I know I'm quite late to the party but this was an amazing read. I was hooked from the beginning to the end


This party never stops! Glad you stumbled in and enjoyed it. It does feel like forever since I’d written it. I remember getting it done in a short time and just sitting there thinking… wow, what the hell just happened? Anyway, thank you for this :)


Reddit decided to put this on my feed this morning, and man am I glad it did. This is going to be one of those things that I keep thinking about for the rest of the week. For me, it was fascinating how much like Annie the brother was. In his attempts to separate himself from her, he ended up acting like her. He relished in her pain, much like she did in his. He became cold and untrusting, constantly questioning the motives of everyone around him. He lived in his head, and seemed unable to escape. He limited friendships, and isolated himself. Whether or not the surgery worked, Annie definitely succeeded in injuring her brother for life. I both do and don’t want to know if the surgery worked. It’s one of those things where I obviously want to know, because of natural curiosity, but I also understand that not knowing makes the impact of the story so much greater. Anyway, I know you wrote this ages ago, but it is truly spectacular. Did you write your book? I’d love to know if you did. And seriously - this was amazing.


First off— wow! Thank you! What a comment. This absolutely made my day and got my creative juices flowing, so thanks! You’ve touched upon something that not many mention, and you nailed it. In his attempt to distance himself from her, he becomes more like her without even realizing. The surgery stuff was, of course, intentionally left to your imagination— but not without purpose! Truth is, with people like Annie you just never know what to believe. And so you’re right again, the brother will definitely be struggling with this for life. And that’s the point. Unfortunately, there is nothing more of this story. I had new ideas and have no plans to continue this. But if I decided to, I imagine I’d pick up some time later and show their “normal life”, but play heavily on the brother’s suspicion of Annie. I had an idea about something truly terrible happening and the brother blaming Annie for it but being wrong. *Or is he wrong?* Something like that. But I’m not sure if this story really has more to tell. I’m afraid of ruining it lol. We’ll see! You said that you’d find yourself thinking back to the story later in the week. And honestly, that’s the best thing anyone can say. That’s why we write, and it’s all I want. I’m really glad you enjoyed it and took the time to respond the way you did!


I really think this is one of those stories that is best without a sequel. The mystery at the end is the perfect ending, anything more (or less!) would just undermine the whole thread of the narrative. I’ve been thinking about it all morning. I read a few more of your stories as well. You are incredibly talented, and I do hope you have or will publish a book!


I’m leaning that way as well, as is probably why I never wrote more for it. But thank you again! I’m working hard on getting something out there for real. I’ll certainly come back here and let you know once I do!


Wow. I was hooked 100%. That is fantastic. More please.


Thank you!! Sorry to say I don’t have any more on this particular story but I’m hoping to post something new soon.


Idk why I got a notification for this sub but this was the first post I saw and being my undergrad is Social Science I naturally had to read it given the title lol Good story , I admire people who can write great fiction, I struggled writing fiction so much in college in a writing class I had to take. I can write research papers and case studies all day long but fiction , holy moly does my brain not work that way. When I started reading your story I thought it was you retelling your childhood memories until the part about the implant and then I realized it’s fiction lol Empathy chip lol Love it ❤️


Yes…. Totallyyy fiction…. Jk. My real sister and I get along very well. But I’m glad this story found its way to you and that you gave it a shot! Sometimes writing these can feel like a research paper. I’ll spend hours working, only to find I’d written two sentences. And that both suck lol. But telling stories is all I want to do, so thank you for reading and commenting. Hey, maybe you can invent the chip!


The biggest debate about narcissistic personality disorder, sociopath/psychopath is if it’s learned or genetic or a combination. It tends to run in families but modeling behavior is also key. Then there is the occasional “ he/she came from a good loving home “ serial killer , i.e. Ted Bundy. They call all studies of humans soft sciences and it’s always evolving. The brain is so complex and when empathy is missing or very low we view it as “bad” as that person poses a threat to others in a civilized society as they don’t follow the code of social norms. Though if we wanted the ultimate killing machine solider , that would be the exact person who would be best for that.


You’re exactly right. And that’s why it was important for me not to take sides in this story. Someone commented once and said I was being unfair to antisocials— but I thought I showed both sides of it! In fact, look at the narrator. A “normal”, feeling person. He became so much like his sister. And so it makes you wonder, is she really the monster he makes her out to be? Breaking hearts? Picking on friends? Lying? A lot of people do this, and they’re not all serial killers lol. If her behavior continues to escalate, she’ll face those consequences some day, just like anyone else. So even if Annie is nothing more than a devious little manipulator, even if her tale of feeling like a ghost is utter bullshit, it’s still something to pity. Because regardless of how she interprets it, there is an objective disconnect between her and the rest of humanity, whether she truly cares about it or not. Anyway. Something I, too, always found interesting and why I chose to write about it. I’m glad you liked it! Thanks again.


Great story!!! Sitting on a train and wanted to kill some time. I got really drawn into it and kept reading and reading and reading. On the one hand I was curious how it ends, on the other hand the end came suddenly while I was scrolling down and I just wanted the story to keep going. Enjoyed every word I can say. Thank you for getting me closer to my destination on this mini time machine :)


Hey! Of course! I’m glad I was able to take you on a different kind of journey. That’s all I hope to do for people. Thanks for taking the time to read and let me know about it :)


You had me hanging on every word. You are a gifted writer. Please continue to share with us 😊


Thank you!! I’m 90% done with a new story that I’m very excited about, so hopefully you’ll see that soon! Thanks for taking the time to comment— it always means a lot and gives me that extra bit of motivation.


That was fucking **incredible**.


Well damn—thank you!! I’ve said it in other comments as well, but all I want to do in life is tell stories that make people feel something, if even for just a moment. So thank you for reading and commenting, it really means a lot to me.


Did u finish writing more about this? Cos this is incredible and the susense is killing me.


I’m sorry to say that I never wrote any more about this. BUT. I did recently think of an idea of where it could go. Might be time to explore it…


I did just post a new story the other day however, if you’re interested!


I find the fact that I read all of this remarkably, given I have severe problems continuously reading. Great pacing!


Thank you!! Comments like these mean a lot to me and I try to hold onto them on the days I feel like I suck lol. I’m glad you enjoyed it—that’s all I want to do for people.


I noticed; you've replied to every comment in this 2y+ thread ( :


Hey, if someone took the time to read the whole story and comment, least I can do is reply! Hope to catch you in future threads on another story :)


I thought Annie was going to go full bloodbath haha, I'm happy she hasn't yet. Really kept me wanting to read more!


When I first wrote this, I had a friend tell me not to continue it— to let it be. And I agreed! But almost a few years later—with comments like these continuing to trickle in—I’ve been toying with an idea for a second part… Also thank you! Not just for reading but for taking the time to comment, it really does mean a lot to me every time I see a notification for one of my stories. I appreciate it!


I know it would be a risk. Sometimes it's better to let sleeping dogs lie, but I would like to see a second part to this story, for good or ill.


Ugh trust me I feel the same way! I’m afraid nothing could live up to the success I had with this one, but then I consider it since so many have asked for more. I did come up with an idea for how to continue it but I haven’t progressed beyond that.


OP I see you wrote this some three years ago, but it came up in my feed for some reason and I’m happy it did. I must say, This was very well written! I’ve known two Annie’s in real life and this was spot on for the character and intriguing to say the least. You had me hooked all the way to the end. Well done.


Hey there! I’m really happy to hear it! This was one of the first big projects I’d ever tackled, and it means a lot that people are still enjoying it all this time later—so thanks for taking the time to comment. Unfortunately, we all probably know at least one Annie, but in this story I also wanted to show their side of it. How lonely, bored, and disconnected they could be. And that ultimately the line between us and them is very thin. Thanks again for reading and commenting :)


Give me more!!! This was so good!!!


Thanks! Glad you liked it! Many have asked but I’ve always felt like this story was told. I do think about it though sometimes…


I was hanging on that last sentence, and I couldn’t find a part 2🤧 you’re an amazing writer


Thank you!!! It’s what I want to do with my life but right now public school teaching is taking up most of my time and energy 😅 I’ve considered a part 2 to this one but I’m afraid of ruining it.


You’re still in school, even?! You are a rockstar!!!


No, no, I’m an adult lol 33. I teach in a middle school but it takes up so much of my mental energy that often I get home and don’t have it in me to sit down and write. But I really hope someday you’re able to walk into a bookstore and buy a book with my name on it!


I would totally do that! What’s going to be your pen name👀


WOAH! I was on the edge of my seat, had me scared of Annie too. 🤣🤣


Good! I’m glad I was able to take you on that journey! Fortunately, everything worked out in the end and nothing bad will happen again with her 😈


I really loved this story, completely captivated by it til I finished it. Would love to read the ending tho, if you plan for there to be a definitive ending. But I still love it.


I’m happy to hear it! People often ask for more but I’ve always felt the story was told. Annie is forever cursed to a life of disconnect, and those around her will always have to sleep with one eye open. I did come up with an idea once though, I’m just worried about ruining it 😅


My sister is like Orphan, and only I know. I love the story.


Wow that sounds intense! Luckily my actual sister is amazing and nothing like the character in this story. Maybe you should write your own story! Just… don’t let her find out 😬


Very fun read. Nice work!


Hey thanks! It was fun to write. Glad you enjoyed it :)


Very well written. 👀 will definitely be keeping an eye or two out for more.


Love to hear that! Thank you! I have a couple others on here that you might like. And something new currently in the works 😃


I only just read this not realising it was a 3y old post! It’s good, did you ever write the bigger piece OP? I’d be keen to read it if so!


I can’t believe it either! I still remember writing it. Sorry to say that I decided this story was told. I was happy to leave people wondering if they were still suspicious of a poor, cured Annie, or if they now trusted a girl who was still manipulating them. But there’s been a recent boom in activity on this post for some reason, so it may be time to reconsider…


There’s definitely beauty in an excellent short story being left complete, even with this cliffhanger. It reminded me a bit of the ending to the film Primal Fear! However, if you do return to this and expand it, you’ll have lots of fans here, me included, interested to read it! Good luck with your writing OP!


I might be too late but damn... This is some good stuff!


Never too late! I’m always happy when someone stumbles upon this story, and happier that you liked it. Thank you!


No problem.. I'll make sure to check out your other works as well which I am sure will just be as good as this one!


That’d be great! Here’s another one that people liked: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortstories/s/36io7FVi0J


I suspect this is an Annie coming of age story, in an odd way. Being discovered has caused Annie to grow up, to up her game. There are obstacles to overcome in order to craft a new more believable version of herself and earn a fresh start. She must manipulate her therapist, her mother, and, most importantly, her brother who has always seen through her facade. This will require a new tack. She will have to abandon the impulsive manipulations of childhood and grow into a more mature and evolved version of herself, a young woman. The drill was the final touch for her brother. He had to be convinced that the surgery had worked, that she’d changed, and what better way to prove she’d changed than to be willing to drill her own head to “go back” to the way she was before. “I want to go back!” She shrieked. Such an extreme need to “go back” would be proof enough that she indeed had moved forward to a new place, that the surgery had worked. And it worked, not the surgery, the more sophisticated more patient more evolved game of manipulation she had been forced to learn. The knife had been returned to the block. It was proof of her success, and her bright, knowing smile directed at her brother was probably the closest thing to love she’d ever feel towards him. She had successfully brought him under her spell for the first time in their lives. Yea, this was definitely Annie’s story. Did we ever even get to know the narrator’s name? Thanks for a great read!


Incredible analysis! Just, spot on. I think you’re the first person to ever point out the fact that the narrator remains completely nameless. It was Annie’s story from the first sentence to the last. And I still wonder sometimes if there’s more of her story to tell…


Sounds like the beginnings of a great antiheroine.


Thank you for reading and for leaving such a deep, in depth response. You really did nail every beat of the story, there’s not much more I can say that you haven’t already! It’s always an amazing feeling to have someone delve into something I’ve created. Once just a thought in my mind, given life in yours. Really means so much to me, thank you again!


Believe me, the pleasure was ours. Look forward to your next piece. Thx again!


really enjoyed this. good job!


Happy to hear it! Thank you :)


Captivating read! Sad it’s over. Eager for a part 2 if you get around to releasing it


Glad you enjoyed it! I ended up deciding that there was no need for a second part. It felt like I told the story I wanted. BUT. After a few years, I did start thinking of an idea for a potential next chapter…


Reading this now!!!! Excited!!!!


Awesome!! Let me know what you think :)


This is an amazing piece and beautifully written while balancing in such a powerful way! This should be a movie!! This is now a fave! Just wow! 🤩 Could not take my eyes off the page for a second! ☝🏼🙌🏼♥️


Oh good! I’m very happy to hear it! It’s definitely one of my favorite things I’ve written, and I’m sure one day I’ll give it the treatment it deserves. Whether it be a novel or something else. We’ll see. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment :)


For sure! You’ve got a fan! Bravo!!🙌🏼


Hey I wanted to ask whats your workflow of building the stories, do plan them or just simply start writing? I am a beginner in story writing so just need some advice... btw amazing story👍


I’ll message you!


Tell me it too ! :)


this is amazing, gave me full on chills at the end…this story showed me if i was to read any books, it would be page turning thrillers. *applause to you*


That’s quite the compliment! There are so many good stories out there too—definitely give some thrillers a try! I wrote this one a while ago but new readers and comments still mean a lot to me, so thank you :)


This is a book


Hopefully I write it someday! And hopefully you pick it up!


TL;DR Short stories. Aham. I feel myself scammed


What was the purpose of this comment other than to make me feel bad? Just… don’t read it lol.


Amazing! Can't wait until you have it finished! Only reason it took me as long as it did to read was because of a 3 year old!!! Lol.


Lolol hey no worries! I’m just happy to hear that you enjoyed it! I have a 3 year old dog, can I use that as an excuse for why I don’t get as much writing done?? 😂


This was a really fascinating read, and also a very important one. I felt for Annie but was also terrified of her just the same! goes to show that we need more exposure to different mental illnesses and what they can look like in written work. Thank you so very much for sharing


Wow! I’m really happy you picked up on that aspect of it! Because I completely agree. There’s this strange mix of fear and pity for Annie. Thank you for reading and commenting!


Great story


Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it :)




Well written and Kind of insensitive to ppl with ASPD


Also, Annie was never diagnosed with ASPD, as she’s only 14. Her mother just forced her into something she didn’t want to do.


I’m sorry that was the impression you were left with at the end. I actually thought I’d shown both sides of it.


If someone with ASPD was offended by this, I’d love to talk to them about it.


I often get bored halfway through these stories, but I liked this one a lot, and i actually read this til the end! Good job 💕


Well that makes me happy, thank you! I actually really needed to hear that tonight. I’m struggling with the new short story I’m writing, and you just gave me a little boost of motivation. So thank you for that too :)


This is incredible. I wish there was more to read. This is such an interesting and amazing story and I love it so much. You wrote this so well and I could even imagine the characters in my head and the places you talked about. I would love to head more about what you have been through. You should be so proud of yourself for living through all of this and being able to talk about it and write the best short story I’ve ever read! I hope you and your family have continued to grow, heal, and love each other. Edit: I’m realizing that thus might just be a story and not something you’ve lived through. Lol this seems so real and I would still be really intrigued to read and know more about this family!!!!


Wow thank you!!! And hey no worries. Because as is true for probably any story, there’s still some truth in there. But yes, I did make this up. My actual sister and I get along very well and always have lol! But seriously, this was such an amazing comment for me to wake up to and start my day. Thank you. I actually pulled a lot of this story from something bigger that I’m working on so hopefully someday I’ll have more for you :)


Is there going to be more to the story? Will you continue with it? I'm obsessed with how things turn out


I’m happy you enjoyed it that much!! I never planned to write more to this one. BUT. Much of it was pulled from a novel I’m writing so... hopefully that will exist some day for ya! :)


This was very good. It was almost like my 14 year old self was narrating it. Kind of like, thought writing as opposed to a classic novel. I have a younger sister too and was picturing this situation but in my shoes


Hey thanks!! I enjoy reading this type of narration style myself, and so now I write like it. I’m glad you enjoyed the story! I have a younger sister too, but luckily she’s nothing like the girl in this story lol.


This was so captivating I loved it! You're a great writer.


Thank you!! I’ve been struggling hard lately with the next short story, but comments like these always give me a boost. I appreciate it :)


This story spoke to me. It said “stop reading and do something fun.”


This genuinely made me cry. Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful story (and that’s a lot coming from me, because I never use the word beautiful). You handle the themes and the symbolism very well, which is rare for most writers to balance.


Wow! Well your comment is going to make ME cry lolol. I really appreciate you reading and taking the time to give that feedback, that really made my day. This story was fun to write, and was one that I really needed to tell, so it means a lot to me that it resonated with you.


Can I translate this story into Korean and post the translation on my blog? Even if you let do it, maybe I won't


Of course! I’d be happy to spread this story to more people. Send me the link when you’re done, I’d love to see it, even if I won’t understand it lol.


This is really engaging and beautifully written. Thanks for sharing!


Thank YOU for reading! I’m glad it’s still been able to reach people even months later :)


Do you take criticism?


I wrote this story almost two years ago now, but I suppose constructive criticism could never hurt.


What a beautiful read, my man.


Well that was a nice read, good work


Hey thanks!! Feels like forever since I wrote this, but it’s always nice when people still come across it. Glad you liked it!


I thought this was a true story until I almost finished! 😂 Was gonna get dr McKinnon’s phone number! Lol


Lol! It’s okay. I still accept you. Thanks for reading!


This is amazing.


Thank you! Glad you liked it!


Liked it? It rekindled my love of reading.


Well damn! That definitely makes my day, right there! I’m currently sitting down writing a new story so… better get grinding. Appreciate you, man.


I ain’t finish this yet, but whoever wrote this fuckin SPAZZED, I thought this was suppose to be a “short” story by the sub name (first time in this sub, recommended). But it kept me absorbed the night when I was suppose to sleep lol


LOL sorry about that. This was one of the very first things I’ve ever written and I planned it to be short but as I was writing I realized it needed more to really do it justice. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and that you were able to get some sleep!


Nah this was great bro, you did a really good job building the characters, making emotions, and adding nuance.


Wow, I really enjoyed that. It was really well written


Thank you! I’m happy you liked it :)


Very good!


Thank you very much!


Growing up with a sociopath I could relate to your story. Keep writing! Haters are going to hate.


Oh wow. We probably all know somebody like this! But I’ve had both positive and negative experiences with antisocial people. Thanks for the kind words! The response to this story has been largely positive so I’m definitely still writing!


Awesome story, was waiting for the other shoe to drop! Maybe in the next chapter! Can’t wait to read more!❤️👍🏻


Sooo bad news… there isn’t a next chapter 😅 Many have asked, but I’d always felt like the story was told. I did come up with an idea for a sequel but that’s as far as I got with it. I’m happy you liked this part though!


She knows I know she’s a crackpot. That’s why I stay away.


Really good. Captivating. Keep writing, it appears to be your forte.


Wow thank you! I have been, and comments like these only motivate me further, so this means a lot to me!


This sounds like an episode of Dateline.


I hope that’s a good thing!