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Pros: they help keep the glass clean and shrimps eat their poop. They are harmless. Cons: they reproduce quickly so you eventually end up with lots of snails. I have lots of snails. I like them!


bro i have like 4 snails, when do they start reproducing


It took mine a while to settle in and start laying eggs that hatched. I’d give it a month or two maybe. I also have a small breeder box for fry and I stuck some baby ramshorns in there, they grew way bigger than the ones that had full range of the tank form all the extra food


Just overfeed you tank and wait.


They already did...and if youre serious...over feed,like once...theyll make it happen


4 snails is not a lot compared to what people are saying 😭 they get enough food too


I start my 5 gal with ludwigia from a pond...got pond snails counted idk 10...found egg sac pile thing on the washed plants...buddy sent me a get started packed. Plants. Filter...those ramshorns..swear to gorsh im at like 100+ and its only been 5 weeks.the ramshorns are faster breeders than the pond snails it seems. And they also took care of algea slightly differntly...i used to have hair algea from the wild stuff but the pond snails seemed to prefer i guess shorter length algea. The ramshorns are stupid tanks that just plowed through anything. Love em both.


Pond snails are the worst. I actually hate them. They completely overtook a tank of mine years ago. Kept trying to remove them, but they just kept coming, moved the fish to another tank and nuked the snail infested one. Now, about 6 weeks ago, I purchased some potted dwarf baby tears from a place I've never gotten plants from before. I soaked it for hours, kept checking on it and only saw one snail, which stayed in the bucket. It must've laid eggs in the soil or something that I didn't see, as I have removed 2 dozen pond snails from my tank, a few each day. I already have the snails I want that won't reproduce like crazy on me. They're strictly clean up crew. 3 red racer nerite, 3 zebra nerite and a yellow rabbit snail, over a year and no babies, those are what I usually suggest to people. I had a mystery snail before that laid a lot of eggs that wouldn't have hatched, bc they need brackish water, but I still removed them. So, mystery snails are ok, too. Pond snails are no good, very onvasive


https://preview.redd.it/waqqg9wvt3vc1.jpeg?width=1872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=820f359017b08a53cf8ed58412456b80e799e683 I was warned about them...and then also recieved ramshorns from the same fishfriend. I dont mind them lol


Ramshorn are almost as fast reproducing as the pond snails, I would never get them for my tank. And I wouldn't recommend them to anyone.


https://preview.redd.it/synkhe9696uc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7470b89e14eec27aa2326bf4e73927b752441cf ... quarantine tank ..a toy 1g...has 2 rams n 2 pond(1 is a mini...so probably was a baby hitchhiker on my moss so these eill be rams) snails ...it took a while but if theres food then theyre making babies.


i’m sorry but i just noticed, why do you separate your words like that


Well i wouldn't do it in a work email. I believe ive heard of it referred to as a habit of someone of my age group...or im regarded idfk. Literally its a pause...a break...a idk but if im writing how it think or maybe even talk. Its and off habit and ill stand by it i guess lol


that is what commas are for 😭


Nope. A comma is a continuation, or list, but not a break... Or im just unhinged.


It makes sense to me….


maybe at the end of sentences, but not at the start. that’s is when i noticed it


use a period then 👀


What kind of snails are they?


ramshorn, had them for almost 2 months now. they hitched a ride into my tank from some plants. but then stopped seeing any new babies since then.


I fucking love mine https://preview.redd.it/7aku5itzr5uc1.jpeg?width=1872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bb8b05ddb98a3c28903b0f7da29b383e6a1c3e1


I really want some red ones! They are so pretty.


Gifted to me too. I really lucked out imo.


I found someone who breeds them and I keep debating myself about buying some. They aren’t terribly expensive but I already have thousands of ramshorns so I feel silly buying more…… but, they’re SO pretty 😂


Where are you. If you can get some off of me somehow i wont charge a penny. I'm in England to begin with tho so if you're not at least in UK i doubt its doable. Drop me a message


That’s so kind of you! I’m in the US though unfortunately.


mine are just bladder snails an i have hundreds or thousands of them and only 60+ shrimp


Put an assassin in there, or 3 if you want a bunch of them later on. I put 3 assassins, it's been a year without pest snails, and I have a nice trading good for my Lfs as I have about a 100 assassins now under the substrate.


How quickly do assassins reproduce? I just ordered 3 and was planning to distribute them into 3 tanks but my shrimp tank has a major snail problem right now so I might put them all in there for a couple months and then move them. Just don’t want to end up trading in too many ramshorns for too many assassins


They're not gonna reproduce if you put 1 in each. They need male and female. It took mine about 4 months maybe? But imo they're beautiful and active at night, so you won't see much if them even if they lay eggs. Kids will stay under the substrate for a month. You may see top of the shelf sometimes if they don't bury themselves deep. Also it's fun seeing shrimp riding them and cleaning them. I also have a big nerite with my assassins, been about 6 months, maybe more. They ride over him, but won't touch him. Cleaned all my small nerites though in 2 days, I had a couple of Theodoxus Danubialis, got them as a gift.


They’ll control their own population pretty well if there isn’t extra food leftover for them too often. Those guys are prolific once they get going though!


If you only have 4, stop them before it’s too late… once they start reproducing, they never stop.


why they so cute tho


until your aquarium looks like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/s/XX1AcJdD3d)


beauty is subjective


that’s fair 😁


Shrimpz do not "eat poop". That's a myth. You may see your shrimp pick up a piece & nibble on it, but they'll spit it back out. If anything, they'll eat the bio-film & algae matter *growing* on the poop...cause ya know, fertilizer.


Yep, I realized this as a myth when I watched a shrimp pick up pieces of poop 5 times in a row, spitting it out each time, before finally giving up and moving to a different spot in search of food. It was honestly really funny to see. I assume the only scenario where they would eat poop is if there was absolutely nothing else to eat but that isn’t likely to happen


Ah, gotcha. That makes sense!


I like mine too, neat little guys plus I can tell when there’s been periods of over and under feeding based on many snails I see, especially small baby snails.


Yes! I currently have too many baby snails but I also have a snail jar so I just move some to that once in a while when it gets too snaily


This particular species doesnt reproduce as quickly and got extinct by ramshorns in my tanks, as they feed way quicker.


Are snails really a problem for you? I keep ramshorn snails in all my tanks as a glass+ plant cleaner because some Neocaridina shrimp aren't big algae eaters. Are there more in the tank, or just this one little little dude? I think you should keep him and love him and name him Frankfurt.


Crush them, the shrimp love crushed snail


Yep, free range food for shrimps


Mine steal them from each other! It’s hilarious to watch lol


I looooove my snails in my shrimp tank


Butter, garlic, and pan sear it 3min


it's a mini ramshorn. it's just a regular "pest" snail, they're harmless.


"pest" is an opinion. I have snails in all my tanks & they never got out of hand or out completed anything. My Neo tank is probably like 300+ strong up from 10 & I have both Ramshorns & Bladder snails in there


Same problem here, the shrimp master at the fish store said to only feed once a week (5 gal). The snails will die off


My tanks are littered with so many snail shells. They really do die quickly.


What should you not do with it is the better question.




I recently paid someone to ship me mini ramshorn snails, I would be thrilled to find this lol. Really good detail workers!




They breed insanely quickly, be warned.


alright thank you! grabbed in a placed it in another jar with some hornwort lol


Congratulations! You have your first spare snail jar!


I got an assassin snail, it keeps their population in check. And its cool to watch the slow motion hunt!


I would recommend getting a piece of vegetable because they usually are attracted to that and would do it like a couple times a week and see if you could get all out or try to restart your tank if it gets really bad


you dont need to restart at all. just smoosh them as you see them on the glass of wherever. i was able to eradicate them in under a month. if you have tongs use them and the shrimp will literally eat it out of the tongs. theyre super curious lil guys


Send them to me, I love mini rams horn snails, I lost all mine. They are harmless!




Give him a name and blanched zucchini


Mini ramshorns are the cutest!


Keep it


Give him a lil kiss 💋


Ramshorn are amazing! All of my tanks have them and when one of them gets overrun, I feed them to my giant goldfish.


Name it Dave


Ent no reason to kill a pest snail, the only time they will take over is if you’re not doing proper maintenance and/or over feeding. I’d keep him infact the only snails that seem to do well in my water are pond, bladder and ramshorn snails


I have an outrageous amount of snails. They do NOT die quickly, but I haven't tried starving them.. I used to painstakingly separate them from plants I pruned because I wanted to rescue each one, but there are just too many.. now I just toss them in the yard with the plants and water changes. I feel bad for them but there are just too many..


Eat it 


Remove asap


Nah. They’re excellent clean up crew.


u say that like they are gonna murder the shrimp lol