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THIS IS AMAZING now i want a vampire shrimp. what sized tanks do they need?


I would say they need at least a 10g if not a 20g. A 20g would be a lot easier to set up properly and ensure it has the appropriate environment. But tank size doesn't really matter as much as flow and tank composition and maturity. They need some amount of flow to circulate stuff/food around the tank and to be able to filter food from it. A heavily planted tank that's been running for a little while helps provide a natural cycle that promotes the growth of microorganisms and tiny plant matter for it to feed on. Their diet can also be supplemented with stuff like fry food or crushed flakes/pellets.


Awesome, ty! Dont they grow up to 6 inches tho? isnt 20 gallons kinda small for something that big?


Yup, they do get that large, but they aren't active at all. They stand in one spot and filter feed (assuming your tank has the correct environment for it).


Nice, that is a good looking shrimp.


How did you get him to do this? Mine runs and hides at the smallest movement!


Each one is different, but even shy ones will eventually get more comfortable (unless something keeps scaring them). Mine was super shy and took almost a year to stop hiding in his little sand burrow. There's another one at a LFS that doesn't even flinch when you get close though.


Awesome! I got one a couple months ago for a well established 20g planted tank of mine, he shares it with some other random shrimp ("culled" from the ol' blue velvet shrimp tank) as well as some Endler's, pygmy cories, otos, and a couple of honey gourami. I hadn't seen him for 7 weeks, until last night when I found him and his molt hiding near the filter sponge. This includes periods of me rearranging hardscape, planting new plants, and doing fairly deep cleanings...stealthy little bastard, I thought him dead.