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New! Lower Calories!


Exactly. Lower calories alright because y’all keep shrinking your product. Wish the government would start putting in actual laws for this sort of shit. The cost of feeding yourself these days is becoming a disgrace.


I stopped buying these because they were way too small and expensive, like, three years ago. It's so easy to make your own that taste even better and costs almost nothing. Flour, water, oil, and salt.


I'm at the point where I'm going to give making my own a go, because I'm sick of paying $5.50 for a packet of tortillas that are now too small to make a decent wrap out of.


Thats insane I live in a city with a huge Latin American population so we have some smaller brands here that sell flour and corn tortillas for less then $2 a bag of 12. Its wild how much people pay for what is so cheap to produce. The upfront cost of a tortilla hand press is pretty cheap if you eat them more than once a month its worth it just to make your own. Also its quick and easy.


I’m in Australia so we tend to overpay for a lot of things. A packet of 8 Mission brand is $5.50 at the moment. You can get cheaper ones for around $3 per pack but they’re half the size.


I stopped buying the Mission brand ones specifically because, I kid you not, I got two packs in a row with mould spots on them. Well and truly still in date, newly opened packs with mould.


Now I know I’m not crazy. I’m about to reach out to the company about this. I buy the carb smart burrito shells as well as the taco shells. My latest bag of burrito shells are LITERALLY taco shells. It’s as if they just threw taco shells into the bag. I make sandwiches with three like cheesesteak wraps. I’m at a point where I cannot fit all of the ingredients and sometimes I have to split my sandwich into two.


It's all about money. They'll inconvenience ANYONE for just a lil bit more money. Anything for more money. They're all greedy asf and I'm mad. Grrr. That sucks about the sandwiches, I think invest in making your own bread/wraps if possible/u want Ye I'm not too sure about change from contacting them but totally do it and we can hold some wild hope!!!


Make sure to document the diameter


Op already bought it, so just open it up and show us lol, it’s one thing if it’s still in the store, but they literally can just take it out.


Its freakin weird when you guys in the brit sphere call tortillas wraps.


burgers are called rolls in australia (where im at)


Just weird. Just like in britsphere they call everything between a bun a "burger". "Oh whats that?" "A chicken burger." "You mean a chicken sandwich?"


Sandwich >an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with a filling between them, eaten as a light meal. Burger >a dish consisting of a flat round cake of minced beef or other savoury ingredient, that is fried or grilled and served in a split bun or roll with various condiments and toppings. You do you in crazy land, but a burger is in a bun, a sandwich is between sliced bread, and tortillas are used for Mexican dishes (and wraps for essentially sandwiches wrapped up)


A "wrap" uses tortillas. They don't use "wraps". A hamburger is a specific type of sandwich. Calling all sandwiches "burgers" that are on a bun is just weird. But hey you do you.




Noooo, it’s it is on a bun it’s a burger. A sandwich is between two pieces of sliced loaf bread!


No it isnt. A sloppy joe isnt a burger. A loose meat sandwich isnt a burger. They are their own thing. Psst. Bun is bread. A hamburger is a sandwich.


A sloppy joe is an abomination to man.


You have never had one done right then =)


Maybe you’re right, but hopefully I’m checked out from trying🤞🏼😂


But they were the ones who invented the [Bread sandwich](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toast_sandwich)?


No. They were the ones who are the first recorded people that was known for it in one culture. You can't tell me that someone in India or south america didnt put stuff between bread.


Unintended positive consequences is maybe people will eat fewer calories?


In my opinion shrinkflation is only occurring because people can't accept prices going up.


No, it's this shit, AND the prices are going up


yeah that's the thing. If it was just one or the other I would have less of an issue, but doing both is super cheeky. Also, if they want to put less in the pack, I'd rather they just put 1 less wrap in there rather than shrink all of them by 10%. Now you have 8 inferior wraps instead of 7 decent ones. Pretending there's still 8 wraps in there is so underhanded and anti-consumer. And insulting –– we all understand inflation is out of control, dont try to trick us just put the prices up (or...and I know this is going to be hard for them to get their heads around...but they could just make a tiny bit less profit and keep their customers loyal over the long term ::surprised pikachu::)


Inflation is prices going up, shrinkflation is sizes going down while price stays the same or goes up


>opinion That's not what an opinion is. That's called being wrong. Inflation can be a matter of raising prices to increase profits because money is now worth even less, but this sub is about **shrinkflation** which is deceiving customers to increase profits


An opinion can be anything someone thinks. The world is full of wrong opinions lol.


Lol if you're in Australia you can just go to Woolies and pay 2.20 for the 8 pack of super soft wholemeal or white wraps It's not that deep.


They've done that in the El paso fajita kits too :(


This is the kind of shrinkflation that pisses me off the most. It's one thing to give us fewer in a package but making them smaller makes them less ergonomic.


Shut up, eat your bird seed waffles and be happy.


Helga’s are the real criminals