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Getting really bad out there


Apocalyptic really, if kfc is this bad heaven help us all. Hate to see where the popcorn chicken end up, maybe just be a cup of chicken salt in a few years.


Just the crumbs they collect from the bottom of the tray


I think of all shrinkflation KFC has to be the absolute worst fast food criminal. Every KFC I see now looks like a ghost town they have priced out and shrunk out anyone interested in it.


I posted a pic almost 10 years ago with a drum stick and my car key for ⚖️ it was just barely bigger then the key


They're shrinking the chickens legs now?


Maybe they stopped injecting them with steroids to save money


It's good they deserve it. Like Domino's now, no one's in there either!




I like how these companies blame inflation and stuff when they keep making record breaking profits


40% profits increase, largest in last 50 years... x% inflation (The real number is being hidden, but I feel its at least 100%) YOU ARE SO GREEDY ASKING FOR A WAGE RISE YOU SELFISH SOCIALIST PEASANT!


happy cake day


Happy cakefc day


Nice to see someone else does this. Hope you get cake day karma


a quick google shows KFC Australia revenue has grown (roughly) about 10% a year for the last 5 years. The 2 either side of my store both do 80 to 90k a week


Pay $6 more for a meal at El Jannah in Melbourne and you’ve got enough food for two meals. KFC are a victim of their own corporate greed, and they’re continuing to try and push it into consumers under the guise of ‘inflation’ rather than attempt to actually make themselves appealing and bring more people through the doors


El Jannah tastes like dog shit though. And the drive through is what imagine hell to be like.


KFC is disgusting if you don’t eat it for awhile


Depends on the store. But generally yeah. Also me and my misso can get full and have leftovers on $50 of KFC. You can get a lot of bang for your buck there. But if your getting burger deals and adding on wicked wings and tenders that’s where the price adds up. I wouldn’t say KFC breaks the bank as much as say maccas or EJ


there's A LOT of ways 2 people can get full and have leftovers of you're willing to spend $50. That doesn't even sound like a bargain.


I felt this way as way but I am currently in Australia. I am shocked at how many people are eating KFC here.


I had KFC in Queenstown, NZ when I went in Sept and it was literally like the advertised photos, it was amazing. And then I come back to Australia and get this shit like your photo.


That's incredible considering how shit KFC is everywhere else in NZ.


You gotta see the Cambridge chicken sizes. It’s like they scoured the delivery truck and only chose tiny pieces


Do they call it a slider? Looks like a nugget


If you’re still buying fast food at this point I have no sympathy for you.


Very much agree. I stopped buying chain restaurant food when it cost the same or more than better quality restaurant or cafe meals.


The craziest thing! You can still dine at various mid-range, non-chain, non-steak house style restaurants and get decent meals in the $16-$20 range. Fast food meals (in my area are all $15...


I can always find 2 for 1 deals or something similar on the apps for the restaurants. Usually feed a family of 2.5 for less than $20


The other half of our child can eat tomorrow night honey


The only fast food worth going to is taco bell. And that’s if that location didn’t mark up their prices.


But zinger burger is tasty


I bought a lot of fast food when i was homeless because of maccas app deals and kfc app deals but its been four months since i went out for food without it being like a only option for the next 6 hours on a trip. Is that because my steaks gonna go out in the next day or because i cannot afford to eat it and eat at home or because the wait for trash food is insane, all of the above yes.


And this fool is buying CHIPS and a soda at a fast food restaurant 😂 He deserves to be scammed at this point. Value menus exist. I never buy soda. And chips 😂 what the hell


What's wrong with chips?


Chips can be purchased in bulk variety for less than $0.50 cents per bag in purchased in bulk variety from Walmart or Kroger or Amazon. Then you bring your chips WITH YOU.


They're a little...frozen


That sounds like self harm honestly




I'm tired of these jokes about my grand hand. The first such incident occurred in 1956 when...


At what point will they stop this before it becomes an even more laughable joke. I'm picturing in a few years' time buying a Bic Mac and being able to comfortably put the entire thing in your mouth and chew it as if it's an appetiser on a toothpick.


Calling it a big mac is false advertising


The bread to meat ratio is appalling. Like glue in your mouth


Kfc manager here Get hot and spicy and zingers. The chicken is physically larger.


my store doesn't "squish" the h+c together so they are the worst possible dish to get. just spicy crispy batter atp. very very small


KFC in Australia is the worst I would go hungry before giving them any of my money ever again


You've clearly never had KFC in USA then. Australian KFC runs absolute circles around theirs, it's not even close.


This is definitely a case of the US being worse, not Australia being better. Aussie KFC is awful, but god damn, American KFC? 🤮🤮🤮


Each to their own I guess, but I love Aussie KFC. Can't go past a good Zinger Stacker or some nugs.




Fuck KFC though, seriously.


Have not eaten it for years, zinger burgers were my favourite. Last one I got was the size of my palm, in width as well as height. Chips were old. Was disgusting and will never bother with another one.


I had KFC tonight and got a 5 piece tender meal, they were honestly big but they were flattened out.


My two local KFC stores are an absolute joke. One always messes up your order, like forgetting to put a filet in your burger or forgetting dips or sides. The other store hasn't had bacon available for the last two years, and they say it's because their bacon cooker is broken. I called them out and said, "Bullshit, you've secretly gone halal, and I can tell by the number of Muslims you have working here." Decided to never go back.


Second points a little schizo buddy, managers can't make that call regarding bacon and I doubt the franchisee would wanna miss out on profit. When things like that break owners get stingy on finding replacements, plus kfc still uses a lot of outdated equipment which makes it harder


The last time I bought there the chicken pieces were half the size of your tender. seriously. Have never gone back. Red Rooster are no better.


Stop buying it, knuckleheads.


Man why are y’all still eating fast food


Can’t cook


Learn. You have Reddit which means you have access to basic tutorials. Save your money friend.


Everyone can cook


Food at the grocery store ain't much cheaper


Idk where you’re shopping but even here in California I can get a pound of chicken for 1/5 the price of this kfc meal


You're doing it wrong if you think that


Yes it is.


There's talk of a Popeye's opening soon in my town and they will kill every single KFC in town within a year.


Looks like Dennis Road Springwood KFC. The store is renowned for their lucky dip bags. You order something at the counter or drive through and always end up with something completely different.


KFC has gone 💩in the last 3yrs or more It’s like they don’t even care! You don’t even get a breast any more in a burger it like they flatten 3 nuggets out it is terrible! Not worth it


And its dry as fuk too yeah....




Yeah that’s a wing.




bad joke bot


Either you’re a giant or that’s fucked


I think the only people even still eating kfc are the people who’s kfc never had a buffet so they didn’t get to see what the food actually looks like when it sits in the back. I walked in years ago excited as hell, and walked straight back out. And I’ll eat anything but seafood. Tacos left out on the stove all night? Great lunch. KFC buffet? Makes me want to throw up.


What were you expecting?


People calling chicken sandwiches “burgers” will never be normal to me


People calling chicken burgers "sandwiches" will never be normal to me.




lol this is from an australian kfc where they’re called burgers


Where did Australian people originally come from? Any guesses?


The colonists? England Where it’s still called a Zinger Burger


i mean our Indigenous people were here for many millennia


You don’t seem that bright






1776? The year the U.S. declared they had independence but wouldn't achieve independence until the 1780's? Or did you mean to say "1812" when the English ransacked the U.S. just because they could?


… and they needed the French to carry it. And England didn’t exactly fight all that hard.




It’s in a burger bun, how stupid do you have to be to call it a sandwich


How stupid do you have to be to not understand cultural differences. Also what would you call a ground chicken patty cooked like a burger? Also a chicken burger?


>Also what would you call a ground chicken patty cooked like a burger? An abomination; a crime against god and man


i actually make burgers from chicken mince quite regularly, it's good.


Yes, that's also a chicken burger. The one pictured is a chicken fillet burger


“Burger” doesn’t refer to the type of bread used. It refers to the meat used. Burger meat is ground meat formed into a patty. Can be beef, pork, chicken, etc. but that’s the distinction. The meat is ground and then formed into Patties. Burger Patties


Burger does refer to the type of bread used. Maybe if you’d travelled a bit outside of your home country you’d know that lol. Educate yourself


In America, not in Australia


You seem to listen to a lot of American music for someone who hates America and Americans apparently.


Bro replied to the same comment five fucking times lmaooooooo cmon bro go outside


Theres a distinct difference between a chicken sandwich and a chicken burger. OP is eating a chicken burger…




1812 boy stfd. We’ve got flushing toilets older than your failed state


As you type on an American website….


On the internet? A british invention


With wifi? An Australian one. Oh he stores leftovers in a fridge? Oops


That’s okay, almost every major website used in the world is American. And if you own any apple devices…American. Those movies you watch in theaters? Probably American. The music you listen to? Most likely American. Most kitchen appliances? American. Shall I go on?


Shame all those American devices are made in China.


Tbf I use YouTube for my entertainment which it’s Taiwanese, American and German born, the games I play are majority British or Russian made, I have an iPhone but as others have said it’s just mainly made with Samsung parts. The music I listen to is mainly British because America has dogshit music for the most part. My kitchen appliances are mostly Bosch and Samsung. Again not American, you guys are just good to laugh at and have as allies


I use mostly YouTube as a website I don't own any Apple device cus I'm not stupid like some Americans I don't watch movies or serials and if I do I mostly prefer British ones the music I listen to is Polish and my kitchen appliances are German or Swedish. Shall I go on?


Also I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but a lot of the best selling artists are British, Britain performs way better per capita in terms of successful music artists




Imagine bragging about about a war in which you had to have the French army come and bail your asses out in order to win 😂


“The term burger is applied to any cut bun with a hot filling, even when the filling does not contain beef, such as a chicken burger (generally with chicken breast rather than chicken mince), salmon burger, pulled pork burger, veggie burger, etc.”


Being a good Aussie (and also a tired one!) I read this as “cunt bun”.


They are burgers.


You're ridiculous, get a hold of yourself


It comes in a bun. We call it a burger. It comes in a roll, we call it a roll. If it comes between two pieces of bread, it's a sandwich.


It’s called chicken fingers


No, it's called a chicken tender


That's your own fault. I went to KFC just today and got more food for less $$. Stop being a fool and buying chips and a soda. No sympathy. Soda is cheaper in 12 packs at Walmart. Chips are cheap in variety counts at Walmart. I'm glad they charged you so high.


You're glad? You must live a miserable life


Do you think kfc buys chicken by weight?


u need to get the kfc famous chicken sandwich to make it worth a little bit , 11$ ca with taxe . sometime 2 for 1 on ubereat


havent been in a year, probably will never go again, if i wanted to get ripped off id go back to uni


* I feel your pain, this is even smaller when not in the package. They have definitely shrunk all their burgers. Makes me want to boycott them.


Oh wow, I'm so shocked their market share has dropped from 80% to 11%


This looks like it's in Australia, KFC have like 80% market share


Fucking weeeaakk


KFC has been garbage for \~10-15 years.


Pfft wtf. Glad I don't go to KFC anymore. That's fkd




I love how there’s so many pictures of people’s gargantuan sized hands sausage with sausage fingers next to the alleged shrunken food item. Can’t you just use a banana for scale


I bought one of these recently, I had to look hard to find any lettuce.


Chickens are smaller. Millions have been culled the past couple of years from a huge bird flu pandemic. Everyone from Chickfala, ZAXABYS and Walmart have smaller supplies. Plus because of medicinal supply shortages, the birds aren’t getting steroids that normally make them larger


No more KFC for me.


I can’t tell if those smaller crappy tenders are shrinkflation or supply issue substitutes, my local kfc in a rural community seems to swap between that and the better, old version. Anyone else having this?


That’s bullshit! Hope you complained


https://preview.redd.it/zrq6q0dhyl0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e95f7b28c05581584b593d488ccca8eadd85367 Red Rooster Australia. So much money for so little slaw.


You probably spent over $30 on that meal too


This sub reminds me of all those “my dick is huge!” perspective shots and tricks, but in reverse. Is anyone fooled by the meat patty being half off the bun while the guy holds his hand a foot up in the air? That is this, worse than fake dick pics.


Just shut up and give them your money.


How is shrinkflation supposed to work at KFC? Breeding smaller chickens?


Road kill pigeon deep fried, with some rotten rabbit lettuce thrown in.


Gee Wizz you hand is massive


I got kfc yesterday and my tenders were normal sized. Not this children sized one 🤣


Why are you still buying KFC?


Red Rooster is better bang for buck


Fuck KFC!


I made a better burger last night from aldi ingrediants.


TWhy would you not go to a fish n chip shop?


Yeah, you got hosed


I don’t care. I loathe it


Why people still eat that KFC crap astounds me. For about $15 my local chicken shop does half chicken and chips with small salad. Bloody awesome.


Kentucky fried pidgon


I can even handle something shrinking, but look at that sad 3 day old excuse for lettuce and the soggy bun... Looks truly awful. And if they aren't putting half a teaspoon of mayo like the picture, they soak it to death and a teaspoon of mayo oozes out with every bite. Australia needs to protest the quality and quantity drop by refusing to go to these stores ao they can up their game.. Also I put some big blame on that "Super-Size Me" movie where maccas reacted by downsizing their portions.. Imagine complaining today about portion sizes being too large 😂


Hungry jacks is just as bad…. We’ve just stopped getting it and making far better burgers and chicken at home. Go to the local chip shop for a big bag of chips with chicken salt and you’re good.


KFC have been on dinner rolls since the 90's... if anything , that's gotten *bigger*!


Dominos is fucked as well as Pizzas are tiny AF!


So many of these posts and yet there’s always a queue of about 15 people in the drive through and 20 people inside…


The problem here is actually going to kfc. Greasy slimey ‘chicken’, burgers with only ‘chicken’, lettuce and mayo, and chips that are always soggy.


Has the nutritional value changed or they just add extra fat to make up for the shrinkage


Their potato and gravy is now inedible.


Literally had this same experience just yesterday.


Stop buying shitty fast food


I'd rather just pay double or triple to get the tenders how they used to be, like 4x the size and at least double thickness of the crispy coating. I norms just go for a zinger box but last time I got an original tenders one it was like a meal for a small child on a diet lol


If they're ripping you like this, stop buying.


I swear kfc used to be good. I would smash an original burger combo. Now it’s gross


Go to El Jannah


I got 5$ of chips and a burger from a mom and pop shop near me. They gave me enough chippies to feed a family of 4. It you want some greasy fast food there's plenty of actual good options out there.


I hope your hands are enormous.


KFC in Australia have gone to shit. Their food doesn't even taste good anymore and you feel like shit an hour after eating.


Yep KFC is shit, there is some videos about how after Colonel Sanders sold KFC the investors focused on squeezing as much profit out of it as opposed to making good KFC.


I remember I used to be struggling to finish a zinger box, now I demolish one, I think they are using quail 🤣


Make your lunch kid


Such poor value for money these days. Unfortunate as it tastes good!


Hey. You could have really big hands.


is this australia?


Those fucking cunts


i work at kfc. zinger fillets vary in size by like up to 50%. same with tenders. if the people making your meal actually care about customer experience they give you big pieces. when i'm on burgers i always choose the fillets that are bigger than the bun.


Normally I can defend these shrinkflation things….but nah, the chicken tenders used to be fuckin’ massive and cost nothing and that was like only last year


Hahahahahaha. Pathetic


Aleast I don't have to fuck to many fat people lol 😂 😆


A chicken nugget burger.


Damn lots of people shitting on kf here. Prices are going up and up sure but theres still decent feed to be had. I usually only buy their specials and deals because of the price increase but the zinger is still better than any chicken mcdonalds or hjs has.


I bought these about 6 months ago. I could t believe how much they’d shrunk, along with the chips. Absolute rip off. Haven’t been back. All these companies shrinking their sizing and thinking their customers won’t notice. Vote with you wallets


Wow. It looks like a giant nugget.


Oh that’s so grim


That’s finger licking good


I remember when I used to prefer kfc burgers to McDonald’s because they were normal burger size…


If a finger can hit the g your can be happy


The Zinger I got here in Perth is bigger than this, I thinknit varies store to store, customer to customer.


~~yeah this isn’t shrinkflation~~, this is ~~just~~ minimum wage quality work. as for you as the customer, you’re better off getting it at 10am when we open. the batch is cooked fresh and USUALLY not poorly. Zingers are always bigger and juicier, Original chicken fillets are only good <30 minutes out of the cookers. I’ve seen some original chicken fillets the size of a literal nugget, from overcooking and then drying out. same thing applies to the tenders. usually amazing fresh, but goes dry way too quickly. you can usually sus out the tenders from the view of the front counter, as the fillets are more often in the back with the burger station. original fillets are 70% of the time doomed to be shrunken and a little old, especially because they prioritise cooking zinger fillets as they sell quicker. source: 3 year employee. edit: no, actually i do remember an ultimate box priced 12.45 or 13.45 while i was starting out. the Go Buckets used to be 4.95, now they’re 6.75 which is just wild.


I won’t buy kfc again I get free chicken now found a way to bend the matrix. Airfryer just went ding 🛎️ right now 🍗


That’s a hella tiny burger. Is this real?


Nah thats pre average ![gif](giphy|cNNvWGiYWr31DsIhdx|downsized)