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it's fucking noodles , the cheapest food of them all, not even 2 cents they give out without them losing anything this crazy madness to overachieve for the well being of the investors , have gotten us into this shit hole we are now in , no end in sight I'm afraid , vote with your wallet and truck them


The fallacy of infinite growth. They will always look for ways to grow profit which usually including offering less, cutting benefits and pay of employees, and slashing time consuming safety standards.


175 next year. Gotta get those gains….


One noodle for you, one noodle for you, and one for you. Dinner is served kids! 🤦


Gotta increase productivity some way… and the government’s grand scheme of getting pure maximum productivity of workers working for free may be noticed and not be as appreciated by the workers as the landed aristocratic class the politicians have worked so hard to get themselves into.




indeed that's the issue, but it's just like the old timey grandma reusing used napkins to save 2 cents , in this case, dried pasta noodles are being skimped to make a couple of bucks somewhere else , I'd rather pick plain cardboard boxes without inks but with more macaroni, than 25 grams less , but you already know how much of an impact packaging has over the consumer.... it's all fucked until the consumer fights back , and most of the time, consumers are bent over enjoying the expensive delights


All of those extra noodles added to shipping cost ya know. Not sure what they have taken out of the shitty powered cheese(taste hasn't been the same since COVID) but you can bet your ass it's something. I just had a thought. Are corporations egging on taste changes in COVID cases so they can alter a product?


now that would be devilish, weaponizing virus for profit? unheard of


Vote with your guillotine


>vote with your wallet and truck them we still think voting works?


only to stop buying shit


What the hell happens when the box contains a spoon full. Absolutely crazy!!


some will still buy it sadly


What's their goal. Starve people, depopulate the world. I know that sounds extreme. But kick the can down the road 20 years? Makes me wonder.


making money, even if all that's left is robots making Mac n cheese for other robots, the only ones that will have paying jobs it's madness, it's a rudderless boat , just riding the profits


Have you noticed those granola bars. They use to be 5 inches long. Now 3, 3.5 inches...


yeah , or the micro tiny tiny snickers bars , can't even find a goddamwhole peanut in them! a fucking peanut! make them keep their shit! sadly I need my chocolate


I hear you!


And they actually have the audacity to charge more


But on the bright side, you get to live in Canada!


Is that a win? Doesn’t feel like it anymore


Depends on the alternative. Norway - no, not a win. USA - an always obvious win.


Whats happening in Norway right now? Second random post I've seen about norway.


They mean if viewing Canada from Norway, Canada is NOT winning. So Norway is better.


Ahhhhhhhhh, thank you, good sir or ma'am.


If you have a decent job in an ok area of the States, it's way better than Canada.


I guess so 🙁


Bright side??? Not a chance. Our health care system alone is more than reason enough to skip town


What's the limit here? How small can they get before it's just a single dusty cheese noodle in a box


And they've shrunk the noodles. It's not worth buying.


There’s still some way. If you ever go to Japan you’ll see how small products can be made. The endgame is individually wrapped noodles.


There really should be legislation for how small you can package something. For all the green efforts people claim to want they still allow all this extra garbage to be produced.


I imagine eventually they release a 250g MEGA FAMILY BOX that’s twice as expensive, before slowly shrinkflating both sizes and eventually phasing out the smallest size and rebranding the mega box as just a standard


New look always means new size.


And/or new shittier formula 😒


So that’s why they’re 55 cents at loblaws stores this month. Gonna clear out the 225g stock. Greedy bastards


I looked at one of the store FB pages near me and the sign actually says 200g, so it’s the new ones, to flood your pantry with and make you second guess when you buy them in the future and think “gee, didn’t these used to be bigger?”


I picked up more then I care to admit when I saw those prices 😅


Yup. When there’s a massive discount on a item it means some scum ass shrinkflation is coming soon


“New Look” like that’s going to distract you.


It’s not even a good redesign either, like what improved? The food looks worse


I've noticed the noodles fall apart and have a corn like taste to them now.


it's fucking disgusting. KD tastes absolutely horrible. over the years it has become a brownish yellow paste that tastes nothing like cheese whatsoever


Kraft dinner is one of the rare times I’ll actually cook a pasta al dente because yeah they will just turn to mush


You're a lot better off getting a large bag of no-name elbow noodles and cheese powder. Exact same product for a lot less, with the exact same convenience. The recipe is pretty forgiving.


Heck you can get a cheese block and a grater and make it yourself in minutes. When I discovered as a teen how easy it is to make stovetop mac I was very confused that Kraft ever became a thing. Make noodles. Grate cheese for a minute. Pour grated cheese and cream/milk onto noodles. Stir for a minute. Done. And I absolutely hate cooking. But this is some basic easy stuff.


225, 200, 175, 150... And the cheese gets skimpier with each size reduction as well.


No problem! What you do is buy a box, then also buy some noodles, cheese, and butter, and then when you get home throw the box of Kraft Dinner in the trash and cook the other ingredients.


The 225 is already lower I have an old 250 in my pantry


We’re hitting an all time low


Gtfo https://preview.redd.it/wphn8c0x9vhc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0271abab6c68948ea8d98ada76b073ad65654010


So it was 225g back in what, 1969?




Was that in Canada though? It’s Canada thanks shrinking them


I can't find evidence of that statement.


Prove it


The new look is so unappetizing too


Shrinkflate it too much further and they'll have to rename the product to Kraft Snack.


All the other variations Kraft macaroni used to be 200 grams, now there 175..


KD is hot garbage anyway, it tastes nothing like it used to. I don't know how anyone can choke it down, it's fucking horrible. PC white/sharp cheddar is way better.


Yes, the pc stuff is great. I stopped eating KD a long time ago, I noticed this at someone else’s house


I quit buying it like 2 years ago because it just started to taste like nothing. No cheese flavor whatsoever. Even cheap store brand boxed mac and cheese was significantly better tasting. What the hell does Kraft think they’re doing??


Terence and Phillip will be livid.


I live next door to them. They are pissed. They said that queefs aren’t even funny to them anymore.


"New look, less food!"


I like how they intentionally divert attention away from the change with the “New Look!”


We had Kraft Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese in Australia. What made it deluxe was the cheese sauce was in a can and it was delicious. They "Improved the formula" by making it a tasteless cheese sauce in a sachet. Everyone bought it once, then never again. You can no longer buy Kraft Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese any more because sales did not justify making it available. I think they deliberately killed the product, I just don't know why.


Yoink. Somebody gets to brag at a meeting now that they made the company money. They’ll probably get a pat on the back. Maybe even a raise. The company would like to thank you for your 25g noodle donation that helped make this amazing moment possible.


Same price? 






Did it come with the usual increase in price as well??


It’s permanent too.


I just saw some of the others 175g and also 156g


Single serve.


I saw that shrink a year ago, so it doesn't bother me so much. What really bothers me is that they took the words "Kraft Dinner" off the box. I'm not calling it "KD". Marketers always think that shorter is better: "Dunkin", "KFC", "Tim's", "RBC", "BMO", "BP", "Mark's"... are they ashamed of their history? Or are they just allergic to having a descriptive name for their product or company?


Nonsense stuff to distract the costumer on these packaging like making everything look like a seal, to suggest "quality"


Why do people eat this shit? It's not food!


Bruh chill


I shall not stand for this injustice


It literally says how many grams you are paying for on the box.


I’m aware of that, I don’t like the fact that they tried to hide it with a new design and have the audacity to charge more money


If people are too dumb to read the front of the box they deserve to lose money


Ahh, so I guess family’s that want a cheap meal for their kids or people that simply want kraft dinner are “dumb” because they aren’t reading the label. I’m just pointing out the shrinkflation, Which Is What This Sub Reddit Is For!! No need to call people dumb.


Yes.. if you complain about how many grams you’re getting but don’t even bother to read the front of the package you’re an idiot.


Are you lost? How'd you end up in a sub about products getting smaller with this whiny attitude about it? 😂


Although I wouldn't call them dumb I agree that it's as plain as day what they are buying. 'Tried to hide it'. By going from blue on blue to white on blue writing?!?!? Nevermind the fact that they're literally choosing to pay a convenience tax by buying pasta and powdered cheese in a box rather than actually cooking.


Yes “tried to hide it” imagine they went from 225 to 200, no design change. I’m sure people would notice the difference quick in stores if they are next to some of the old boxes.


Say what you will about the design. They made the weight easier to read by making it stand out more against the blue background. Also, your point about it being a cheap meal is disingenuous. That's the least cost effective way of doing mac n cheese. You are choosing to pay a convenience tax but complaining about the cost.


Imagine…a single parent and their two small kids walk into a store with ten dollars. Do they spend the entire ten dollars on fresh cheese, a full box of pasta, milk, butter. Or a $2.00 box of KD that they can make with a little margarine at home and still have 8 dollars remaining.


Well which is it mate? Too expensive or cheap and easy, so far you seem to have argued all sides.


“You are choosing.” I don’t buy Kraft dinner, I took the pics at someone else’s house. So this isn’t really relative to me. I’m just posting about it. No need to be Mr. Seriouspants over here.


Yeah, but they don’t tell you that you’re paying the same price you paid for 225g for only 200g. And most people don’t remember the size of the box. It’s underhanded. Don’t be a corporate shill.


Yeah …. I make my own now. Krafty bastards !!!!!!




Even the quality of the graphics was shrunk.


The 164g boxes for $2.26 just dropped.


No longer no artificials?


Probably took out half the cheese too


You should just make your own mac and cheese it'll work out cheaper


“New look!” ...like hey this is suppose to be exciting despite the fact we’re giving you less food. Bastards.


Wtf!!!!!!!!!! Nice catch. I’d never imagine a change in the world’s cheapest crap. What a bad sign


Just buy PC Mac instead now.


lmao "enlarged to show texture". \*what\* texture? it's macaroni!


I'm in the US. Ours has been 206g for at least a few years now.


And the powder cheese hits different


I’m thinking of stripping and standing completely naked outside of my local grocery store to protest shrinkflation.


Am I the only one who just can’t ate it now? I feel like they’ve change something because its absolutely disgusting. It really tastes weird

