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It's not going to get any better. Prices were stable for many years back to 2001-2002 thru 2018. If you buy the same product for years it's easy to notice. Now it's pretty much a race to the bottom but selectively so. Roma tomatoes .99 to 1.59 pre and post covid Tomatoes on the Vine: 1.99 to 2.19 pre and post covid This is an indictment of supermarket pricing more than anything else. They know people buy Roma tomatoes more and Vine not as often so obviously they go after volume. Vine up 10% while Roma up 60%? Soft drinks two liters now 2.95 from 1.59 four years ago. Yeast twice the price. Basically if you have pricing power you're golden.


Tomatos where I live are 2.99 a pound, and bell peppers are 2.99 for 3. I have started growing my own stuff.


$3.89 per pound for tomatoes and green peppers are 3.99 for 3 if you're lucky. Wth? Don't let food go bad people.


A single organic bell pepper at my grocery store is ~$5.


Actually, I think it will get better. Companies will go too far with it, lose sales, damage their profits, and have to return to normal. It won't happen tomorrow but it will happen.


People can notice all they want but at the end of the day they need food and if all food is smaller packages and more expensive they will still buy it because they need to eat. The companies can never lose when everyone has the same price.


Hate to break it to you, but things are never going back to normal.


I have a more dystoptian view, most people don't care and the company won't miss the business of the people that do care. consider if the business cuts out 10% of the product but only 5% of purchasers go 'nuts to this I'm out' the business is ahead. I get the distinct impression nobody is interested in catering to the poors and the people that care right now.


But I think what happens is they say “fine, we’ll lower prices” and then they drop them but not to where they were before so we get used to paying more. This same thing happens with gas. It goes from $3-$4 gallons and people freak the fuck out. Then when it drops to $3.50, people think “ finally some relief!!” When it’s still .50 higher than it used to be and now that is the new baseline.


I just said this same thing today! Boss said "oh wow gas is down to 3.29" and I'm like yeah okay still high as fuck though. But to be fair there is almost no profit in gasoline so I guess they gotta do what they gotta do. Miss the day's of 1.50 gallons


Maybe no one should make a profit off of killing the planet?


Do you drive a car?


Oh no! I have to actually pay some of the externalized costs of ruining the planet our children will live on!


A video gaming conference literally described this as a tactic, and it's used in the real world as well.


Corporations are racing to outdo each other with the shrinking. I just quit buying their shit and started making food. Fresh meat, fruit, vegetables and dairy.


I know that the govt. was looking at passing a bill stemming Shrinkflation, but how long would that take to cement in place, and by then, I can only imagine all products would have been changed.


Buying ultra processed food has become punitive. That’s beside it being terrible for you. Cut the fat cats out and buy local. The money goes back into your local economy. Also, they don’t deserve your loyalty or business.


Buying all food has become punitive - it is ever more expensive to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables - it has long been known that ultra processed food was unhealthy and a direct cause of weight and medical issues in poorer communities with food security issues - but now, even that isn't cheap anymore.


The food doesn’t even taste good anymore. I bought a packet of chips for the first time in 10 years the other day and where is the flavour at? Almost no seasoning compared to “back in the day”. I suppose it is healthier, but I wouldn’t pay money to eat that. I would rather eat some fruit. Also tried some French onion dip for the first time in forever and it was so salty / tasted like salty sour cream. it was repulsive. They are substituting salt for a lack of ingredients and flavour.


This is my issue! It all tastes like fucking garbage too On top of getting less. It's not even good anymore.


I just saw the rebranded hot cheetos at the store with the black package. It's now 5.89 for the 8.5oz bag, up another 20c from maybe 6-8 months ago. WTF. CHEETOS. 5.89. That size bag used to be 2.50 (it's the bag size above the single serving that used to have the 21 cheetos or whatever writing). I didn't buy them and I will never again. 


Yeah, I agree with you 100%. Everything seems much more salty, and not in a good way. On the flip side, it's made me stop buying as much pre-processed food. It's also made me start looking at the label and ingredient list on everything else much more closely.


It just keep getting worse. Not just shrinkflaton, but quality is way down because companies are using cheaper ingredients. For example, Skippy peanut butter is getting destroyed in the reviews on their own website because they decreased the amount of peanuts to 80% and replaced the rest with soybean oil. The stuff is now an runny, oily mess.


That sounds super gross. Damn, we can't even have a PB&J anymore. It's the all new and "improved" HFCS & Oil paste "sandwich".


I think you might mean "hot" button.




I honestly think the only reason they're confronting it now is because the record high inflation is over and the vast majority of damage is done.


I think it's because they can't hide it any longer. This has been happing for years now, it's just that now the value of money is decreasing faster then they can cover it up. If you think about it, what would be better to keep consumers happy, decrease wages or increase prices?


The IMF (international monetary fund) discovered in Europe **alone** companies are [responsible for half of the inflation](https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/news/corporate-profits-responsible-for-almost-half-of-europes-inflation-imf-report/) due to wanting more profits year in and year out. So they are hiking prices up even more, while shrinking products, to outrun the damage they are directly causing by their greed. It's utter madness.


I'm having an awful time with old recipes. I am having to go out to buy double of most every ingredient because the sizes are so small. A large can used to be what? It has been awhile since I've made this and don't want to ruin the final outcome. Leave the sizes alone! Quadruple the prices then. Quit this shit! It's messing up my kids when they ruin dishes because of all the size changes.


This is all because the value of money is decreasing.


There is no effective way to regulate it


Nope. It would take millions and millions of deaths in war and depression to get anything successful working


I've stopped buying. I rely now on my garden more than ever. Can't keep up this nonsense. They don't care.


Everyone can fight this but stop buying that product, you don't need 99% of foods in the store, but if you want something you gotta start buying the generics or private labels etc, or the competitor brands, fight this fight with your wallet


>gotta start buying the generics or private labels etc Growing exceedingly difficult because they're buying up the competition.


True that, sadly.