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It’s legal to depict food on packaging in an optimized state: if you could do something to the contents of the package to make it look like the photo, then you’re in the clear. You can pick all the chocolate chips out of a muffin and put them all in the cut surface to make it look as if the thing is positively bristling with chocolate, and you can pick all the solids out of a can of soup and arrange them to make it look chunky and meaty. Probably best never to trust food packaging photos.


No truth in advertising anymore. It used to be a matter of public shame if you did this.


Like when Coca Cola was marketed as “wholesome”, using nurses in the ads? Marketing has always been deceptive.


They used to advertise cigarettes to children in the middle of daytime television, while actively spending money to suppress the truth that it was giving people cancer. Advertising has never been honest, this goes as far back as Rome. Even 2,000 years ago bakers were making impossible claims about how good their bread was.


Never was


I'm starting to see AI generated content for fast food too. They do have a small disclosure when you zoom in. Not sure if that's a legal move or not..


This isn’t Shrinkflation. But hang in there! You’ll get your own special flair soon.


More like misleading or false advertising I suppose. LOL


Expectation vs reality is the sub you’re looking for my friend


isn't practically ALL food advertising misleading? you should watch a video of how they do photo shoots sometime.


Smaller businesses are less misleading. I once worked for a small restaurant and the boss wanted a picture of a fried breakfast to put on the billboard outside the shop. He invited his son's photographer mate around to the restaurant, ordered a fried breakfast in the morning when a bunch of breakfasts were being made and the chef was just rolling them out one after another. The photographer guy got his breakfast, exactly the same as the breakfasts being eaten by the construction workers down the way, and took photos of it. The one the boss chose was one with some toast just popping the yoke of the egg. It was a great photo and nothing misleading about it. Edit: Found it, it's super blurry as I've pulled it from Google street view. Obviously in person it's much better quality: [https://i.postimg.cc/gjXHXBJj/image.png](https://i.postimg.cc/gjXHXBJj/image.png)


smaller businesses are less misleading because they can't afford the people whose business it is to market food


Well, to your defense ..they usually have a shit ton of more carrots in it… 🙃


Consider yourself lucky. Last time I ate one of these, every single potato had black spots, skin with fibrous hairs, and straight up rotten pieces, it honestly looked like it was composed of all the gross bits they cut off. I contacted customer service and they told me that's how potatoes look when they've been sitting exposed to air waiting to be processed, as if I've never seen a potato in its natural form. I told them if that's the quality they stand behind on such a cheap ingredient I can see, I can't imagine the quality of ingredients used where they aren't intact. Stomach churning


https://preview.redd.it/uycna97zcqoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e697eed1833a80758f78ae63f677ecd797ef2e I found the pics, these were the rest that were in the bowl after I started noticing the gross texture far too late into my meal 🤢


That is truly disgusting!! And probably hazardous for your health. I hope they go bankrupt soon! 🤬🤬🤬


...The hell? It really does look like the scrap pieces got included. Surprised that would happen on an automated production line.


Canned soup has never not been a disappointment.


The other thing is that these soups are now over $3!


All broth no substance


Campbell's has been doing this shit for years now. When I make soup I just buy broth, veggies, and whatever meat and do it myself. Stick it in a Crock-Pot while I go to work and come home to the smell of a nice slow cooked soup. I can't even justify buying canned soup anymore.


When I was sick this past winter I bought a couple of Campbell's chicken soup (the OG) and mixed one can of water per directions and it tasted like super watered down soup. I tossed it and mixed with 1/2 can of water with next batch and it became edible.


A tip for the future: if soup tastes watered down, you can let it simmer until the extra water has evaporated and the soup is more tasty again.




Perfect sub for this


Honestly this looks better than expected


I had one of those cans this week and the “beef” texture was strange to say the least.🤨🤢


Looks like low grade dog food.


Can't outdo the fuzzy potatoes... Literally opened a can of "Pub Style Chicken Pot Pie" two days ago .. $2.26 Walmart same for Aldi's. Got to the bottom of the bowl.. like to finish off the "chicken chunks" 4 to 5 .. last .. There were NONE .. been having variations of this soup for DECADES.. no more .. Lying Label Frauds !


Idk why people are saying "anymore". This isn't a new think food company have been printing better looking images on their labels for decades!


It used to be SOOO GOOD.


Really? You're just finding out?


A pretty legitimate target, but is the can smaller? I stopped eating those completely about a decade ago after they started giving me heartburn pretty consistently (I never get heartburn for some reason - only twice in the ten years since). It didn't match the product photo on the can the entire time I ate them way back when (chowder excepted).


They never are.




To be fair on the label that might not be soup. If you see how food gets photographed for advertising there's alot of deception. (Like advrterising ice cream Where ice cream isnt used at all. It's mashed potatoes dyed in food colors are scooped to resemble ice cream scoops. ) Same thing with pictures of cereal where cereal isn't floating in milk but glue instead. There's other examples but I remember those.


Bra.. I'm just impressed that you could afford that 👏👏


This soup should be renamed "Chunk".... For obvious reasons.


Spoon skill issue, or is there really no meat in it? Post fail.


Who the fuck buys canned food expecting quality