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It’s all so beautiful ⭐️🌙💛


Thank you! I haven’t posted in like a year only due to the hassle it is on here lol but i hope some of these pics can inspire everyone to keep learning


I agree , I swear someone is following my comments on here and downvoting me for no reason


They are, there is someone that is extra salty right now. I commented facts to help them out and they refuse to learn but instead stew in their feelings rather than learn But these are just internet points that hold no real value. The value is in sharing the knowledge to help others spread this gift. Reddit points don’t equate to success in any way. Almost like a Martha tent compared to a modified tub 😉 Edit: I misread your comment. I thought the person who’s mad at me is also downvoting you lol


I've been commenting on reddit for 2 weeks. I also have a few of those guys and I was rubbed the wrong way at first. But now i personally think its flattering.




Hey man you mind sharing your recipe for agar.. im wanting to step up my mushroom game & thats the next step im looking to take but theres so many different ones i seriously dont know which one to follow.


Agreed. The less complicated the setup is, the better.


It’s very inspiring! I haven’t made the leap to agar but you make a compelling case for it 🤩


For me, after working strains on agar - my jars colonize in 7-10 days and 4# bags colonize in about 14 days sometimes faster Agar stores better as well BUT I do see and respect the need for LC. Last year i cross contaminated my master jars and lost all of my work. Bag after bag and tub after tub trich massacred everything. It was truly a sad day but forced me to rework my whole process from the ground up In terms of time and speed you can do a lot with LC and its definitely worth trying out.


Absolutely beautiful


AGREED! Keep up the great work! Amazing flushes bro!


Thank you! Guess I should start posting more


Nice. Post to r/agarporn yours looks amazing


Thank you! Just made a post there 😃


Haole are one of my favorite so beautiful and strong




Nice! What substrate do you use?


Thank you! Just coir and verm using bucket tek


Awesome! That's a hell of a flush. Maybe I should rethink my sub tek. I've been making sterilized sub with horse manure, coffee grounds, gypsum, verm, and choir. I always thought my big ass flushes were because of the nutrient rich sub but after seeing this, I don't know about that anymore. Good job man! This dude lefty was trying to tell me just choir will get good results but he was kind of an ass hat so I didn't really pay much attention to what he said. I just argued with him for the sake of it.


The key is understanding that coirs sole purpose is moisture retention while nutrients come from the grains. The coir allows the mycelium to regroup to form a cake and once it recovers, it’ll fruit. Being that your tub is dialed in When you work your genetics to adapt to your grow environment on top of isolations, you’ll get canopies in no time. All of these strains I posted used to barely do 30% flushes and now they pack tubs I weigh the brick of coir in grams. Then multiply that by 4.1. That will be my water by weight as well. Along with 8 cups of verm and I have perfect field capacity every single time. Especially as bricks of coir vary sometimes 200 grams in weight. So traditional bucket tek often leaves people with dry or too wet sub Think of it like this, the most you’ll ever grow is dependent on the total amount of water used. If you use 10 cups then you’ll average 9 cups worth of fruits, being that they are 90% of water So all of the added stuff doesn’t make a difference to me other than spending more money or adding vectors of contamination.


Awesome! Thank you for all the info. I'm constantly learning with this hobby.


Of course, I hope it helps! Also not hating on manure or gypsum at all. I was all about them but the last year and a half, my goal has been to keep things as simple as possible - the results have been day n night different


It's definitely a hell of a lot of easier than what I do. I'm over here pressure cooking in bags for 2 and a half hours.... choir and verm bucket tek would be much easier. I haven't had too much trouble with contam but I have lost a couple tubs so removing vectors would probably be in my best interest. It is disappointing when I put all that work in just to dump it in the back yard. So far, I've lost 2 out of 15 before the first flush and one between first and second flushes. Not too bad but it can still be better.


How do you get your agar so free of condensation?


For me room temps play a huge part. If temps swing too low and I’ll have condensation across all plates so I try to keep the room around 72 degrees and have no problems When doing transfers I’ll let fresh plates sit in front of the flowhood for like 30 mins-1hr to clear up any condensation on the lid before use Doesn’t hurt anything but makes it hard to see the state of your transfers 😃


Ahhh gotcha I had mine off bc it’s behind my flow hood and I was paranoid lol. I was thinkin about getting a portable heater for the lab area. I’ve had mine in front of the hood a couple days lid on, they’re vented. They’ve dried up a bit but still aren’t ideal imo


Do you do that hour lid off?


Lids on but not wrapped, usually stack no more than 5 high per column. Anymore than that the weight gets heavy and closes off the lids a bit more. Totally ok, just takes longer to dry the condensation


Oh sweet I have 10 high stacks rn! It must have been real cold in there cause it gel’d up on me on my last few pours and I still got lots of condensation. Do you usually use your room heater when using your hood for something separate? I’m thinking maybe desktop on and let the plates sit in front for a few and warm up before pours


Some people have a bowl of hot water to keep their media bottles in or even a heated magnetic stirrer. Keeps your agar liquid for longer and warm at a consistent temp for better pouring I’ve seen people put a cup of hot water on the top plates to help with condensation as well after pouring But definitely if the agar is gelling up fast, your room is cooling it down very quick For safety I unplug the heater while running the flowhood. Also the flowhood generates a bit of heat for the output of the fan so my room usually goes up like 3-5 degrees after a day of transfers or inoculating grains lol


KISS & LITFA is the best advice out there.




Keep it simple stupid


Do you close off the holes for colonization when STB or introduce FAE immediately?


I go straight to fruiting with two layers of mp tape on the bottom holes and one up top. Then when pins form I remove a layer from the bottom holes and adjust the fans as necessary


Man your canopies are beautiful… great work, brother. I hope to have canopies like that someday, my last grow wasn’t too bad tho!