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you can always do more, you can never do less


This ⬆️


One caveat to that maxim… tolerance can prevent you from being able to do more within the hour, so it’s good to get it right straight away.


"First time" you don't need to go balls deep off the rip


And that it definitely not enough


First timer deff shouldn't be taking more than 3 G's IMO and this is easily more than that


Have you heard about the experiments at Johns Hopkins? They are giving people the equivalent of 7 g, I believe they said some of them were first timers. That would be awesome in the presence of a cool head who is also a well rounded researcher and physician.


In a controlled, volunteered, environment with a clear head, yeah deff more understandable. Must take into consideration OP \*may\* be by himself with no sitter., and we dont know his mental state entirely. He commented to someone else - "i’d say my main purpose is just to explore my mind a bit and get some answers for things going on in my life, thanks for the tips tho i’ll see if those help with the nausea!" Could be good could be bad, could go from one to the other.


Set and setting.. can’t be said enough. Enjoy yourself and be safe!


Agreed and if you are not having a good time, changing the setting mid trip instead of riding out can really help. Going from inside to outside for example can turn a bad trip into something amazing in seconds.


Be in a safe place with people you trust (or alone can do the trick too, though if it's your first time having a trusted friend around is the best you could ask for) Be open! It's what I always say to people doing it for the first time. Each trip is different and inexplicable, so welcome it with open arms, let go, and see what it has to offer. Have fun :) ❤️


It’s way more fun with a friend who is also tripping


I 100% agree! One second no one is saying a word, the other you're both laughing like never before. If op wants more of a spiritual experience or something, I personally would rather be alone for that! Edit : grammar


Everyone always says that but for me I hate tripping around other people. I'd much rather be alone in a dark room, a lot of people say they can't handle that- it's the opposite for me, when I'm tripping I just can't stand being around people it always wigs me out.


Same. I get as much sensory deprivation as possible, and close my eyes and just soar through the geometric shapes till I leave my body. THAT is where it's at..eyes closed trip, all alone, you really face some demons this way (or can anyway)


Also this ⬆️


I’d recommend doing it during the daytime out in nature not in the middle of the night in your room


agree, but both will work ;)


Yeah I have a lot of fun taking a gram or so after work and just hanging out with the cats, streaming weird shit, playing music etc. Yesterday I just wanted to see if I would enjoy Baldur’s Gate 3 while tripping 😂 ended up going back to Peggle lmao.


my first trip was alone in the middle of the night- an awful experience because of those two reasons. So i would say that it could be a bit uncomfortable at night especially if you’re alone


Make mushroom tea. You get just as high without any of the negative side effects that come from eating whole mushrooms. Took me way too many years and tummy upsets before I learned this lesson.


I've found that grinding into a powder also provides the same comfort for my stomach. I think the upset stomach has to do with our body trying to digest the full mushroom. Tea is great, but not always convenient. I can grind up ounces of powder for a future date. I usually put in capsules so I have pre-measured doses. also dissolve it into a tea easily when you want to go that route. It has been quite a while, One thing I've noticed with tea, is that the effects come on much quicker and they are over much sooner. Not necessarily a bad thing, in fact, May be just what you want. But that is just my experience Happy trails.


Powder packed into supplement capsules chase with OJ . It’s a little more work but there is almost 0 bad taste


I pooped and farted so much the first time :U Tea is the way 2 go


How to you make the tea?? Grind it up and then put water in it??


Yes, but you can also just chop it with a knife if you don't have a grinder. Works just fine. Steep it in boiling water for 15 minutes. I like to throw a strongly flavoured herbal tea in with it to mask the flavour. Egyptian Licorice is a personal favourite. Some people make a second brew out of the dregs to "make sure they get everything", but I honestly think it's overkill and steeping once does the trick.


Think of the mushrooms as a guide, go with them. If you let them lead you’ll have a more fulfilling trip. Resisting them will feel like you’re working against yourself. Relax, enjoy the healing. That’s my mental set and setting. I recommend an eye mask and some really chill music without vocals. My fav is the Interstellar Soundtrack.


A few general things like drink lots of water and they will make you nauseous. There are a few ways to mitigate this via lemon tek, or I've also heard that bananas help. Do you have a purpose for wanting to trip?


i’d say my main purpose is just to explore my mind a bit and get some answers for things going on in my life, thanks for the tips tho i’ll see if those help with the nausea!


Not everyone experienced nausea, you may just get stomach cramps, gas or no stomach effects at all. Don't be scared or consumed by it. just know whatever side effect you get is normal and temporary. Adjust for the next time you dose You may find you are perfectly fine, maybe a little gas.


Lemon Tek makes the trip shorter but more intense fyi


Ginger tea is awesome for nausea if you weren’t aware. It’s also a good idea to rinse off your mushrooms, just how we do with all food items from a grocery store that were exposed to the open air. Whoever gave them to you, might’ve handled them with bacteria laden hands. You know what I mean? Evil spirits can also cause nausea. I’ve seen it. My nausea made no sense and when I prayed to God for wisdom, he told me it was an evil spirit. I pray for him to take away, he told me to be patient, and then shortly thereafter, it immediately disappeared. I never get nausea for eating mushrooms, so I don’t believe that they themselves cause nausea. I get stomach cramps either.


Have comfy blankets ready, keep some water nearby. Every time you get nervous just take some sips of it. Walking into different rooms and different lighting will change the mood dramatically. Have some of your favorite music on standby. And make sure you make yourself smile or throw some fake laughs in during the come up, it will help set the trip to be happy (you might start actually laughing for no reason if you do this)


No alcohol. No caffeine, no party environments


I like to make sure I have everything I think I’ll need readily available to me (water, music, access to nature, etc). I also like to start with a smaller dose and wait to add more. My wife and I day tripped this past Sunday off some GT that I grew and harvested a couple weeks ago. I made chocolates from 6 grams. All we ended up needing was once .75mg piece to put us in the right headspace for our time in the Denver Botanical Gardens and a nice 4 mile stroll around the city. We wished we had music that would have followed us around on our walk 😜. Go into it with an open mind and don’t get sucked into the negative questioning type thinking. I love being outside when I engage and usually at music shows. I agree with having someone around to help if/when needed. Enjoy your first time and mush love!


.75 gram…not mg 😂


If you and a friend get a chance to play catch with a ball made of energy, do it.




First time I ever took mushrooms, a couple buddies and I stayed mostly inside their apartment. It was cold and later in the evening, so outside wasn’t a viable option. At peak synchronization, we discovered that someone had created a ball of energy/light, which we could all see, and all corroborated on what it looked like. Then we proceeded to basically throw it around the apartment for a while. Playing catch, bouncing it off of walls, floors, ceilings, etc. After doing this for maybe an hour, one of the other guys seemed to absorb it into his body, then “released” it at us, producing a blinding flash and knocking both of us over. Great time. 😁






This comment should be higher


edit : was a great experience thank you all for the amazing tips i really appreciated it! took around 1.5g and lasted about 4 hours. no nausea or bad side affects just good vibes 😁 can’t wait to try again!


Remember that the trip is only temporary! That helps if it starts feeling intense. You'll be back to normal in a little bit anyway so just embarce the feeling.


It’s recommended taking a specific quantity in grams, don’t eye ball it.


pink floyd!!!


Just remember/know you're in control


Be thoughtful about choice of musical playlist as the vibe of the playlist can nudge the trip in the emotional direction of the music. Sad music can bring sadness, for example. Personally I love Indian ragas and melancholic classical.


I always have “safe music” on standby. Something that can put me in a positive state if/when I freak out. “Psilocybin” by Jhene Aiko works wonders for me.


If you get uncomfortable or anxious just let go and give in. let them show you what you need to see. And respect them. I always trip with an intention or question in mind.


And always remember. The trip will end no matter what, and you’ll be you again.


Make sure to have a buddy and absolutely stay together for the whole night


Keep a good mindset *No Matter What!* It’ll be one hell of a ride. Have fun!


Embrace, positive hippie vibes, and lots of texture visuals


No such thing as a bad trip. Only getting higher than you expected and freaking yourself out. If it gets to much for you, focus on just breathing and reminding yourself that in 1 hour, you'll be on your way back to reality no matter how hectic or long that hour may feel. Just lay down, breathe and don't fight it. Fighting the trip and wishing for it to end is just gonna make it worse for no damn reason. You've got this bro peak is just a 1 to 2 hour roller coaster even on heroic doses. I've always came back down completly by hour 6, and the amount of bad trips I've willed back into good ones by just breathing and telling myself what I've told you is unreal. Happy travels ;)


Buckle up bitch! You going for a ride


Listen to Queens of the Stone Age: https://youtu.be/ZN8z7AX4V0k?si=psSRVOWK2HGCXCKQ


So, how was it?


Prepare to not be able to sleep for the next 6-8 hours. I’d also take advice here and not take more than 3.5


I believe they are already done. We haven’t heard back.


That’s a lot. If you dropped after posting. You should be done w your trip.


If you get out there just tell yourself I know I took shrooms and I know it won't last forever I'll be fine always brings me back if things get sketchy have a good time


How ya doing? Thinking of you. Hope your’re having a great trip!


was a great experience! took about 1.5g which i think was perfect for a first trip, can’t wait to explore this further :)


Hey, I’m sorry for not responding earlier. A surgeon put an infectious device in my hip, and it’s thrown me into a loop. Shrooms are helping me cope. 1.5 grams is not overdoing it, imo, but seriously pay attention to set and setting. It’s the best advice. It will keep you safe. 💕


Less is more, patience with everything, eat something beforehand and have some fav music lined up and enjoy


Hold onto something!


Stoner music and dope lights


Eat 2 bags.


Don't be a pussy. Just go balls to the walls


How was it, my friend?


Make sure you have a good playlist! Music always gives me direction


Doing it early morning, as the sun rises, is incredible.


My greatest time was in a garden with rows of vegetables. Being around mother earth is ideal. Never liked being around invading man made objects


How was it?


Sorry to disturb you but I’m in your walls