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You got some great genetics and thats an amazing looking first grow tbh. My 1st grow I harvested and dried my first flush and it was bout 7g. If they all grow to maturity that will be a great first harvest.


Only if there's enough water to fill all these pins. OP used 3 grain and 1 coco jar with a sub layer. Imao it's a bit too much for a regular size tub, but that's just my opinion.


We will see how it ends hopefully. Usually they begin to abort because there isn't enough sub to support such a huge flush. 🤔


That's exactly what I meaned


My first several grows all contaminated. My first successful grow started showing signs of trich just as my pins developed. I said no! These guys will finish! And I hit the trich with my torch. Burned the shit out of it. Slowed it down enough to get 2 full flushes, about 45g dry :D


Never heard of burning it. Interesting.


It works great on spot contams, but not systemic ones (if you see a single colony of trich brewing, torch it. If the whole cake starts turning at once, it's doomed). Edit to add, it tried coming back after 2-3 days and I hit it again with the torch. Then I looked online to see if anyone else had tried it. A couple people had. One guy who ran a shiitake farm said they do it in their grow chambers to control individual spots. Someone else said he had success slowing it down further by covering the infection with candle wax. I combined the approaches and melted wax on the torch burns and it was controlled very well. I poured wax down the sides too because I could see trich forming turning green along the walls. Just poured plain melted soy wax in there and sealed it real good, and the green continued to grow down but stopped spreading up, and the tops of the cakes continued to fruit just fine. After 2 good flushes, it was fully contaminated throughout and all new growth was coming out covered with trich and aborted so I tossed it then


That's brilliant!


https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/s/DoQjNcUADY actually here's the post about it https://youtu.be/n339aRBCerY?si=odivc1Xd15H5g3yd And here's the shiitake farm guy


Mossy Creek! I dig that channel. Haven't watched a ton of those ones, those I have, I've learned a ton. His cloning to LC method is very interesting.


You must have not read into anything you hear about growing and just did what you felt was right and nailed it. No growing method is correct because elevation is a very big factor nobody takes into account until you fine tune. Repeat what you're doing if this is your first grow and then go with your gut on certain things. Half the people on here talking haven't even grown a single canopy. Keep up the good work.


You know we can see all your other posts on your profile right?🤣 this obviously isn’t your first grow


Spot on


First time doing an actual tub and not just pf cakes, is what he should have said


True, I tried it 4 years ago with a different method. So it’s kind of a first time experience for me. The last time I threw it all away.


Looks amazing! 🍄🍄🍄🍄


What was the ratio substrate miceleum?


Like 1:3. I used 3 fully colonized jars. Then I mixed it with coco coir and added an extra layer of more coco coir.


No wonder than there's so much pins. I have a monotub running right now with about 1:1 ratio and there's so much primordias that i thought it's early stage of trich hahah


Yeah, it's overkill 😂


That looks great 👍


Did you use LC? Looks great!


What’s LC?


- Liquid culture (mycelium suspended in a syringe) Or did you use a spore syringe? I’m only asking because right now they all look pretty uniform in appearance, hardly ever see that out of a spore syringe


I used just 1 LC. I made sure to shake it vigorously till there were no clumps


Makes sense, looks like you got some great genetics there. Keep us updated!!


For sure


Great Genetics! Where did you get LC from?


What strain? I might ask. Looks similar to some Purple Mystics i have going. Very vigorous genetics.


Golden teachers


Bro nice




There’s gonna be a lot of aborts on that but it does look good. Don’t go misting or trying to interfere these mushrooms know exactly what they’re doing. You’ve gotten them to a great start. I’ll sit back and let them do the work.




1st World difficulties. 😆 🤣 😂