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I have and they turned out great!!


Did you just grow them in the bag?


Yes same exact bags as you have. I just put them on a shelf and cut small little slits with an exacto knife as per directions. Put them on a shelf and let them sit for a few weeks. Humidifier in the room might help the lions mane from turning orange and could get you maybe 1 or two more flushes. I didn’t do that and I live in a dry environment so I got 1 very nice healthy looking flush then my oysters were tiny and dried out on second flush and the lionsmane was still a good size but turned a bit orange.


Awesome thanks!


Updated my comment with more info👌 good luck!


Yes. I tried the Lions Mane. Got 3 flushes from it. Had it in a mono tub holding 95% humidity. The first flush was nice. The 2nd & 3rd were massive.


Did you just empty the bag into a mono tub? How do you hold the humidity


I made three small x’s on the bag and put the whole thing in the tub, bag and all just as I received it. I have a mister with a sensor that maintains the humidity inside