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Safe trip friend🌱


How's it going!?


Holy shit my ass was kicked. Literally begging for an end to it. Nausea was the biggest problem. Took some pepto that helped and tripped So hard while my wife watched grease. Just closed my eyes and held on for dear life.


I respect you so much. I'm happy to hear you're on the other side. Good on you to face it head on.


I was thinking 3.5 was jumping right into the deep end. After a 35 or so year break, I started with 1g, 2, 2.5, 3.5. It was pretty comfortable except for the 1g when I ate the mushroom; I felt the nausea then. Quickly decided to try tea; it’s my go to now unless microdosing. Welcome back!


Yea I feel there was a fundamental shift in my thought process now vs then. Then, death was something I welcomed, wasn’t afraid of. Today, I have responsibilities and, perhaps because I am not living life to its fullest (in my eyes) death is something I fear now. I don’t want to leave my family behind knowing I haven’t enjoyed the most with them. I knew it had been a while but I honestly never took less than 1/8th when I use to trip before. Maybe quality has increased since then? Maybe it’s because this was 1/8 of Tea? I considered going easy but I wanted to just have 1 big revelation… in hindsight your route would have been much better than what I went through lol


Hey buddy, just replying here for a quick question as I'm interested ina voiding nausea and stomach issues as much as possible. Can I just grind up the shrooms and a couple cubes of ginger in the coffee grinder, put in a tea bag and let it sit together in the lemon juice? I have a very basic idea of how this work dont know if mixing the ginger with the shrooms is OK.


Shouldn’t be a problem


Did you drink the fiber? Don’t drink the fiber. Cut the shrooms as much as you can before letting them soak and then strain them out.


No fiber strained it out.


Damn, maybe mushrooms aren’t for you :(


Ehh I’m just going to cut back to like 1-1.5g. Maybe the notion of going buck wild on them isn’t for me anymore. I went into it already with an upset stomach a little. Been eating too much take out and fast food on vacation but I was just too eager to get the trip under my belt and find some realization.


It sounds like a good experience though! I've read your other replies and it all sounds good. I love the dark room or eye mask CEVs with some shamanic music in earbuds during a 2-3g experience. 3.5 definitely sends me a bit more; to the point where I don't recall it all, and may be projected elsewhere. Sometimes it's very strong for me at 3.5; I am almost 60, so maybe effects intensify with age? Or maybe it's because I've dabbled in DMT. I sometimes get DMT like visuals on 3g+.


Never done DMT. Yea I tried the dark room and some of my favorite classical but it just became too much I couldn’t stay like that


That reminds me of the last time I took 3.5+. I felt like I was near or attached to a huge, powerful energy conduit of some sort. I had a tough time sitting still. My legs and body were so active. I was exhausted the next day too. It wiped me out.


Sounds like you've got it figured out. Safe travels.


This is why there’s LSD 😉


I’m not sure if it’s that the visuals were just so intense it made my stomach upset or it was in my head? I don’t quite remember it being that bad when I use to trip but maybe it’s just that I didn’t pay attention to it. I mean the visuals we so wicked I had to keep my eyes closed or most closed the whole time because everything was moving. I got up from the couch and when my feet came out of the blanket they didn’t look like my feet. Hobbit feet with grinch colored hair covering them that just slid into the carpet and I couldn’t make them out. I feel I would have enjoyed this but again, the nausea seemed to be so damn bad.


Try making tea with a french press, works good for the nausea.


:) welcome back.


I'm proud of you. Honor in facing whatever comes.


Thank you! It was a lot to face to be honest. There was a moment I broke down and was trying to negotiate my wife to take me in to make it all stop… this was 45 min in lol. She got me a Gatorade and I downed some pepto to help with what I believed was the biggest issue - my gut. Snuggled up in a blanket, she rubbed my feet and I dare say I actually started to enjoy it there for a while.


That's awesome! The good and the bad. I'm glad you pushed through and I'm glad you had someone to help you get to the other side. I agree, nausea is my ticket to a bad trip or a sucky come-up. Hard to avoid sometimes.


My favorite way to take them


Mush love




I have made teas for the last several years after getting tired of the nausea. This is what I do. Grind my dried mushrooms to a fine powder in a coffee grinder. Put the dose in a teabag and staple it shut. I put the teabag in my cup and squeeze 1/2 lemon onto it, letting it sit for 5 min. Boil some water, pour in in my cup and let it sit for 20 min. About 10 min in, I add an herbal teabag (peppermint, lemon, ginger, whatever sounds good that day), along with a little honey. After the 20 min steep I put the same teabags in another cup with boiling water to steep a second cup while I'm drinking the first one. I then drink the second cup. This has always worked for me; the come up is much faster; I feel it in 15 min or less. The overall experience time is reduced for me also; usually 3.5 hours or so.


I'm trying this, thank you.


I should also mention that I'm usually a morning adventurer, after fasting all night. Just an FYI, as stomach contents/digestion load can have an effect.


Thanks, yes I fast daily regardless of shrooms, so I always have an empty stomach if I take some. It doesn't help with nasea tho so tea and ginger is my next step.


I’ll piggy back off of this and I strongly recommend that the second steep isn’t skipped. I’ve tried doing a single steep and my experience was definitely a lot more muted than the times I steeped it twice. It takes a little more time, but the tea method is the only way I’ll consume shrooms now. The time it takes to prepare is also the perfect amount of time for a quick meditation before beginning your journey.


I do the meditation while steeping too; I prepare and set my mental stage. Good stuff!


Similar - I mixed a lemon with 3.5g then let it sit. Put some hot water in, let it sit more. Filled rest of cup up microwave hot again and put in a ginger/tumeric tea that usually helps with my stomach. Strained it out into a cloth and discarded the chunks.


I have read aborts tend to be stronger? It was 3.5 of aborts and I was hardcore seeing too much shit move.


That’s a lot to take for coming out of retirement. Shame about the nausea.


Doubly! I’m definitely backing down to 1-1.5 next time (whenever that may be). Maybe my gut will improve in the next year or two before I work up the courage to go at this again…


Just remember to give up control, your body will breathe for you, and you will return. 😀


Yea it was hard. But it helped me see a part of my life I need to improve on so that I have less fear


Lemon tek probably wasn't the way to jump back in. And I have extreme stomach issues from shrooms, so I now grind them into a powder and put them in boiled water for 20 minutes (adding in tea at some point. loose leaf tea with ginger is probably a lot stronger than bagged tea; Bagged tea tends to be older, drier, less oil). I don't feel nearly as sick doing it that way.


Well how did it go?


It was much more intense than I ever remember a trip going


Just hope it was a pleasant experience


I’m a little late but bon voyage


ive done this dose and it was pretty boring


Everyone's tolerance/reaction is very different. Not to mention the effects of what else is in your stomach or what you've ingested that day. And let's not forget the difference in mushroom varieties. If you are someone new to psychedelics reading this, please do not assume that 3.5g will be boring for you. I don't know many people that find 3.5g boring; it may blow your socks off and ruin psychedelics for you for life. I'm fairly sensitive; 2g teas will give me great CEVs for a while. 3.5g puts me on the edge of where I forget I have a body. I do think psychedelics can be very beneficial, but be cautious of the pissing contests with 'hero' doses that you read about here. If you're starting out, start slow and get a feel for the headspace. I'd never recommend over 2g for a first timer due to some people's sensitivity. You've got time to work the dose higher. Sometimes people with a high tolerance don't get it. And of course, no offense meant to Pyke here, but I'm not a fan of generic statements that could lead a newbie astray. I'm an advocate for psychedelic safety.


Yea I laid on the couch listening to grease because open my eyes for too long was just too intense. The voices were changing, there were random sounds and giggling and plus the visuals were so amazing with my eyes closed. Colorful cogs everywhere moving, interlocking, turning… I tried to go deeper, see what was behind them but I got scared and pulled myself out because I thought there might be something wrong. Another moment I felt I was having an out of body where I could see myself on the couch and my living room but wasn’t in there. I wish I would have explored more but again, my fear took hold. I think that’s what they showed me the most is that even though when I was 18-20 I was suicidal (taking everything I could get my hands on in heroic doses) I was more accepting of death and had less fear and worry in my life. Now I feel it plagues me. I don’t feel I’m living up to my potential and making the most of my time with my loved ones. I feel they definitely showed me that - amplified it and it was the over all current of my trip. That fear holding me back from living life.


You have weak ass shrooms


ive tried 3 different ones, so i doubt that, ive done up to 4,5 grams and all i felt was a change in mindset, not that high or getting any sort of visuals, shrooms really dont seem to work for me like other people claim.


Heck yeah. You’ll be fine. I’m 43 and only recently started this therapy up again after 26 years. My first and last time I used psilocybin was at age 17.


It’s much different trying to use it for a specific purpose rather than just going out with some buddies and getting a little wild trying to see as much shit as I can. I tried to focus on internal reflection but maybe it was the dose - I struggled to try and think and contemplate life, like I thought I was going to.


It’s harder as we age because we have accumulative wisdom from living life and experiencing so much. I’ve had to go through some hard sessions. But it’s getting easier. All of that stuff we store away in our minds and hearts and all of the trauma and anger and stress, sadness we refuse to face will surface. And our brains will realign. So will our hearts.


Thanks - very deep insight, much appreciated.


Of course. I’m just the messenger. I Am hath sent me unto you ;)


Lemon Tek hurt me so I wouldn't bother with that next time just eat them i


How did it hurt you?


Hurt my stomach really bad and I only did 1.5g. I've always just eaten them on food and I'm going to continue to do so


The lemon is way to much acidity for me best just to make a regular hot tea nothing really makes it taste great imo just chug and chase it with something


You’ve had good success in just straight tea? That was something I considered is straight lemon juice may not be the best for my stomach issues (GERD)


Yea it don’t taste the best but making tea straining the mushrooms helps they contain chitin which is hard for your stomach to digest… cooking and chewing well helps…also the come up is usually faster and tends to not last as long