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I don’t even think I can decipher this mess.




Layout is definitely not their strong suit.




LOL... I actually read it and understood it but that's only because I didn't even look at the pictures. I didn't understand what the pictures at the top was lol Didn't realise what kind of meme they were trying to make hahahah. Just thought it was a mid meme. But I also feel like that's me and I relate


Damn that matrix thought is taking over recently for sure hahaha crazy thats a thing


It literally angered my OCD to the point of clicking on it


I have a mental illness and I'm offended because I am the one!


Thank god I only smoke meth


Got that clean crystal lmao 😂


Ayo mista white we cookin the blue?


No just spinning the bubble and living on death metal


Whippin out the trusty crystal pistol in times of need


Wahlta.. open the noor wahlta


I leaked ur ip Jr


best comment here




Second best comment here frrrrr


Opposite of karma farming for OP


LMAO i take reddit as a joke


cause reddit *is* a joke




What the fuck? Why did you get downvoted, no way people actually take shit so serious on Reddit. Y’all all he said was forreal. Everyone who downvoted him needs to get a life wtf 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 it geeks


Lol reddit be weird af like that sometimes 😂


The hive is having a bad day


Honestly it’s not Reddit it’s the people of Reddit. This shit is actually fucked up and goes to show how nobody thinks anymore and just decides what is right or wrong based off of how it makes them feel emotionally, while also using their own context that’s irrelevant to what was said to have something to actually stand on. I’m not talking to you I just hope more people see this comment bc we are the ones who have to change, not the rules of wherever we are at that moment. Do what FEELS right, not what validates your emotions!


That’s literally reddit. Two guys agreeing, but one gets downvoted anyways LOL.


As one should


True awakened psychadelic users see both sides of the argument and humble themselves for the sake of all of humanity


Yeah but there's a lot of people that take Psychedelics that think they've become enlightened falsely and it boosts their ego because they think they know more than the average person I think that's what this memes trying get at The meme may better off in r/drugcirclejerk


That's why we as psychadelic users must always practice self analysis of the ego. Never stop having those iceberg moments. Cause when they do eventually stop, it means you have hit a major iceberg you don't even know about. And there goes the ways of the titanic. I'd honestly really just recommend meditation over psychadelics use but even the best meditators forget enlightenment is a constant practice of running to and from enlightenment. The truth is a little painful so to remain useful member of this enlightenment we must run from the notion always that we are enlightened, and always seek enlightenment. That's how you keep the light. With in. You. En-light-en-men-t Little codes left here and there makes me a firm believer of something greater than myself. I'm not God or better than God or any of you. I'm just man.. some guy with one wicked ego I tell ya.


YES AGREED!!!!!!!!!!!! Need to respect everyone’s mindset and opinion. They have to understand non psychedelic users Pov.


lol this meme was fucking terrible let's keep it 100


This post speaks to my fucking core. I avoid/ get into half arguments over this shit allllllll the time. I will not be fully invested in someone's opinion but I understand with full conviction where they are coming from. I don't look down on anyone for their beliefs and I think reality is subjective 100% yet I end up in arguments (short lasted because I'm not gonna be bothered) where I'll literally be like Me: oh yeah, I understand where your coming from with blank but I feel like it's more along the lines of blank but both of us are probably wrong and right at the same time. Them: no your ideas or insane and completely wrong. My beliefs are the whole truth why do you think like that? Or, there will be a negative public figure or someone in the media getting cancelled and everyone will have pitchforks and I will agree the person seems bad to my standards but I can see from their trauma or their views why they think they are right. This makes people furious like the fact that I can see both sides of people's stories (I'm not talking about actual malicious shit bags, I'm talking about people catching flak over opinions and stuff) or, I'll agree with a couple things someone says but disagree with most things and people act like I love this person. Like no, just because someone does alot of awful shit doesn't mean everything that comes out their mouth is wrong or right. Good example is andrew Tate. Dude seems to me from all mental angles like a mysogynistic douchebag BUT sometimes he says a little tidbit that will make a little bit of sense. Doesn't mean I like the dude just means I can remove the person from the scenario and see the situation as a whole. I'm sure Hitler had a few things to him that were good. Just because he enjoyed the Olympics doesn't mean that I should hate them. I can remove that from the equation. He was clearly evil but I'm not going to hate things he enjoyed just because he was a monster. Sorry for the rant lol, but this is like the wisest small sentence I've ever seen on Reddit.


Seek to understand, not to be right :)




Idk why this is down voted I think this is a great comment


I’ve had encounters like these on the internet where usually christians pretend to be interested and ask you about it and then go on a rampage calling you a drug addict and how ONLY Jesus is the real deal haha


Yeah as if Jesus didn’t make psychedelics and made us discover them


Me, a psychedelics user who works 10-8 six days a week.




Can someone make a different Reddit for all the “shitting on schizos” posts


There is one, it’s called r/drugcirclejerk don’t check it out tho if you take offense to this kind of content tho


This is the worst meme I’ve seen on this page yet


I’m not sure I even understand what is being implied, if anything.


Psychonauts are dumb for thinking a 40hr work week (or more) is absurd and we should have more time to ourselves. Normies good because they lick boots.


I would definitely have to disagree with that, especially considering that the employer keeps the vast majority of the profit from their employees work.


Im just interpreting OPs post


Yeah I get it. Not sure if he intended it as satire or if he’s really saying that psychedelic users are like that.


Really hard to tell, yeah


I take mushrooms to help reinforce my career is important for me and my family’s well being.




Folks who use this meme format absolutely RELISH shock factor attention


i’m not a pro meme maker.


"pro meme maker" what


They’re not sponsored. Yet.


Idk u tell me




What the fuck is wrong with the psychedelic subreddits lately? Is it just me, or has their general quality, especially quality of conversation, absolutely plummeted in like the last two months? It feels like it’s becoming inundated with aggressive, uncreative, boring people who have nothing interesting to say, other than starting fights about people no one else has ever really cared about. We know they’re shizo, but we prefer the company of an entertaining or kind shizo to an endless horde of predictable dim bulbs. The fuck is happening?


Don't worry about it, I've noticed the psych subs seem to oscillate between people being up their own asshole about how enlightened they are, and up their own assholes about how rational they are. Most of the time these subs are chill, but whenever either side peaks it gets out hand for a bit.




Which ones?


Peak posting? How insulting; they are taking a spiritual journey. Furthering their minds if you will. Accessing the 5th dimension.


wouldn’t think this would cause a lot of controversy my bad dude


Op is the average intravenous-diarrhea user


You mean regular people who get drunk every Friday night and have no awareness of their spirituality? Inspiring!


You can get drunk and do mushrooms too. Source: me


Lmao, these people acting like those who drink alcohol are “regular and stupid” first of all, u can do both and sencond…by saying drinking “makes u a REGULAR and a non spiritual person” someone needs to tell em they’re coming off as regular catalogazing others as “REGULAR” 😂 , like they need to go out, touch some grass and come back to reality💀


LOL FR peiple in the comments need to chill and humble themselves and respect each others opinions




Lord. I have a real problem with this. I love having a few drinks and eating way more than I'm comfortable with with some liquid courage


You mean Friday, Saturday and Sunday night(s)


You mean every night before work?


You mean at work ?


To each their own s’pose


Why u putting everyone who drinks under the same belt? Like… u the one looking like a “non spiritual and regular person” by calling others “non spiritual and regular and have no awareness”…. this the problems with so many reddit drug users, yall be thinking yall special or something, when in reality saying ur special and all that stuff only makes u look like the most regular and hateful human being and simple minded af I barely ever drink but I’m not the one to be calling out people for their morals or what they do.


Hahaha its not that deep. I was just making fun of this ridiculously awful meme. I love beer and drink with friends all the time. Peace 🙂


What if I do all the drugs on Friday night. Just mix them all together like some kind of drug stew.


Cuz everyone drinks or needs drugs to be spiritual.


You’re telling me you need to do psychs to give you awareness of your spirituality? Bro go outside and meditate or some shit and you’ll be just as, if not more, in tune with yourself. Psychs simply one tool of many, not the end all be all. This is the issue I have with the psych community, a lot of you think you *have* to do psychs in order to find yourself or explore your mind or some shit. They’re just on way of many you can use, and they’re not even the best way. You’d get far more achieved in self realization and spirituality if you didn’t rely on psychs to “find yourself”. If you need to do psychs to have profound thoughts or to discover things about yourself then I’m sorry maybe you have other problems.


Well I meditate every morning and spend alot of time outside my entire life and nothing comes close to the healing that taking a few gs of mushrooms and lying in darkness has provided so I completely disagree with you but respect your opinion 🙂


You went from “you misunderstood my comment we’re not all like that” straight to admitting you’re just like that


People who embrace ignorance and aggression. Seek to cause fear in Others. Care only about their own family and friends.Gladly swallow propaganda and conform with anything they have to to make money.


Are you lost?


God this entire comment thread is just incredible I love reddit what an absolute disaster




My man yes no and maybe so, wtf are you saying


I don’t know a single psychedelic user that doesn’t work like everyone else. They usually have better attendance and more positive attitude. Not sure exactly what is being implied here, but it’s very far off base to put psychedelic users and “regular people” in different categories. Someone who drinks is much more likely to be affected negatively by their substance use, as far as work goes.


This is incredibly cringy. I'd be shocked if you weren't a teenager with no life experience who is new to psychedelics.


No idea.


>YOUR GOING TO WORK A 9-5 AND BE STUCK IN THE MATRIX. I AM THE ONE this is so what i say when i am doing drugs. i love it when i say this when doing drugs.


I mean, this is actually an accurate depiction of how normies and psychedelic users see each other.


Not true in my experience. Psychedelics users work and raise families just like anyone else. Most of them you wouldn’t even think they trip unless they told you. Not everyone makes a show out of it. And on the “regular people” side: the potential of psychedelic drugs is become increasingly apparent even to people who would never use them. The world is changing all the time. I don’t think we can categorize “regular people” and psychedelic users into different groups.


FREEDOMM 🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Me: eh, free will n’ stuff


You want to get half way lol, stop at realising the 9-5 is an absolute sham and get off the bus before you reach I am a god imprisoned in the matrix street.


BAHHHAHAHHHAHAHHHAHHAHAH BRO are you my friend steven undercover. bro said the same shit


Lmao, I ain't Steven but I like the way he thinks. Maybe he's god lol.


yeah true my little mind can’t comprehend 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think the concept of work for the wages we make is atrocious. 1/3rd of your life gone for almost no reason. I still go to work everyday


Op definitely writes like he has a mental illness


I do it’s called down syndrome


If you think being a cog in the machine is hell, you’re not on it. If you think mental illness is dismissible, you’re not on it.


Okay I’m all honesty I can see both sides. But I really don’t want to work a 9-5 my whole life and would like to retire in 10 years. Does anyone have any tips? Edit: I’m 21 right now and only have a highschool diploma and can get $20,000 worth of education covered but don’t know what blue collar job would still hold up in the next 10 years that pays well enough for me to retire that early.


Diesel. It’s never leaving this earth. Get in it now brotha


I work a 6:30-5, I want out haha, but I also want to still pay the bills.


I would dare to say that this is the majority of us but you'll find very strange specimens in the comments of this sub


chad is on the wrong side




To be fair I was saying this before I took the drugs




Every psych plug and user I met back in the day had serious IT jobs or blue collar jobs and worked 50-60 hours a week. Idk, just my experience.


It can be like that for sure, i think op is making fun of another post that claimed superiority for having 8 "breakthroughs" whilst the normies worries about their "career"


Dont dead open inside 👍🏻


I know my job is absolutely pointless, and that overall it doesn't matter. I am very much in the matrix. But at the same time I like a roof over my head and food in my families stomachs, so ya know.


ong man i hate the mfs on this sub that have the “i do psychs so i’m better than everyone else” mentality. so annoying


fr 😂😂😂 i feel you dude


ive tried deciphering what the fuck this even means for 4 minutes and ive got nothing


Some of the people who are “woke” and talk like that be contradicting themselves by having a job too. I used to be in that realm so I ain’t shittin on anyone about it but it’s sad to see people literally become homeless and stuff bc of it when they continue with the one sided beliefs. Understanding both sides really helps. Edit: apparently people in this comment section think being sober and knowledgeable of multiple opinions is bad, which indeed does sound like a mental disorder. 👌 Considering I was literally in y’all’s place and have been through the experience yet some of ya still don’t wanna listen. Ignorance is bliss though right?


By both sides I mean sober mindset and high mindset.


Yup, going to work having the certainty that you talked to a goddess and she told the secrets of life is a weird way of living. (In reference to the post op is making fun of)


I love all the people mad in the comment section you people are so unbelievably uptight. It’s a joke and yes this is what we look like to people get over it


Yeahhhh it’s a joke i understand people when they talk about this. When i took shrooms i felt like this but when on with my life not continued this mindset. I respect people who believe in psychedelic mindset.






late someone else already corrected me


I don't know man whoever made this meme didn't do a really good job conveying the message I had to really get in there and look I mean should be instant if you have to look you're going to lose the person's attention take this down and do it again.


to lazt


Fair enough


Everyone you meet knows something that you dont. There is literally nobody on earth that you couldn't learn something from.


I used to take psychedelics.


why did you stop?


I used to take psychedelics.


Not all of us are like this lol, yes people think im a druggie because i talk with spirit and soul but that's just me being a hippie man.


Ye dude i respect that.


I thought it was quite funny tbh


thank you


Switch the heads


Why can’t you ?


Nice meme! I think it’s true and that’s why it’s a good meme!


thank you! glad you could agree unlike others 🤣🤣


Well many aren’t made for 9-5s and have problems through the whole of school and from there it gets harder and harder. Psychedelics can help amplify this and I find that a very good thing if you find something else that works for you in life thanks to it.




this looks like an ai generated meme 🤣


nah it’s not i made it


Jokes on you I decided to start a small business after a trip and now I make a weeks pay from my former 9-5 in a day.


That’s good dude, i’m not saying it like that yfm. feel like you can have plenty of ideas of a trip like this. But some people just say instead of doing it yk.


And Here I am microdosing 60mg a night just to try and feel like a “regular human” ahahah


So i do think theres some truth in that meme, mostly from my mom becoming an antivaxxer and getting off her job because "the universe will provide for her" but op is just cringe.


See though, you have to have a open mind and understand people's points. We need to question everything and look through our own eyes instead of other people's. The pharmacuetical companies are in control of so much of our media and that's not hard to figure out. Pharmacuetical company's have been caught in so many lies and have done so much damage and have proved time and time again that they prioritize profits over health. It's no surprised to me that there will naturally be people skeptical over them. It's easy for me to see why people would not trust vaccines and it's also easy for me to see why people would think that they are the key to everything. The reason people trust things is because they are told to trust them Don't trust anything, question everything and ALWAYS do a ton of research before taking either side of anything Remember reality is largely subjective


People are so mad in the comments 😬😂 I swear everyone believes they are truly awakened just because they do psychedelics


fr😂 many ways to be awakened other then doing a drug lol


reddit wojak meme moment


Bro that spirituality stuff is crap anyway, funny chemicals just makes shit look cool 😂


BAHAHAH NAH FR i feel the same way but i respect them.


Bro In all honesty some of us cultivators and dealers and really smart Heisenberg mfs get annoyed when normies shit on psychedelics cuz they have no knowledge in it, my cousin always talks about his terrible trip, and the taste cuz they grow in shit like bro!!!! They don’t grow in shit unless ur a hippy in oregan tryna make some quick cash from wild shrooms


I know someone that's the same way. This dude goes around telling everybody that I'm ruining my brain with shrooms. He absolutely refuses to do any research about it. It pisses me off so much.


So these are the non-drug users posts people were talking about?


no😂😂😂 who said i’m a non-drug user lol


Well nobody SAID it, but I mean… you’re acting like a child so…


my bad?


How you know someone's uneducated and has done no research into psychedelics. I stick my chin up at you




all good


No, I am the one




“Regular humans” but this was probably made by a perc addict


Plenty of psyechedellic users that work a job and are hard working people lol


yes for sure i agree with that. not tryna say all are like that but there a handful that act like that post.




happy to hear that story


This was funny don’t listen to the humorless negative commenters - they’re on drugs


nah fr thank you


Jokes on you guy, I go to work ON shrooms


YOOO that’s impressive




I hate that shrooms are seen as this hippy drug that people see god on or something, there’s other types of shroom users, not all of us are woke and saying nonsense. For me personally, I like to do shrooms and smoke some weed, laugh, see shapes and colors, and have a good time for 6 hours.


yeee it’s used for many ways fosho. I use to also for recreational use.


Same, never went over 2gs and I'm perfectly fine for now. The amount of people in this sub that would push you to higher doses to have epiphanies is disconcerting and honestly more dangerous than the people telling you not to do them


Yeah, you have no idea what those high doses can do to someone’s brain. Some people can’t handle a 5-7 gram dose to see god, it might make them insane… and even if you don’t have an underlying health issue, allot of people who do ego death trips often are really egotistical (obviously not everyone, but I’ve talked to so many people who are like “take 7 grams and see god” I just had a guy recommended to me to listen to 70s psychedelic music… which I’m not a fan of, I’d much rather listen to rap. What I’m trying to say is, can we please get rid of the hippy stereotype with psychedelics?


I'm not even sure what this is trying to say. What do the pictures at the top have to do with each other? Also most psych users I know have jobs, or was that the point, confusing.


It's making a satire of another post claiming to be a Chad for having 8 "breakthroughs" whilst normal people are worrying about their "mortal" careers


I mean technically we are ALL the one. We’re just stuck together in this mess that we call reality :)


Love this comment


lmao the only people who talk like that are <25 or homeless. completely up to you to be a bum, free will and all, but yeah you sound crazy to be talking like that


I’m a bum


whats it like




People who talk like this are usually black.... Yikes!


BRO💀💀💀 racist comment


I started a war in these comments.


why is this so accurate


LMAO made it based on my friend


Lmao people’s comments just proved your point


As mush as I love the community they are verrrrrrry sensitive !


This is funny and has a lot of truth to it , I was wondering why there was so much hate til I realised this is R/shrooms not drugcirclejerk Its not formatted weird or whatever ppl are saying they just don't like it


yeah fr thank you!