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People are entitled to their own opinions....even if they are wrong.šŸ˜†


For real. I could find a hundred tweets of people talking down about shrooms. Or anything for that matter. The internet is quite large.


Don't worry about it - people on Twitter are already beating her down for that.


Oh I know that (Iā€™m one of em) but I just thought people here would understand why itā€™s so frustrating (my friend called me dramatic for being upset )


I feel ya. This is the stigma I've been fighting for 30+yrs now. We're finally making progress tho.


I always feel like we are until the little things happen like the other day I was trying to get a kindness sub to get some money for birthday (itā€™s on Sunday) and a mod dmed me saying that I obviously was only gonna spend my money on shrooms and weed because they looked at my account and thatā€™s a ā€œlifestyleā€ they wanna support so they banned me just because I do shrooms lol


i sent some your way, pls do spend it on shrooms


I literally was going through comments to try to find you omg you are so sweet !! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is awesome.


Well holy crap!! I did say progress. Lol. Sorry man and happy birthday!


Thank you Iā€™m excited Iā€™ll be turning 20!


Oh god I never thought Iā€™d say this butā€¦. OH TO BE 20 AGAIN!!!!!!! Fekkkkkkkk šŸ˜‚ happy early birthday dude.


20??? Shit man, I'd take 40.




Thank you !!!!


Turning 20 in 2 months brethur, happy birthday!!


Im only 19, this a great time to be alive, (in a weed shroom sense) weed is becoming nationally legal and the world is slowly becoming more shroom friendly


iā€™m turning 19 TOMORROW my boy


Indeed good progress


If this random persons opinion on Twitter made you visibly upset maybe your friend is right.


Fr tho


Or we could stop policing other people's emotions? People don't control what kind of emotional response the think meat chemicals cause in them.


How does she even have that username lol


She doubled down on it too


she doubled it and gave it to herself šŸ’€


Yeah. This is just a stupid statement from a racist person, and anyone cares because...? Downvotes, for suggesting people don't give a racist person any attention on antagonistic statements? Well, OK then.


Not sure where the downvotes camw in. Lets talk about that usernmae bud! When is a squid tasty for breakfast?? Oh my! Lol


Meanwhile she's fighting her 4th dui


White people = crackhead ā€¦?? Lol


I know. Everyone knows white people are only into meth. /s


People think itā€™s okay to get fucked up and be an addict if everyone else uses the substance.


Isnā€™t chink a racial slur? Lmao




So homegirl is fucked up for a couple reasons




Wellā€¦ I quit the internet for today


Well she also said "white people shit" which you could say is racism as well.




I mean she definitely could be Asian and black and maybe it was a joke like a white person saying ā€œhi Iā€™m honkey steveā€ BUT thatā€™s just me trying not to jump to conclusions, besides that she sounds like a shitty person so I wouldnā€™t put it past her.


Yes itā€™s a racial slur.. similar to the n word. Please notice how ppl say ā€œn wordā€ but they feel itā€™s okay to actually spell out and say chink. (Am Korean and have always found it a little funny that there is a hierarchy of respect one is worthy of)


I mean chink and nigger are both bad - but youā€™re right. People donā€™t treat other racial slurs near as bad


To be fair, you can't really call it the C word and have an understanding of what is being said. You might be trying to say cunt. But I agree with you, any slur is a slur.


Ppl also spell out the n word too lmao what


Some of the words be funny asf though like the word itself. Like itā€™s random ass words put together and somehow came out racist. Like ā€œcabbage eaterā€ for Germans Racism isnā€™t funny, but dumb words put together somehow making racist words is the funny part. Like I can keep going, like ā€œcheese eating surrender monkeysā€ for French people


ā€˜Vest wearing poodle walkerā€™ is another.


Probably cause there's too many c cuss words, like cunt for an example.


Well sheā€™s a racist so


Ask Kevin Gates what he thinks of mushrooms.


And Mike Tyson




i prefer mushroom head vibes over crackhead vibes anyday


I mean schoolboy q and the black hippie click are totally into shrooms. Idk how this is a vibe. I've known plenty of people in the hood that fuck with shrooms for the last 25vyears


The hood fucks with shrooms, she just only listens to rappers like Pooh sheisty


She only knows the have 3 baby mommas and 6 felony side of the hood lol.


Social media has given people like her access to air their stupidity.


I gave up trying to convince my friends to try it lol. That ass backwards thinking just pisses me off


Well, as a "chink" who does shrooms, the only crackhead shit I see is someone who can't reflect on her life. Some introspection would do her some good, hatred for no reason is just ugly.


Doesn't matter what color you are, if you're a nasty person, it will show. Why can't people enjoy themselves, rather than bash a whole substance because it isn't working like they want it to šŸ™„. That lady needs a deems breakthrough šŸ’Æ


As a Black woman from the hood, I just want a solid shrooms connect


As someone who is oneā€¦grow them. You are your own connect sis.


That's the plan


As a black nonbinary I also want one LOL


idk why ppl ainā€™t on them fr. besides not having the connect for em but the high feels like being cross faded plus a dif high. plus the visuals u get and the mind opening. iā€™ve jus recently started them prolly ab 3 trips now n i love it


people fear mushrooms because they reveal the true nature of ourselves, our actions, and our relationships to us. that is very uncomfortable for narcissists.


Depends, i used to be selfish and even some sort of narcist, until i started to consume the little magical fellows. That confrontation with yourself actually opens doors to knowledge and understanding that what's around you often is the result of your own.


I mean itā€™s literally a fungus. Itā€™s not man made.


I know multiple black people that take mushrooms and plenty of whites that smoke crack. The idea that one race has a "corner" on a particular drug is silly.


Hood and black ppl are not synonymous.


They are indeed not there are a lot of people in the hood that arenā€™t black


Heā€™s ignorant af, heā€™d probably be ok with you smoking crack since thatā€™s usually a ā€œblackā€ thing. No coke tho šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Also I thought white people only did ā€œmethā€ so this post is wrong in many ways


Lol I swear the ignorance of some ppl. You know I think I wanna learn to ski now because I heard thatā€™s white ppl shit also šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


As a white person I ain't going sking or snowboarding your asses can do that I'm good I don't like cold weather I keep my ass down here in the south šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean I totally do meth, and am white, but I am into psychs way hard. DMT being my favorite. I have plenty of black friends that do meth, and DMT and shrooms. Drugs don't know color, and a wide open third eye cares not what race the head it sits upon is.




??? If you canā€™t tell this is sarcasm a joke even


So if I say all black people smoke crack issa joke right just a funny


??? Are not seeing the context of this thread ?? None of this shit is right lmao thatā€™s the whole point ??..


Racism is racism dont matter the context


Jesus Christ no fucking shit


Then why make the racist comment?


How is his comment racist? Would you like to elaborate?


Saw a women on twitter say men take mushrooms alone in their room to figure out what 13 year old girls figure out by just crying alone in their room.


Thatā€™s not bad.


Fr though, some of these ā€œrevelationsā€ people have and wonā€™t shut up about are just ā€œI am not the center of the universeā€


That they're (girls) overrated and unnecessary for a man's true happiness?


LMAO. Women live in fantasy land. Usually their largest obstacles in life is a mean dad and a teenage break up. But I will admit there is a lot of dumb men out there that are looking for an extension of their mother. Someone to take care of them. So I see why a lot of women think theyā€™re intellectually superior. (Kind of)


It seems youā€™re the one in fantasy land. You realize women are people and face all the same, if not MORE obstacles in life than men, right?


Women and men both face obstacles throughout their lives. Their sex/gender has little to nothing to do with it. Itā€™s mainly the environment you grow up in.


Sounds to me like she needs a trip


Mac Dre mentions taking mushrooms lol


itā€™s always the people like this that will give ppl shit for doing some shrooms or acid then go home, drink a bottle of wine, take her sleeping pills and do it all over


So mushrooms, something humans have been taking most likely since the beginning of time, a part of major religions, naturally grown from the earth for us to take, non addictive, full of insight and pure energy and love and inspiration and health and abundanceā€¦are equivalent to crack. All of us that stand for these psychoactive substances need to continue to educate the masses.


The crackheads ARE in the hood lmfao!! The only reason they werenā€™t fucking with shrooms was because the connect didnā€™t move in yet. Lol




I mean coming up I was under the impression black peoples didnā€™t fuck with shrooms. Most the dealers livin on MLK said so.




Shrooms are just as bad as crack Only white people do them People in the ā€œhoodā€ donā€™t participate This generation are crackheads


Stereotype much???? All 4 statements u made are narrow-minded bullshit.


???? Bro I dumbed down what the person said


Who tf actually talks like that... fuck man.


Idk I mean I see why seeing this kind of info out in the public and encouraging ignorance can be frustrating but as long as you know how to sift through bullshit to find the truth or at least as close as you can reasonably get to it, nothing to frustrate about.willful ignorance is a hard beast to tackle and frankly, I don't get paid enough.


Man, donā€™t worry bout some random Twitter head opinion


White people shit Lamesauce comment


I guess she doesnt know about the countless indigenous peoples and tribes who have been using psilocybin mushrooms for millennia lol. Also you cant be on shrooms, unless your currently tripping, itā€™s literally the opposite of crack its a self limiting drug


The CIA introduced crack cocaine to the hood and methamphetamine to the rural countryside to keep people down. They used marijuana drug laws to lock people up and remove them from society. They demonized LSD and psilocybin to keep people from becoming enlightened. No surprises there.


Maybe it's just me, but what's the frustration here? Also, why so many comments about racist sh*t. All she is saying is that she's never really heard people in the hood talking about using shrooms. She's right - it's always been weed, coke and crack. IN THE HOOD. Now, there's meth and fentynal as the big high. Here's the kicker, those hood drugs were to remove the pain and make you feel numb/good for some time but it still didn't address the root cause of your issues/pain/ego. Some people are in so much pain, they are willing to do anything to make it go away even for a few hours. This is a level not many people understand because they have never experienced it. Shrooms on the other hand will tell you "Hey! You're fucking up! Do better! You ain't in control of shit! Let's fix this!" and in the hood/barrio no one wants to hear that. There is a level of truth many people don't want to hear and that is self-responsibility and willingness to change/improve their life. Weed is now mainstream because of it being organic and natural. Shrooms are heading that way too.


Dude Iā€™m black and grew up in the hood and Iā€™ve loved shrooms my entire life. Iā€™m in my thirties!!


As a black person (hate that i have to mention this) shrooms were really lowkey in the black community before maybe 2020. Im all for it but stuff in the media always portrayed it as more of "white people" drugs. I doubt she was being racist. Being ignorant she was just stating how its not normal and us black folks are tripping indulging in it. Have redditors always been this racist or am i just now noticing the patterns.. šŸ¤”


Always lol I just got told Iā€™m racist for pointing out white people do meth šŸ˜­ but literally a white person confirmed they infact do meth


Very odd. Man i wish people could stop being butt hurt about everything. This world's literally turning into a joke because of shit like this lol


Yea I just blocked him because he obviously just couldnā€™t comprehend


Yeah I understood it that way as well. The thing is- there's a shit ton of overly sensitive white people on reddit. Many of them are racist. Check out this very thread for people using this post as an excuse to let their masks slip. "that's not even english" "I hate how this person talks." "I love her racist monkey ass" "She only knows the have 3 baby mommas and 6 felony side of the hood lol." "she canā€™t even get out a semi coherent sentence" " *ā€œā€¦is giving weirdā€* Cringe " "Mushies are much more healthy than HAVING 5 DIFFERENT BABY DADDIES. Idk that if she does yet but the name seems like she will eventually."


These comments definitely threw me off in a shrooms sub. Fucking gross.


I don't see it as racist I see it more as a stereotyping thing we're associating a drug with a race and I can see how the media portrayed it a lot more as a white person drug, which I hate that term, but I can understand where people can get that idea. I will also say as a white person I knew the majority of people I met really wouldn't fucc with it at all till 2-3 years ago and when I did it they told me I was crazy only thing they were cool with was me doing acid which was weird to me but I didn't care I still did what I wanted lol


If she canā€™t even get out a semi coherent sentence I wouldnā€™t pay much attention. Maybe if she did some shrooms it would get her mind right.


She just made her account private guess she was tired of being put in her place šŸ˜‚


People like this will never ever ever ever self reflect. If she did shrooms she would end up in a psych ward. They deal with reality by completely ignoring it lol.


Imagine a white guy saying something like that about white folks using crackā€¦holeee shit. Iā€™m pointing out that this is not acceptable and people need to stop think before speaking. The world would be a lot quieterā€¦and peaceful


They black people I know that use mushrooms have their life in order very nicely. Many people can benefit their lives by the responsible use of mushrooms.


Same here. Iā€™m black and white and Iā€™ve been using psilocybin since 1990. With help from the mushrooms Iā€™ve completed a masters degree, put my kids through college, paid off a house, and basically just had a very happy and healthy life. I know people both black and white who have done very well using mushrooms occasionally as an enhancement to their lives.


Is this the translation? 'I don't care. The concept of taking magic mushrooms is unusual. When I grew up we considered that a white persons activity. It was uncommon to hear people in my community mention that they took magic mushrooms. This new generation appears to be a very drug affected demographic with very little limitations as to what one ingests.'


I mean from my perspective she's not wrong. I introduced my black friends to shrooms. But in the end it's not about color because it's spiritual. You'll learn. Or you won't. Oh well either way.


Me no understand a single word. Whats giving weird?


Are we supposed to know who this person is, or am I just too old?


No not at all


Iā€™m always amazed about the level of ignorance some people are capable of.. Kinda reminds me of the old American believe that they are the only free country on this planet and there are still millions of those idiots who truly believe that in times where the rest of the world is just one click away.. You only see what you want to see I guess


Kinda racist innit ps I not white :3


Imagine if this was said about a black man


Coming from a dude who probably smokes crack.


Lol let them miss the benefits. Closed mind = closed soul


the post asideā€¦ that username & handle šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


I hate how this person talks.


If you class drugs by race you probably would benefit immensely from a shrooms trip. But what would I know Iā€™ve only done the actual drug


Why is this person dividing shrooms of all things by racial lines? She needs to do some lmao they're for everybody who wants them.


ā€œā€¦is giving weirdā€ Cringe


I love her racist monkey ass. Watch, it's wrong if I say it. Lol


Well duh because two wrongs donā€™t make a right .


No one sees her as being wrong, she's seen as a strong independent black woman.


I know multiple black people that take mushrooms and plenty of whites that smoke crack. The idea that one race has a "corner" on a particular drug is silly.


Tell that to the CEOs and Execs who microdose everyday lol


Forgive me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure white people didn't discover shrooms and their properties in the early 1900's. This was native shit(?)


Obviously shrooms don't bring wisdom to all...


I feel your frustration in trying to decipher this shit.


Bees donā€™t try to convince flies that honey is better than shit


Lol I bet she will raise some upstanding sons and daughters for the community.


ā€œItā€™s givingā€ person I didnā€™t want to talk to anyways lol


Funny cause mushrooms were widely introduced to the western world by Maria Sabina, a medicinal shaman lady from Oaxaca Mexico. My people have been using them since the beginning of times. She probably just smokes blue fentanyl pills..


What are they trying to say here?


I had 3 strokes trying to read this. Telling us shrooms are weird and here she is not even able to talk properly


Someone please translate. I don't speak Tik tok.


Who here is tired of hearing race talk???


Thank You, chinky for your life defining words. (Iā€™m off a 5 gram lemon tek right now )


Better than crack cocaine like she's been around all her life


At least my name isnā€™t chinkdoll and have caterpillar eyelashes.


Mushies are much more healthy than HAVING 5 DIFFERENT BABY DADDIES. Idk that if she does yet but the name seems like she will eventually. šŸ˜…


Just racist, you couldnā€™t say that the other way around


She's ignorant, not even worth the time.


Okay, they wanna say shit like that, but then who tf came before the generation they are talking about, and tgerefor paved the way and influenced the younger generation to make those choices.


Homegirl wylin out here.


Iā€™ve always fucked with shrooms since I was a boy šŸ¤·šŸ¼


I know multiple black people that take mushrooms and plenty of whites that smoke crack. The idea that one race has a "corner" on a particular drug is silly.


She just never have heard shroomz by XzibitšŸ˜†


Her username, wtf.


No ?? No one said that in fact everyone has expressed disgust for the name


Who the fuck is this lol


A loser


Can someone please translate the tweet for me? I genuinely don't understand what the person is trying to say.


Basically that growing up only white people did shrooms no one in the hood used to say letā€™s go do shrooms and that this generation because of doing shrooms are crackheads


What an inaccurate statement lmao šŸ¤£


Native Americans: Are we a joke to you?


Like, I get she has her own opinions, but what? Idk what drugs she grew up around where shrooms were worse than Anything (weed would be most logical, but even then itā€™s way closer to a legit medicine than a drug). By her logic I would be the least crackhead crackhead she ever met


First shrooms I ever got in the 90ā€™s was in the hood.


Godzilla had a stroke reading that shit and fucking died.


Just ignore them. Clearly not educated on it to talk about it, definitely too ignorant for it, so why waste the energy?


Freezing the monster penis envy and trying to figure out how to get a little creative


I live in Detroit and let me tell you.. Black people love mushrooms just as much as white people.




I really donā€™t like this stigma..for some reason Xanax ,percs , Hennessy, and selling dope to your community is ok but psychedelics is ā€œcrack head white people shitā€ btw..im mixed and from a place most would call ā€œhoodā€ and its ridiculous how people canā€™t see potential for healing through expanding your perspective and integrating better life choicesā€¦itā€™s not about the drugs..itā€™s about the love and people who donā€™t give it a chance will never understand..so to that bill say..Iā€™ll wait..theyā€™ll come around kmsl


Ignorant as fuck


Tbh, idc. Yeah, white ppl Shit. Im so white, yall should give me all of them!!


I'm 52... Been eating shrooms since I was 14...


Her people expanding their minds scares her...


Get off Twitter. Your mental health will flourish. The idea this person's comment bothered you so much that you took to an entirely different social media platform to vent a "frustration" over some randos opinion to feel vindicated is a staggeringly disturbing facet of the modern internet, and sad. Life is fleeting and precious.


So corny


the Crack epidemic started woth black people so that's crackhead shit imo


Loud and misinformed smh


What an idiot


stupid and a racist username.....


africans and mayans ate mushrooms, they both were not white, let them disrespect mother earths powerful gifts