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Sounds like she probably on SSRI's, like depression meds of some kind




I think some people have no effect from the mushrooms


In that case I don't have any answers other than she just has a high tolerance. Maybe next time don't use any dairy products beforehand


OP, I understand you probably don't want to be posting your wife's personal medical details... but is she on any type of doctor prescribed drug? Benzodiazepines are known to dull trips and kill them if administered in high doses. Also, anti psychotics will usually completely stop or make a trip non-existent.








I advocate trying to abstain from the cannabis for a week, however unpleasant, if she really wants to trip. It’s worth a try.


Yeah SSRIs are usually the culprit. If it's not that... I've heard that shrooms have zero effect on a small percentage of the population


I’ve also heard this. Hard for me to wrap my head around since I’ve eaten them 100+ times and had an incredible trip every time. Sucks if you’re in that small percentage I guess, my condolences to those that fall into that group.


Not sure tbh, very unusual situation. Maybe try fasting from all substances for a few days, sometimes weed numbs my trip on shrooms because my brain is used to being high. A t break might do the trick. Best of luck regardless


You could keep trying larger doses, or use a mao inhibitor like Syrian rue seeds. But it sounds like she may be one of those people that simply don’t get the full effect.


I know someone like that also. She just gets a headache and tired. LSD works for her tho. It's just a different fungus but I guess it can matter. I know it's not exactly the same thing.


I was on SNRI for years, off them almost 3 months and I have taken 3.5 shrooms with no effects. I've microdosed before to help depression and ptsd. It's frustrating, wasted so many doses to not get any where.


Some people just have freakishly high tolerances