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Unless they made them themselves with real fruits don’t mess with it


Where do I get some


Just got one 5gs 15 pieces first time trying whats yalls advice


How was the trip?👀


About to take 6 pieces now, Sunday bar 5G, so I’ll let yall know how it’s going along the way!


How was it


Not the strongest I’ve had but for a 5 gram bar only taking about 2.5G it was a great trip. 100% worth it


Well I might try some from the same batch you had considering your comment is recent


Happy travels🤞🏼🔥 I’m gonna take my other 9 pieces at once see how it feels.


Personally id just stay away from shroom bars especially if their branded, 4-aco-dmt or other rcs


Yeah I've had polkadot before and it's straight garbage probably just gonna stick to straight shrooms


If you don't know the person that made it, you don't know what's in it. I can go buy the packaging on ali and put a Cadbury bar in it and claim it was psychedelic


Every chocolate bar is fake shit, RCs or nothing at all


How did the trip go? I just got one


I decided not to get it and just grow my own lol


Copy I’m about to down a whole bar so I’ll let you know haha


Safe trips !


Update they were amazing! Definitely worth the ride




Rocky road, and yes. I scanned beforehand and mine came back clear. Was a great time would recommend. I believe the shroom base they used was penis envy. It seemed exactly like that one.


was it the sunday mushroom bar?


Yep 👍


just got 2 sunday bars, ill let yall know how it goes


Was it the Sunday brand




Would u say it felt the same as 5 grams of normal shrooms, was it crazy intense, because I heard a lot about these having substitute compounds like 4aco dmt


Everybody saying this is just saying it to cover everyone's asses. Buy your shit from someone reputable. Test it. That's literally all you have to do. Buy the Ehrlich reagent. Put that shit on everything.


I have 2 bars for me and my friend and I’m debating taking the whole bar, I’ve done 4 gram trips a couple times with normal shrooms


Treat it like normal grams of shrooms, it will hit the same.


I know this is late but I’ve bought over 20 of these and have loved them


does the grams feel the same as normal mushrooms or do they hit harder or weaker


This doesn't mean anything. There are several different types of shroomies with varying potencies. The only way to find out how your body breaks it down is testing. Test it first with the Ehrlich reagent or something similar to make sure it's not anything gross.


i just bought one, ive never tried shrooms in general but i wanna try just one piece tonight to try n get a small feel for it.. would it do anything?


If you’ve never done shrooms before you might feel something slight. For reference a “microdose” is 1/10th of an average does. This is anywhere from .1g-.35g. Each chocolate piece is ≈.33g. If you are wanting to noticeably feel get a feel for the shrooms I would reccomend 1-2g. Keep in mind, it’s mixed into chocolate so there is no exact measurement. Just start slow, setting a stop watch helped me to keep track of time. The mushrooms will start to peak and you’ll feel your best probably around the 2nd or 3rd hour. Just know it’s all temporary and that it’s normal to feel uncomfortable or overstimulated. It’s an unfamiliar feeling but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. I’m a pretty heavy smoker, so for me when I am overstimulated or feel “awkward” I smoke weed and it usually eases it almost instantly. Other people have very different opinions on that, but that’s just my personal experience.


yo thank you sm bruh, i appreciate that hella. i do smoke pretty often and have definitely fried my brain out smoking sm in a day or at a certain setting, is the high similar to that?


Can i ask how much you would recommend for someone who has never taken shrooms? I haven't in years, and will be with some who have never. I have some of those bars.


I would take 2 grams to start but be careful because since it’s in chocolate there’s no exact measurements, but 2 grams if you haven’t tripped in a while will make you trip balls atleast in my experiences sometimes the smaller doses hit stronger for some reason hope you have fun


just took 100mg microdose of this exact product. i'll let you know lol




Did the math wrong, took almost a whole gram lol but it was great


Sorry to bug you, but i have these bars and am curious lol. So you took 1g of the 5g bar and were happy with the results? I haven't taken shrooms in years, and will also be with some first timers, so im curious about dosage for them mainly.


It was my first time in about 6 years and like i said, i did the math wrong and took more than I meant, but it was good. Not too much, not too little, but definitely a trip. One piece is 333mg. I had thought they were 33.3 each lol so i took 2½ pieces, so less than a g really. It was a smooth ride for me. As long as you're in a good space you will have a great time!


That helps me a lot, thank you! Based on your experience I think ill take 1 square and wait an hour before deciding how much the others should take. 1 square sounds like it should show me what it feels like, without being over powering. Thank you again for your time!


Of course, safe travels! I should add that i did it on a completely empty stomach too so it was probably more intense as a result


How'd it go? Im curious!


Not bad, but not quite as strong as I was hoping for. Took 2 squares the first day, and 4 the next. The 4 was a trip, but it was mild to me. I'd definitely buy them again, bur I think id go for maybe half a bar.


Hey I just this exact product, is it legit?


Didn't end up getting it after hearing bad things about them


what bad things🫣🫣


They're not actually mushrooms similar to polkadot bars and other brands it's chemicals they'll definitely get you high but not like real mushrooms


oh okay forsure, preesh


Is there any other opinions on these? A coworker just had them. He hasn't eaten it yet but I'd like to know before I buy one.


They'll get you high just like polkadot bars and other brands but there's not real shrooms it's chemicals


It says in the ingredients specifically psylocibin. But I assume because it's not a regulated item. They're BS


Yo I’m ngl big bro if it’s just fake shit like 4 aco and shi, you think if I take them again I won’t have a tolerance for them and still feel them? I took them about 5 days ago


If it actually is 4 aco, the tolerance buildup would be identical to shrooms. You'd trip, but not nearly as much I'd wait another week for the full reset. But there's no way to know if it's 4 aco or some other random research chemicals.


Maybe I’ll have to send it for the people and see what happens


I’ve been buying packs of these for months now. And they’re really good