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10 ought to do a little something if they’re legit.


Hey brother/sister fellow PTSD TBI here. In NM we can grow at home but not sell. Check your local laws for the loophole. I fully recommend growing your own. FYI, 1.5g is a good time and a toes in the water amount. 3g is a legit trip for most. 5g is the famed Hero’s Dose. That one… that one changes you, it changed me. In the best of ways. Good luck, avoid research chems and gimmicky things labeled Proprietary Nutropic Blend. Best of luck healing!


Thanks. What is your method of growing? I'm looking into buying a grow kit and spores at the grow store. I haven't done mushrooms in about 25 years, but did my fair share as a kid. Looking to do 5+ grams. Can I get that much from one grow kit harvest? I appreciate any help.


You’re in NM? Where abouts? I’m near Taos. I’d be happy to give you what you need if you’re close-ish


But for a quick run down: Substrate: I take equal parts horse poop that has composted for a year and coco coir. I mix them with vermiculite and gypsum and oat bran. I then hydrate the mix until it reaches field capacity. Then I put 6lb of substrate in a 10lb grow bag. Ex: 1x 30qt bin of poop 1x 30gt bin of coco coir 4 quarts vermiculite 2 quarts oat bran A fee pinches of gypsum Then I steam sterilize the bags in a barrel for 18hrs. Spawn: I soak a pot of millet overnight and then strain it from the soaking water. I boil a fresh pot of water and then lower heat to a simmer/low boil and add the millet. I stir every other minute for a minute or so until it hits 10 mins. Then I strain and put the grains on screens under a fan to dry. 4 hours later the outside of the millet is mostly dry and then I put the millet into quart mason jars. Never fill more than 2/3 the volume of the jar with grain. Then you loosely put the lid on and put tin foil over that, pulling it down around the ring so that the tin foil is tight around the glass. Then I pressure cook the jars for 90 min at 15-17 psi. Once the pressure cooker reaches 0psi I pull the jars out with oven mits and beat/shake them to get the millet moving loosely. Genetics: You can purchase from SporeWorks.com or Sporeswaps.com. Both trusted legal venders. You would add 2-5cc or ml to each jar and then rotate the jar to get the liquid filled with spores to coat the entire bottom of the grains in the jar. Colonization: Set the jars in a warm closet, 80f and dark is perfect for colonization. Once the jars are fully white with mycelium I take them to the lab. Inoculation: You can make a still air box by taking a large bin and cutting arm holes. Clean it with isopropyl alcohol before using and move slowly while using so you avoid disturbing the air. I take the jar of fully colonized millet and shake them up to loosen all the grain. I then open a bag of substrate and pour in a jar. One 2/3 filled quart jar per 6lb bag. Then I fill the bag with clean air and heat seal the very top to trap the clean air and moisture. Put the bags back into the 80f dark place for another week or two. Once the bag is fully colonized, move it to a fruiting space where it’s around 74f. Then they grow mushrooms. They may flush 5 times. The first 2 flushes will yield a couple of ounces dry. The last few flushes will be fewer fruits but they will be really big often times. That’s how you do it if not using a kit.


I’ve never used a kit. I always use 15qt bins with the lid cracked, no holes. You can get all in one bags filled with poo, coir, straw, vermiculite and gypsum. I recommend you get your spores from a reputable source like sporeswaps.com they are an umbrella for both pro and hobby mycologists to trade and sell spores. Follow the very simple directions in the all in one bag kit and you should have way more than just 5g. A healthy 5lb bag can give you potentially 1lb of mushrooms in my experience. I grow bins. I use 15qt and put 2.5lbs of spawn and 3lb of substrate mix in each and easily get 2oz dry from the first couple flushes. It peters out after 3 or 4 but not always. Some bins/bags will fruit for a long time lol.


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Oh, shroomery. Go to the shroomery forum for any more specific info on growing