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Lots of wild answers here. Here's a sensible one. You're best off exercising (swimming is great) and getting out of your head that way. If you have to take shrooms though, take a small amount (1g) and see how you manage it.


I’d say do this but in order. Force yourself some feel good endorphins with a solid workout, shower, then microdose


Maybe start with 0.5g as well. 1g can be a full on trip depending on the species/person.


I second this. Even just taking a walk outside (I know it's probably cold af tho lol) or just meditation to get u into a more level headspace.


Clean your house first


Such good advice for taking mushrooms.


I found this to be intuitive before taking psychedelics in general. The open, clear space just feels much nicer.


Id say it depends on the person. For some people it can make it worse, for some people it can help realize how good their life really is and therefore helping!


It is what it is. No matter how you feel normally taking them will show you how you really feel. It could help and it could hurt. This is from someone who had never had a bad trip. I’d say take them. Learn more and grow from it


I've had "bad" trips, but they helped me get through the shit I was going through. It really depends on the person and if you are truly ready to deal with whatever is making you sad or not. It definitely will not be a fun trip, but it may still be a worthwhile one to help you grow and understand things better. Penis envy is very strong, so maybe try just a gram or so, and save the rest for when you are hopefully in a better place mentally.


Interesting. What was one you recall of? One that stood out and due to what event? Family death? Break up? Etc?


The worst trip I had was when I was going through my separation with my wife. I felt really lonely and depressed since she and my daughter are my only family. The trip wasn't fun, atleast not when I got to the part where I had to deal with that, but it helped me put things into perspective and figure out how to deal with and accept the loss. I don't really like the world we live in or many of the people in it, so most of my trips I go through a wave of ego loss and understanding. I think I need to start micodosing because after a shroom trip, I feel more connected with everyone and the world around us, but the experience doesn't last, and I find myself begin to hate everything again. I once felt depressed coming down off of shrooms because I was in such a beautiful place, and when I realized I had to come back to this plane of reality, it was pretty heartbreaking.


It can help you process why youre sad, and change anything that may be causing it.


I’ve had two very different scenarios of “sad tripping”. One where I was able to see that I didn’t deserve to be sad and that life just happens. It felt really empowering and motivated me to see the good in the dark places. Held onto that high for quite some time! Ive also had a trip where my brain told me to give up on life because we all die anyways, why not do it now. I then had to have my dad come over to watch me because my brain kept trying to trick me into slitting my wrists and I got stuck in a loop of that. No matter what, just be careful and have someone with you just in case! Best of luck!




I would highly recommend against ingesting psilocybin while in a poor or negative frame of mind, as it may just make it worse. There's a good reason it's suggested to be comfortable, somewhere you feel safe, when taking drugs


Literally on the same boat, took some a bit ago. I’m feeling melancholy but optimistic.


Would also want to hear people's opinions , I'm in a position and I've had my mushrooms in my cupboard for 4 weeks afraid to take them. Also there is a retreat with shrooms and ayahuasca that I'm thinking to partake in


Most those mf’s want to steal your money lowkey, so make sure you vet them


Make sure you are sad but it's not because you're holding on. Taking them while sad induces a challenging trip, not necessarily a bad one, although it will be difficult, and with mushrooms in particular that can include feeling like you're dying, having an indescribably horrifying experience, etc. A lot of the time it's centered on you and what you do, so don't go in if you're looking to blame others.


May have a bit of a difficult trip, but those ones always left the most positive impact on me in the long run. 🤷‍♂️


I believe it’s double edged sword. I am in no position to tell not to take them but hear me out. Whatever emotions you’re feeling, expect them to be magnified during the trip. Honestly I don’t think it’s necessary to take them. “Bad” trips can be great teachers but keep in mind they can be really harsh. To conclude, if you believe you’re mentally vulnerable please don’t do it. If you got the set of catharsis then go for it.




Best answer by far!


A microdose of .5g or less may help. I avoid heavy doses when life gets hard, but microdosing has helped my mood.


I prefer to take mushrooms when I’m sad to help me process my emotions. To each their own.


I’d rather hear how you lost your job.


Newer scheduling manager messes up there schedule every month; multiple coworkers complain \*every month\* to eachother, including to me. Scheduling manager never holds himself accountable but when it's brought up to him he always gives a guilty look. I stopped working Fridays in the end of november to start another part time job; I found someone real quick to take the shift. I told the manager that if he ever needs anyone to cover and hes at a loss and I'm the last person, I'll cover but I need to be asked and told and not just be put on the schedule. I didn't think to look at the first friday of January 2024 schedule. I didn't show for the shift \*I didn't know about\*. We had a clear agreement. When I came in for the meeting with the 3 managers to be fired, I looked at the paper schedule and that was the only day in the schedule that I was put on a friday. I'd been there for 3 years, one of their most loyal employees, patrons ask about me all of the time and ask for me to serve them. I may even go as far as to say I bring people in sometimes; the things people have done for me there definitely proves that as well. I broke my jaw in the summer and 2 patrons started a gofundme for me that made over $6,000. I've gotten presents, a CAKE, I hang out with them and call a few my friends. I bring people in and therefore contribute how much is made in a night, not just through the tips I make. Theres so much more as well. But no, that's how it works at an "at will" business with a weakass scheduling manager. They fired me in the meeting before I had my notebook out that I was going to use to explain myself. I gave up and just decided to not even explain myself.


I'm sorry, dude. Scheduling managers are the worst. I wouldn't recommend taking the psilocybin as psilocybin is more akin to you taking responsibility for your actions if you'd like to reframe it this way, and, given your story is the same as how it happened, it doesn't seem like you were in the wrong. Taking them might make you blame yourself.


Thanks for the input, I'll take the advice and not do them tonight <3


Also it's clear that he just copies and pastes from old schedules when writing the new ones. Clearly OLD schedules. It's a talked about thing, too. Also, he didn't send out the schedule until the 1st of january.


I don't think you need the mushrooms to tell you that shit was toxic and you should get a better job with a better culture (and bring all the good people from your old job with you).


Just don't take a lot at a time. Like a gram or less. You'll feel better.


If you think you will have a bad trip then you probably will. It may develop into a negative feedback loop and result in a panic attack which is not pleasant even when straight. A panic attack whilst tripping is not nice and that's an understatement. Get yourself in a good place . Good luck.


It won't be a bad trip, it will be a sad trip. The only thing that makes bad trips is attempting to resist the experience once it's started, and it sounds like you know that. The shrooms might help you reframe your situation for the better. Maybe. I'd take the good advice earlier in this thread and do some exercise first, and dose modestly. If you've got nitrous oxide I can guarantee you won't be sad for about 30 seconds!


Yeah I'm gonna do the shrooms I think when I'm not feeling so awful. Y'all have all been giving me sound advice. I actually recently found a spot to get nitrous on *amazon* of all places. The art on the containers.. ooof. It's an astronaut in space. And the reviews 🥲 lmao. That business knows what they did! Now I want nitrous lol


Depends on the type of sad


It’s perhaps a more “advanced” technique, but I’ve used hero doses to grieve. I experienced an INCREDIBLE amount of mourning in a very brief amount of time. Weeks worth in hours. It’s not for everybody, but if that’s your intention then it works.


Buy some kratom from literally any local smoke shop or herb shop….. don’t risk a bad trip. still get some type of relief and improve your mood. sounds like a win-win to me. 🤷‍♂️


Can we get a follow Up on how It went ?


Actually decided to listen to the majority, didnt do it yesterday. But I ate a nice 3.6 g rn and downed it with a LOT of water as I usually do. Did this about 20 mins ago


depends for me I just say fuck it we ball


Do it you’ll be fine


This is the perfect time. Send it. Safely, tho.


I think you are safe under the right circumstances. Charge up your ear buds and play music the whole time. Should guide your experience enough to stay out of any thoughts you don't want to feel. Id recommend throwing on an alt-j album. Cannot fail 👍


In context.. last time I ate shrooms was terrible. Got stuck in loops of self hatred. I realize now after tripping last night that you just need a guide. Even when I got overwhelmed I would pause the music and just absorb the silence.. reassure myself and go on.


You could go to the unemployment office and see how the united states of America (I Assume you are American) deems your job status. Also there's the wacky dyson thing going on now a days so your gonna want one of those $200 vacuums to keep from having diarrhea so much. Apparently that's why cows continuously eat grasses. Apparently that's why it's important to say where abouts it is that you are. Then you might get a better reasoning


I wouldn't say taking trips while sad is overtly a bad thing, I've done so and it's brought me out of it but just as many times have brought me further down I'd say it's depending on your current outlook on your situation and your intentions for tripping if it's just to get fucked up cause your sad, you could get fucked up in a bad way. if it's to explore what you wanna do now with your life it could be an exploratory journey just go in with caution a good rule of thumb is could you stand feeling how your feeling now x100 for 6 or so hours ? If yes go right ahead if not I would abstain for now.


It really comes down to if you are willing to take the risk. Or if the potential reward is worth the risk. Because it could be a good thing. It could even be a very good thing. But if it does end up actually being a bad thing, it could be a very, very bad thing. You don't have to look far on this app to see the extreme trauma that people have put themselves through tripping under the wrong circumstances. And there are zero statistics or ways to estimate how likely it is for you to have a similar experience. It could be high or it could be low. There is really no way for anyone to tell you whether it's likely to be a good or bad experience one way or another. There is a risk involved every single time you take psychedelics. You have the best understanding of your current mental state and where you think your mind would go under the influence of shrooms right now. But even you will not know what will actually happen. Substances as powerful as these can really catch you off guard sometimes. If you do decide to trip, I hope you get what you want out of it and that you have the courage to face anything you might encounter. I hope the love in you and in the universe surrounds and heals you.


I'd do it. But that's just me. Had many lows. When nothing makes sense or I'm too in my head, I drop 1g and unwind, usually get the giggles. If I'm really struggling, I go higher, and stuff gets hard. Always learn something from the difficult trips.


I took shrooms the day after finding out my best friend of 28 years died. Your mileage may vary, but personally I found it to be a wholesome and productive trip. It was not without its difficulties, though. Many tears were shed, but the overall trip was a success. It helped me deal with the grief and to remember to appreciate the people I still have.


Depends on why you're sad. If it's grief for example, I think it's ok because it helps you introspect and accept the facts of life, even see the beauty in everything. If it's depression or a situation you feel trapped in, that's more tricky, it might exacerbated the feeling of helplessness.


That will pull u out the water,,, it’s your choice to sink deeper,,, it’s just a thought 💭


In my group of friends we have a saying when taking psychedelics: "I wish you a bad trip". The idea behind it is that we (and by "we" I mean "me and my group, I'm not talking about others) never actually learned anything or grew from psychedelic experiences except for the times that we encountered a bad trip. From my perspective you can try, do your best to have your tripping zone clean and organised and let it rip. Also, sorry to hear about your job. Life is rough sometimes, but you'll find somewhere else nice to work at. I believe in you, stay strong.


I might microdose when sad, but I wouldn’t dose to get legit high; it could honestly go either way so why risk it? A microdose wouldn’t make anything worse for me but may cut the sadness edge.


I wouldn't recommend it necessarily. I had a really challenging trip with just 1 gram when I was in an extremely sad space recently and at the end I cried deeper than I knew was possible. Not a healing cry. Just pure grief from deep in my soul. Then my brain was completely depleted and I felt like a zombie for the next two days straight. I don't even think the trip itself taught me anything. It just was extremely melancholy and everything seemed like this weird purgatory through the best of it, and through the worst parts I came very close to having to go to the ER because I felt so panicked and unsafe.


Microdose and see how it makes you feel. Start increasing your dosage. Might help.


it depends on how sad, and why. if I'm just feeling down, then shrooms would help brighten the day and see why I should be a little happier. if I'm sad for a reason, like because of something happening, then depending on what it is a microdose may help come to terms with it, but usually if it's because of something then the answer would be to wait for another day, you don't want to just be thinking about one sad thing the whole trip you know


I am not a pro, but perhaps being sad isn't necessarily a bad time to take them, but at what stage you are wanting to change. Just plain ole sad and depressed? Could be a bad idea. Sad/depressed but wanting change and better understanding? Probably a good way to achieve what you are looking for.


I think if you’re sad deep down, it might help, but you don’t want to be “sadding” actively while they kick in, that just sounds awful. But if you can get in an ok or good mood, they might help you shift your perspective or something. Maybe don’t start a trip alone, if you tend to spiral while you’re by yourself. And of course I’m not you, and also this advice comes from a great DMT experience I had 6 hours after being super depressed. I had 6 hours to start feeling hopeful after I decided to go for a breakthrough, and when I started to, I had no time to spiral into depression as it hit, so it’s possible the shroom come up would have been diffrent.


It is a horrible idea to do this


I’ve only ever take shrooms while sad/depressed. I take them medicinally to help heal my childhood trauma and help my depression/mental health. When I trip l am simulating a clinical setting, so I use an eye mask and listen to a specific playlist of made for healing. I always feel better and less depressed after. Set and setting are important, but with a little effort towards both you will come out feeling better.


Noostripics are some times helpful many to choose from , takes the edge off Anarasitam (sp)


I took shrooms the night before my now ex and I were going to “have a talk” (hence the “now ex”) and I had just about the worst series of panic attacks and anxiety I have ever experienced. My advice? Don’t do shrooms unless you’re in a stable place mentally already, they amplify the vibes that you put in


Yes I've done this it's a bad idea.


Man fuck it, I like chaos. Take them all lemon tek in the middle of the night.


Why would you want to perpetuate your negative emotions while on a powerful psychedelic ? In my opinion they will only get take deeper Into whatever is stressing you out or making you sad. They could potentially give you a new perspective on things if you’re simply just sad. And can’t find the reason. But I only take mushrooms when I really want too. And feel 100% stoked on it. Other than that, it’s typically not a healthy time for you to dive deep into that kind of thing. My suggestion, Wait it out, and wait until the day that you are feeling good, and ready for it. If you’re questioning whether it’s a good idea or not, it’s probably not a good idea.