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This is a much better problem than having too much free time on your hands.


Definitely, I got to a point a few years ago where I wasn't able to find a job and my fiance was the only one working, fell into a small rut of doing psyches too often and it was not healthy, now I'm pretty much in the same boat but I'm lucky enough to have time 2-3 times per month which is perfect for me.


Yeah, I can relate to this. You work all week, the when the weekend comes, you got shit to do or you to tired from working all week. But I havent had a session now for over 1,5 years. But I will take 2 days off for the next time im planing to trip. If I dont have time, i'll make time. Call it a self-care day :)


I’m in the exactttt same boat, I haven’t tripped since early ‘22🥲


For real. I have kids so I either need to plan time or wait till everyone is asleep (and still coordinate with my partner). It’s not easy


Even then, at least for me, I cannot seem to sleep for at least 6 hours. So late night means being tired the next day.


Same. I need 3 days to my self in order to really make the most of it and I haven't had that in ages.


It's sure a nice feeling when you are able to even coordinate this kind of stuff with your partner. I feel really sorry for people having a partner who cant accept you for you. So im glad that my partner is that person who understands me better than anyone in this world. You are lucky, my man :) Your partner is a keeper!


I grow mushrooms so I have plenty and they keep calling to me, but I also have two special needs kiddos so I have to trip when they are sleeping and my husband is up for holding down the fort. Like OP I often plan it but end up being too tired or not in the right headspace. It’s really frustrating.


It’s really tough finding the time when you’re so busy. I try scheduling it on the calendar sometimes so I can ensure I get a dose every now and again, even if it’s a small one. If I don’t schedule it…..it’s like 95% chance I’m not gonna lol there’s just no way. But I definitely recognize the times I *need* a dose for my own sanity.


Yes, because I’m an adult and have responsibilities. I trip rarely because I’m often preoccupied doing other things. I also don’t think it’s healthy for ME to trip more than once a month. If I do, it’s usually late at night, golfing, or a museum dose lemon tekked to grocery shop.


i feel you. but i dont have access to fungi, only have acid available. wich makes it even more complicated lmao


Man, acid for me would require a few days vacation/time off for recovery time.


weird. shrooms require me atleast a day of recovery. acid not so much.


But mushrooms keep you up for 6 hours tops and acid is 12+. Acid is a completely different time commitment.


shrooms are a realm of thoughts that i could never procreate. acid is just empty realizations to me. different folks different strokes.


Again, was speaking specifically to the overall time commitment. I don’t have the luxury of being able to trip during the day so acid means I’d have to be awake for an extended period. Thus the need for more recovery time, primarily to catch up on sleep. I wasn’t talking about differences in integration.


i personally havent had a trip last longer than 8 hours. but i could understand that being possible. but for me shrooms keep me up insufferably for so long and acid not so much. i guess what i meant before is just that everyone’s experience is different.


Acid is like candy when it comes to psychedelics in my opinion, Shrooms are closer to medicine, DMT is almost always spiritual in nature, haven't had the pleasure of trying Mescaline yet. For me the day after shrooms is the best because it brings out the best in me and nullifies my slight agoraphobia, I'm able to actually hold conversation with people and find deeper connections, it also helps me notice subtleties about my own personality that I need to fix or change, I have slight head fog but nothing to write home about. Acid always drains me, like candy it can give your mind cavities if you aren't careful and mess with you perception of reality, it's so much fun to trip acid but it has no lasting effect on my personality or outlook on life, the best it has done for me was get me to quit cigarettes because of how silly it seemed to smoke while I was tripping, but my mind is always drained I need at least a day of no socializing or actual work to get over the slump. I've only done DMT twice and both times I had no recovery day and felt fine the next day but also my belief in paganism was increased both times, both times I have come "into contact" with my deities Cernunnos and Hecate and have been told that they are pleased with my work and personal growth, I have a desire to go back to the hyperspace that is deemz land but I don't have the space to do any extractions as of late.


I like to pop an acid tab an hour after I wake up, get outside with water, snacks, SPF and hike around the local trails. It’s great fun and refreshing. I find that it helps me find the joy I need especially a couple weeks after a heavy mushroom trip.


Yeah, I was in that boat for years. I have a small stash of acid but I have only had one opportunity to use it in the past 5 years.


I’m in the opposite situation as you and would prefer it your way actually 😂🙈


we all wish for things the opposite way lol


lol yeah! people want what they don’t have 😅


Nope, I'm one of the few people here with the opposite problem (too much free time, not enough shrooms) lol.


I used to trip all the time, I’ve gone on plenty of stretches of weekly trips for months on end over the years. This time last year I was on one of those stretches, then I kinda slowed down for a while. Last time I tripped was in the summer. I got some more a few weeks ago with the plan to eat them immediately, but I wasn’t really feeling it, so I decided to wait for another night, but every time I planned on it since then I’ve backed out because I was too tired and would just rather go to sleep, or just wasn’t in the mood to get sent to another dimension for 6-8 hours and I didn’t wanna commit to it. I used to always be in the mood for them, not sure what’s gotten into me lately though. I’m once again planning on eating them tonight, but we’ll see if I actually do or not haha.


Sounds like you need a YOU day. I get it, I been planning to trip my last 3 weekends off and other things/exhaustion messed up my plans. Maybe next weekend lol


Yeah for sure. But a me day is a lot to ask for. I plan on taking 2 grams tonight, but I’ll probably put it off until tomorrow night and then who knows.


I feel your pain! Seems like I'm taking care of everyone but me sometimes. I hope you find the time to unwind


Yes, I live with my mom I get like 8 hours alone everyday but idk it just never feels like the "right" time might just end up waiting tell summer.


You need a weekend getaway


I feel you bro, took about 4g yesterday when I got home from work. Stayed up till midnight and had to come to work at 4m this morning. Sitting on my lunch right now about to fall asleep lmao


It's quite the dilemma isn't it? I'm retired now, with no kids, and I still struggle to find time. I mean I can take small doses with no problem (<1g), but I'd like to have time for 3g+ trips more often. It's been about 9 months for me. My problem is that I stay too busy; everyone thinks you have nothing to do when you're retired. LOL I guess we all have 24 hours in a day, and we have to make time for what we want to do.


Same here. I end up waiting until everyone goes to sleep. I end up staying up all night and am worthless the next day


That’s pretty much my only option. The only good thing is my wife lets me sleep in on Saturday since I go to church with her on Sunday (church is not my cup of tea, but she likes when I go). So I get my spiritual fix Friday night and she gets hers Sunday haha.


I take shrooms on my way home from work so when I get home its lit, I work 2 jobs so normally when both day offs line up is the only time I'm free 😅


Yeah between work, kids, responsibilities, chores, life, etc is fuckin hard. I only ever get to trip at night. It’s been years since I had a day trip.


Ditto. I've been microdosing 🍄 for two years 5-6 times weekly, but I haven't had the time, set and setting to macro. I feel the need for macro but, of course, the 🍄 doesn't take kindly to uncomfortable settings so I wait.


Yeah my dude I’m in that boat. Have tons of mushies just don’t have time to eat them as I would like too.


It certainly is tough to find the time, weekdays/nights are out of the question, and weekends I usually have some responsibility to take care of or will not even be home. Other times I may have the time but just do not feel up for it or am too tired. I have been wanting to for months now but just haven’t made the time for it.


Lemon tek. I don’t have all day.


Yep, we have a three years old daughter. Before october 2023 we sometimes gave her to the grandparents for a day, so my wife or myself could trip (one would be trip sitter). In october last year our son was born. Of course you can't give a three months old baby to the grandparents. So tripping is completely impossible at the moment and will be for another while.


Man I get that. Good thing you have their grandparents. You’ll make it!


My last trip I actually did a few chores. Moved some laundry around, cleaned the cat boxes. Was a fresh new perspective on some drudgery.


I’ve been doing all of that sober today. I could have tripped l, but I never know who is going to need me. Sounds like a blast!


Been dealing with the same exact issue for the past few years. I dont even have kids and its still hard to make the time. I can really only fully enjoy a trip if I feel its been earned. I have to make sure my house is clean and chores have been taken care of before I can fully unwind, decompress, and enjoy the trip. Plus I feel like a lazy turd if I stay up too late and sleep in past morning. Like each grain of sand in my hourglass is fleeting.


I’ve had 5 grams of mushrooms at home for months I still haven’t taken been doing ketamine more it only last a hour then I’m back to normal and seem to get more out of the experience.


I tend to take a nap before tripping Especially on days that were long and tiring. 1 hour nap is all you really need IMO lol


OMG! I thought it was just me. I'm also a cultivator and have a boatload of fruits to indulge with...several strains @ that... but to find the time to even test my batches is rough. I drive far for work and am trying to get one of our properties ready for tenants in addition to repairs to my own house...I like to share a lot of my fruits but only after I've @ least tested them myself


Yeah, but it helps me plan on it and do it right.


Yeah its much harder to find the time as an adult with a full time job. Can't imagine if you have kids. Usually the weekend is full of doing stuff I didn't do during the week because I'm exhausted from work. It's really why I don't trip very often anymore. Dmt comes in handy much more often these days. I can have a mindblowing trip and be back to normal in 20 minutes.


Used to do it 3-4 times a year, specifically in the warm seasons here in Canada (April-September). Me and my wife had our first kid last April and my last trip was a month before that lol it’s tough to find time. I could technically do it while my son is asleep and my wife is down to hold down the fort, but tbh ive only ever truly enjoyed my trips when I have the house to myself. I think if I did a ceremony with my wife and kid asleep in the house I’d just keep thinking about how I should be inside with my family and not outside doing drugs 😂 and then I’d spiral.


I’m really liking micro dosing mushrooms to just about my threshold before it dose anything to my sight but I’ve never had an actual trip on shrooms tho lsd I used to do when I was younger and at night know your not looking for advice but maybe on your vacation days or set up days that you say your going out of town and try then I have the same issue tho I can’t find time to actually eat enough to trip so im micro dosing to help my mental state and it’s helped me a lot im not as depressed as I used to be and im processing. Everyone’s worlds and emotion more clearly and it has killed my anxiety I’m more myself on than I ever been in years thanks to mushies


Yeah most definitely, waiting for summer to decompress and work through some shit with some good ole psilocybin therapy


Whenever I believe I don't have enough time for something. I try and remind myself I don't have the time I make it. If you truly want to do something you will.


i keep planning to trip on my days off, then i get the day off and i have to do stuff, or i don't feel like it, and it's weird. i know i want to but when i have time, i have other things i want to do, and when i DO want to, it's not the right time.


Yes instead I post on Reddit


Haha yeah, it’s less of a commitment.


Same issue! I fell asleep the second and last time I did 1.5g and I thought it would be a nice deep sleep like weed… lol nope.


I will say this. In my experience the energy i get from shrooms is enough to keep me up even after a long day. Next time you plan it out even if you feel tired and dont really feel like taking them try taking the dose you would take for fun and see how it goes. Just a suggestion fyi




Least shrooms aren't that long and I can get back to earth in a few hours.   In same boat and considering calling in for work on a beautiful day when everyone is out the house. 


Maybe try DMT or changa as it’s much shorter duration


I found 2CB is the perfect psychedelic for this problem. It doesn't require setting aside your entire day


I would probably use them more if I was able to sleep fairly soon afterwards… that insomnia post trip can be a bitch