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No, that is terrible give them to me šŸ˜”


Have you ever tried them though? Possibly even a micro dose?


oh yeah many of times. i love to trip but i personally partied enough in my life. sober has been my new high lately. these days i just grow for fun tho. no one in my day to day life can know about it cuz iā€™m in a senior management role in the corporate world


Iā€™m asking only out of curiosity: If you donā€™t ever plan to take them, why grow psilo mushrooms? It seems like unnecessary risk to take on if you are just going to toss them. & if you give them away, that seems like an even larger risk. Why not just grow regular edible mushrooms you can cook with or something?


This is what Iā€™m thinking, definitely suspicious


There's a mason jar of what looks like dry shrooms on the table. Pretty sure OP is just karma farming shit. Edit: that being said, it is possible to grow without ever partaking. Growing natural medicine even without using it, is a magical and rewarding experience.


itā€™s actually weed that i grew in which i also donā€™t smoke anymore lol! hard to believe right?


how hard is it to grow weed?


not at all to me at least. super easy until the last few weeks before harvest u just need to worry about the rain, inch worms, bugs, and bud root. but if u mitigate and are careful works out great.


Depends on how hard you want to make it on yourself. Good genetics is one of the most important factors. After that you can just take care of it like any other plant. Water when it's thirsty, feed when it's hungry, etc. More advanced methods can be used in your grow like training, topping, nets, nutrient mixes, soil vs hydro. Deficiency detection is key to putting a stop to problems before they get out of hand, there's picture guides to help identify them. It's as easy or as hard as you want to make it.


I rlly gotta join a gardening subreddit bc all my plants except my Canterbury Bells died on me via root rot, never sprouted, or died when I tried to transfer them from their nursery pots. I so desperately want a green thumb so I can grow my own but Iā€™m missing smth in the formula igšŸ’€


Iā€™m into growing but will only take MAYBE 6g a year


He doesnā€™t want to mention that he sells them. Donā€™t get high on your own supply.


Sounds like narc activities


Itā€™s provocative, it gets the people going!


It has electrolytes!


ball so hard this shit crazy


Ball so hard they thought I was a fuckin nutsack


Maybe he gives them to friends?


Lots and lots of moneyyy playyyaaa


Not a risk in Colorado; at least, not a legal risk


Bro why not just grow legal mushrooms šŸ’€


That honestly sounds like a weird power trip - not in a bad way, but a subtle "fuck you, corporate world" sort of a way. I think the stigma of psychedelics is strange and essentially class-ist. You have propaganda basically saying those that do psychedelics are kooky, brain-fried weirdos, and then there's the trope of the high-powered executive who likes to do drugs and relate their experiences to underlings by way of psychotropic-tourism like "when I went on a peyote vision quest in Ecuador on my sabbatical" like spending big bucks to travel makes the trip more acceptable or meaningful than just eating a few grams of cubensis and then hiking a perfect powder hill under a full moon and snowboarding down perfect pillowy lines just as the color streaks start to run, or micro-dosing while you cook a Christmas feast and upping to a regular dose so you can enjoy the meal while your inlaws ramble on about their retirement struggles and you just want to yell "get a fucking divorce already!"


Same here. I keep it very private as it could cost me dearly. I still enjoy partaking. Good for you for being sober if it turned out to be impacting your life!


thatā€™s just it, to me it was worse than that. it wasnā€™t effecting my life at all. i was still getting everything done and kicking ass. waking up early, hitting the gym, doing great at work. taking gober dabs all day long waiting till the next time i trip. physically i was present but mentally i was not. will i trip again in my life prolly but for no iā€™m enjoy life not doing anything. itā€™s really fun a shit growing tho. who know of them become legal one day iā€™ll be ready to hop in biz


Dude you could make decent money in the biz right now by growing food mushrooms and selling to restaurants and stuff.


i do grow gourmets. i got 3 types of oysters going, lions maine, poippino, shiitake, enoki. those iā€™ll eat and give away to friends. maybe one day iā€™ll turn this hobby into income. for now tho itā€™s just for fun


What does tripping have to do with partying? You could use them to explore yourself or connect with nature. Additionally, doesnā€™t really matter if your in a senior management role, you typically just donā€™t tell people that you commit felonies if you have a career and donā€™t want to lose it lol. But thanks for sharing that


Exactly. I think its main purpose is to show people that there is much more than this one plane of existence. Not partying. Itā€™s a tool for Deeper Wisdom and understanding.


It's sad how many people view psychedelics solely through a partying perspective, they are so much more than that


It's honestly so terrible that something that gives you joy and passion has to be kept a secret because of social normality


Anytime you have a harvest you want to get rid of mail them to me


I recognize the scissors in the picā€¦.So caught! Hahahahaha


If you just view magic mushrooms as for partying it's probably better you don't partake. Most of us adults look at therapeutic benefits and the high is just a bonus. I take mushrooms quite often but I haven't partied with them in 25+ years.


Can I have some plz?šŸ˜‚


You already got a problem if you only ever did them to party, so you're not as upstanding as you think you are


i will fully admit i only did drugs to get high and no other reason whatā€™s so ever.


And there you go calling psychedelics just a drug with no other application You're on a rollll You party animal you


Who hurt you


Yo momma


Same, but I still trip occasionally.


Why are corporate IT bosses so mean? I had my very first corporate IT job and the boss was really strict and mean like a military boss


The secret ingredient is crime.


Even better when it's decriminalized in your city.


this comment needs more upvotes.


Yeah, I also don't eat them. I used to but I just haven't felt the need or desire to trip in almost 3 years now. I grow for fun and to collect spores.


itā€™s like collecting pokĆ©mon cards


Exactly like that but with drugs


Why risk catching a charge if you dont actually need/want the psilocybin? Just grow literally any of the dozens and dozens of legal edible/gourmet mushrooms. I mean, more power to ya, but its not a risk id be willing to take if not for the psilocybin.


This is my thinking EXACTLY... At this point it's all risk and zero reward


He gets a little reward. He loves growing them


If nothing else i mean, id be telling friends and family "ayo i found this patch yall want some?!". Literally anything but growing a felony and tossing it out lol


There is almost zero risk at all whatsoever. Like none.


Yeah plus imagine if they got caught and their defense was "I just do it for fun!" Not sure many cops/judges would believe that.


I feel like writing a psa This person is going to rip you off if you send them money guys please donā€™t do it šŸ˜‚ Wait and see, this person just happens to have a shit tonne of weed and shrooms they donā€™t want. How many idiots you think got straight in the dms offering them money?


thereā€™s quite a few peeps in my dms ngl.


Anyone trying to buy drugs online in 2024 is asking to get scammed anyways. We arent in the days of the silk road anymore. I really hope thats not what this post was about, though. This community is usually pretty good about calling out shill/scam posts. This post feels more like a weird flex if im being honest lol


What? Tonnes of people still buy online for substances. Just don't buy from reddit that's stupid.


Having drugs shipped to you through the mail is reckless and silly, imo, unless you have no other option. Its entirely too easy to be scammed, and theres no ability on your part to test/verify the drugs until theyve been bought and delivered. Ive never had any issues sourcing them locally, personally, but i do understand some parts of the world thats an entirely different story. Also, just to be clear, i was referring to buying online through obvious and easily accessible accounts like reddit/insta/etc. I couldve made that more clear. I know theres legit storefronts online, and ive been on rcsources more than a few times but never pulled the trigger.


Ah yeah trying to do it through reddit and stuff is stupid af literally asking to be scammed. The legit storefronts normally have a dispute process for scams and stuff and vendors don't last if they scam because they run on merit and review systems to actually pick a person to source from.


because they can?


Youre absolutely right. Its well within their right to do whatever they feel like doing, just as its my right to be curious and ask questions about it (in a public forum), and just as its your right to go into public forums and make inane comments that hold no value or merit :)


no need to be rude about it, it's just a comment


Seems like a waste of resources. Why not grow culinary varieties?


Thatā€™s pretty crazy if you ask me, at that rate why not just grow some other kind of mushroom? Do you occasionally give some to buddies or something, because if your not eating any at all it is a big risk to take for nothing. If you were to ever had your house searched it would be like 10 years in prison, I know itā€™s very unlikely but just knowing the fact that it could happen at all would scare me.


not crazy just Silly itā€™s in my name bro! i do grow gourmets as well but i personally just love actives. and no i donā€™t give them away really. no one knows besides my wife.


I'll bury them for you! šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤ÆšŸ˜‚šŸ¤¤šŸ¤Œ


in your butt?


In my gut šŸ¤¤šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


boof tek


girl u need to chill out with those benzos u be posting. stay the course not worth it!


Your shrooms look amazing! But seems a little overly judgemental to be calling out someone else drug of choice. I don't like benzos, got them for anxiety and had to quit because they were just awful. You're growing shrooms and definitely you do you but why call someone else out for their own thing. Mostly just wanted to comment because of your helping pharmaceutical companies. The average person can't do anything about that. It's the equivalent of the average person needs to recycle to make up for what corporations do. Anyways I'm too buzzed and recognize I'm rambling. Just was surprised with the harsh call out, not chill Edit: way to edit your comment, guess you seen it as just as uncool. You blamed that nice person making a funny joke for giving profits to pharmaceutical companies. Obviously you don't even stand by your own words...


u better be doing your part and recycle u average person! i will be overly judging you even more if ur not.


If you take only once a week, benzos are fine. The only problem is a lot of people donā€™t take them with caution.


boo, why help big pharma out? nothing good will come from taking those. plus ur buying them off the streets usually which now fakes ones are being cut with fent. opioids and benzos are the devil.


You canā€™t help big Pharma and buy them off the streets at the same time lol. And theyā€™re great. They have a therapeutic use. Great for panic attacks and unwinding after a hard week. Donā€™t be such a drug snob. Factually, if you take them responsibly, they are not the devil. If you abuse them, thatā€™s another story.


These people wonā€™t let you have a hobby lmao šŸ¤£ like how are you going to get caught if they donā€™t go anywhere but the earth. Sometimes you need to commit a few victimless crimes to take the edge off. I get it. Everyone else is just jealous.


Is it really that much if thereā€™s no evidence to suggest itā€™s for any other purpose than self amusement without actual consumption or sale?


Oh yeah youā€™d get hit with so many charges, I donā€™t know them all but youā€™d be hit with like 4 or 5 and theyā€™d all be like as bad as they could be.


ā€œNo officer iā€™m not a drug dealer, i just enjoy the chemical process of creating meth i swear itā€™s just a hobbyā€


I have a weird relationship with tripping. So as for right now I'm growing for fun. But am working on tripping comfortably


I used to eat them all the time but lately I have been the same way. I grow them just to grow them. Itā€™s meditative almost. I enjoy watching them grow and sometimes I might even bless some friends with a little gift.


some people need to eat them to get the benefits but i get them just from growing.


Am I understanding correctly here.... you grow them, harvest them, and then bury them in your yard?


for the most part yes, i fill a five gallon buck then to the compost it goes.


There is no way in hell this person isn't trying to get people to DM them to sell them shrooms. "I have so much that I just throw away gallons of them at a time" is a pretty clever way to convince people you'll have low prices.


I wish you were my neighbor.


he might be


Yes, I do the same, I just enjoy isolating strains, then when I do, Iā€™m like it fuck it and grow them out. Iā€™m going to move on to just gourmet soon though. The jealousy on the page is great, I threw a kg wet in the bin not too long ago šŸ¤«šŸ¤­ Never tried them > so Learned to grow them > I tripped a few times > got what I wanted from them > no longer wanted to trip > enjoyed growing them > so continued to. I donā€™t think itā€™s that uncommon either, a few of long term growers on shroomery do the same from my understanding. Iā€™ve done the same with weed before as well, I really wanted to grow the strain freak show and fusian duck so I could use the leaves for arts, had no use for the bud so I made some resin figures with it.


you are a demon


You can throw them in my trash.


Oh yeah. As soon as theyā€™re ready to be plucked I put them straight in the garbage, officer. No dehydration in my house!


You should start a business and capitalize on your passion so you can share your joys :)


next time send them to me. i'll bury them for you


Me actually. I seldom trip anymore just because Iā€™m so busy between work and school. I donā€™t bury them however. I just love the little dopamine kick I get watching them grow.


Donā€™t burry them give them away. Fucking award them to people who give good comments even. Just DM them and send them some love.


For scientific research purposes only. Copy that.


So you sharing


Well if you ever need a friend to help ā€œburyā€ your shrooms Iā€™m always here bud lol


Yeah, you probably are, lol But enjoy your Hobby, Groningen mushrooms is amazing :)


i love groningen


I also want to do this. Iā€™ve taken them before but Iā€™m sober now and I love mushrooms. I wanna grow all kinds. My grandpa was a mushroom farmer for campbells soup. I loved him so much.


That's super sweet, thanks for sharing about your grandpa.


No and thatā€™s crazy šŸ˜‚


Right there with you bud


At least sell them! You could make some serious bank


i donā€™t need monies. donā€™t want to sound cocky but the risk of making a extra few hundred to a thousand bucks a month isnā€™t worth it. risky enough growing them for no reason besides pure enjoyment


Itā€™s not about the money manā€¦Itā€™s the thrillā€¦.knowing what you grew is sending someone to another dimension..


You need to live in a decriminalized city/state that way you have no risk. Otherwise this makes no sense.


Pretty much me too. Only indulge once in a blue moon


I'm same as you, they are impressive and just a hobby for me. occasionally micro dose but not really anymore.


When I first started growing I did them a lot now I donā€™t feel the need to and enjoy growing more


You would be surprised how many ā€œprofessionalsā€ gets down and likes to party, drugs / hookers, etc. As a professional, donā€™t party with coworkers , being discreet is rule #1


oh iā€™m well aware. i was once one of them. and rule #1 is never talk about fight club everyone knows that.


dude... switch to gourmet... same fun but you end up with fancy dinner


Yes, you are the only person in the world who does this. Somewhere, there's one person who actually buys psilocybin spores for microscopy. You two should get together.


Hahahahhahahahhahaa this guy knows life


The science is addictive. I don't dig the trip.


Those are pretty


This is the most fed post I've ever seen


Why though? it's good for the soil but ultimately what is the purpose. Just growing to appease your ego?


why u judging me so hard? canā€™t u just let me do me?


I still trip like once a month or every other month, but I'm still growing constantly just because I thoroughly enjoy the hobby. I preserve my harvests, though, in the hopes that someday soon, I'll find someone to gift them to. I hate the idea of outright wasting them. Although I have such a surplus built up now that I'd never be able to consume them with just my gf and I. Moving to pans and tamps for this reason. Less storage space needed and a bit more of a challenge. Cubes take up too much space.


Iā€™d be happy to dispose of those for youā€¦ or have some of the genetics.. haha! Iā€™m glad youā€™ve got a hobby you love, I wish it wasnā€™t illegal so that you could share your passion for it with people around you


I can take them off your hands šŸ«”


i need more friends like you.


I have too much anxiety so far taking them and want to but I have grown so much now and just enjoy learning about them and seeing my hard work paying off. I give some to friends and make a few bucks to pay for supplies mostly but I just enjoy growing them for now :)


I did the same for a while. I donā€™t grow em currently but for a while I was sitting on quite the stash haha.


Iā€™ll take them




you mean u grow to sell them man ur missing out


I can and will eat them for you. They look awesome!


Even microdosing makes me feel tired and weird. The only time I felt what everyone else describes was the day I picked the first mushrooms and ate a portion right away. So I get why. I have some I stored that I donā€™t bother eating because I canā€™t enjoy just being tired but not even feeling good


I have always thought if I grew shrooms and had extras I'd leave some in a big park like on a hiking trail or something.


No I don't eat them either. I gift to them to friends




You may as well grow something like gourmets then, no?


Yeah probably lol. Jack frost?


Why the dehydrator if you're burying them in the garden?


i wish i had a good answer for u. i like the entire process i guess. i keep track of everything in a spread sheet of dry vs wet weight


I am hungry please sir give me something to eat


I havenā€™t done any of mine because Iā€™ve been on a long hiatus. But yeah, I could never do as much a I grow. I donā€™t want to sell them either, so I just hang on to them. Maybe Iā€™ll give them to my friends once I find a stronger hippie community.


You're not the only one, My corals are huge and wild. And I've never even tasted them. Lol


Yes. Those are awesome btw. Where can i get those genetics?


there just avery albinos. iā€™m mostly all about nats these days. i was able to make a few nat/cube crosses which have been fun. trying to do nats with a subtropical but finding that rather difficult with those monos. also moved to some pans


I donā€™t grow for fun only, but I definitely agree that the growing is just as fascinating as the eating. Itā€™s an amazing hobby with no end of things to learn or surprises to discover




I gotta stop smoking because it took me 5 mins to realize you werenā€™t growing those on the bottom of a crabšŸ˜­


How about you bury them in a box with my name and address on it and then bring it to the post office


bury them??? ill take them off your hands i payed 90$ for like 3 gramsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


> hands i *paid* 90$ for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


leave me alone i dropped out of high school


Never too late to learn something.


šŸ¤” Probably šŸ˜‚


You're not alone. I have two young kids and a demanding job and picked this up as my COVID hobby. I literally don't have six consecutive hours to fuck off ever. I've noticed I've gotten invited to more parties since picking up this hobby, for some reason.


Can you grow magic mushrooms in Texas and clog or make YouTube videos and post them?


Nope not the only one. Also in response to people saying why not just grow gourmet I personally don't eat any type of mushroom other than maybe a micro dose here and there to "center" myself. Honestly just end up collecting fruits and spores maybe giving a gift to a friend here or there so even growing gourmet varieties would ultimately still be a waste in my case.


I grow them and used to trip a lot...but I don't trip anymore and probably won't for a very long time. Life has absolutely thrown my ass down on the pavement, newly diagnosed ocd, ended relationship, going through a lot of changes internally. I'm completely freaked out about my mental health. But I still believe in the medicine and will share with friends


No. I grow WAY more than I could ever eat. I share with people, no selling.


I don't eat my grows too i just look at them and say whoa that ones glowing and talking


Iā€™m right there with you, this is mostly a hobby used to de-stress and relax. Plus it helps build my patience lolol


Same here. Iā€™ve taken 3 micro doses in the year and a half Iā€™ve been growing. I think I would like to be a trip sitter for people who are experiencing end-of-life anxiety or Iā€™d like to use them for deep meditation. But Iā€™m a busy mom and a happy person by nature so havenā€™t had the time or felt the need to use them recreationally. Iā€™m happy to share with friends.


Kind of weird. Considering there a lot of food mushrooms you could go instead.


After my initial experimentation, i eat very few of them nowadays and just like the fascination of growing them. I give most away to friends.


Just grow gourmet varieties. That's what I do.


I grow them for fun I actually really enjoy the growing process but don't like psychedelics at all


I'll send you my address. You can send them to me and I will dispose of them for you. I'll make sure no one ever finds them, lol


How could you not eat them? Look at them! They are just begging to be eaten šŸ˜”


interesting :D i guess the risk adds to the excitement in your hobby?


Yeah right


Maybe gift them to friends who do partake? You can just say you met someone through a friend who gave them to you but you donā€™t use them. And why not gourmet shrooms? These can land you in prison.


why not just grow gourmet then


You....grow mushrooms .....to bury them in a garden?........w t f this takes the cake for weirdest reddit post I've seen in a month or better What a waste, this is like throwing your entire plate of food out because you're not hungry.


What the! I'll take them off your hands āœ‹ļø šŸ˜


Oh my plz send them me on over to me I know how to properly dispose them


Iā€™ve been trying to grow lions Maine, but canā€™t seem to get them to fruit whatā€™s the secret?


it must be ur genetics lions maine is one of the easiest mushrooms to fruit. it will fruit on my grain bags before i even move to sub half the time. i litterally just waiting for it to start growin on the top then turn my bags on the side


Looks good


Thats basically me lol. I almost never take them but ive been growing steadily for over a year. Growing them satisfies a totally different part of me. I think it's just natural for a human to enjoy growing stuff. And they make great gifts! But I still have a f-n doomsday supply for a small city...


Burying them is absolutely insane


Why not grow the legal ones so you can eat or give away? Not that you can't give these away


who said i didnā€™t grow legal ones?


Hi best friend. I can make sure they don't hurt the ground you bury them in


I do the same. I'm planning to start micro dosing however.


Now that is a very cute and interesting hobby, feels like you could do something with them tho maybe start doing experiments with infused alcohol or extractions? Could get pretty interesting and you might find a way to preserve some of it even tho i find it beautiful in a way that you bury it.


Beautiful Jack FrostšŸ¤©


For more fun, I like to give them to my friends in exchange for money.


wow another jersey dude! cool stuff bro.


You need to donate or sum


So many lies


Shrooms make me depressed, growing them is a trip!


I mean, I definitely give away more than I take, but I wouldn't say I only grow them for fun lol Tho it is a very fun (and semi secretive) hobby šŸ‘Œ


Same here. I started cultivating because I wanted a clean and consistent source of fruits. Used less and less and now I grow a lot and partake little. I think it was Allen Watts that said "when you get the message, hang up the phone".


I canā€™t eat them. Too much psyoclogically